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Posted: 28 Feb 2007 17:08 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
You put your hands over Jezu's head and call for a blessing from the gods.
Sadly, the blessing had a redundant effect.

20 minsaa myöhemmin...

Jezu says 'blessaaa.'
Jezu says 'huora.'
Jezu says 'pits.'
Jezu jumps up and begins dancing around the room.
She starts hooting and howling loudly and begins hopping around
Then she starts crashing into everything and everyone
in the room.  Finally, in a climax of emotion she raises her weapons
in the air and shouts 'FOR GROO!'
Jezu is enraged and her eyes glaze over in anticipation of combat!
You find the dance confusing.
You quack 'ootko vähän sokee.'
Hp: 455 (455) [] Sp: 852 (852) [] Ep: 242 (242) [] Exp: 52683 
Grinning diabolically Jezu uncontrollably slashes you forcing the heart to
explode and then magically implode.
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.
Jezu horribly shreds you causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You die.
You have a strange feeling.
You can see Death, clad in black, collect your corpse.

Jezu tells you ':DDD'
Ghost of Alakhai (ghost): nyt oot muuten kusessa
Jezu tells you 'se oli vahinko! :D'
Jezu tells you 'kävi semmonen kutina että kuiteski krittaan mutta sit enkä
 krittaa :D'
You tell Jezu '"kill alakhai" "se oli vahinko" :D'
Jezu tells you 'läheks expalle!'