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Niele's Blog >> 30162

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Posted: 23 Apr 2007 17:16 [ permalink ]
| Spell                             %  Casts Success    Ratio |
| Banish                          40% -    1       0    0.00% |
| Cure serious wounds            120% -   40      40  100.00% |
| Heal all                        65% -    1       1  100.00% |
| Major party heal                85% -   15      15  100.00% |
| Minor party heal                50% -   19      19  100.00% |
| Satiate person                  60% -    1       1  100.00% |
| Unpain                          70% -    8       8  100.00% |
| Unstun                          65% -    6       6  100.00% |
| Total casts:    91           |