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Sabres guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Order of the Shadow Sabres
Command: sabres
Creators: Shardik
Max Level: 30

The Order of the Shadow Sabres was originally found on 9th day of the 9th month, gods' year 642. This was the date when one of the higher archwizards (also known as the Dark One), gave one of the lesser wizards an approval for setting up the Order. The Order had been requested by a mere mortal, Caitline his name.

What is this guild about then, you may wonder? Well, one way to see it would be that it is about skills in melee battle. There are, however, guilds that are much stronger in this aspect... however none of those are available for this particular background. This guild is not just a weaker version of the 'real' tank guilds, there is an original flavor or two in it.

This guild is civilized, and civilization mean here more than the sole background. Members of the Order of Shadow Sabres (which is a suitably flamboyant name) are dependent on things like fine clothing, good food and other things of same manner; perhaps a glass of refined Shadowkepian wine or high-class pipe tobacco. If you, dear reader, are not interested in 'things of flavor', and have a hard time imagining yourself as a gastronomer and a snappy dresser - perhaps this guild is not for you? That is a decision for you alone to make, of course.

Style, grandiloquence and protection of the Realms are important matters for the members of the Order. Many are the terrors and nuisances that bother the dwellers of this world, from demons of many colors to petty orcs that invade the City of Bats occasionally. Also are many the possibilities to demonstrate your supremacy over others; perhaps by catching the hiding mage, being the first to catch a running fox... or uniting a broken statue depicting ancient evil?

Of these things the Order of the Shadow Sabres consists of, and of some more. Wear an elegant hat (with a feather), wield shiny sabres and join us to bring some colour in to the Realms.

-- GuildeMeister Shardik --

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Civilized.
Available: Receive the Hat of the Shadow Sabres.
Receive guild bonuses as you advance.
May train Sewing to 25.
May train Consider to 20.
May train Swim to 10.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 5.
May train Attack to 20.
May train Short blades to 10.
May train Push to 25.
May train Battle cadence to 5.
Level 2

Available: May train Sewing to 50.
May train Consider to 40.
May train Swim to 20.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 8.
May train Attack to 27.
May train Short blades to 22.
May train First aid to 15.
May train Push to 50.
May train Gloveknock to 20.
May train Battle cadence to 8.
Level 3

Available: May train Sewing to 75.
May train Consider to 60.
May train Swim to 30.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 11.
May train Attack to 34.
May train Short blades to 35.
May train First aid to 25.
May train Push to 75.
May train Gloveknock to 30.
May train Battle cadence to 11.
May train Lounging to 20.
Level 4

Available: May train Sewing to 100.
May train Consider to 80.
May train Swim to 40.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 14.
May train Attack to 41.
May train Short blades to 48.
May train First aid to 36.
May train Push to 100.
May train Gloveknock to 40.
May train Battle cadence to 14.
May train Lounging to 26.
Level 5

Available: May train Consider to 100.
May train Swim to 50.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 18.
May train Compare to 10.
May train Attack to 49.
May train Switch weapon to 20.
May train Short blades to 61.
May train First aid to 47.
May train Gloveknock to 50.
May train Battle cadence to 18.
May train Lounging to 33.
May train Leadership to 10.

May study Call pigeon to 10.
Level 6

Available: May train Swim to 60.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 21.
May train Compare to 24.
May train Attack to 56.
May train Switch weapon to 36.
May train Short blades to 74.
May train First aid to 58.
May train Gloveknock to 60.
May train Battle cadence to 21.
May train Lounging to 39.
May train Leadership to 11.

May study Call pigeon to 19.
Level 7

Available: May train Swim to 70.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 24.
May train Compare to 38.
May train Attack to 63.
May train Switch weapon to 52.
May train Short blades to 87.
May train First aid to 69.
May train Gloveknock to 70.
May train Battle cadence to 24.
May train Lounging to 46.
May train Leadership to 13.

May study Call pigeon to 28.
Level 8

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 27.
May train Compare to 52.
May train Attack to 70.
May train Switch weapon to 68.
May train Short blades to 100.
May train First aid to 80.
May train Gloveknock to 80.
May train Battle cadence to 27.
May train Lounging to 53.
May train Leadership to 14.

May study Call pigeon to 37.
Level 9

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 31.
May train Compare to 66.
May train Attack to 78.
May train Switch weapon to 84.
May train Gloveknock to 90.
May train Battle cadence to 31.
May train Lounging to 59.
May train Leadership to 16.

May study Call pigeon to 46.
Level 10

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 34.
May train Compare to 80.
May train Attack to 85.
May train Throw weight to 10.
May train Switch weapon to 100.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 10.
May train Combat damage analysis to 10.
May train Gloveknock to 100.
May train Sabre fence to 30.
May train Battle cadence to 34.
May train Sabre lunge to 20.
May train Sabre parry to 20.
May train Lounging to 66.
May train Leadership to 17.

May study Call pigeon to 55.
Level 11

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 37.
May train Attack to 92.
May train Throw weight to 16.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 17.
May train Combat damage analysis to 13.
May train Sabre fence to 34.
May train Battle cadence to 37.
May train Sabre lunge to 36.
May train Sabre parry to 36.
May train Lounging to 73.
May train Leadership to 19.

May study Call pigeon to 64.
Level 12

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 41.
May train Attack to 100.
May train Throw weight to 22.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 24.
May train Stun to 10.
May train Combat damage analysis to 17.
May train Sabre fence to 39.
May train Battle cadence to 41.
May train Sabre lunge to 52.
May train Sabre parry to 52.
May train Lounging to 79.
May train Leadership to 21.

May study Call pigeon to 73.
Level 13

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 44.
May train Throw weight to 28.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 31.
May train Stun to 13.
May train Combat damage analysis to 20.
May train Sabre fence to 43.
May train Battle cadence to 44.
May train Sabre lunge to 68.
May train Sabre parry to 68.
May train Lounging to 86.
May train Leadership to 22.

May study Call pigeon to 82.
Level 14

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 47.
May train Throw weight to 34.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 38.
May train Stun to 17.
May train Combat damage analysis to 24.
May train Sabre fence to 48.
May train Battle cadence to 47.
May train Sabre lunge to 84.
May train Sabre parry to 84.
May train Lounging to 93.
May train Leadership to 24.

May study Call pigeon to 91.
Level 15

Available: Receive the Bag of Holding.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 50.
May train Throw weight to 40.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 45.
May train Stun to 21.
May train Parry to 10.
May train Combat damage analysis to 27.
May train Mastery of short blades to 10.
May train Find weakness to 10.
May train Sabre fence to 53.
May train Battle cadence to 50.
May train Sabre lunge to 100.
May train Sabre remise to 20.
May train Sabre parry to 100.
May train Sabre feint to 20.
May train Lounging to 100.
May train Leadership to 25.

May study Call pigeon to 100.
Level 16

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 54.
May train Throw weight to 46.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 52.
May train Stun to 25.
May train Parry to 19.
May train Combat damage analysis to 31.
May train Mastery of short blades to 14.
May train Find weakness to 12.
May train Sabre fence to 57.
May train Battle cadence to 54.
May train Sabre remise to 36.
May train Sabre feint to 36.
May train Leadership to 27.
Level 17

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 57.
May train Throw weight to 52.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 59.
May train Stun to 29.
May train Enhance criticals to 10.
May train Parry to 28.
May train Combat damage analysis to 34.
May train Mastery of short blades to 18.
May train Find weakness to 15.
May train Sabre fence to 62.
May train Battle cadence to 57.
May train Sabre remise to 52.
May train Sabre feint to 52.
May train Leadership to 29.
Level 18

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 60.
May train Throw weight to 58.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 66.
May train Stun to 33.
May train Enhance criticals to 16.
May train Parry to 38.
May train Combat damage analysis to 38.
May train Mastery of short blades to 22.
May train Find weakness to 17.
May train Sabre fence to 67.
May train Battle cadence to 60.
May train Sabre remise to 68.
May train Sabre feint to 68.
May train Leadership to 30.
Level 19

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 63.
May train Throw weight to 64.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 73.
May train Stun to 36.
May train Enhance criticals to 23.
May train Parry to 47.
May train Combat damage analysis to 41.
May train Mastery of short blades to 27.
May train Find weakness to 20.
May train Sabre fence to 71.
May train Battle cadence to 63.
May train Sabre remise to 84.
May train Sabre feint to 84.
May train Leadership to 32.
Level 20

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 67.
May train Throw weight to 70.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 80.
May train Discipline to 10.
May train Rescue to 20.
May train Stun to 40.
May train Enhance criticals to 29.
May train Parry to 56.
May train Dodge to 10.
May train Combat damage analysis to 45.
May train Mastery of short blades to 31.
May train Find weakness to 23.
May train Sabre fence to 76.
May train Battle cadence to 67.
May train Sabre remise to 100.
May train Sabre trompement to 20.
May train Sabre feint to 100.
May train Sabre derobement to 20.
May train Leadership to 33.
Level 21

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 70.
May train Discipline to 16.
May train Rescue to 26.
May train Stun to 44.
May train Enhance criticals to 36.
May train Parry to 66.
May train Dodge to 18.
May train Combat damage analysis to 48.
May train Mastery of short blades to 35.
May train Find weakness to 25.
May train Sabre fence to 81.
May train Battle cadence to 70.
May train Sabre trompement to 36.
May train Sabre derobement to 36.
May train Leadership to 35.
Level 22

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 73.
May train Discipline to 22.
May train Rescue to 32.
May train Stun to 48.
May train Enhance criticals to 43.
May train Parry to 75.
May train Dodge to 26.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 10.
May train Combat damage analysis to 52.
May train Mastery of short blades to 40.
May train Find weakness to 28.
May train Sabre fence to 85.
May train Battle cadence to 73.
May train Sabre trompement to 52.
May train Sabre derobement to 52.
May train Leadership to 37.
Level 23

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 77.
May train Discipline to 28.
May train Rescue to 38.
May train Stun to 52.
May train Enhance criticals to 50.
May train Parry to 85.
May train Dodge to 34.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 20.
May train Combat damage analysis to 55.
May train Mastery of short blades to 44.
May train Find weakness to 31.
May train Sabre fence to 90.
May train Battle cadence to 77.
May train Sabre trompement to 68.
May train Sabre derobement to 68.
May train Leadership to 38.
Level 24

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 80.
May train Discipline to 34.
May train Rescue to 44.
May train Stun to 56.
May train Dodge to 43.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 30.
May train Combat damage analysis to 59.
May train Mastery of short blades to 48.
May train Find weakness to 33.
May train Sabre fence to 95.
May train Battle cadence to 80.
May train Sabre trompement to 84.
May train Sabre derobement to 84.
May train Leadership to 40.
Level 25

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 83.
May train Discipline to 40.
May train Rescue to 50.
May train Stun to 60.
May train Dodge to 51.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 40.
May train Combat damage analysis to 62.
May train Mastery of short blades to 53.
May train Find weakness to 36.
May train Sabre fence to 100.
May train Battle cadence to 83.
May train Sabre trompement to 100.
May train Sabre riposte to 20.
May train Sabre derobement to 100.
May train Sabre invito to 20.
May train Leadership to 41.
Level 26

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 86.
May train Discipline to 46.
May train Rescue to 56.
May train Dodge to 60.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 50.
May train Combat damage analysis to 66.
May train Mastery of short blades to 57.
May train Find weakness to 39.
May train Battle cadence to 86.
May train Sabre riposte to 36.
May train Sabre invito to 36.
May train Leadership to 43.
Level 27

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 90.
May train Discipline to 52.
May train Rescue to 62.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 60.
May train Combat damage analysis to 69.
May train Mastery of short blades to 61.
May train Find weakness to 41.
May train Battle cadence to 90.
May train Sabre riposte to 52.
May train Sabre invito to 52.
May train Leadership to 45.
Level 28

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 93.
May train Discipline to 58.
May train Rescue to 68.
May train Stunned maneuvers to 70.
May train Combat damage analysis to 73.
May train Mastery of short blades to 66.
May train Find weakness to 44.
May train Battle cadence to 93.
May train Sabre riposte to 68.
May train Sabre invito to 68.
May train Leadership to 46.
Level 29

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 96.
May train Discipline to 64.
May train Rescue to 74.
May train Combat sense to 35.
May train Combat damage analysis to 76.
May train Mastery of short blades to 70.
May train Find weakness to 47.
May train Battle cadence to 96.
May train Sabre riposte to 84.
May train Sabre invito to 84.
May train Sabre tension parry to 50.
May train Leadership to 48.

May study Cantrip to 50.
Level 30

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 100.
May train Discipline to 70.
May train Rescue to 80.
May train Combat sense to 70.
May train Combat damage analysis to 80.
May train Mastery of short blades to 75.
May train Find weakness to 50.
May train Battle cadence to 100.
May train Sabre riposte to 100.
May train Sabre invito to 100.
May train Sabre tension parry to 100.
May train Leadership to 50.

May study Cantrip to 100.