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Posted: 13 Jul 2015 22:51 [ permalink ]
In all the excitement you can not but dance and sing as you
got out alive, 'Ah ah ah ah, staying alive, staying alive!'
Sandra eyes you suspiciously.
Congratulations! You have just completed Stay alive!
Posted: 11 Jul 2015 23:20 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you CRUELLY CUFF Willem Knuhtsson causing heart tissue to
fly everywhere.
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 22:36 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you BARBARICALLY PIERCE Servant causing heart tissue to
fly everywhere.
Posted: 16 Oct 2014 13:25 [ permalink ]
Info: Mystic recovers from link death.
Mystic rings a tiny bell just beside your ear!  Ding!
You tell Mystic 'what ?'
Mystic tells you 'call my phone'
Mystic tells you 'cant find it'
Mystic tells you 'founded \o/'
Mystic tells you 'thx'
You tell Mystic ':P'
Info: Mystic goes link dead.
Posted: 15 May 2014 18:29 [ permalink ]
125311: a guard, guarding the towers of Castle Tariel
slightly turbo :P
Posted: 12 Dec 2013 12:50 [ permalink ]
From the present falls a gleaming pendant crafted from fresh mithril <red
Posted: 11 Dec 2013 12:49 [ permalink ]
You open the present.
From the present falls a match.
You light the match.
The match goes dark.
a match (useless)
Best Present Ever !
Posted: 27 May 2013 10:32 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you BRUTALLY TEAR Troll fighter causing entrails to fly
Posted: 18 May 2013 14:02 [ permalink ]
Ackbar shouts 'Namo has completed my warrior quest and proved himself worthy
of a Damien'
Posted: 18 May 2013 01:34 [ permalink ]
Ackbar shouts 'Namo has completed my warrior quest and proved himself worthy
of a Damien'
Posted: 17 May 2013 23:56 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you BARBARICALLY REND Giant leech causing heart tissue to
fly everywhere.
Posted: 16 May 2013 04:58 [ permalink ]
Ackbar shouts 'Namo has completed my warrior quest and proved himself worthy
of a Damien'
Posted: 14 May 2013 18:07 [ permalink ]
Congratulations! You have just completed Ackbar's warrior shrine!
You receive 63842 gold as a reward for completing the quest.
You receive 6 training points.
Posted: 28 Apr 2013 02:32 [ permalink ]
You score a CRITICAL hit!
Grinning diabolically you powerfully perforate Crawen causing heart tissue to
fly everywhere.
Crawen exclaims 'Let me suck your bleeding nipples!'
You go 'BRRR!' and relentlessy deliver bone crunching blows!
Crawen drops to the ground ready to die and says
   'Please, strike me in the crotch. Strike me really hard.'
You grab a torch from the walls and throw it at Crawen.
Crawens body burns with wild flames filling the air with the sweet scent of
Posted: 26 Apr 2013 20:27 [ permalink ]
In all the excitement you can not but dance and sing as you
got out alive, 'Ah ah ah ah, staying alive, staying alive!'
Sandra eyes you suspiciously.
Congratulations! You have just completed Stay alive!
Posted: 23 Apr 2013 18:51 [ permalink ]
Shakh'tah touches your shrunken skull necklace.
You feel your aim improve.
You feel your shrunken skull necklace enhance you.
Congratulations! You have just completed Way of the warrior!
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 19:48 [ permalink ]
You boom in sinister voice 'gtzt zur fehh' (Magic missile)
You watch with self-pride as your magic missile hits Box.
A burst of acid shoots at you from the box!!
That really HURT!
Your skin MELTS exposing your internal organs!
H:5/293 [-288] S:908/954 [-15] E:211/218 [] $:0 [] exp:108329 []
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 10:56 [ permalink ]
Your horns prevent you from wearing the hat.. However, you don't give up THAT
easily and try to RAM it all the way down to your neck!
You wear a red christmas hat with a jingle bell.
Red christmas hat is magically destructed.
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 02:07 [ permalink ]
You now feel very confident about your ability to smite down members of the
human race.
Posted: 25 Sep 2012 19:33 [ permalink ]
The blood red demon shouts 'THE BLOOD BATH HAS ENDED.'
The demon tells you 'Thank you for participating in the Blood Bath.'
The demon tells you 'Unfortunately ghosts can't gain experience.'
The blood red demon shouts 'And the highest score was made by Namo!'
The blood red demon shouts 'You must be alive and in the game at the end!'
The blood red demon shouts 'The winner is Lintu!'
Peace and order is restored to the world. Stop fighting each other.
Duke says 'Get it right or don't get it at all'.
Posted: 11 Sep 2012 23:07 [ permalink ]
Female hill giant rolls her eyes wildly and exclaims 'gtzt mar nak grttzt'
(Golden arrow)
Female hill giant hesitates as she casts golden arrow.
Magical rifts open above Female hill giant and hideous rays of POWER combine
her spell.
Female hill giant shudders as her golden arrow hits herself.
Posted: 09 Sep 2012 00:44 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you BARBARICALLY PIERCE Kenku making the head explode from
a MASSIVE acid blast.
You score a KILLING BLOW on Kenku!
Posted: 06 Sep 2012 22:59 [ permalink ]
Posted: 10 Mar 2012 23:27 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you BARBARICALLY PIERCE Soldier ant causing heart tissue
to fly everywhere.
You hear the horrendous death-cry of the Soldier ant as it dies.
Soldier ant is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 10 Mar 2012 01:32 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you CRUELLY RIDDLE  Tiger causing heart tissue to fly
You get bad vibrations as Tiger's spine snaps with an audible *SNAP*.
Tiger is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 24 Feb 2012 19:26 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you knee-kick Green mantis causing heart tissue to fly
You get bad vibrations as Green mantis's spine snaps with an audible *SNAP*.
Green mantis is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 21 Feb 2012 00:12 [ permalink ]
Elf tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you CRUELLY RIDDLE  Elf causing heart tissue to fly
Elf dies in a massive pool of blood.
Elf is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 24 Mar 2011 10:57 [ permalink ]
You score a *CRITICAL* hit!
Cackling devilishly you craftily feint and then grab and flip Highlander's
Chief in the chest, sealing up cardiac veins and crushing the ribcage.
Highlander's Chief dies in a massive fit of convulsions.
Highlander's Chief is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 14 Dec 2009 15:56 [ permalink ]
Namo has survived the barrage of Hot potatoes.
You receive a few jewels as a momento of your success.
You also receive a right to use a rank! See 'rank list'.
This is a challenge trophy.
Posted: 07 Feb 2006 20:39 [ permalink ]
The Moment Has Arrived! The Big Jackpot Drawing For:
NASU's TASK POINT LOTTERY has been completed!!
And the Winner is: Namo!!!!!
Task Point lottery winner! You receive 205 task points.