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Posted: 08 Aug 2005 07:01 [ permalink ]
Hello, since long time I had a nice psychedelic dream experience last night. 

Dream: I entered a bar with my friend. It was Henry's pub in Kuopio and 
there was somekind of finnish shitband playing. They had old poster 
on the wall for show and it said it was 15mk entrance. When we got there,
it was 4 euro or 19 swedish kronor. I wondered wtf for there is kronors
and wtf for there was huge inflation. The band played only one song and 
then they got back to their normal business. The place suddenly wasn't 
Henry's pub, but somekind of outdoors festival and I felt that I had 
to go and pee. I went outside, flirted with some midget girls (which 
made me go wtf?) and we had a blast. I really went for a piss then and 
could do it only half way because guards game. The place looked lots 
like my old upper elementary school at Siilinjärvi. After that I 
decided to leave and would have wanted my friend to drive me home. 
He couldn't because he was too drunk and wanted to stay in the place.
Luckily Oku was there and promised to take me home, although I was 
living on completely other direction. We parked my car better, but
before it was finished, some girl called (I don't recall her name, 
perhaps Sanna, like the murderer) Sillanpää took my car and was gone
before we had time to act. Well shit, perhaps she was going to bring it
back tomorrow. We crashed oku's car on the snow wall and then we decided
clean the car thoroughly as someone said it has a bad smell. I couldn't 
smell it but the big man who was passing by said it did. We took everything
out and did nice job. Then we drove forward and got into police block,
they were testing for drunk drivers and so. They also tested me because
they were having some special night where they test not only drivers, but
everyone. The other police (who we almost fatally drove over) was my 
friend (a girl) and I talked to her about some special mint candies
while I was spitting out ufo-shaped ice cubes from my mouth. I have 
no idea where I got those cubes. PErhaps oku's car is full of them.