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Posted: 13 Nov 2013 19:03 [ permalink ]
50M !  :D 
Posted: 28 Sep 2013 17:53 [ permalink ]
[10:50]:Kiro [bat]: Soloing is for real men. Parties for people who afraid of
the dark.
Posted: 16 Aug 2013 16:32 [ permalink ]
[16:12]:Leeko [suomi]: 45 churches torched as violence strikes Egypt's Coptic

[16:12]:Leeko [suomi]: aamupalaa, iltapalaa, kirkko palaa
Posted: 02 Aug 2013 19:31 [ permalink ]
[19:27]:Pils [suomi] saahan sitä uskoa mutta todellisuus on muuta

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 21:37 [ permalink ]
Posted: 07 Feb 2013 17:31 [ permalink ]
There was support also fried chicken, raakaakin proposed but eventually warm
oven broiler received the highest support (ie, one vote). It should be excuses
from female friend,or if anyone caught with naiskentelusta warm oven with the
Posted: 10 Jan 2013 15:39 [ permalink ]
15:35]:Source [bat]: As she lay there sleeping so peacefully next to me a
little voice inside my head kept saying, "It's ok man, you're not the first
doctor to sleep with one of his patients......" .... But another voice kept
saying to me "Dude, you are a veterinarian!!"

[15:36]:Charyb [bat]: :D

[15:36]:Malicat (bat): Love your pets... don't ... LOVE your pets.  :(

[15:37]:Source [bat]: but they're so soft
Posted: 28 Nov 2012 16:31 [ permalink ]
[16:29]:Daic @icesus [ifin]: onks kukaa muu kakalla?

[16:29]:Cyra @sumu [ifin]: paskat housus

[16:29]:Greyska @sumu [ifin]: kakkasin just tuolille

[16:29]:[ifin]: Charyb licks its lips.

[16:30]:Tiitze @sumu [ifin]: pissiä kakkaa pyllystä nakkaa. paksua pökälettä
pyllystä lykkää, naapurin esko kakkaa syödä tykkää.
Posted: 23 Feb 2011 00:05 [ permalink ]
[00:02]:Sumendar [suomi]: otto on ollut jo kaksi viikkoa vitussa, mutta se ei
haittaa, sillä otto on lonkero
Posted: 09 Nov 2010 17:17 [ permalink ]
Älä anna muiden heikkouksia anteeksi, koska tällöin
et voi turvata paremmuuteesi tarvittaessa. Tekovälität muista, jotta sinusta
Olet uskollinen, jottei sinua petetä, ja kun petetään, et ymmärrä olevasi
paskaa (olet paskaa),
vaan syytät muita, jotta itsepuolustusmekanismisi pitää sinut elossa.
Virheelliset mielihyvät täyttävät aika ajoin ruumiisi, jotta biologinen
jatkumo olisi mahdollista.
Sinä et ole se, joka ajattelee. Sinä olet se, joka tuntee.
Ruumiisi on pelinappula, joka on ohjelmoitu elämään saman,
epäoriginaalin kaavan mukaan, kuten sienet ja home.

Ymmärrät monia asioita lähes promillen verran. Teet vahvoja mielipiteitä,
joiden merkitys on nolla (idiootti). Ainut hyöty on asian puolustamisen huvi
ja voittamisesta erittyvä endorfiini, joka tyhjentää tyhjän pääsi ja pistää
munan seisomaan.
Posted: 14 May 2010 20:38 [ permalink ]
blog add[20:33]:Kohothegreat {ghost}: you really want to get anal probed by
[20:33]:Charyb [ghost]: sounds like fun
[20:33]:Full [ghost]:
[20:33]:Full [ghost]: nothing near my bum
[20:34]:Felder (ghost): well, they say that men's g spot is...never mind...
[20:34]:Full [ghost]: none of that!
[20:34]:Charyb [ghost]: hah gods little prank
[20:35]:Charyb [ghost]: thumb+anal=profit?
[20:35]:Full [ghost]: done.
[20:35]:Charyb [ghost]: exelent!
[20:35]:Full [ghost]: spelling
[20:35]:Charyb [ghost]: drunken finn :(
[20:35]:Full [ghost]: mhm
Posted: 25 Jul 2009 06:17 [ permalink ]
[06:12]:Bazil [chat]: so breca u ever fucked a chick while getting fucked in
your ass?
[06:12]:Breca [chat]: but she said she could get hurt if I put it in her ass,
and I said she could die if her colon ripped. so I didn't do it to her. But
when we had pants on, I was on her butt and massaged her back.
[06:12]:Breca [chat]: no Bazil.
[06:13]:Lumpy [chat]: cant say ive done that, but i have had an ex girlfriend
violate my anus with her tongue on quite a few occassion
[06:13]:Charyb [chat]: mmm
[06:13]:Rigger [chat]: lovely, did she mind, her being your ex and all?
[06:14]:Lumpy [chat]: no, she became my ex cause i refused to kiss her after
that heh
[06:14]:Rigger [chat]: well the moral of that story is to wash your ass
Posted: 05 Nov 2006 08:53 [ permalink ]
 08:46:Nazrix bat: I quit
 08:46:Enochian (bat): cheers
 08:46:Nazrix bat: Unquit becos enochian mocked me
 08:46:Nazrix bat: blame him 4ever
 08:46:Enochian (bat): oh shit.
 08:46:Enochian (bat): can hear that?
 08:47:Enochian (bat): nothing?
 08:47:Enochian (bat): that's the people who don't give a fuck
Posted: 07 Jun 2006 19:24 [ permalink ]
You clap your hands and whisper 'Hard! Rock! Halleluuuujah!'
You falter and fumble the spell. Amazingly it fires upon yourself.
You feel like you just got slightly better in cast heal.

You heal much of your own wounds.
Posted: 29 Apr 2006 15:07 [ permalink ]
Varg says: no se kuulostaa musiikillisesti siltä miltä nyt sattuu kuulostamaan
ydinsodan jälkeen hylätty tehdashalli taustasäteilyineen kun viimeinen
ihmiskultti suorittaa rituaalejaan.
Posted: 14 Apr 2006 23:29 [ permalink ]
Miger (suomi): taitaa charybilla olla negatiivisia tunteita kirkkoo kohtaan :)
Posted: 08 Mar 2006 07:26 [ permalink ]
ich haben ainen kukkkooo in min arslöössen!
Posted: 13 Jul 2005 08:55 [ permalink ]
hmmm, Mazar fucks your mind....