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Ent race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Treeherders (ent)
Command: treeherder
Creators: Dragoness
Max Level: 5

Tending the forests is the things ents exist. They learn these skills directly from Mother Earth and they are thus the closest beings to nature.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Plant lore to 5.
May train Alertness to 5.
May train Track to 5.
May train Camouflage to 5.
May train Woodland stealth to 5.

May study Light to 5.
Level 2

Available: May train Plant lore to 23.
May train Alertness to 13.
May train Track to 11.
May train Camouflage to 16.
May train Woodland stealth to 16.

May study Light to 11.
Level 3

Available: May train Plant lore to 42.
May train Alertness to 22.
May train Track to 17.
May train Camouflage to 27.
May train Woodland stealth to 27.

May study Light to 17.
Level 4

Available: May train Plant lore to 61.
May train Alertness to 31.
May train Track to 23.
May train Camouflage to 38.
May train Woodland stealth to 38.

May study Light to 23.
Level 5

Available: May train Plant lore to 80.
May train Alertness to 40.
May train Track to 30.
May train Camouflage to 50.
May train Woodland stealth to 50.
May train Know thy roots to 5.

May study Light to 30.