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Posted: 18 Jun 2011 12:07 [ permalink ]
Jkk tells you 'patentit rajoittaa kehitystä.
Posted: 17 Jun 2011 20:59 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
You notice the campfire near you and attempt to throw Wight into it. You rush
towards Wight and throw it forcefully in fire and the fire spreads quickly.
foul play and throwing campfires, beware!
Posted: 14 May 2011 21:17 [ permalink ]
[21:11]:PassMachine [junk+]: mitäs muute consta tuumaa ku mikke si menee pelaa
laitaa änärii?
[21:11]:PassMachine [junk+]: "kyl se mm kisois pelaa sentterii, menee hukkaa
[21:11]:PassMachine [junk+]: "kyl mikke minnesotan 2 senaksi menee ens
vuodeksi nahilaa, ei se laitaa"
[21:12]:Consta (junk+): aavistuksen oot katkera
[21:12]:PassMachine [junk+]: vai katkera, mistä?
[21:12]:Consta (junk+): emmä tiedä joku yleinen paska itsetunto
[21:13]:PassMachine [junk+]: siitä et omasta mielestä hitaampi pelaaja sopii
pare laitaan kunnes kehittyy nopeammaks
[21:13]:Consta (junk+): ja rajalliset kokemukset jääkiekon pelaamisesta ja
[21:13]:PassMachine [junk+]: vai yleisesti koska en ole samaa mieltä kanssas
[21:13]:Consta (junk+): eiku noi on paskoi perusteluita

Note to self: jos olet eri mieltä olet katkera, paskalla itsetunnolla
varustettu idiootti, selvä.
Posted: 31 Mar 2011 21:29 [ permalink ]
Consta (junk+): se vähän tuppaa oleen niin että miehet erottuu edukseen sekä
yläpäässä että alapäässä

Paskanhurma [junk+]: vai consta kattelee niitä

Consta banished you from junk+.
Posted: 19 Jul 2010 19:53 [ permalink ]
18-19.4, lead my savage coast first time, was almost epic long, but overall
went quite smoothly
1 | a tall man dressed in a black robe w.., 1045618 exp (party of 9)
2 | a beautiful and tall woman with hair.., 691398 exp (party of 9)
Posted: 15 May 2010 22:47 [ permalink ]
Jotenkin tuntuu olevan aika yleinen tauti batis, et hamutaa sikana
omanimikamaa ja kerätään about joka kama chesteihin vain koska se on
Mitä iloa sitten on maksaa huikeita ylihintoja, yms yliarvostaa omanimikamaa,
varsinkin jos nimibonareita ei välttis tule juttuihin? Itse en ymmärrä, koska
koen roinat bitteinä, joilla on vain käyttöarvoa pelissä. Tavara kiertää
käytettävyyden mukaan, oli siinä minun tai Obaman nimi.
Oma teoriani on, että henkilöt joilla on erittäin vahva omanimiharha, pukevat
hienon omanimisettinsä tiettyinä pimeinä tunteija ja wankkaavat kun ovat
olleet kerran esim. raztaxilla ja siitä on nyt trofeena sormus.
Hei, omanimiharhaiset, valaiskaa mua tän asian suhteen ?
Posted: 11 Apr 2010 15:06 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
You take your saw and start cutting into Gotrek's head. Oh, you almost forgot,
anesthesia! You quickly hit your patient with the handle of the saw to the
of his skull and resume sawing. Swoosh swoosh goes the saw and bone dust
Finally, you get to pry open her head. Mmm, brains... You pour the liquid out
the jar and fish out the slippery brain part and stuff it in the open skull.
lid is a thight fit, you hit it with the saw a few times to get it fit
A few stitches here and there, and we're done. Now, you just have to wait and
see if the operation was a success or not. That is, if the patient ever wakes

Plastic surgery with saw ...
Posted: 21 Mar 2010 22:34 [ permalink ]
147fws,23prots today and several repairs and lots of exchange...
merchant madness

total 158fws+25 prots this boot
Posted: 13 Mar 2010 09:34 [ permalink ]
(09:30) Pasigula tells you 'käys kattoon mun carttii siin olis yks equ sulle
:)' (Sat
 Mar 13 07:32:15 2010)
| 11   10K        A fine dragonscale belt (fake) <red glow>                   
|                 for fake merchs                                             
Just what i was looking
Posted: 31 Jan 2010 19:45 [ permalink ]
As the a bundle of 1283 arrows lands in the rack, it falls apart into simple
pieces of wood.As the a bundle of 1283 arrows lands in the rack, it falls
apart into simple
pieces of wood.
Posted: 14 Jan 2010 18:25 [ permalink ]
Finally got my 1man play done :)
%Ahvensurma clearens his throat
%Ahvensurma says 'Once i got bored during a meeting so i skiid to Lapland and
%Ahvensurma says 'So Im going to present you a story I wrote about the trip.'
%Ahvensurma digs his notes
%Ahvensurma says '"Skiing, the noblest sport of all"'
%Ahvensurma says 'So I went to show skills and I almost ran to a tree'
%Ahvensurma says 'The weather was cold, but I felt bold'
%Ahvensurma says 'I saw a penguin freezing and shaking'
%Ahvensurma says 'so i gave it my sweater for warming'
%Ahvensurma says 'Then skied to a forest with ancient trees'
%Ahvensurma says 'there were lot of animals and a beautiful views'
%Ahvensurma says 'Then i saw a polar bear, but I raised my spear'
%Ahvensurma says 'I yelled at the bear and it ran away in fear'
%Ahvensurma says 'I increased the speed, went past some reindeers'
%Ahvensurma says 'Then I heard some howling and looked behind my shoulder'
%Ahvensurma says 'I saw a pack of wolves, reaching the runners'
%Ahvensurma says 'So I changed my tracks to a near mountain'
%Ahvensurma says 'The mountain was high and had icy peak'
%Ahvensurma says 'There I saw a lynx, chasing some white hare'
%Ahvensurma says 'But I also thought I could use some food'
%Ahvensurma says 'so I grabbed my bow and gave a horrible growl.'
%Ahvensurma says 'The lynx went all white and left its bait.'
%Ahvensurma says 'Then i shot an arrow, it went through hares marrow'
%Ahvensurma says 'and the rabbit died soon.'
%Ahvensurma says 'I made fire and ate the hares meat,'
%Ahvensurma says 'it was tender and neat so continued my trip'
%Ahvensurma says 'and skiid down the mountain.'
%Ahvensurma says 'After that I skiid to a lake.'
%Ahvensurma says 'Wind blew there and it nicely kept me awake.'
%Ahvensurma says 'I skiid pass the lake, saw a guy fishing through a hole.'
%Ahvensurma says 'But the guy had no luck so i gave him a duck'
%Ahvensurma says 'which I had caught earlier while i skied.'
%Ahvensurma says 'The man was very happy and gave me his hat'
%Ahvensurma says 'Night was coming and I was leaving'
%Ahvensurma says 'But the guy asked if i needed a lift'
%Ahvensurma says 'I said that my home is far away'
%Ahvensurma says 'but the guy just said nay'
%Ahvensurma says 'and whistled for his sledge.'
%Ahvensurma says 'He had most amazing sledge, ran by twelve of reindeers'
%Ahvensurma says 'Reindeers ran through the sky'
%Ahvensurma says 'and faster than I though, we were back at home'
%Ahvensurma says 'The guy had to return so i waved at him happily'
%Ahvensurma says 'And thanked for the lift.'
%Ahvensurma says 'What a strange man, living in Lapland'
%Ahvensurma says 'Dressed all red and having a white beard.'
%Ahvensurma says 'Somehow I felt: perhaps we will meet'
%Ahvensurma says 'Someday.'
%Ahvensurma says 'And I still have the mans hat'
%Ahvensurma digs a red christmas hat from his pocket and dramatically lifts it
to air.
%Ahvensurma bows
Posted: 11 Jan 2010 22:48 [ permalink ]
%Narrator enters stage
%Narrator says 'Welcome to amphitheatre to see battified version of "Vintiöt -
Tallinnan tuliaiset" presented by Ahvensurma and Hymn.'
%Narrator says 'The scene starts when Jyrki and Eija has just arrived back to
home from their trip to Lorenchia.'
%Narrator finishes 'Please enjoy the show, food and drinks!'
%Eija says 'OMG that was so amazing cruise to lorenchia that OMG'
%Eija says 'even as we had merely rowboat but we humped that much at OMG'
%Jyrki says 'Perkele ! I forgot to close our door.'
%Eija sits on couch
%Eija says 'but we lost nothing'
%Jyrki sits on couch
%Jyrki says 'What did you buy from there ?'
%Eija says 'Torches, those were so cheap'
%Jyrki says 'Look what i brought you from guy behind that shop'
%Eija says 'OMG, OMG, OMG you are so OMG'
%Jyrki says 'Guess who is batmuds best bard?'
%Eija says 'OMG OMG is that The singing and dancing sword (tm)'
More (18%) [qpbns?]Brokus bows his head for a moment.

%Eija starts singing and dancing happily
%Jyrki says 'But fucks about it'
%Jyrki says 'Guess, this would cost thousands of mithril in arelium but that
guy had pricing at correct level'
%Jyrki says 'But Fuck, I think theres half too much in 50gp too.'
%Eija OMG
%Jyrki digs sword from his backpack
%Eija says 'Omg,omg'
%Eija hugs Jyrki
%Jyrki says 'Throw that lamp that your mother made to hell from the floor'
%Eija says 'Omg, lets not take it, lets watch behind it'
%Jyrki says 'Lets see what this sword has in its performance'
%Jyrki places sword on floor
%Jyrki starts staring the sword
%Eija stares the sword intensivelly but nothing happens
%Eija says 'I dont get this performance'
%Jyrki says 'PERKELE!!!!'
More (36%) [qpbns?]Air is caught by sudden enlightment.
Brokus turns green gasping for air.

%Jyrki says 'Bloody hell !'
%Jyrki says 'PERKELE!!!'
%Eija says 'Dont stress, it wasnt that bad, sword looked fine anyway'
%Eija says 'We can use it as paper weight'
%Eija says 'Look what I got from the gitfshop.'
%Eija pulls a long, wrapped object from the bag.
%Eija says 'The shop clerk told that this present contains a supprise weapon
with the high value!'
%Eija says 'It only cost 5000 gold coins.'
%Eija rips off the wrapping and shovel falls out.
%Eija says 'OMG!'
%Jyrki says 'PERKELE!!!'
%Jyrki says 'Didn't I tell you not to buy anything from that giftshop!'
%Jyrki takes the shovel and reshapes the lamp with it.
%Eija says 'OMG, calm down!'
%Eija says 'It's a fine shovel. Now I have a tool which I can use to plant
flowers in the garden.'
%Eija says 'Show me what else did you got from the lorenchia!'
More (55%) [qpbns?]
%Eija shakes in the excitement
%Jyrki searches his backpack again and finds a small paper bag.
%Jyrki says 'See, here is something what I call a good deal!'
%Jyrki shows the paper bag with the label "Magic carrots".
%Jyrki says 'I got this from the marketplace.'
%Jyrki says 'Old lady was very nice and she was selling these practically for
free. Cost only few copper coins.'
%Jyrki says 'These carrots has healing effects.'
%Jyrki picks up the shovel again and hands it to Eija.
%Jyrki says 'Take the shovel and hit me!'
%Eija says 'OMG, I can not hit you with the shovel. It's gonna hurt you.'
%Jyrki demands 'Hit me hard!'
%Eija says 'OMG, OMG!'
%Eija swings Jyrki hard in the forehead with the shovel and immediately blood
starts to burst out.
%Jyrki moans in agony as the blow hurts him really bad.
%Jyrki says 'Don't worry. I'll be fine in a few seconds.'
%Jyrki takes a bite from the carrot but nothing happens. Blood is still
pouring out from the forehead.
More (73%) [qpbns?]
%Jyrki says 'PERKELE!!!'
%Jyrki eats the whole carrot and yet another one but still no relief for the
%Jyrki curses again 'PERKELE!!! These are just plain carrots!
%Jyrki says 'This is just shit! Now I'm really getting angry!'
%Jyrki digs his backpack for potions
%Jyrki says 'Fucking hell, im going to need youth potion to calm down'
%Eija says 'oh, you bought youth, omg you are so omg'
%Jyrki founds small pack of holding potions (2/10) labeled as youth
%Jyrki gets 2 potions labeled as youth from pack
%Eija says 'Omg i love youth'
%Eija drinks potion labeled as youth
%Jyrki drinks potion too
%Eija is struck by strong lag
%Jyrki slows down a lot, struck by lag.
%Eija says 'I'm still old !'
%Jyrki says 'PERKELEEEEE!!!'
More (91%) [qpbns?]
%Eija says 'O'
%Eija says 'M'
%Eija says 'G'
%Ahvensurma enters stage
%Ahvensurma bows
%Hymn enters stage
%Hymn bows

Posted: 17 Dec 2009 17:26 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
You fire an arrow at Naamafanta the christmas elf.
You sneak a shot through the gaps in Naamafanta the christmas elf's armour.
You found a soft spot in Naamafanta the christmas elf's hide!
*** CRITICAL shot! ***
The arrow *BLASTS* clear through Naamafanta the christmas elf's torso and out
the other side!
Naamafanta the christmas elf lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of
Naamafanta the christmas elf dies in a massive pool of blood.
Naamafanta the christmas elf is DEAD, R.I.P.
Naamafanta the christmas elf's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
You see from the wound your shot did full physical damage.
always time for suprise damtest ...
Posted: 19 Nov 2009 22:35 [ permalink ]
Ihmisten ajatuksia jenkeistä:
- "täytyy toivoo että joku pässi jenkki sen ostas"
- pelaaja xx kun yritti kamaa myydä kirkkaasti yli broker hintojen

- "Onkohan toi x jatkuvasti kännissä vai muutenvaan idiootti ?"
- pelaaja y pohdiskeli pelaajan x juttuja
- "Ei, se on vaan jenkki" - tähän pelaaja Z
Posted: 01 Nov 2009 20:40 [ permalink ]
1.11 ossi, 31.10 habotome+kech

2.11 shacul+razze

3.11 nillirou

23.11 shelaste

24.11 akira

25.11 Chance, 1h of pain.

02.12 good old razzie

5.12 melcross aq setti + llyth

19.12 732475: A towering demon, swathed in black

25.12 zoo, diced 100 and got hell axe :)
Posted: 18 Oct 2009 17:43 [ permalink ]
paskan jauhantaa ala batmud :
(17:39) Consta tells you 'kavin paskalla'
tell consta no millanen sessio oli ?
smirk consta
(17:40) Consta tells you '3:ssa palassa, tulee normisti tulee 4-5 palassa'
tell consta hyi vittu sun kanssas
(17:40) Consta tells you 'tavoite on et tulis 7:ssa palassa'
(17:40) Consta tells you 'castin acid arrow:ta posliiniin ja se sano et ens
 olis 5 palaa'

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 13:57 [ permalink ]
16.10 210317: A filthy robed skaven performing a strange ritual 
Posted: 14 Oct 2009 21:23 [ permalink ]
The book crumbles to dust in your hands.
You feel more knowledgable about enhanced peer.

9% metal fist (-->96)

rapid shot 90-->98 !

7% negate offhand penalty

6% switch weapon :(
Posted: 09 Oct 2009 21:15 [ permalink ]
Overwhelming pain makes your limbs shiver.
Blayke shouts 'Ahvensurma please make some experience so you are not an
ponder if i should :)

(21:13) @Kohothegreat laughs out loud at you.
(21:13) @Naamafanta laughs at you.
(21:13) Spica tells you 'mitä toi huutelee?'
(21:13) @Emplate goes 'Heh' at you.
(21:13) Spica tells you 'heh'

Posted: 30 Sep 2009 19:58 [ permalink ]
|  935117: Rechendak, the Elementalist, Lord of the Cloud and the Giants |
also zoo yesterday
bore ...

| 1264731: a man in green, Johnny Dover, the leprechaun king                 
another boremob

8.10.2009 | 1379418: Moreod, the master vampire, stands majestetically in
black velvet  |

razze+lesser viime sunnuntaina ja shelaste eilen, tänää taas lootiton zoo

20.10 1107305: Baal-Naygash 
Posted: 26 Sep 2009 02:56 [ permalink ]
| 1185694: Henry Amberley, defender of the Amberleys                         

suckiest mud experience ever :)
Posted: 20 Sep 2009 15:53 [ permalink ]
Won 162 tps today ...
wish that would have gotten those before reinc, but was still nice surprise
And still dont believe on lotteries ...
Posted: 18 Sep 2009 23:46 [ permalink ]
  738019: Nillirou the elven masterbard
no kukas azardi, pensselisetä
Posted: 16 Sep 2009 14:04 [ permalink ]
(14:00) Str tells you 'aijjai'
(14:00) Str tells you 'sit jaa numerot saamatta'
(14:01) Str tells you 'rupeet ryyppaan'
(14:01) Str tells you 'koulu pitkoo sut pois'
(14:01) Str tells you 'et saa tukia'
(14:01) Str tells you 'jaat tyottomaksi'
(14:01) Str tells you 'veddat lisaa viinaa'
(14:01) @Ktonis cheerfully waves and says 'hello' to you.
(14:01) Str tells you 'aijjai'
(14:01) Str tells you 'huono tulevaisuus sulla kun tollein skippaat luentoja'
(14:02) Str tells you 'aijjai'
(14:03) Str tells you 'kohta jaat jalkeen'
(14:03) Str tells you 'sit alkaa viinan veto'
(14:03) Str tells you 'sit oot tyoton'
More (87%) [qpbns?]
(14:03) Str tells you 'naiset ei kiinnostu susta'
(14:03) Str tells you 'joudut tyytya homopoikiin'
(14:03) Str tells you 'aijja'
(14:03) Str tells you 'huono on tulevaisuutes jos litsaat luennoilta'
(14:03) Str tells you 'aijjai'
Mul ei oo enää tulevaisuutta :)
Posted: 13 Sep 2009 21:52 [ permalink ]
 Raztax, the Almighty demon is crushi.., 1379637 exp (party of 9)
was quite easy one, but lets see if we can still get the sbs?
Posted: 12 Sep 2009 14:38 [ permalink ]
Ossiki meni täs päivä pari sitten
Posted: 05 Sep 2009 21:40 [ permalink ]
|  567007: Llyth, the demon queen of spiders                                 
Posted: 03 Sep 2009 20:46 [ permalink ]
 1246546: Lord Wainamoinen, the chief bard of Kalevala and protector of the 
ok run, didnt really have loot
Posted: 01 Sep 2009 20:15 [ permalink ]
 a tall man dressed in a black robe w.., 1103149 exp (party of 9)
was fun :)
Posted: 29 Aug 2009 16:29 [ permalink ]
was raping beastlands bit ...
 35956: A large mussel 
turbo eh ?
Posted: 29 Aug 2009 13:07 [ permalink ]
 Raztax, the Almighty demon is crushi.., 1361375 exp
did that yesterday, was ok, but valkrist+nikana stole the loot :(
Posted: 15 Aug 2009 22:32 [ permalink ]
 1366406: Lear Rotth, the undead lord superior, infuriated beyond comprehens
was fun, but got fifth at dice so random sac eq :(
Posted: 22 Jun 2009 19:15 [ permalink ]
dreadi ja apocalypse, paska reissu mut tulipahan tehtyä
nii joo, evilild vois pyytää suoraa wizuja ajaan noi questit nii ei tarttis
eksyä idlaan messiin :D
Posted: 18 Jun 2009 19:37 [ permalink ]
Posted: 16 Jun 2009 18:24 [ permalink ]
shade+mithrandir, was kind of funny set
Posted: 11 Jun 2009 20:20 [ permalink ]
valkrist ajo vähä offuexpaa
|  467794: a human guard in full armament                                    
Posted: 25 Apr 2009 14:55 [ permalink ]
| 1024399: a tall man dressed in a black robe with a hood                     
Joku tommonen melkior rape, ei ollu sit lössiä felille asti :(

|  891177: a beautiful and tall woman with hair the color of pale gold
| |
| ajett
dices tuli aika crappia :(
Posted: 18 Apr 2009 16:14 [ permalink ]
bayprixi, borettaa

Nii joo pari päivää sitten meni ossi ja livari

Ja viel tänää janeki raiskattiin, ei ollu nii tylsä.
Posted: 16 Apr 2009 11:46 [ permalink ]
Batti on vähän kuin suuri pyramidihuijaus. Pyramidin pohjalla pelaajat lähinnä
jyystävät kultaa ja ostavat sitten tavaraa pyramidissa ylempänä olevilta.
Pyramidin huipulla olevat sitten myyvät alempana oleville tavaroita joiden
hinnat hevoivat itse määritellä joten rahaa tulnee niin perkeleesti.
   Batin pyramidihuijaus on kuitenkin kusemassa kintuille, sillä porukka
nousee jatkuvasti pyramidissa ylöspäin, eikä pohjalla olevia ihmisiä eli uusia
pelaajia ole kyllin paljoa. Tällöin tavaroiden kauppa romahtaa hiljalleen.
Toki tätä yritetään estää tekemällä valvavat määrät "uniikki" ryönää, mutta
väistämättä jokainen pelaaja matkaa kokoajan kohti pyramidin huippua
tasaisesti ja varmasti. Tällöin batin pyramidi alkaa hiljalleen seisoa
kärjellään ja lopulta romahtaa ja kenties muuttuu pelkäksi chatiksi.
   Toki tätä väistämätöntä prosessia voidaan viivästyttää poistamalla joskus
turhat romut ja expat, mutta ei se minnekkään muuta sitä tosiasiaa että
tavaroiden farmaamiselle välttämättömiä pyramidin pohjalla olevia ihmisiä ei
ole eikä tule kylliksi.
Kaipa mudia ei ole tarkoitettu kestämään ikuisesti, jotenkin pelit jotka eivät
johda mihinkään eivät tule säilymään ...
Posted: 15 Apr 2009 23:13 [ permalink ]
Lord necorp+az'azanzyl today, was fun

|  891177: a beautiful and tall woman with hair the color of pale gold       
ajettiinhan me se sittenki

Fail, eihän me tällä kerralla viel feliä rapetettu sentäs ... :)
Posted: 10 Mar 2009 18:58 [ permalink ]
Oogga shouts 'Hail Ahvensurma for giving me an honorable  barbarian death!'
(18:31) @Zerks cheers enthusiastically at you.
(18:31) @Consta cheers and shouts 'WOOOOOOOOOO!' at you.
(18:31) @Bam goes 'Yay!' at you.
(18:32) @Emplate claps at you.
(18:33) @Valkrist goes 'Ooooo...' at you.
got mace at second try, was fun mob.

|  205647: Oogga, famed Barbarian Lord                                       
Posted: 06 Mar 2009 21:08 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
You grab your fishing rod and head for a peaceful fishing session.
You pull up something still moving!
Ahvensurma fishes up a monster.

Naamafanta's infamous soda-bottle-center. From this point you can find
everything you need. Just ask me.
Obsious exits: sea
Above you is a warm, slowly moving, clear sky. A breeze blows around you.
Obvious exits are: d, fore and cabin.
the helm
a wriggling electric eel
Posted: 02 Mar 2009 01:01 [ permalink ]
| 1349025: Yaboz Zobay, the ancient Maze Master                              
real pain

And diced belt ...
Posted: 01 Mar 2009 19:08 [ permalink ]
Noni, olis birthiexpat kasas, täytyypä välttää iän idlausta ettei
vahingossakaan voi birthaa
Posted: 12 Feb 2009 00:46 [ permalink ]
663358: Lord Necorp, the leech Mindcrafter
631358: a hulking, tentacle-faced nightmare
died once, diced wreath of barbs
Posted: 09 Feb 2009 20:34 [ permalink ]
438811: Mokele Membee, the last dinosaur
Posted: 08 Feb 2009 19:15 [ permalink ]
Help lady elberiel and liberation lq's during weekend
almost done with quests.
Posted: 07 Feb 2009 15:28 [ permalink ]
Another rescue lady run
- and this time no one died, went smoothly
Posted: 07 Feb 2009 10:06 [ permalink ]
                  |  Damage done | Healing done | Damage taken
1. Ahvensurma     |     34.0166% |      0.0000% |     23.9181%
2. Slowdive       |     33.6517% |      0.0000% |     30.7375%
3. Bmoa           |     31.7799% |      0.0000% |     42.8034%
4. Kioko          |      0.5518% |    100.0000% |      2.5410%

Posted: 19 Jan 2009 12:48 [ permalink ]
Why deflant persons arent good for eq parties ?
Why just inflated 2-guilder almost always beats the deflated one when person
decides who to choose ?
Dunno, but i got to get rid of this deflated char.
Posted: 17 Jan 2009 23:17 [ permalink ]
leaded dread to make quests for some random people
646339: the black dread 
Ponder why i do that :)
Posted: 09 Jan 2009 12:22 [ permalink ]
Yesterday did hera,xarithas and ossi
Also diced hbm :)
Posted: 11 Dec 2008 18:46 [ permalink ]
|  236983: Laingan the perverted Valheru jailer                              
|     815: Garathen is slowly dying here                                     
|    1516: Pavlo the almost dead prisoner                                    
|  155586: Lilian, ghost of amazon princess                                  
Posted: 03 Dec 2008 21:43 [ permalink ]
Eka kurgani
384052: Kurgan the valheru blademaster          
Ei enää ikinä uusiksi !
Posted: 01 Dec 2008 20:15 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
You grab your fishing rod and head for a peaceful fishing session.
You pull something up...but 'an iron hand-axe' is not what you expected.
Posted: 02 Nov 2008 19:02 [ permalink ]
You grab your fishing rod and head for a peaceful fishing session.
After a minute or two you catch a fish! Fighting hard you bring the fish to
shore.  You have caught a 1797 gram eagle.