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Inner circle guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

Inner Circle of Sorcery
Command: inner_circle
Creators: Juggelo, Lampsa
Max Level: 10

The Inner Circle of Sorcery consists of the most dedicated individuals in the field of magic. Although they are strict not to worship anything or anyone as such, their devotion to Aeo's secrets is best described as religious. As an order, The Inner Circle values pendantic mastery of nuances of magic in all its forms.

To be accepted as a member, the candidate must have acquired the reasonable theoretical and practical understanding in other schools of magic. However, this understanding holds little value in the eyes of the guild's senior members who all seem to share the common belief that the true mastery can only be achieved within The Inner Circle.

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Magical.
Must be at max level in the Mage guild.
Has trained Quick chant to 70.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 40.
Has trained Analysis of magic lore to 40.
Must pass one of the following:
  * Must be at max level in the Mage acid guild.
  * Must be at max level in the Mage asphyxiation guild.
  * Must be at max level in the Mage cold guild.
  * Must be at max level in the Mage electricity guild.
  * Must be at max level in the Mage fire guild.
  * Must be at max level in the Mage magical guild.
  * Must be at max level in the Mage poison guild.
  * Must be at max level in the Psionicist guild.
  * Must be at max level in the Channellers guild.
Available: Receive the reward for continuing your studies
May train Analysis of magic lore to 90.
May train Cast protection to 85.
May train Ceremony to 60.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 10.
May train Damage criticality to 20.
May train Quick chant to 90.
May train Mastery of shielding to 50.

May study Force absorption to 100.
May study Teleport with error to 100.
May study Blurred image to 20.
May study Feather weight to 50.
May study Floating disc to 50.
May study Identify to 50.
May study Infravision to 30.
May study Relocate to 60.
May study Restore to 30.
May study Shield of protection to 25.
May study Ship armour to 10.
May study Mana barrier to 70.
Level 2

Requirements: Has trained Analysis of magic lore to 63.
Has trained Cast protection to 68.
Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 6.
Has trained Damage criticality to 12.
Has trained Quick chant to 54.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 42.
Has studied Blurred image to 14.
Has studied Feather weight to 35.
Has studied Floating disc to 35.
Has studied Identify to 25.
Has studied Relocate to 42.
Has studied Restore to 18.
Has studied Shield of protection to 20.
Available: May train Analysis of magic lore to 100.
May train Cast protection to 90.
May train Ceremony to 70.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 20.
May train Damage criticality to 28.
May train Quick chant to 100.
May train Mastery of shielding to 55.
May train Cast transformation to 20.

May study Blurred image to 60.
May study Feather weight to 75.
May study Floating disc to 75.
May study Identify to 66.
May study Infravision to 47.
May study Relocate to 73.
May study Restore to 44.
May study Shield of protection to 50.
May study Ship armour to 20.
May study Enhance vision to 25.
May study Mana barrier to 73.
Level 3

Requirements: Has trained Cast protection to 72.
Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 12.
Has trained Damage criticality to 16.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 46.
Has studied Blurred image to 42.
Has studied Feather weight to 52.
Has studied Floating disc to 52.
Has studied Identify to 33.
Has studied Relocate to 51.
Has studied Restore to 26.
Has studied Shield of protection to 40.
Available: May train Cast protection to 95.
May train Ceremony to 80.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 30.
May train Damage criticality to 37.
May train Mastery of shielding to 61.
May train Cast transformation to 46.
May train Cast special to 20.
May train Zapping to 20.

May study Blurred image to 100.
May study Feather weight to 100.
May study Floating disc to 100.
May study Identify to 83.
May study Infravision to 65.
May study Relocate to 86.
May study Restore to 58.
May study Shield of protection to 75.
May study Ship armour to 30.
May study Enhance vision to 40.
May study Quicksilver to 20.
May study Shelter to 30.
May study Suppress magic to 20.
May study Mana barrier to 76.
Level 4

Requirements: Has trained Cast protection to 76.
Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 18.
Has trained Damage criticality to 22.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 51.
Has trained Zapping to 14.
Has studied Identify to 41.
Has studied Relocate to 60.
Has studied Restore to 34.
Has studied Shield of protection to 60.
Has studied Shelter to 21.
Available: May train Cast protection to 100.
May train Ceremony to 90.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 40.
May train Damage criticality to 46.
May train Mastery of shielding to 66.
May train Cast transformation to 73.
May train Cast special to 36.
May train Zapping to 36.

May study Identify to 100.
May study Infravision to 82.
May study Relocate to 100.
May study Restore to 72.
May study Shield of protection to 100.
May study Ship armour to 40.
May study Enhance vision to 55.
May study Quicksilver to 36.
May study Shelter to 44.
May study Suppress magic to 36.
May study Disrupt magic to 30.
May study Greater darkness to 20.
May study Greater light to 20.
May study Iron will to 30.
May study Resist disintegrate to 20.
May study Resist entropy to 20.
May study Remove curse to 20.
May study Mana barrier to 79.
Restricted: Have studied Blurred image to 60 then:
    * May study Displacement to 30.
Level 5

Requirements: Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 24.
Has trained Damage criticality to 27.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 56.
Has trained Zapping to 25.
Has studied Restore to 43.
Has studied Shelter to 30.
Available: May train Ceremony to 100.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 50.
May train Damage criticality to 55.
May train Mastery of shielding to 72.
May train Cast transformation to 100.
May train Cast special to 52.
May train Zapping to 52.
May train Leadership to 10.

May study Infravision to 100.
May study Restore to 86.
May study Ship armour to 50.
May study Enhance vision to 70.
May study Quicksilver to 52.
May study Shelter to 58.
May study Suppress magic to 52.
May study Disrupt magic to 47.
May study Greater darkness to 36.
May study Greater light to 36.
May study Iron will to 47.
May study Resist disintegrate to 40.
May study Resist entropy to 40.
May study Remove curse to 40.
May study Anti magic field to 20.
May study Create air armour to 20.
May study Summon to 20.
May study Mana barrier to 83.
May study Armour of aether to 20.
Restricted: Have studied Blurred image to 70 then:
    * May study Displacement to 60.
Level 6

Requirements: Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 30.
Has trained Damage criticality to 33.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 61.
Has trained Zapping to 36.
Has studied Restore to 51.
Has studied Shelter to 40.
Has studied Summon to 14.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 60.
May train Damage criticality to 64.
May train Mastery of shielding to 77.
May train Cast special to 68.
May train Zapping to 68.
May train Mastery of control to 40.
May train Leadership to 18.

May study Restore to 100.
May study Ship armour to 60.
May study Enhance vision to 85.
May study Quicksilver to 68.
May study Shelter to 72.
May study Suppress magic to 68.
May study Disrupt magic to 65.
May study Greater darkness to 52.
May study Greater light to 52.
May study Iron will to 65.
May study Resist disintegrate to 60.
May study Resist entropy to 60.
May study Remove curse to 60.
May study Anti magic field to 36.
May study Create air armour to 36.
May study Summon to 36.
May study Degenerate person to 50.
May study Neutralize field to 30.
May study Mana barrier to 86.
Restricted: Have studied Blurred image to 80 then:
    * May study Displacement to 100.
Have studied Blurred image to 60 then:
    * May study Armour of aether to 30.
Level 7

Requirements: Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 36.
Has trained Damage criticality to 38.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 65.
Has trained Zapping to 47.
Has trained Mastery of control to 28.
Has studied Shelter to 50.
Has studied Summon to 25.
Has studied Degenerate person to 37.
Has studied Neutralize field to 22.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 70.
May train Damage criticality to 73.
May train Mastery of shielding to 83.
May train Cast special to 84.
May train Zapping to 84.
May train Mastery of control to 55.
May train Wandmaking to 30.
May train Leadership to 26.

May study Ship armour to 70.
May study Enhance vision to 100.
May study Quicksilver to 84.
May study Shelter to 86.
May study Suppress magic to 84.
May study Disrupt magic to 82.
May study Greater darkness to 68.
May study Greater light to 68.
May study Iron will to 82.
May study Resist disintegrate to 80.
May study Resist entropy to 80.
May study Remove curse to 80.
May study Anti magic field to 52.
May study Create air armour to 52.
May study Summon to 52.
May study Degenerate person to 62.
May study Neutralize field to 47.
May study Dispel magical protection to 30.
May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 30.
May study Mana barrier to 89.
Restricted: Have studied Iron will to 70 then:
    * May study Armour of aether to 45.
Level 8

Requirements: Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 42.
Has trained Damage criticality to 43.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 70.
Has trained Zapping to 58.
Has trained Mastery of control to 38.
Has trained Wandmaking to 21.
Has studied Shelter to 60.
Has studied Summon to 36.
Has studied Degenerate person to 46.
Has studied Neutralize field to 35.
Has studied Dispel magical protection to 24.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 80.
May train Damage criticality to 82.
May train Mastery of shielding to 88.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Zapping to 100.
May train Mastery of control to 70.
May train Wandmaking to 53.
May train Leadership to 34.

May study Ship armour to 80.
May study Quicksilver to 100.
May study Shelter to 100.
May study Suppress magic to 100.
May study Disrupt magic to 100.
May study Greater darkness to 84.
May study Greater light to 84.
May study Iron will to 100.
May study Resist disintegrate to 100.
May study Resist entropy to 100.
May study Remove curse to 100.
May study Anti magic field to 68.
May study Create air armour to 68.
May study Summon to 68.
May study Degenerate person to 75.
May study Neutralize field to 65.
May study Dispel magical protection to 53.
May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 53.
May study Mana barrier to 93.
May study Conjure lesser element to 50.
Restricted: Have studied Displacement to 80 then:
    * May study Armour of aether to 60.
Have studied Teleport with error to 60 then:
    * May study Teleport without error to 60.
Have studied Conjure lesser element to 25 then:
    * May study Conjure element to 10.
Level 9

Requirements: Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 48.
Has trained Damage criticality to 49.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 74.
Has trained Mastery of control to 49.
Has trained Wandmaking to 37.
Has studied Summon to 47.
Has studied Degenerate person to 56.
Has studied Neutralize field to 48.
Has studied Dispel magical protection to 42.
Has studied Conjure lesser element to 50.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 90.
May train Damage criticality to 91.
May train Mastery of shielding to 94.
May train Mastery of control to 85.
May train Wandmaking to 76.
May train Leadership to 42.

May study Ship armour to 90.
May study Greater darkness to 100.
May study Greater light to 100.
May study Anti magic field to 84.
May study Create air armour to 84.
May study Summon to 84.
May study Degenerate person to 87.
May study Neutralize field to 82.
May study Dispel magical protection to 76.
May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 76.
May study Resist dispel to 40.
May study Mana barrier to 96.
May study Conjure lesser element to 75.
Restricted: Have studied Force absorption to 90 then:
    * May study Armour of aether to 85.
Have studied Teleport with error to 80 then:
    * May study Teleport without error to 80.
Have studied Conjure lesser element to 50 then:
    * May study Conjure element to 75.
Level 10

Requirements: Has trained Conceal spellcasting to 54.
Has trained Damage criticality to 54.
Has trained Mastery of shielding to 79.
Has trained Mastery of control to 59.
Has trained Wandmaking to 53.
Has studied Summon to 58.
Has studied Degenerate person to 65.
Has studied Neutralize field to 61.
Has studied Dispel magical protection to 60.
Has studied Resist dispel to 40.
Has studied Conjure lesser element to 75.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 100.
May train Damage criticality to 100.
May train Mastery of shielding to 100.
May train Mastery of control to 100.
May train Wandmaking to 100.
May train Leadership to 50.

May study Ship armour to 100.
May study Anti magic field to 100.
May study Create air armour to 100.
May study Summon to 100.
May study Degenerate person to 100.
May study Neutralize field to 100.
May study Dispel magical protection to 100.
May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 100.
May study Resist dispel to 100.
May study Mana barrier to 100.
May study Conjure lesser element to 100.
Restricted: Have trained Mastery of shielding to 80 then:
    * May study Armour of aether to 100.
Have studied Teleport with error to 100 then:
    * May study Teleport without error to 100.
Must pass two of the following:
 * Must be at max level in the Mage acid guild.
 * Must be at max level in the Mage asphyxiation guild.
 * Must be at max level in the Mage cold guild.
 * Must be at max level in the Mage electricity guild.
 * Must be at max level in the Mage fire guild.
 * Must be at max level in the Mage magical guild.
 * Must be at max level in the Mage poison guild.
    * May study Holding pattern to 100.
Have studied Conjure lesser element to 75 then:
    * May study Conjure element to 100.