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Help: Continent quests

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continent Quests -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three warring factions are invading the world of BatMUD. The Syggax Offensive, led by Kortax have put their foothold on the continent of Rothikgen. He can be found in his mountain camp directly south of the ferry port. The Feldspar Conglomerate are represented by Secretary Fingledrell, and can be found on the north shore of Desolathya, next to the area West wharf. The Feldspar also maintain a job board within Windham next to the ferry port. The Efiilas Advance is headed by Lieutenant Cryllara who has setup camp mere steps southeast from the Lucentium ferry port. The three factions are known to reward people who help them, and those who help them a lot, even more so. +++ Every day, a player can speak to each faction leader and ask about 'easy work', 'medium work', 'hard work', 'ultra hard work', or, if you aren't sure which is best for you, 'appropriate work'. You will be given a task to perform, that aids that faction. Some tasks, might seem harder or easier than that which you selected, but don't despair, there are many tasks at each level for each faction. If you find a task too much for you, it is possible to 'abandon' the task after a one hour cooldown period at a small favour penalty (25), and receive a new task. Completing a task gives the player some favour with that faction: For completing an easy task you gain 25 favour. For a medium task you gain 50 favour. For hard and ultrahard tasks you gain 100 favour. Completing a task gives the player some favour with that faction. Completing a task for another faction, will reduce your favour with the other two factions slightly, but you will still have an overall gain. In addition, each day you complete a task, you will also be awarded with gold and experience. Double experience rewards are gained for each unique task you complete. Completing tasks of different difficulty categories each yield 100 favour, but each difficulty category has a cap of 1000/2000/3000/4000 favour for easy/medium/hard/ultra hard work. This means you will only gain favour for easy work up to 1000 favour, for medium work up to 2000 favour, et cetera. On Friday and Saturday, there are additional group events that can be done as a party for extra 'ultra hard' favour (250 favour). This also will give you a discount of 20% for any of the quartermaster items bought that boot. Each faction has a list of items that can be purchased in exchange for favour. The most expensive items are 3000 favour (30 tasks completed), but can be upgraded to a higher 'ultra highbie' version with 4000 favour. In addition, it is possible to purchase a certificate of 1000 favour, to 'store' your favour over reincarnations, or to pass to your secondary for them to gain 300 favour. All eq items are named and only wearable by you. Upon reincarnation, existing task completion lists are cleared (meaning double rewards for each unique task again), as well as clearing out any non-spent favour. Performing the daily tasks, is a great way to learn more about each continent, as the tasks are mostly centered around the continent that faction resides on. There are usually multiple ways to complete some tasks, and most encourage talking to and trading with other players. Some are simple once you know the trick, and some are brute force kill quests. The tasks generally don't take more than 15-30mins each, and the equipment you can get for exchanging favour is diverse enough for all character classes. The faction quests are all within a few steps of a ferry port making it easy to pick up your tasks when you arrive on a continent, and worth picking up, as you might complete some tasks just from doing what you were already going to do! -- Submitted by Ewige, updated by Broetchen.

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