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Satyr race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Revelers of the Night (satyr)
Command: revelers
Creators: Dragoness
Max Level: 5

The Revelers of the Night is a right of passage for all young satyrs. They must party seven days and nights in row, before being accepted as a 'grown up' satyr. For this reason, satyrs have received reputation as incredible party animals.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Alcohol tolerance to 10.
May train Brawling to 10.
May train Hiking to 10.

May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 20.
May study Create food to 5.
Level 2

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 26.
May train Brawling to 17.
May train Hiking to 17.

May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 27.
May study Hallucination to 20.
May study Create food to 8.
Level 3

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 42.
May train Brawling to 25.
May train Hiking to 25.

May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 35.
May study Hallucination to 30.
May study Create food to 12.
Level 4

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 58.
May train Brawling to 32.
May train Hiking to 32.

May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 42.
May study Hallucination to 40.
May study Create food to 16.
Level 5

Available: May train Alcohol tolerance to 74.
May train Brawling to 40.
May train Hiking to 40.

May study Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 50.
May study Hallucination to 50.
May study Create food to 20.