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Fosforos's Blog

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Posted: 25 Aug 2023 19:13 [ permalink ]

Amipa (terror+): gambitit failaa, reput ei nouse ja huoracloneki ampuu sands
of timel unccii laakista
Posted: 24 Jul 2023 08:29 [ permalink ]
Amipa (terror+): Et, a lizardman highpriestess of Burglefloogah
Amipa (terror+): tää on varmaa vastuuhenkilö aina ku miettii et voisinkoh tehä
tääl suolla jotain
Posted: 19 Jan 2023 15:35 [ permalink ]
                          ____/ (  (    )   )  \___
                         /( (  (  )   _    ))  )   )\
                       ((     (   )(    )  )   (   )  )
                     ((/  ( _(   )   (   _) ) (  () )  )
                    ( (  ( (_)   ((    (   )  .((_ ) .  )_
                   ( (  )    (      (  )    )   ) . ) (   )
                  (  (   (  (   ) (  _  ( _) ).  ) . ) ) ( )
                  ( (  (   ) (  )   (  ))     ) _)(   )  )  )
                 ( (  ( \ ) (    (_  ( ) ( )  )   ) )  )) ( )
                  (  (   (  (   (_ ( ) ( _    )  ) (  )  )   )
                 ( (  ( (  (  )     (_  )  ) )  _)   ) _( ( )
                  ((  (   )(    (     _    )   _) _(_ (  (_ )
                   (_((__(_(__(( ( ( |  ) ) ) )_))__))_)___)
                   ((__)        \\||lll|l||///          \_))
                            (   /(/ (  )  ) )\   )
                          (    ( ( ( | | ) ) )\   )
                           (   /(| / ( )) ) ) )) )
                         (     ( ((((_(|)_)))))     )
                          (      ||\(|(|)|/||     )
                        (        |(||(||)||||        )
                          (     //|/l|||)|\\ \     )
                        (/ / //  /|//||||\\  \ \  \ _)
  db   dD  .d8b.         .d8888. db   db d8888b.  .d88b.   .d88b.  .88b  d88.
  88 ,8P' d8' `8b        88'  YP 88   88 88  `8D .8P  Y8. .8P  Y8. 88'YbdP`88
  88,8P   88ooo88        `8bo.   88ooo88 88oobY' 88    88 88    88 88  88  88
  88`8b   88~~~88 C8888D   `Y8b. 88~~~88 88`8b   88    88 88    88 88  88  88
  88 `88. 88   88        db   8D 88   88 88 `88. `8b  d8' `8b  d8' 88  88  88
  YP   YD YP   YP        `8888Y' YP   YP 88   YD  `Y88P'   `Y88P'  YP  YP  YP


               ***********You are hit by a divine mushroom**********
Posted: 03 Dec 2022 19:06 [ permalink ]
Nollasta sattaan

[16:38]:Davian [nightlife+]: could tank if you need one
[16:47]:Davian [smoke+]: canvel that from my side too drunk to usefull
Posted: 15 Nov 2022 21:25 [ permalink ]
asioita jotka tulee ekana mieleen maailmanlopusta:

Arnoldi (suomi): harmi jos maailma loppuu niin jää näkemättä mitä saa ku on
triad reput 100%
Posted: 20 Feb 2022 11:13 [ permalink ]
perus sunnuntai

Tikku tells you 'saunaa pääle'
Tikku tells you 'sitte alottaa jätkä pieksämine'
Posted: 13 Nov 2021 22:27 [ permalink ]
[22:19]:Ggr <bat>: in Soviet BatMUD, a mortal tell joke. other mortal laugh.
street lamp laugh. wizard laugh. archwizard go 'heh' and grumble. everyone
removed. game peaceful again.
Posted: 13 Jun 2021 16:20 [ permalink ]
Farliss tells you 'EI SE OLE KOALAN SYY'
Farliss tells you 'etta semmone alias'

voiha Ipe ja aliakset
Posted: 23 May 2021 13:04 [ permalink ]
Planetar mutters the holy words 'Ez' div'
The environment blurs with intense silvery light as IMMORTAL presence of Las
fills Planetar's soul. Air thunders around him as immeasurable amount of
energy is drawn in him, lifting his body high in the air. At the peak of his
might he yells in celestial trance 'MY LIFE FOR LAS!'
A dispel evil hits you.
 ** an enchanted mithril gorget glows brightly and ABSORBS the DEADLY SPELL!

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 18:11 [ permalink ]
[13:25]:Darkahven (metal+): tietty ei teille 50-luvu putkiradio
bläckmetelmiehille mikkää kelepaa

Posted: 25 Mar 2021 19:40 [ permalink ]
Hallu (party): how did one get weapon back from soul?
Valkrist (party): was it ask aeremathanicul mathinac a plaobisa wer tuvias
from soul?
Hallu (party): öööh
Fosforos {party}: :D
Riistis (party): nice easy to remember syntax
Posted: 24 Nov 2020 19:02 [ permalink ]
+------------------------------=( Spartazen )=-------------------------------+
| Owner:         Fosforos                                                    |
| Description:   a double-edged anipium two-handed sword 'Spartazen' with a  |
| cross-guard                                                                |
| Weapon type:   2h sword                                                    |
| Evolution:     1 trait(s)                                                  |
+--------------------------=( Evolution details )=---------------------------+
| Ability                   Current Potential    True Potential              |
| Resistance electricity    pathetic             bad                         |
+------------------------------=( Materials )=-------------------------------+
| Anipium                        100%                                        |
+-------------------------=( Manuscript Details )=---------------------------+
| Strike lethality              : 14%                                        |
| Weapon quality improvement    : 14%                                        |
| Weapon damage improvement     : 61%                                        |
| Strike accuracy               : 11%                                        |
+----------------------------=( Current Power )=-----------------------------+
| Sword quality:       adequate                                              |
| Sword sharpness:     superb                                                |
| Accuracy factor:     average                                               |
| Lethality factor:    average                                               |
+---------------------------=( True Potential )=-----------------------------+
| Sword quality:       unearthly                                             |
| Sword sharpness:     superb                                                |
| Accuracy factor:     magnificent                                           |
| Lethality factor:    magnificent                                           |

Posted: 20 Nov 2020 17:41 [ permalink ]
+-----------------------------=( Grausamkeit )=------------------------------+
| Owner:         Fosforos                                                    |
| Description:   an exquisite onyx claymore 'Grausamkeit' of Rothiki origin  |
| with a basket-hilt                                                         |
| Weapon type:   claymore                                                    |
| Evolution:     no evolutionary traits                                      |
+------------------------------=( Materials )=-------------------------------+
| Onyx                           62%                                         |
| Platinum                       38%                                         |
+-------------------------=( Manuscript Details )=---------------------------+
| Strike lethality              : 12%                                        |
| Weapon quality improvement    : 12%                                        |
| Weapon damage improvement     : 64%                                        |
| Strike accuracy               : 12%                                        |
+----------------------------=( Current Power )=-----------------------------+
| Sword quality:       decent                                                |
| Sword sharpness:     superb                                                |
| Accuracy factor:     average                                               |
| Lethality factor:    average                                               |
+---------------------------=( True Potential )=-----------------------------+
| Sword quality:       excellent                                             |
| Sword sharpness:     superb                                                |
| Accuracy factor:     magnificent                                           |
| Lethality factor:    excellent                                             |
Posted: 15 Nov 2020 19:03 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you 'kippasin 2g piriä pommilla naamariin, juna lähtee ouluun 25min
päästä. repussa: kirves, nippusiteitä, piriä, piriä, piriä, haulikko.'
Posted: 04 Aug 2020 18:51 [ permalink ]
Wannabezeke tells Droolah and you 'crystallic apteekin pamisuit'
Posted: 02 Aug 2020 13:29 [ permalink ]
Ecky [party]: kaikenlaisia pska areoita
Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:23 [ permalink ]
Searc ferociously roars 'Naturally evayone has a fucking fuckin strong urge ta
live even fo just anotha day. Sum people use dat as da motto throughout their
lives and live very ole. Sum people just wanna live more than others and tha
fuckin shit is a fucking fucken fucken game were only da strongest will
survive. Dis is called life force, sum people r naturally strongah, and sum
may gain dis talent otherwise. Sum people learn da shit, sum need ta learn tha
shit from sumone else, sum need their talent awakened. There r maany ways, and
probably da most surefire way is ta talk ta tha fuckin wailin voices. Dey have
spent a fucken eternity trapped in captivity and evay second is long as a
fucking fucken month ta 'em. Dey truly no dat life is meeant ta be appreciated
and adored. Dey r tha ones who can teach u humbleness. th fuckin shit is also
very important dat yah carry yar chaotic blade with yah.'

The thoughts of Searc seem too profound for you.
Posted: 16 May 2020 21:45 [ permalink ]
Kiraffi tells you 'vittu mikä peli :D'
Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:36 [ permalink ]
Xunisiih (party): voi vitu mikä laatupeli
Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:25 [ permalink ]
didn't know this can happen, made my day.

********************** Round 6 **********************
You knee Magician of good.
hp: 673 -26 sp: 1124  ep: 452  exp: 778635 
Magician of good is near death (5%).
You are casting 'dispel good'.
Magician of good utters the magic words 'jammpa humppa ryydy mopsi' (Flip)
You now have opposite alignment.
You are done with the chant.
You utter the magic words 'whoosy banzziii pal eeeiizz dooneb' (Dispel good)
ARGH, you dispel YOURSELF!
Your fingertips are surrounded with swirling ENERGY as you cast the spell.
A dispel good hits you.
You watch with self-pride as your dispel good hits yourself.
That really HURT!
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
hp: 53 -620 sp: 978 -146 ep: 452  exp: 778635 
Posted: 24 Dec 2019 08:49 [ permalink ]
looks like meri forgot one line from blog 65584

(15:30) You tell Merioli (fighting) ' '
Posted: 04 Jan 2018 08:11 [ permalink ]
Some basic info about the archers guild.

[14:43]:Cordoba {archers}: vähän ku vielä tunettais hop backia paskemmaks ni
ei toimis enään ollenkaan...
[07:21]:Cordoba {archers}: mikä vitun safe flight booni, vittu samanlailla ne
kaikki arrowit menee paskaks mitä ammut
[10:05]:Cordoba {archers}: fucking HOP BACK WTF.!
[10:05]:Cordoba {archers}: fucking cocksucking skills
[10:08]:Cordoba {archers}: vetäkää vittu käteenne juntit
Posted: 01 May 2012 17:34 [ permalink ]
********************** Round 3 **********************
Your boots of evasion breaks into zillions of pieces.
Melkior WHACKS you.
Your flex shield wobbles and part of the attack gets absorbed!

to remind me to get my eq repaired once in a while.
Posted: 10 Mar 2012 15:17 [ permalink ]
[14:15]:Nasu [suomi]: antikiller sukkaa
Posted: 29 Feb 2012 14:21 [ permalink ]
You wield Fuming mace of Thunder sparkling electric magic <red glow> in your
right hand.
Fuming mace of Thunder is surrounded with FUMING electric magic as
it grows larger.
Heavy beams of electricity crackles all around you as you wield
Thor's legendary mace of Thunder
You GASP for breath as Thor's legendary mace of Thunder drains all
your energy.
Posted: 09 Nov 2010 11:52 [ permalink ]
I rise before thee Queen
to feed our lusts on the blood of the weak 

Posted: 28 Dec 2007 20:23 [ permalink ]
| A ruby claymore named 'Anglachel'
| This blade is of divine make.
| Your blade easily resists the strong pull of chaos magic.
| This blade SIZZLES with enchantments!
| This blade has fed from the blood of 50000 souls.
| Since the rebirth of the world, 0 souls have been added to your blade.

R.I.P. Anglachel, the black flame