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Argonath's Blog

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Posted: 21 Mar 2018 13:09 [ permalink ]

Guild level: 35.

Reputation:  Bringer of Destruction

Reputation bar:

[XXXXX] (50000)
Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:07 [ permalink ]

Guild level: 35.

Reputation:  Destroyer of Nations

Reputation bar:

[XXXX@#####:::::::::.......] (41597)

HP: 1106  SP: 32  EP: 412 -1 EXP: 

You exclaim 'Here comes Santa Claus!'

You HUMP and HUMP and HUMP!




Guild level: 35.

Reputation:  Destroyer of Nations

Reputation bar:

[XXXX@@#::.......] (42127)
Posted: 25 Sep 2017 22:08 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.

You slip into a battle frenzy!
Your ability to find your foe with the blow of your weapon improves immensely
and you feel ULTRA VIOLENT!
Posted: 08 Sep 2017 19:40 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.

Sapling exclaims 'By Quadra's grandmother! Conqueror of Nations!'

You size up your opponent and, with a ferocious growl, you CHARGE,
slicing three ragged wounds in your opponent's chest before he
 is even aware of your attack!
Sapling is TERRIFIED and unable to fight back!

********************** Round 1 **********************

You score a CRITICAL hit!

Smiling devilishly you BARBARICALLY REND Sapling causing heart tissue to fly

Sapling suddenly stops breathing and jerks a couple of times violently, then
falls to the ground, lifeless.

Sapling is DEAD, R.I.P.

HP: 748  SP: 32  EP: 307 -38 EXP: +9171
Posted: 01 Sep 2017 08:12 [ permalink ]
Bukh exclaims 'By Quadra's grandmother! Conqueror of Nations!'

You can see your opponent's weakness, and with a fierce roar, you LEAP
to attack!
Bukh PANICS and tries to flee, but trips all over his feet!
You pounce on Bukh and start tearing at his throat!
Bukh is terrified and pinned down and unable to fight back!

********************** Round 1 **********************

You slit Bukh inducing a nasty lesion.

You score a CRITICAL hit!

Smiling devilishly you CRUELLY REND Bukh making flames sear right through to
the bone.

You pierce Bukh making small marks.

Bukh is noticeably hurt (65%).

HP: 1106  SP: 32  EP: 341 -38 EXP: 

Argonath [report]: Invisibility DOWN! [0:18]

Argonath [report]: EAT THAT CRIT FUCKER

You start concentrating on the skill.

Argonath [report]: LURE INC ->

********************** Round 2 **********************

You slit Bukh creating nasty blisters.

You pierce Bukh making small marks.

Bukh is noticeably hurt (60%).

*Kalmah spreads her wings and Argonath gets shoved away for a great distance.

********************** Round 3 **********************

You incisively tear Bukh causing a nasty laceration.

You puncture Bukh causing a small scratch.

You pierce Bukh making small marks.

Bukh is not in a good shape (50%).

********************** Round 4 **********************

You incisively tear Bukh sparking a limb to slice open.

You slit Bukh causing a kidney to rupture.

You puncture Bukh causing a small scratch.

Bukh is not in a good shape (35%).
Posted: 30 May 2017 10:04 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit! Cackling devilishly you CRUELLY DISMEMBER Tince
causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Posted: 30 Jan 2017 17:13 [ permalink ]
Donald Trump [Made by: Arnoldi] (extra powerful) cha 6, spell[toxic_dilution]
2 and int -1