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Posted: 14 Jan 2023 08:12 [ permalink ]
Kharim FAQS
2-1-4: Tell me about the flankers.
2-1-4: Tell me about the flankers.
a: The main instruments of a flanker are his sword and his shield. Therefore
flankers are trained in close combat and also learn to adapt to different kind
of combat situations very well. Despite the protective nature of their
training, flankers are extremely capable in melee. Flankers sometimes return
back to legionary or perform skirmishing tasks. However, flanker training
gives great experience on different kinds of shield techniques.
a: The main instruments of a flanker are his sword and his shield. Therefore
flankers are trained in close combat and also learn to adapt to different kind
of combat situations very well. Despite the protective nature of their
training, flankers are extremely capable in melee. Flankers sometimes return
back to legionary or perform skirmishing tasks. However, flanker training
gives great experience on different kinds of shield techniques.
2-1-4-1: Tell me about skirmishers?
2-1-4-1: Tell me about skirmishers?
a: Skirmishers are commonly used to drive enemy legions into disarray before
the main combat begins. Vandals are a huge morale booster for newer
legionaries. The chaos and casualties they cause while deteriorating the
morale of their enemies makes it easier for the legionaries to sweep in and
slaughter the opposition. Some flankers also act as skirmishers,
counter-attacking the opposing skirmishers that the enemy has sent.
2-1-4-2: Tell me about flanker legions?
2-1-4-2: Tell me about flanker legions?
a: Flanker legions are very uncommon, however there are times that an entire
legion of flankers is formed. The most typical formation of a flanker legion
is the turtle formation. Designed to protect the legion from enemy archers,
the first row of legionaries set their shields forward to protect from direct
shots. The flankers in the middle then hold their shields above their heads to
deflect indirect overhead shots. The soldiers on the sides of the legion keep
their shields facing out to protect from flank attacks. While vulnerable
against enemy charges, the turtle formation is a very efficient way to get
into close combat with enemy archers.
2-1-4-3: Tell me about standard flankers?
2-1-4-3: Tell me about standard flankers?
a: While tight formations have their benefits, they are vulnerable to enemy
cavalry and skirmishers. As a result there are legionaries who walk on the
flank, out of formation. This gives the tighter formations more time to
regroup, as well as allowing the flankers an pportunity to pursue enemy
skirmishers if given the chance.
2-1-5: Tell me about the warlords.
2-1-5: Tell me about the warlords.
a: Warlords are the commanders of Kharim's Legions. They are skilled fighters
who act as battlefield commanders and are often found fighting alongside their
legionaries. Some warlords prefer to concern themselves with strategizing and
warmongering. The most common warlords are the commander and the strategist.' 
a: Warlords are the commanders of Kharim's Legions. They are skilled fighters
who act as battlefield commanders and are often found fighting alongside their
legionaries. Some warlords prefer to concern themselves with strategizing and
warmongering. The most common warlords are the commander and the strategist.' 
2-1-5-1: What do commanders do?
2-1-5-1: What do commanders do?
a: Commanders are warlords that travel with their legion and act as a field
commander for their legionaries. They are in charge of executing the
strategies of their superiors and adjusting tactics to suit the needs of an
ever changing battlefield.
2-1-5-2: What is a strategists all about?
2-1-5-2: What is a strategists all about?
a: Strategists usually do not travel with the legion. They are held in high
regard and most often are found assisting warmonger with strategy. They decide
the ways in which a war is waged and the overall strategies that will be used.
While they may not be able to decide the outcome of the battle, an experienced
strategist can weigh the odds and often call the victor of any battle.
2-1-6: Tell me about the dark templars.
2-1-6: Tell me about the dark templars.
a: While everyone is taught the basic concepts of chaos, a dark templar
concentrates on finding a deeper meaning in the ideology of Kharim. Among dark
templars there are many knights who do not actively participate in the wars of
Kharim. However they do protect locations that are of importance to Kharim and
are known to take up dark crusades on the religious targets of opposing
a: While everyone is taught the basic concepts of chaos, a dark templar
concentrates on finding a deeper meaning in the ideology of Kharim. Among dark
templars there are many knights who do not actively participate in the wars of
Kharim. However they do protect locations that are of importance to Kharim and
are known to take up dark crusades on the religious targets of opposing
2-1-6-1: What do the servants of Kharim do?
2-1-6-1: What do the servants of Kharim do?
a: The Servants of Kharim are dark monks who dedicate their lives to serving
Kharim. They act as the defenders of Kharim's most holy places and thus have
chosen a different way to serve the Legion. Some dark templars choose to act
as tutors for new apprentices or perform tasks that help other legionaries.
Our guild is full of dark templars. Many of them offer vital services. Three
in particular: Icane the exorcist, Elovar the chaos artificer, and Barc who
serves as a recruiter to name a few.
2-1-6-2: What can you tell me about the dark crusaders of Kharim?
2-1-6-2: What can you tell me about the dark crusaders of Kharim?
a: There are errant black knights who travel the country side, either for on a
pilgrimage of evil, to sew chaos in Kharim's name, or for other religious
purposes. These Dark crusaders usually journey alone, a sort of warrior-poet
devoted to the Kharim's ideology.
2-1-7: Tell me about the warmonger.
2-1-7: Tell me about the warmonger.
a: There can only be one warmonger at a time and he acts as the commanding
general of the mundane legions of Kharim. In theory, He is the chief authority
for all of the legionaries in Kharim's legion. However, there is an exception
to that rule; sects of dark templars do not receive orders from the warmonger,
as they have religious duties to attend to. The warmonger is a position that
cannot be gained by training, it is gained through experience as a warlord or
a strategist. The warmonger makes the final decision on what targets to
attack, where the lines of battle will be drawn, and where to position
a: There can only be one warmonger at a time and he acts as the commanding
general of the mundane legions of Kharim. In theory, He is the chief authority
for all of the legionaries in Kharim's legion. However, there is an exception
to that rule; sects of dark templars do not receive orders from the warmonger,
as they have religious duties to attend to. The warmonger is a position that
cannot be gained by training, it is gained through experience as a warlord or
a strategist. The warmonger makes the final decision on what targets to
attack, where the lines of battle will be drawn, and where to position
2-1-8: Tell me about the archer legions.
2-1-8: Tell me about the archer legions.
a: Archers are not common in the Legion of Kharim. Legionaires are known to
prefer close combat, but that does not mean they are prohibited using a bow.
Those legionaries who carry a bow are often found in skirmisher units. In
recorded history there are tales of archers in the Legion of Kharim that
functionally provided backup fire for their brothers, but those few are very
2-2: I'm interested in hearing about the hierarchy of Kharim.
2-2: I'm interested in hearing about the hierarchy of Kharim.
a: The hierarchy level portrays how the followers of Kharim are viewed. For
example, scouts, legionaries and elite troops are all viewed as equal by
Kharim and only the warlords, members of the Black Order of Blood and the
warmonger are esteemed higher. The drawn lines in the hierarchy structure
portray the relation between the divided groups. All troops, with the
exception of dark templars, receive their orders directly from their warlords,
who are commanded by the warmonger. Dark templars receive their orders
directly from servants of Kharim or from the Black Order of Blood, and may not
take commands from warlords or the warmonger. Dark templars are also regarded
to be above the mortal law, but may be punished by the Black Order of Blood.
Inside the portrayed groups on hierarchy level 6, military ranks will decide
superiority over each other. The other portrayed groups do not carry military
ranks and superiority is gained by seniority. Hierarchy level 4 is the highest
that a mortal may ever achieve. The followers of Kharim who belong to the
Black Order of Blood also belong to either the legion or the dark templars.
Therefore standard military duties apply to them unless they have been granted
immunity by being a dark templar. This is probably too complex for your pea
sized brain to comprehend