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Posted: 15 Mar 2007 18:51 [ permalink ]
Well, let's see.  Work has been grinding along.  Still trying to fix issues in
the project I inherited recently.  Finally making some good progress and
getting over some of the learning curve.  Spent last weekend out on the farm. 
Snow piles everywhere yet at the time.  So, I stayed inside and got caught up
on farm paperwork and wrote out those checks for land taxes and building
insurance. 8/  This week we had temps crack 70 degrees for a day.  With most
of the snow melting off now, it is now time for the mud season.  Also, with
the melting of snow, I caught my annual cold.  My theory is that snow traps
all sorts of virus and bacteria in itself, and when it melts, those little
buggers are freed up to infest us.  Everyone at work has been sniffling with

In other news, my weight is back to around the 170 mark, which is good news. 
I haven't been working too hard on losing weight, but the recent travel and
warmer weather seems to have helped me lose a couple pounds.  I'm hoping the
trend continues!  The reaver/loc reinc is coming along.  Still trying to grind
reaver rep yet to make lvl 3.  I'm about 22% away from that level, which I'm
hoping to get sometime this weekend.  If I'm right, all of the masteries
should open up and I can train off a ton of safe xp so that I can start
working towards building my total xp worth again.  Been feeding off my
non-safe xp to my loc blade to build that up, but I got tired of constantly
dying to the vblow method.  Now I'm just bagging around 2M of xp, just waiting
for an unlucky stun-crit bounce to really tick me off.  Guess that's about if
for now.  Tonight's blog brought to you by "Bound for the Floor" Local H.