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Mage cold guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

Assembly of the Blizzard
Command: mage_cold
Creators: Juggelo, Lampsa
Max Level: 10

Cold like the storm and deadly like the ice that surprises you out of nowhere is the Assembly of the Blizzard. Usually being loners by nature a member of the assembly likes the colder elements way more than other surroundings. Being artists within their own field. They play with ice and breathe the cold. Evil tongues even say their blood has changed to ice from continuous exposure to the cold element. A member of the assembly can appear detached and calm... Just like nature before the Blizzard strikes.

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Magical.
Must be at max level in the Mage guild.
Has studied Chill touch to 60.
Has trained Cast cold to 60.
Available: Receive the reward for continuing your studies
May train Cast cold to 70.
May train Mastery of arctic powers to 10.

May study Chill touch to 100.
May study Frost insulation to 20.
Level 2

Requirements: Has trained Cast cold to 56.
Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 7.
Has studied Frost insulation to 14.
Available: May train Cast cold to 77.
May train Mastery of arctic powers to 20.

May study Frost insulation to 60.
May study Flaming ice to 50.
May study Cone of cold to 30.
Level 3

Requirements: Has trained Cast cold to 61.
Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 14.
Has studied Frost insulation to 42.
Has studied Flaming ice to 35.
Has studied Cone of cold to 21.
Available: May train Cast cold to 85.
May train Mastery of arctic powers to 30.

May study Frost insulation to 100.
May study Flaming ice to 75.
May study Cone of cold to 53.
May study Create frost weapon to 10.
Level 4

Requirements: Has trained Cast cold to 68.
Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 21.
Has studied Flaming ice to 52.
Has studied Cone of cold to 37.
Has studied Create frost weapon to 7.
Available: May train Cast cold to 92.
May train Mastery of arctic powers to 40.

May study Flaming ice to 100.
May study Cone of cold to 76.
May study Darkfire to 40.
May study Create frost weapon to 55.
Level 5

Requirements: Has trained Cast cold to 73.
Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 28.
Has studied Cone of cold to 53.
Has studied Darkfire to 28.
Has studied Create frost weapon to 38.
Available: May train Cast cold to 100.
May train Mastery of arctic powers to 50.

May study Cone of cold to 100.
May study Darkfire to 70.
May study Icebolt to 30.
May study Create frost weapon to 100.
Level 6

Requirements: Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 35.
Has studied Darkfire to 49.
Has studied Icebolt to 21.
Available: May train Mastery of arctic powers to 60.

May study Darkfire to 100.
May study Icebolt to 65.
Level 7

Requirements: Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 42.
Has studied Icebolt to 45.
Available: May train Mastery of arctic powers to 70.

May study Icebolt to 100.
May study Frost shield to 10.
May study Cold ray to 30.
Level 8

Requirements: Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 49.
Has studied Frost shield to 7.
Has studied Cold ray to 24.
Available: May train Mastery of arctic powers to 80.

May study Frost shield to 55.
May study Cold ray to 53.
May study Hailstorm to 20.
Level 9

Requirements: Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 56.
Has studied Frost shield to 38.
Has studied Cold ray to 42.
Has studied Hailstorm to 16.
Available: May train Mastery of arctic powers to 90.

May study Frost shield to 100.
May study Cold ray to 76.
May study Hailstorm to 60.
May study Touch of glacial winds to 20.
Level 10

Requirements: Has trained Mastery of arctic powers to 63.
Has studied Cold ray to 60.
Has studied Hailstorm to 48.
Available: May train Mastery of arctic powers to 100.

May study Cold ray to 100.
May study Hailstorm to 100.
May study Touch of glacial winds to 100.