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Femko's Blog >> 5221

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Posted: 05 Dec 2003 22:53 [ permalink ]
Ok... No. 1. Why do I NEVER learn. No. 2 why do i think I make friends when i
actually don't? Well probably I have to fall on the nose till it bleeds to
learn things the hard way. I prolly emphasize this making friends part too
much. I should never forget that Im dealing with finns. (sorry no offense
meant to those finns who ARE my friends). Was being told of for membership of
a ss from people I actually started to believe as my friends with the reason
that I'm not. Well better to learn it early enough than the hard way when it
is too late I guess. Have to admit thats a bad start for my finland journey to
come which is scheduled for tomorrow morning and indeed did not heighten my
mood which already is rather low. Oh well okokok everything is experience ...
it'S my mantra nowadays. Tomorrow Fliiiiight first Helsinki then Oulu.