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Minotaur race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Order of the Raging Bull (minotaur)
Command: bull_order
Creators: Hablo
Max Level: 5

It is no wonder why minotaurs are feared and raging minotaurs spread terror to their enemies and friends alike. Every young minotaur spends a part of their youth under the guidance of The Order of the Raging Bull, the church of the great bull god Taurus. The Order teaches young minotaurs to project their anger in combat in most effective way against the enemy.

Level 1

Available: Receive the Minotaurs' Nosering.
Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Throw weight to 10.
May train Attack to 20.
Level 2

Available: May train Throw weight to 12.
May train Attack to 25.
May train Stargazing to 20.
Level 3

Available: May train Frenzy to 10.
May train Throw weight to 15.
May train Attack to 30.
May train Bludgeons to 5.
May train Bash to 5.
May train Stargazing to 30.
Level 4

Available: May train Frenzy to 20.
May train Throw weight to 17.
May train Attack to 35.
May train Bludgeons to 22.
May train Bash to 25.
May train Stargazing to 40.
Level 5

Available: May train Frenzy to 30.
May train Throw weight to 20.
May train Attack to 40.
May train Bludgeons to 40.
May train Bash to 45.
May train Bloody horns to 5.