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Reaver guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Cult of Reavers
Command: reaver
Creators: Shinarae, Firefox
Max Level: 30

The reavers are a dangerous, possibly insane religion that thrives on the death, destruction, pain, and suffering of others weaker than themselves, while at the same time insuring their own survival. They roam the land, smashing art, murdering families, and burning down villages. Nothing is sacred to a reaver except himself and his sacrifices to his dark lord.

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Evil religious.
Must be of evil alignment.
Available: Receive the symbol of the reavers
Receive the Touch of Azzarakk for ongoing destruction
May train Attack to 20.
May train Axes to 10.
May train Polearms to 10.
May train Consider to 5.
May train Appraise to 5.
May train Cast generic to 10.
May train Cast destruction to 30.
May train Reave shield to 10.
May train Mana control to 5.
May train Scythe swipe to 20.
May train Prayer to destruction to 20.

May study Word of attrition to 30.
May study Darkness to 10.
May study Cleanse weapon to 10.
Level 2

Available: May train Attack to 25.
May train Axes to 20.
May train Polearms to 20.
May train Consider to 10.
May train Appraise to 10.
May train Cast generic to 20.
May train Cast destruction to 40.
May train Reave shield to 20.
May train Mana control to 10.
May train Scythe swipe to 30.
May train Prayer to destruction to 30.

May study Word of attrition to 40.
May study Darkness to 20.
May study Call scythe to 10.
May study Destroy water to 10.
May study Cleanse weapon to 20.
Level 3

Available: May train Attack to 30.
May train Axes to 30.
May train Polearms to 30.
May train Consider to 15.
May train Appraise to 15.
May train Cast generic to 30.
May train Cast destruction to 50.
May train Reave shield to 30.
May train Mana control to 15.
May train Scythe swipe to 40.
May train Prayer to destruction to 40.
May train Discipline to 5.

May study Word of attrition to 50.
May study Darkness to 30.
May study Call scythe to 20.
May study Word of spite to 10.
May study Detect race to 20.
May study Destroy water to 20.
May study Cleanse weapon to 30.
Level 4

Available: May train Attack to 35.
May train Axes to 40.
May train Polearms to 40.
May train Consider to 20.
May train Appraise to 20.
May train Cast generic to 40.
May train Cast destruction to 60.
May train Reave shield to 40.
May train Mana control to 20.
May train Scythe swipe to 50.
May train Prayer to destruction to 50.

May study Word of attrition to 60.
May study Darkness to 40.
May study Call scythe to 30.
May study Word of spite to 20.
May study Detect race to 40.
May study Destroy water to 30.
May study Cleanse weapon to 40.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 10 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 10.
Level 5

Available: May train Attack to 40.
May train Axes to 50.
May train Polearms to 50.
May train Consider to 25.
May train Appraise to 25.
May train Cast generic to 50.
May train Cast destruction to 70.
May train Reave shield to 50.
May train Mana control to 25.
May train Scythe swipe to 60.
May train Prayer to destruction to 60.
May train Discipline to 10.
May train Bash to 10.

May study Word of attrition to 70.
May study Darkness to 50.
May study Call scythe to 40.
May study Call armour to 10.
May study Word of spite to 30.
May study Detect race to 60.
May study Destroy water to 40.
May study Infravision to 20.
May study Cleanse weapon to 50.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 20 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 20.
Level 6

Available: May train Attack to 45.
May train Axes to 60.
May train Polearms to 60.
May train Consider to 30.
May train Appraise to 30.
May train Cast generic to 60.
May train Cast destruction to 80.
May train Reave shield to 60.
May train Mana control to 30.
May train Scythe swipe to 70.
May train Prayer to destruction to 70.
May train Bash to 20.
May train Parry to 3.
May train Dodge to 5.
May train Throw weight to 5.

May study Word of attrition to 80.
May study Darkness to 60.
May study Call scythe to 50.
May study Call armour to 20.
May study Word of spite to 40.
May study Detect race to 80.
May study Destroy water to 50.
May study Infravision to 30.
May study Immolate scythe to 10.
May study Reaping of bile to 10.
May study Cleanse weapon to 60.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 30 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 30.
Level 7

Available: May train Attack to 50.
May train Axes to 70.
May train Polearms to 70.
May train Consider to 35.
May train Appraise to 35.
May train Cast generic to 70.
May train Cast destruction to 90.
May train Reave shield to 70.
May train Mana control to 35.
May train Scythe swipe to 80.
May train Prayer to destruction to 80.
May train Discipline to 15.
May train Bash to 30.
May train Parry to 6.
May train Throw weight to 10.

May study Word of attrition to 90.
May study Darkness to 70.
May study Call scythe to 60.
May study Call armour to 30.
May study Word of spite to 50.
May study Detect race to 100.
May study Destroy water to 60.
May study Infravision to 40.
May study Immolate scythe to 20.
May study Reaping of bile to 20.
May study Cleanse weapon to 70.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 40 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 40.
Have trained Reave weapon to 10 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 10.
Level 8

Available: May train Attack to 55.
May train Axes to 80.
May train Polearms to 80.
May train Consider to 40.
May train Appraise to 40.
May train Cast generic to 80.
May train Cast destruction to 100.
May train Reave shield to 80.
May train Mana control to 40.
May train Scythe swipe to 90.
May train Prayer to destruction to 90.
May train Bash to 40.
May train Parry to 9.
May train Throw weight to 15.
May train Dodge to 10.

May study Word of attrition to 100.
May study Call scythe to 70.
May study Call armour to 40.
May study Word of spite to 60.
May study Destroy water to 70.
May study Infravision to 50.
May study Immolate scythe to 30.
May study Reaping of bile to 30.
May study Cleanse weapon to 80.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 50 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 50.
Have trained Reave weapon to 20 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 20.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 20 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 20.
Level 9

Available: May train Attack to 60.
May train Axes to 90.
May train Polearms to 90.
May train Consider to 45.
May train Appraise to 45.
May train Cast generic to 90.
May train Reave shield to 90.
May train Mana control to 45.
May train Scythe swipe to 100.
May train Prayer to destruction to 100.
May train Discipline to 20.
May train Bash to 50.
May train Parry to 12.
May train Throw weight to 20.

May study Call scythe to 80.
May study Call armour to 50.
May study Word of spite to 70.
May study Destroy water to 80.
May study Infravision to 60.
May study Immolate scythe to 40.
May study Reaping of bile to 40.
May study Cleanse weapon to 90.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 50 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 60.
Have trained Reave weapon to 30 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 30.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 30 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 30.
Level 10

Requirements: Has trained Attack to 45.
Has trained Cast destruction to 50.
Available: May train Attack to 65.
May train Consider to 50.
May train Appraise to 50.
May train Cast generic to 100.
May train Reave shield to 100.
May train Mana control to 50.
May train Bash to 60.
May train Parry to 15.
May train Throw weight to 25.
May train Dodge to 15.
May train Riot to 10.
May train Combat sense to 5.
May train Endurance to 10.

May study Call scythe to 90.
May study Call armour to 60.
May study Word of spite to 80.
May study Destroy water to 100.
May study Infravision to 70.
May study Immolate scythe to 50.
May study Reaping of bile to 50.
May study Cleanse weapon to 100.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 50 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 70.
Have trained Reave weapon to 40 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 40.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 40 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 40.
Level 11

Available: May train Attack to 70.
May train Appraise to 55.
May train Discipline to 25.
May train Bash to 70.
May train Parry to 18.
May train Throw weight to 30.
May train Riot to 20.
May train Combat sense to 10.
May train Way of the scythe to 5.

May study Call scythe to 100.
May study Call armour to 70.
May study Word of spite to 90.
May study Immolate scythe to 60.
May study Reaping of bile to 60.
May study Shattered feast to 10.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 50 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 80.
Have trained Reave weapon to 50 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 50.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 50 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 50.
Have trained Reave armour to 5 then:
    * May train True reaving to 5.
Level 12

Available: May train Attack to 85.
May train Appraise to 60.
May train Bash to 80.
May train Parry to 21.
May train Throw weight to 35.
May train Dodge to 20.
May train Riot to 30.
May train Combat sense to 15.
May train Way of the scythe to 10.
May train Infernal arc to 10.
May train Corrosive cut to 10.
May train Cleave to 5.
May train Impale to 5.

May study Call armour to 80.
May study Word of spite to 100.
May study Immolate scythe to 70.
May study Reaping of bile to 70.
May study Shattered feast to 20.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 50 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 90.
Have trained Reave weapon to 50 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 60.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 50 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 60.
Have trained Reave armour to 10 then:
    * May train True reaving to 10.
Level 13

Available: May train Attack to 100.
May train Appraise to 65.
May train Discipline to 30.
May train Bash to 90.
May train Parry to 24.
May train Throw weight to 40.
May train Riot to 40.
May train Combat sense to 20.
May train Infernal arc to 20.
May train Corrosive cut to 20.
May train Cleave to 10.
May train Impale to 10.

May study Call armour to 90.
May study Immolate scythe to 80.
May study Reaping of bile to 80.
May study Shattered feast to 30.
Restricted: Have trained Reave shield to 50 then:
    * May train Reave weapon to 100.
Have trained Reave weapon to 50 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 70.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 50 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 70.
Have trained Reave armour to 15 then:
    * May train True reaving to 15.
Have trained True reaving to 15 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 15.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 20.
Have studied Word of attrition to 30 then:
    * May study Word of blasting to 30.
Have studied Word of spite to 30 then:
    * May study Word of slaughter to 30.
Level 14

Available: May train Bash to 100.
May train Parry to 27.
May train Throw weight to 45.
May train Dodge to 25.
May train Riot to 50.
May train Combat sense to 25.
May train Corrosive cut to 30.
May train Cleave to 15.
May train Impale to 15.
May train Stun to 10.

May study Call armour to 100.
May study Immolate scythe to 90.
May study Reaping of bile to 90.
May study Shattered feast to 40.
Restricted: Have trained Reave weapon to 50 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 80.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 50 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 80.
Have trained Reave armour to 20 then:
    * May train True reaving to 20.
Have trained True reaving to 20 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 20.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 25.
Have studied Word of attrition to 40 then:
    * May study Word of blasting to 40.
Have studied Word of spite to 40 then:
    * May study Word of slaughter to 40.
Level 15

Available: May train Discipline to 35.
May train Parry to 30.
May train Throw weight to 50.
May train Riot to 60.
May train Combat sense to 30.
May train Infernal arc to 40.
May train Corrosive cut to 40.
May train Cleave to 20.
May train Impale to 20.
May train Stun to 15.
May train Enhance criticals to 5.

May study Immolate scythe to 100.
May study Reaping of bile to 100.
May study Shattered feast to 50.
May study Glory of destruction to 10.
Restricted: Have trained Reave weapon to 50 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 90.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 50 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 90.
Have trained Reave armour to 25 then:
    * May train True reaving to 25.
Have trained True reaving to 25 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 25.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 30.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 20 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 20.
Have studied Word of attrition to 50 then:
    * May study Word of blasting to 50.
Have studied Word of spite to 50 then:
    * May study Word of slaughter to 50.
Level 16

Available: May train Parry to 33.
May train Throw weight to 55.
May train Riot to 70.
May train Combat sense to 35.
May train Infernal arc to 50.
May train Corrosive cut to 50.
May train Cleave to 25.
May train Impale to 25.
May train Stun to 20.
May train Enhance criticals to 10.
May train Mastery of destruction to 5.

May study Shattered feast to 60.
May study Glory of destruction to 20.
Restricted: Have trained Reave weapon to 50 then:
    * May train Reave armour to 100.
Have trained True reaving to 50 then:
    * May train Dodge to 30.
Have trained Scythe swipe to 50 then:
    * May train Rampant cutting to 100.
Have trained Reave armour to 30 then:
    * May train True reaving to 30.
Have trained True reaving to 30 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 30.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 35.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 30 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 30.
Have studied Word of attrition to 50 then:
    * May study Word of blasting to 60.
Have studied Word of spite to 50 then:
    * May study Word of slaughter to 60.
Level 17

Available: May train Discipline to 40.
May train Parry to 36.
May train Throw weight to 60.
May train Riot to 80.
May train Combat sense to 40.
May train Infernal arc to 60.
May train Corrosive cut to 60.
May train Cleave to 30.
May train Impale to 30.
May train Stun to 25.
May train Enhance criticals to 15.
May train Mastery of destruction to 10.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 5.
May train Tumbling attack to 5.

May study Shattered feast to 70.
May study Glory of destruction to 30.
Restricted: Have trained Reave armour to 35 then:
    * May train True reaving to 35.
Have studied Blood seeker to 35 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 35.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 40.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 40 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 40.
Have studied Word of attrition to 50 then:
    * May study Word of blasting to 70.
Have studied Word of spite to 50 then:
    * May study Word of slaughter to 70.
Level 18

Available: May train Parry to 39.
May train Throw weight to 65.
May train Riot to 90.
May train Combat sense to 45.
May train Infernal arc to 70.
May train Corrosive cut to 70.
May train Cleave to 35.
May train Impale to 35.
May train Stun to 30.
May train Enhance criticals to 20.
May train Mastery of destruction to 15.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 10.
May train Tumbling attack to 10.

May study Shattered feast to 80.
May study Glory of destruction to 40.
May study Blood seeker to 10.
Restricted: Have trained True reaving to 50 then:
    * May train Dodge to 35.
Have trained Reave armour to 40 then:
    * May train True reaving to 40.
Have studied Blood seeker to 40 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 40.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 45.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 50 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 50.
Have trained Infernal arc to 10 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 10.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 10 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 10.
Have studied Word of attrition to 50 then:
    * May study Word of blasting to 80.
Have studied Word of spite to 50 then:
    * May study Word of slaughter to 80.
Have studied Word of blasting to 30 then:
    * May study Word of destruction to 30.
Have studied Word of slaughter to 30 then:
    * May study Word of genocide to 30.
Level 19

Available: May train Discipline to 45.
May train Parry to 42.
May train Throw weight to 70.
May train Riot to 100.
May train Combat sense to 50.
May train Infernal arc to 80.
May train Corrosive cut to 80.
May train Cleave to 40.
May train Impale to 40.
May train Stun to 35.
May train Enhance criticals to 25.
May train Mastery of destruction to 20.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 15.
May train Tumbling attack to 15.

May study Shattered feast to 90.
May study Glory of destruction to 50.
May study Blood seeker to 20.
Restricted: Have trained Reave armour to 45 then:
    * May train True reaving to 45.
Have studied Blood seeker to 45 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 45.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 50.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 50 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 60.
Have trained Infernal arc to 20 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 20.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 20 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 20.
Have studied Word of attrition to 50 then:
    * May study Word of blasting to 90.
Have studied Word of spite to 50 then:
    * May study Word of slaughter to 90.
Have studied Word of blasting to 40 then:
    * May study Word of destruction to 40.
Have studied Word of slaughter to 40 then:
    * May study Word of genocide to 40.
Level 20

Requirements: Has trained Bash to 50.
Has studied Shattered feast to 50.
Available: May train Parry to 45.
May train Throw weight to 75.
May train Combat sense to 55.
May train Infernal arc to 90.
May train Corrosive cut to 90.
May train Cleave to 45.
May train Impale to 45.
May train Stun to 40.
May train Enhance criticals to 30.
May train Mastery of destruction to 25.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 20.
May train Tumbling attack to 20.
May train Riposte to 5.
May train Find weakness to 5.
May train Endurance to 20.

May study Shattered feast to 100.
May study Glory of destruction to 60.
May study Blood seeker to 30.
May study Spirit drain to 10.
Restricted: Have trained True reaving to 50 then:
    * May train Dodge to 40.
Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 50.
Have studied Blood seeker to 50 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 50.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 55.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 50 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 70.
Have trained Infernal arc to 30 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 30.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 30 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 30.
Have trained Riot to 10 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 10.
Have studied Word of attrition to 50 then:
    * May study Word of blasting to 100.
Have studied Word of spite to 50 then:
    * May study Word of slaughter to 100.
Have studied Word of blasting to 50 then:
    * May study Word of destruction to 50.
Have studied Word of slaughter to 50 then:
    * May study Word of genocide to 50.
Level 21

Available: May train Discipline to 50.
May train Parry to 48.
May train Throw weight to 80.
May train Combat sense to 60.
May train Infernal arc to 100.
May train Corrosive cut to 100.
May train Cleave to 50.
May train Impale to 50.
May train Stun to 45.
May train Enhance criticals to 35.
May train Mastery of destruction to 30.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 25.
May train Tumbling attack to 25.
May train Riposte to 10.
May train Reaving to 20.
May train Mangle to 20.
May train Find weakness to 10.

May study Glory of destruction to 70.
May study Blood seeker to 40.
May study Spirit drain to 20.
Restricted: Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 55.
Have trained Rebellion to 55 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 55.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 60.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 50 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 80.
Have trained Infernal arc to 40 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 40.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 40 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 40.
Have trained Riot to 20 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 20.
Have studied Word of blasting to 50 then:
    * May study Word of destruction to 60.
Have studied Word of slaughter to 50 then:
    * May study Word of genocide to 60.
Level 22

Available: May train Parry to 51.
May train Throw weight to 85.
May train Combat sense to 65.
May train Cleave to 55.
May train Impale to 55.
May train Stun to 50.
May train Enhance criticals to 40.
May train Mastery of destruction to 35.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 30.
May train Tumbling attack to 30.
May train Riposte to 15.
May train Reaving to 30.
May train Mangle to 30.
May train Find weakness to 15.

May study Glory of destruction to 80.
May study Blood seeker to 50.
May study Spirit drain to 30.
Restricted: Have trained True reaving to 50 then:
    * May train Dodge to 45.
Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 60.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 60.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 65.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 50 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 90.
Have trained Infernal arc to 50 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 50.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 50 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 50.
Have trained Riot to 30 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 30.
Have trained Reaver strike to 20 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 20.
Have studied Word of blasting to 50 then:
    * May study Word of destruction to 70.
Have studied Word of slaughter to 50 then:
    * May study Word of genocide to 80.
Level 23

Available: May train Parry to 54.
May train Throw weight to 90.
May train Combat sense to 70.
May train Cleave to 60.
May train Impale to 60.
May train Stun to 55.
May train Enhance criticals to 45.
May train Mastery of destruction to 40.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 35.
May train Riposte to 20.
May train Reaving to 40.
May train Mangle to 40.
May train Find weakness to 20.

May study Glory of destruction to 90.
May study Blood seeker to 60.
May study Spirit drain to 40.
Restricted: Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 65.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 65.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 70.
Have trained Rampant cutting to 50 then:
    * May train Reaver strike to 100.
Have trained Infernal arc to 50 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 60.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 50 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 60.
Have trained Riot to 40 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 40.
Have trained Reaver strike to 30 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 30.
Have studied Word of blasting to 50 then:
    * May study Word of destruction to 80.
Have studied Word of slaughter to 50 then:
    * May study Word of genocide to 80.
Have studied Word of destruction to 30 then:
    * May study Word of oblivion to 30.
Have studied Word of genocide to 30 then:
    * May study Word of apocalypse to 30.
Level 24

Available: May train Parry to 57.
May train Throw weight to 95.
May train Combat sense to 75.
May train Cleave to 65.
May train Impale to 65.
May train Stun to 60.
May train Enhance criticals to 50.
May train Mastery of destruction to 45.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 40.
May train Riposte to 25.
May train Reaving to 50.
May train Mangle to 50.
May train Find weakness to 25.

May study Glory of destruction to 100.
May study Blood seeker to 70.
May study Spirit drain to 50.
Restricted: Have trained True reaving to 50 then:
    * May train Dodge to 50.
Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 70.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 70.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 75.
Have trained Infernal arc to 50 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 70.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 50 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 70.
Have trained Riot to 50 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 50.
Have trained Reaver strike to 40 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 40.
Have studied Word of blasting to 50 then:
    * May study Word of destruction to 90.
Have studied Word of slaughter to 50 then:
    * May study Word of genocide to 90.
Have studied Word of destruction to 40 then:
    * May study Word of oblivion to 40.
Have studied Word of genocide to 40 then:
    * May study Word of apocalypse to 40.
Level 25

Available: May train Parry to 60.
May train Throw weight to 100.
May train Combat sense to 80.
May train Cleave to 70.
May train Impale to 70.
May train Stun to 65.
May train Enhance criticals to 55.
May train Mastery of destruction to 50.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 45.
May train Riposte to 30.
May train Reaving to 60.
May train Mangle to 60.
May train Find weakness to 30.

May study Blood seeker to 80.
May study Spirit drain to 60.
Restricted: Have trained Way of the scythe to 75 then:
    * May train Dodge to 55.
Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 75.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 75.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 80.
Have trained Infernal arc to 50 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 80.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 50 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 80.
Have trained Riot to 50 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 60.
Have trained Reaver strike to 50 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 50.
Have studied Word of blasting to 50 then:
    * May study Word of destruction to 100.
Have studied Word of slaughter to 50 then:
    * May study Word of genocide to 100.
Have studied Word of destruction to 50 then:
    * May study Word of oblivion to 50.
Have studied Word of genocide to 50 then:
    * May study Word of apocalypse to 50.
Level 26

Available: May train Parry to 63.
May train Cleave to 75.
May train Impale to 75.
May train Stun to 70.
May train Enhance criticals to 60.
May train Mastery of destruction to 55.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 50.
May train Riposte to 35.
May train Reaving to 70.
May train Mangle to 70.
May train Find weakness to 35.

May study Blood seeker to 90.
May study Spirit drain to 70.
May study Black hole to 5.
Restricted: Have trained Way of the scythe to 75 then:
    * May train Dodge to 60.
Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 80.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 80.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 85.
Have trained Infernal arc to 50 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 90.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 50 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 90.
Have trained Riot to 50 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 70.
Have trained Reaver strike to 50 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 60.
Have studied Word of destruction to 50 then:
    * May study Word of oblivion to 60.
Have studied Word of genocide to 50 then:
    * May study Word of apocalypse to 60.
Level 27

Available: May train Parry to 66.
May train Cleave to 80.
May train Impale to 80.
May train Enhance criticals to 65.
May train Mastery of destruction to 60.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 55.
May train Riposte to 40.
May train Reaving to 80.
May train Mangle to 80.
May train Find weakness to 40.

May study Blood seeker to 100.
May study Spirit drain to 80.
May study Black hole to 15.
Restricted: Have trained Way of the scythe to 75 then:
    * May train Dodge to 65.
Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 85.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 85.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 90.
Have trained Infernal arc to 50 then:
    * May train Wrath of hells wind to 100.
Have trained Corrosive cut to 50 then:
    * May train Breath of doom to 100.
Have trained Riot to 50 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 80.
Have trained Reaver strike to 50 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 70.
Have studied Word of destruction to 50 then:
    * May study Word of oblivion to 70.
Have studied Word of genocide to 50 then:
    * May study Word of apocalypse to 70.
Level 28

Available: May train Parry to 69.
May train Enhance criticals to 70.
May train Mastery of destruction to 65.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 60.
May train Riposte to 45.
May train Find weakness to 45.

May study Spirit drain to 90.
May study Black hole to 30.
Restricted: Have trained Way of the scythe to 75 then:
    * May train Dodge to 70.
Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 90.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 90.
Have trained Consider to 40 then:
    * May train Combat damage analysis to 95.
Have trained Riot to 50 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 90.
Have trained Reaver strike to 50 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 80.
Have studied Word of destruction to 50 then:
    * May study Word of oblivion to 80.
Have studied Word of genocide to 50 then:
    * May study Word of apocalypse to 80.
Level 29

Available: May train Parry to 72.
May train Enhance criticals to 75.
May train Mastery of destruction to 70.
May train Riposte to 50.
May train Find weakness to 50.

May study Spirit drain to 100.
May study Black hole to 50.
Restricted: Have trained Way of the scythe to 75 then:
    * May train Dodge to 75.
Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 95.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 95.
Have trained Riot to 50 then:
    * May train Rebellion to 100.
Have trained Reaver strike to 50 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 90.
Have studied Word of destruction to 50 then:
    * May study Word of oblivion to 90.
Have studied Word of genocide to 50 then:
    * May study Word of apocalypse to 90.
Level 30

Requirements: Has trained Reave armour to 50.
Has studied Glory of destruction to 50.
Available: May train Parry to 75.
May train Enhance criticals to 80.
May train Mastery of destruction to 100.
May train Endurance to 35.

May study Black hole to 100.
Restricted: Have trained Reave armour to 50 then:
    * May train True reaving to 100.
Have trained Rebellion to 60 then:
    * May train Way of the scythe to 100.
Have trained Reaver strike to 50 then:
    * May train Blood harvest to 100.
Have studied Word of destruction to 50 then:
    * May study Word of oblivion to 100.
Have studied Word of genocide to 50 then:
    * May study Word of apocalypse to 100.