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Ggr's Blog >> 44087

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Posted: 19 Mar 2009 16:02 [ permalink ]
Aaahhhh, life of a merchant. So peaceful, so stressless .. not. Well, it's not
too bad, and almost a month in this reinc has been a welcome change from being
tarmanun for 2.5 years and tarmadruid before that.

Anyway! I meant to write few words about current events in Pupuprojects.
Lately, the map data (or the pages themselves) havn't seen so much changes,
because there isn't very much left to add. Jeskko, on his side, has been
working on a improved version of his mapsite, though. Don't ask him when it's
going to be ready, and certainly don't ask me.

Lately I have spent quite much time working on GgrTF and some fundamental
issues of it, but also the merchant module has seen many improvements (which
is unsurprising, considering my current reinc). Near future changes will
include many improvements to the configuration, and lots of code cleanups.
Unfortunately there have been some .. tough decisions also -- TF4 support was
dropped recently, and it isn't likely coming back.

Neverthless, bouncy spring-time to all of you!