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Posted: 21 Aug 2006 03:25 [ permalink ]
Well, I really slipped up last week on the blogging, now didn't I.  Work right
now is grinding away.  Next month is our fiscal year end, and I have 4
programs that want to wrap up by the end of September.  Soooo, I'll be a busy
boy in the coming weeks.  

However, the big news in my life is the fact that my roommate has recently
expanded the amount of people in the household.  Two weeks ago, he started
dating a gal.  Now, she spends every other weeknight over at the house.  On
top of that, his sister has decided to separate from her husband, and is now
crashing out at the house as well.  Ugh, I'm not very happy with the quick
turn of events.  I'm not very comfortable around strangers as it is, and now
having 2 of them sharing the living space.  Well, I've decided to start house
shopping to be proactive about the situation.

The situation with the sister, is that she is a moron that wants to run free. 
It is almost like having my own sister there in the house.  She says the same
things, and is already looking online for single guys and she is just moved
out of the house?  Shesh!  What is up with women these days?  She has 2 kids,
with the oldest only being 8 and she wants to act like she is 17 again. 
Apparently the lifetime commitment of marriage is 10 years at most to the
women of my generation.

That is the big excitement in my life at the moment.  I'm waiting for the next
shoe to drop and her two kids start staying over as well.  Currently they stay
at the house, and the parents rotate each week as to who gets to stay there. 
Since it was her weekend to stay at our place, I went home to the farm.  Which
is alright, since I spent the weekend getting the rest of this winter's wood
supply stacked away in the shed.  Now I've started blocking wood for next
winter's supply.  That's pretty much my weekend in a nutshell.  Unfortunately,
the rain didn't stay away and my brother's Friday night races got postponed. 
With some luck, I can make it this coming Friday night to watch him one last
time before the season ends on Labor Day weekend.

Still weighing in anywhere between 172 and 174 the past week.  Looks like my
body is very happy at sticking at this point.  I'm pretty satisfied with the
results, although I still would like to lose a bit more around the stomach
line.  I was kindof bad this weekend about sticking to the calorie count.  I
guess I just wanted to cut loose for once.  I finally had ice cream for the
first time in months and a few handfulls of chips.  But now, I have to be good
or else I'll start to backslide.  8(  

It is kindof funny.  I've received several compliments on how much better I
look.  And usually the follow up question is "you aren't sick or anything?" 
Amazing, I guess most people associate weight loss with being sick.  Or at
least, they are trying to cover all of the bases.  
Other random thoughts for the evening.  I have just now discovered the power
of YouTube!  Not only can I get anime subbed episodes, but I can watch old
videos from the 80's and the 90's since MTV ditched the format.  Oh drool,
drool, drool.  It sure takes me back to the days of feathered hair and
spandex.  I want to wish Boot safe travel as she wings her way to Sweden on
Tuesday to attempt a dream of hers.  I wish you well in your endeavors G! 
Tonight's blog entry brought to you by "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off"
Jermaine Stewart