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Spell: Spark birth

Casting time:
2 rounds
Cast type:
Damage type:
Spell Point Cost:
Affecting stats:
Spell Vocals: 'cwician ysl'

A riftwalker can use this spell to encapsulate a spark of otherworld energy. A death is required in order to form the rift spark, therefore this spell needs to be active when an opponent dies. There is a chance that some additional energy will be generated when the opponent dies, which will be converted into mana for the riftwalker. As the level of the adversary increases, the number of sparks increases, as well as the chance of additional energy, and the amount of mana gained. A magic entity is known to enhance this spell in the following ways:
* Enough 'Offensive might' and you will be able to use the target 'all', and all monsters attacking you will be affected. * Enough 'Offensive prowess' and you will be able to refresh the spell. The skill 'rift energy flow' is known to increase how long the effects lasts.

Spark birth is available in the following guild: