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Posted: 02 Sep 2014 08:05 [ permalink ]
Ooohlalaa, pitkästä aikaa unia joita voi ja kannattaa blogata talteen (nämä
siis itselle, ei teille): Eilen ajeltiin taas ihmeellisellä bussilla jota piti
ohjata hankalasti jatketulla ratilla. Luultavasti takapenkiltä, ja vituiksihan
se tietysti meinaa jarruttomalla vehkeellä mennä. 
Tänään sitten taas nähtiin unta Anusta ja Anun puhelimesta - taskussa soi
ihmeellisesti nokia ringtone ja sit löysin anun puhelimen sieltä - lueskelin
parit viestit jossa se keskusteli siskojensa kanssa jostain panemisesta tms.
Melko.... erikoista.
Posted: 30 Sep 2013 07:56 [ permalink ]
BLoggaan tän tännekin. Cock (kyrpä merkityksesä) ei tulekaan kukosta vaan
veneen keulasta eli kokasta. Cock on myös kilpaveneen keula/kokka.
Posted: 11 Mar 2013 08:42 [ permalink ]
Voi hyvää päivää että näin outoa unta. Ilmeisesti tää johtui siitä että
syötiin eilen aika suolaista ruokaa ja join paljon: jouduin ramppaamaan yöllä
vessassa vaikka kuinka monta kertaa. Olin menossa pitämään jonkinäköistä
esitelmää mutta ennen esitelmää päätin mennä pistäytymään vessassa. Vessa oli
hieman tuntematon (ei siis ainakaan kotoa vaikka ilmeisesti kamat siellä
olivatkin vaimon). Lorottelin, haukottelin ja katselin unisena pitkin seiniä
ja sitten alaspäin. Huomasin että kusin suoraan vaimon meikkilaukkuun! OOOPS
ja pakkia. "Nyt menee paremmin". Sitten huomasin että jumalauta, olin
siirtänyt goldenshowerit ikean siniseen kassiin joka oli nyt pyykkiä täynnä.
Pönttö näkyi vasemmasta silmäkulmasta selvästi eri paikassa. Ei muutaku loput
pitkin seiniä ja lattiaa pöntön suuntaan ja viimeiset tipat sinne. Painiskelin
siinä sitten itseni kanssa hetken että mitä minä vaimolle kerron - kiire ja
kaikki. Rupesin siivoamaan ja valuttelin liemet väliaikaisista pisuaareista ja
nakkasin pyykit koneeseen.  myöhästyin esityksestäni ainakin puoli tuntia.
Aamulla onneksi pissitti eikä pyykkikori ollut märkä.
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 19:40 [ permalink ]
NP: Klamydia - Kellokorttielämää  @Windhoek, Namibia
Täytyy sanoo kyllä tähän että on näillä paikallisilla aika messevät bootyt.
Posted: 01 Aug 2011 19:42 [ permalink ]
Quotea kauppalehdestä. Mark my words.
"Meistä moni voi kuulua sukupolveen, jotka näkevät kahden supervallan
romahduksen. NL meni jo, nyt on USA:n vuoro. Onnittelut Kiinalle, joka on
ottanut ilman yhtään kiväärinlaukausta maailmanvaltiaan tittelin itselleen. Se
kyllä sopiikin Kiinan tyyliin. Ikivanha sivistyksen kehto, joka löi USA:n
polvilleen heidän omalla aseellaan, taloudella. "

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 07:35 [ permalink ]
Nyt oli sen verran kovanluokan uni kyseessä että piti tulla raportoimaan
välittömästi. Olin jonkun kaverin kanssa löytänyt sellaisen häkkirakennelman
minecraft tyylisesti kaivelemalla hiekkaa ja sit alettiin tutkia sitä ja
totesin että se on Duran rakentama kanahäkki. Sit sinne tuli ne häkin
omistajat (ei dura) ja osoitteli meitä pyssyillä ja tilanne muuttui
Oltiinkin keskellä jotain kahden joukkueen tai ryhmän sotaa ja me ei vielä
oltu päätetty kummassa joukkueessa me ollaan. Kävi ilmi että nää kanat oli tän
toisen joukkueen salainen ase. Joukkueen päällikkö kertoi että se aikoi ampua
niitä singolla kohti vihollisia ja oli komentanut joukkueensa keräämään
kanojen hilsettä taistelutarkoituksiin. Kanoja oli myös käsktty pörhiä
mahdollisimman paljon. Sit soi herätyskello. Melkein yhtä hyvä uni kuin se
Posted: 30 Jul 2011 22:02 [ permalink ]
Uuh, nyt on tullu viimeaikoina hyvien selkälääkkeiden ansiosta hyviä unia
taas. Viimeisimpänä merkittävänä täytyy ehkä mainita uni jossa oltiin ostettu
Marsun kanssa helsingistä vanha teatteri asunnoksi. Siellä oli mukavat bileet
ja perustettiin samalla sinne teatterisaliin ravintola. Jonkinverran outoa oli
se että sinne taloon tultiin sisään stagen kautta. Lisää joskus toiste.
Posted: 23 Mar 2011 11:13 [ permalink ]
Uuh, melko outo uni taas pukkas päälle. Olin ilmeisesti joutunut johonkin
piilokamera ohjelmaan vaimoni ansiosta ja jostain syystä se oli muistanut että
tykkään taikureista kamalasti joten se oli päättänyt hommata mulle elämäni
kyydit. Ajelin siinä sellaisella pakettiautolla ja vieressä istui joku
avustaja ja yhtäkkii perään ajaa joku motskarilla ja katson peilistä että se
levittä kankaan siihen takaikkunan eteen etten nää mitä tapahtuu. Kohta
peittyy vänkärinpuolen ikkuna myös isolla kankaalla (ajan koko ajan
hiljaksiin). Sit tulee vasemmalle puolellekin kangas ja yhtäkkiä se vieressä
istuva apulainenkin nostaa kankaan, laskee sen ja häviää. Katson tietä ja sit
etuikkunaki peitetään ja hetken kuluttua otetaan pois. Samalla lähti muutkin
näköesteet ja  autostakin kuoret. Huomaankin ajavani mopolla. Temppu päättyy
sihen että kättelen taikuria ja mietin et miten vitussa se teki sen - Eli
vaihtoi pakettiauton mopoon ilman että huomaan mitään! Whee.
Posted: 14 Feb 2011 06:27 [ permalink ]
Ei saatgana nyt on kyllä aivot sellasessa tilassa että tulee TODELLA kovaa
kamaa: Näin unessa miten saksalainen WW2 kone putosi ja näin että sieltä
ryömii ulos lentäjä. Minulla oli KK ja yritin ampua sitä lentäjää mutta se
vaan tulee kohti. Se pudotti kiväärinsä ja jatkoi etenemistä enkä minä osunut.
Sitten se kaivoi taskustaan salaisen aseensa: tainnutusmyyrän! Sillä oli
keltaiset terävät hampaat jotka se sitten tökkäsi kaulaani ja siinäpä oli sen
sankarin loppu. Natsitainnutusmyyrä == Teh ase.
Posted: 09 Feb 2011 08:07 [ permalink ]
Hmm.... jos talossa on kaksi vierekkäistä hissiä  niin niitähän voisi käytätä
toistensa vastapainoina: Kun toinen hissi on ylhäällä niin toinen olisi aina
jossain alempana. Kun sit toinen hissi haluu ylöspäin niin joku systeemi
tarraa toisen hissin vaijeriin ja voimaa säästyy. Normaalimäärä voimaa menisi
vain silloin kun hissit ovat samassa kerroksessa. What, toimiiko? Vai onko
taloudellisempaa käyttää normaaleja kiinteitä painoja... noh, keksintö
Posted: 01 Feb 2011 21:43 [ permalink ]
TUli tuossa okun perversioiden jälkeen saunassa muisto mieleen "pelistä" jonka
yksi kaveri mulle nuorempana kertoi. Sen pelin nimi on mällipulla ja sitä
pelataan poikaporukassa. Matalan pöydän keskelle asetetaan normaali pulla
jonka jälkeen pelaajat asettuvat pöydän ympärille ja alkavat tumputtaa. Se
joka viimeisenä bukkakoi pullan päälle häviää ja joutuu syömään pullan. 
Tälläsiä kavereita mulla oli nuorempana. Näitä siis kerrottiin aina siinä
välissä kun naureskeltiin goreleffoille. 
Enää en jaksa ees ogrish.comia katella kun todellisuus on karumpaa kuin
Posted: 30 Jan 2011 17:13 [ permalink ]
Viimeyönä heräsin sellaseen uneen että olin ensinnäkin työkaverin kanssa
jostain syystä menossa unille metsänreunaan, sit pitikin lähteä karkuun kun
hänen naapurinsa oli tulossa. No mentiin mutta valitettavasti suoraan tän
naapurin reitille. Naapurin nimi oli Saukko ja se oli helevetin urpon näkönen
pitkä kuikelo. Sillä oli verkkarit päällä ja jumalattoman korkea sellanen
amerikanräpnigöpipo ja se alkoi oitis vituilemaan mulle. Siis että mä oon yks
tyhmimmistä jätkistä mitä se on ikinä nähnyt, sen kuulemma näki siitä et mulla
on niin iso maha.
Sit se lähti kuitenki meneen mutta ihan viimemetreillä ruettiin heitteleen
kiviä ja se linkos niitä isoja murikoita ihan uskomattoman kovaa niistä
metrisisistä apinankouristaan mua kohti. Sit heräsin ja jäin miettimään et
olipas kurjaa saada turpaan saukolta.
Posted: 17 Jan 2011 22:05 [ permalink ]
I have to publish this here too: The concept of "gravitational radar" which
means detecting invisible flying objects - for example stealth aircraft - by
measuring their gravitational pull effect on the apparatus. Theoretically this
should be possible by constructing accurate enough gravitometer and measuring
the fluctuation caused by the overflown aircraft on the earth's gravitational
Create that and make stealth aircrafts visible. Please.
Posted: 01 Jan 2011 12:43 [ permalink ]
Puntari tais vetää uudet ennätykset tänä aamuna, olinkin jo epäillyt jotain.
Nyt joutuu läski taas tarkkailuun, jos lähtis heti näin vuoden aluksi
Yöunet oli kyllä hyvät, näin unta mökkireissusta jossa pääsin nauttimaan
mustasta todella ihanasta ja hoikasta naisesta. Myös saunassa siellä kävin ja
kivaa oli kaikinpuolin. Oman erityisen fleivörinsä uneen toi se että
jonottaessani ruokaa buffetissa takanaoleva köriläs huohotti, puhisi ja tuhisi
niin että alkoi suorastaan vituttaa ja avauduinkin sille siitä. Aamulla sitten
herättyäni totesin että se tuhisija oli vaimoni. Näin.
Posted: 30 Nov 2010 17:31 [ permalink ]
 "... Persiaan tekemältään rosvoretkeltä Razin toi ryöstösaaliina mukanaan
perialaisen prinsessa, loistavan itämaisen kaunottaren. Tästä tuli hänen
orjattarensa, ja hän rakastui naiseen todella. Prinsessa vastasi
rosvopäällikön rakkauteen, ja hänen vaikutuksensa vaikutti lievittävästi
miehen raakaan mieleen. Mutta kun Razinin seuralaiset huomasivat päällikkönsä
mielenmuutoksen, he pilkallisesti huomauttelemaan, miten nainen oli saanut
heidän atamaaninsa sydämen valtaansa. Tämä tapahtui Volgalla kuljettaessa.
Razinin kunnianarkuutta loukkasi liian syvästi, että hän, vapaa kasakka, oli
joutunut lemmen pauloihin, ja niin hän ponnahti pystyyn, astui aluksen
partaalle ja huusi: << Oi sinä ylväs virta, Volga äiti! Paljon olet antanut
minulle kultaa ja hopeaa ja kaikkea hyvää. Kunniaa ja meinetta olet minulle
suonut, mutta minä en ole millään tavoin sinulle osoittanut kiitollisuuttani.
Ota siis nyt minun kiitokseni! >> Näin sanoen hän tarttui prinsessaan ja
heitti tämän joen aaltoihin. Niin hän uhrasi kauniin periattaren osoittaakseen
ettei kaikkein suloisinkaan onni ollut hänelle niin kallis kuin vapaus ja
toverien ystävyys. ?..."


(Katkelma kirjasta Romanovien loisto ja luhistuminen - Kappaleen aiheena
Stenka Razin)


Posted: 26 Oct 2010 20:55 [ permalink ]
Oijjoi, oli töissä tommonen mallitoimistolta tilattu käytös-/tyylikurssi ja
vetäjänä mahtava entinen mallityttö, nykyinen herkullinen milffi. Erityisesti
jäi mieleen kun se kehui miten se pystyy pukemaan iltapuvun päälle
45sekunnissa alusvaatteista lähtien. Vaikka oon itekkin tälläinen old dädi,
niin olishan se mukavaa nähdä tuollainen suoritus omassakin makuuhuoneessa. 

Välihuomautuksena sanottakoon että omalla rouvalla menee 45min pukeutuupa se
mihin tahansa.
Posted: 26 Oct 2010 14:16 [ permalink ]
<lol LolML Markup version=1.0></lol>
Posted: 08 Oct 2010 07:26 [ permalink ]
Aatteleppa jos ois sellanen soittorasia että näppäilis alakerrasta ihanan
pehmyttä ja kostiaa kieltä ni sit sieltä kuuluis vaan sulosäveliä? Ja
muutenkin ois kaunis katsella ja pehmonen koskettaa. 
Posted: 13 May 2010 06:59 [ permalink ]
Posted: 18 Jan 2010 20:38 [ permalink ]
Am I the only one who has to - just has to - check anatomy and flexibility of
Barbie doll the second I get it on my hands? Like how would it look kneeling
in front of you (Ken) preparing to get it in their shiny plastic ass? If you
haven't had pleasure of doing  that, I must assure you: That bitch would look
Posted: 29 Nov 2009 09:02 [ permalink ]
OIjjoi, pitkästä aikaa väsymyksen, sopivan ajoituksen ja rullakebabin ansiosta
tuli unisatoa! (eli siis nukkumaan  klo 22 ja päivä metsällä)
Ensimmäisessä unessa kisailtiin työhuoneista - ilmeisesti yliopistolla koska
siellä oli hieman outoja ihmisiä - Hihakkarin kanssa törmäsin heti
ovenpielessä ja aloitin kirmauksen kohti uutta työhuonetta. KErkesin ensin ja
paljastui että se on entinen kahvi- ja tupakkahuone. Todella hieno kuitenkin.
KEltaiset seinät, sohvia ja sit tilaa koneelle. Mahtavata. Tämä uni koostui
pääosin tästä fiiliksestä (eli siis hihakkarin kohtaamisesta).
Uni 2: Tulin takaisin töihin pitkän loman jälkeen (huone oli hieman outo,
siinä oli lasiseinät ja verhot ulkopuolella (käytävän vieressä, nurkassa)
mutta sisäpuolella se oli ihan samankaltainen kuin nykyinenkin työhuoneeni.
Sisällä kuitenkin minua odotti ylläri: Siivooja oli kaatanut kokikset
näppikselle ja yrittänty siivota jälkiään huonolla menestyksellä. Näppis oli
pilalla ja sokeriliemeen oli kiinnittyneenä kaikenlaisia paperinpalasia ja
rättejä. Aloitin siivoamaan ottamalla pöydältä rätin jota kastelin nykyisen
ikkunalaudan tilalla olevassa lammikossa. Koska lammikko oli mielestäni niin
kaukana että jouduin kurottelemaan liikaa, otin vapauden tonkia siihen pienen
uran että vesi tulisi lähemmäksi (se olikin yllättävästi maaseinä). Koko roska
romahti ja liemet lähtivät valumaan huoneeseen valtoimnaan. Vesi nousi niin
nopeasti että lähdin (lähdimme, paikalla oli muitakin) pois. Menetin hermot ja
poistuin koko talosta. Mukana oli tulevan vuoden hankkeen päällikkö ja hänen
vaimonsa. Huusin myöhemmin erotessamme että pitäköön vittu tunkkinsa koko
talo, en voi tehä mitään ku aina sotketaan kaikki. Pakenin siis heidänkin
seurastaan ja läksin yksinäisyyteen vihreälle vuorelle (luultavasti läheinen
kasurilan laskettelukeskus). Vihreän vuoren laelle nousin tuolihissillä ja
maisemat olivat upeat. Taitas olla aika pitää lomaa tosta puljusta taas.
Posted: 04 Nov 2009 12:57 [ permalink ]
Eli viel krtauksena ettei oo näköjään mun kirjoittama vaan tallennettu vain
Posted: 04 Nov 2009 12:56 [ permalink ]
Löysimpäs kovalevyä tutkiessani niin mehevän stoorin (en tiä kuka tän on
kirjoittanut - on teoriassa mahdollista että minä ite) että päätin jakaa sen
teidän kanssanne:
Olipa kerran metsästäjä, joka halusi lähteä testaamaan uutta
haulikkoaan läheiseen takametsään. Hän pakkasi muutaman paksin
hauleja selkäreppuunsa, heitti haulikon olalleen ja innokkaana
suunnisti suurten kuusten katveeseen. 

Aikansa taivallettuaan ja kuullosteltuaan metsän ääniä, hän 
saapui suurehkolle metsäaukealle. Aukea oli muuten kellertävän
heinän peitossa ja aivan puuton lukuunottamatta keloa männyntynkää,
joka seisoi sen keskellä. Metsästäjä tarkasteli keloa matkan päästä
ja huomasi sen kylkien olevan täynnä luodinreikiä. "Kuka ihme nyt
pelkkää keloa ampuisi?" Metsämies mietti ja meni katsomaan puuta 

Hän havaitsi kelon kyljessä suurehkon reiän ja uteliaisuuttaan
työnsi siitä päänsä sisään. Samassa metsänpeikko tarttui metsästäjää
korvista. "Ota suihin!" Peikko vaati pitäen samalla metsämiestä 
tiukasti korvista kiinni. "En ota." Metsästäjä vastasi. "Ota kerran
suihin, niin päästän korvistas irti ja saat mennä." Peikko ehdotti.
Metsämies tunsi olevansa ansassa ja tovin mietittyään päätti ottaa 
peikon kalun suuhunsa, jotta pääsisi pinteestä.

Peikko alkoi vetkuttaa lantiotaan ripeään tahtiin ja samalla 
kiimoissaan hoki; "Taijat tykätä tästä?! Taijat tykätä tästä?!"
Aikansa vetkutettuaan peikko ärjäisi kovaan ääneen ja päästi 
mahtavan lastin spermaa metsämiehen suuhun. Lauettuaan peikko
lupauksensa mukaisesti päästi metsästäjän korvista irti. Metsämies
kimposi vapauduttuaan irti kelon reiästä ja räki limaiset mällit 
suustaan pihalle. "Ja nyt sää metsänpeikko kuolet!" Mies huusi 
raivoissaan ja tarttui haulikkoonsa ampuen molemmat piiput keloa
kohti. Se ei vielä riittänyt, vaan latasi uudemman ja uudemman 
kerran niin kauan kunnes kaikki panokset olivat loppuneet. 

Kelo oli entistäkin reikäisempi ja metsän täytti hiljaisuus. 
"Kuolikohan se?" Metsämies tuumaili itsekseen ja koska halusi
varmistua asiasta meni katsomaan keloa lähempää. Varovasti 
metsästäjä työnsi päänsä samaisesta reiästä sisään ja samassa 
Metsänpeikko tarttui häntä korvista sanoen: "Nonni, mähän sanoin
että taijat tykätä tästä!"

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 06:54 [ permalink ]
HEittäisin tässä ilmoille kysymyksen: Miksi ihmeessä sattuu noin kovaa jos
potkasee tuolinjalkaan varpaan? 
Posted: 29 Aug 2009 08:11 [ permalink ]
Posted: 15 Jul 2009 21:08 [ permalink ]
Posted: 29 Jun 2009 10:35 [ permalink ]
To further emphasize the last joke (which was in finnish) I like to contribute
to our english readers by translating it:
"Due to current economical turmoil and to contribute for the global warming
problem, we have decided to start saving energy by turning off the light at
the end of the tunnel." 
Posted: 29 Jun 2009 10:32 [ permalink ]
Talouskriisin vuoksi ja koska haluamme säästää
energiaa ja torjua siten ilmaston lämpenemistä,
olemme päättäneet sammuttaa tunnelin päässä
näkyvän valon."
Posted: 27 Jun 2009 10:38 [ permalink ]
Dear diary, I haven't seen too many dreams lately, except yesterday:
I was in america and demanded to know why in the hell Hershey's chocolate
tastes like monkey's ass, but none knew. And then I got coupon from Soviet
Finland's government office to buy 50 cans of beer, but in the shop they
demanded I need to buy all and I didn't want to.

Besides that, I am know getting more and more convinced that finnish is not
suitable language for NLP. We lack depth in the ways of saying things.
Posted: 26 Apr 2009 21:51 [ permalink ]
Awesome new feat.. Zeppel attack via intermud: Fartface@zombie tells you 'are
you ready for the RETURN?'
Posted: 23 Apr 2009 12:53 [ permalink ]
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. (Rich Cook)
Posted: 22 Apr 2009 14:12 [ permalink ]
Ehdotan englannin hottia milffia tarkoittavalle Cougar sanalle
suomenkieliseksi vastineeksi Minkkiä.
Posted: 13 Apr 2009 10:52 [ permalink ]
Hieman on maailma muuttunu since PkarPR SissiK 93/I saapumiserän ajoista
Posted: 12 Apr 2009 18:16 [ permalink ]
Alkaa vissii käymää tää suomessa olo heti elimistön päälle: Meinaa räjähtää
sisuskalut närästyksestä.
Posted: 11 Apr 2009 22:10 [ permalink ]
Aahhhh, last nite I had the greatest dream: 
I was in sweden for some reason (a work trip) and I went to this
bar/hotel/shop kind of thing and there were two girls there (hot and young). A
while passed chatting and browsing through things (another of them was the
cashier or something) and it turned out that they were desperately in need of
money. Somehow another of them managed to get my credit card and bought some
useless shit like beer and candy and so on with it. The bill wa only like
40eur but I was completely and utterly pissed off about it and I demanded my
money back. It turned out that they don't have the money and then the one
being not-the-cashier-one left. 
I further demanded my money and said that she must have something that would
be of value to me. I love my brains for this, I truly do: She said "Yes, I
think I do..." and laid down on the bed closeby, removed her shirt and offered
to repay me. Thank you god!
Posted: 09 Apr 2009 15:24 [ permalink ]
Nyt alkaa viikon vitutuskäyrä oleen siinä pisteessä etteipä oo ihan tosikaan
Posted: 07 Apr 2009 20:34 [ permalink ]
There are basicly only two kinds of people. Those who quote and those who are
(basicly -> basically)
Posted: 07 Apr 2009 18:00 [ permalink ]
Tää edellinen siis ku rupesin miettimään et miks helevetissä mun housuissa ei
lukenu levi's
Posted: 07 Apr 2009 18:00 [ permalink ]
Oh, cool: 
"f you look at the back right-side pocket of your pair of Levis. You will see
that there is a red tab there. The majority of them will say LeVIS on them, if
you are lucky it will just have a ® on it. The reason for this is that Levis
actually has a registered trademark on the red tab itself so that no companies
can use it on their jeans. Therefore, they are required to put just the ® on
at least some pairs of jeans. So, 1 in every 50 pairs of Levis has the ®
instead of the LeVIS."
Posted: 07 Apr 2009 10:05 [ permalink ]
Larry A Thorne would have been 90y/o in few days. I went and said hello to his
name in Washington DC:
Posted: 03 Apr 2009 15:39 [ permalink ]
Vopi saatanan saatanan perse ku ahistaa palata täältä töihin. 
Posted: 30 Mar 2009 18:28 [ permalink ]
Saatana ku en ajoissa muistanu blogata: Yrittäkääpä pistää paremmaks - Olin
ajelemassa Long Beachilla ja Orange Countyssä. Nazrixin kans!
Posted: 24 Mar 2009 16:41 [ permalink ]
Niin siis edelliseen jatkoa: Noiden kans isoa hätää turatessa tulee jotenki
liian läheinen olo sen kakan kanssa. Se koko tuotos köllii siinä 10cm päässä
ja vetäessäki se näyttää kauheelta. Hrr.
Posted: 24 Mar 2009 16:40 [ permalink ]
Ihan vaan haluaisin raportoida, että nää amerikkalaisen malliset WC pöntöt
aiheuttaa vaivautuneisuutta
Posted: 11 Mar 2009 12:17 [ permalink ]
Viel tuohon edelliseen liittyen: Tuossa etten tunnista yhtään artistia
toplistoilta (ok, tunnistan Eminemin ja Beyoncen top 10 singlelistalta) ei
vielä ole mitään pahaa. Mutta ku nuo näyttää joltain sellaselta
pikkurillipystyssä marginaalipaskalta jota kuuntelee 24 vuotias nokialla
työskentelevä Webdesigneri sillonku ei uskalla tuoda töihi Iphoneaan. En oo
ollenkaan varma haluunko identifioitua sellasen porukan kanssa. Väärentäisivät
edes nuo listat vaikka käyttäjäprofiilien mukaisesti. Nokia voi käyttää tätä
käyttöliittymävinkkiä ihan ilmaseksi 
Posted: 11 Mar 2009 12:07 [ permalink ]
Toi nokian OVI on kyl ihan hyvä keksintö ja yritys, mutta siinä on yks paha
vika: Ku sinne menee ni tuntuu heti ettei oo ihan oikeeta kohderyhmää. Vai
miten mun pitäis suhtautuu tohon että en oo ees ikänä kuullu noista
ostetuimpien biisien listoilla olevista artisteista?
Posted: 10 Mar 2009 21:41 [ permalink ]
Ei saatana sentää että taas tuli uneksittua hyvät unet: Olin jossain
armeijassa tmv. ja meitä sotapoikia oli jotenki sijoitettu asumaan tavallisten
siviilien luo. Mun taisteluparina oli Kyösti Pietiläinen (kirjoittanut kirjan
Legionalainen Peters - eli omaelämänkerta muukalaislegioonasta) ja sillä oli
ruisleipää ja mua ahisti ku se oli ihan tuoretta ja herkullisen näköstä mutta
se ei sitä mulle antanu vaan tunki sen reppuunsa ja mutisi syövänsä sen sit
kotipuolessa. Me mentiin tänne kämppään joka oli huudin nevan perheen kämppä,
sellainen savupirtti jossa oli kaksi huonetta, hämyistä ja mustaa. Rouva Huud
ja rään tuhrimat lapset olivat siellä päähuoneessa ja me Kyöstin kans mentiin
sit keittiön puolelle. Siellä oli rouva laittanu vaaleeta leipää pöytään ja
mietiskelin että ompas herkullisen näköiset nisut. 
Siinä sit leipää syödessäni tivasin Pietiläiseltä että millasta se oli olla
siel muukalaislegioonassa ja eikömuka ihan totta koskaan pelottanut. Mulkero
ei vastaillut mun kysymyksiin. Isähuud oli muistaakseni siellä nurkkapenkillä
sarkahousuissa päiväunilla. 
Posted: 07 Mar 2009 20:09 [ permalink ]

Posted: 21 Feb 2009 07:40 [ permalink ]
Huomaan tässä aamupalaa syödessäni syventäneeni ongelmaa entisestään: Juusto
kuuluu tietysti makkaran alle, mutta mites sämpylässä? Jompikumpi joutuu aina
väärälle puolelle!
Posted: 04 Dec 2008 08:46 [ permalink ]
Olipas pitkästä aikaa niin jännän merkillisen tuntuinen uni että pitää
Oltiin sellasessa isossa varastorakennuksessa, tai jossain missä ei ollut
kuitenkaan ikkunoita. Olin semmosessa takahuoneessa pakkailemassa suksia
kassiin erään toisen kaiffarin kans. Hää oli siel jossain mun oikealla
puolella takana, väliseinän tuollapuolella ja minä heti ovien edessä. Oven
takana oli sit isompi halli jossa paljon kaikkia kaappeja, hyllyjä ja muuta
rompetta. Yhtäkkiä joku mulkero sammutti valot ja tuli iha TÄYSIN pimeää minä
siel sit panikoin ja mietin et voi vittu saatana ehä mä täältä pääse ulos (se
oli ISO rakennus). Huutelin ja kiljuin ja sit apujani siel.
No sit muistin et onha mul onneks se toinen, jospa sil ois taskulamppu. 
Se oudoimman tuntuinen osa täs oli se, että muistin yhtäkkiä et mikse toinen
ei panikoi ku valot menee. Muistin yhtäkkiä et se kaverini oli sokea, eikä
sillä varmaan siis oo taskulamppuakaan...  
Posted: 21 Nov 2008 10:33 [ permalink ]
Condensed internet ZENism: WTF? -> OMG -> LOL
Posted: 12 Nov 2008 22:23 [ permalink ]
Pakko mainostaa tätä mainiota ohjelmaa:

Ja toinen ohjelma joka ansaitsee mainostusta:
/ExperienceIt/ExperienceIt.aspx?Tat=takeatour (Microsoft World Wide Telescope)
Posted: 29 Oct 2008 20:04 [ permalink ]
Fact of the day: It is lots easier to handle manual pleasure if you have
pornographic memory.
Posted: 25 Oct 2008 20:18 [ permalink ]
import happiness;
while (true){
  print "hello world!";
Posted: 19 Oct 2008 22:05 [ permalink ]
Tyttö oli sanona anoppilassa: "Pojilla on pippelit... Pikkuisilla pojilla on
pienet pippelit ja isillä on iso.
Posted: 17 Oct 2008 09:00 [ permalink ]
Pistän blogiin että muistan:
Kehittelin larppamaisuudelle mittaristoa tos tulomatkalla
[08:58]:Idlno <ee+>: Kehittelin larppamaisuudelle mittaristoa tos tulomatkalla
[08:58]:Idlno <ee+>: Niin sanottu Ritserin asteikko 
[08:59]:Idlno <ee+>: Logaritminen asteikko jonka referenssi pisteenä toimikoon
mansikkatarina joka on tästä lähtien yhtäkuin 6 
[08:59]:Idlno <ee+>: jos joku juttu on 7 ritsiä, ni se on kaks kertaa enemmän
larppamainen kuin mansikkatarina 
[08:59]:Idlno <ee+>: Jne, 2:n logaritmisyys on tässä valttia 
Posted: 16 Oct 2008 20:50 [ permalink ]
Kehiteltiin työläistoverin kanssa tänään uutta tuotetta. Nääs akkukäyttöistä
Posted: 15 Oct 2008 22:55 [ permalink ]
Ostimpa rautavaaraa tukeakseni kirjan "Älä köyhyyttä, älä rikkautta anna" ja
siinä oli hyvä kohta: 'Lappalaisia kyliä käsittelevässä teoksessa oli muinoin
mainittu että Utsjoki on suomen köyhin kunta. Jos Rautavaaraa ei lasketa.' 

Pistää hiljaiseksi.
Posted: 14 Sep 2008 17:31 [ permalink ]
Nonni, ekat haulisuihkut on lähetetty kohti elävää olentoa. Ei oo enää
buddhamunkinksi asiaa.,
Posted: 12 Sep 2008 10:29 [ permalink ]
Pohdituttaa että montako kilodarolia vitsikkyyttä on siinä Kirka vitsissä?
(Mikä on kirkasta ja haisee paskalle? V: Kirkan paska)
Posted: 06 Aug 2008 12:41 [ permalink ]
Mikä vittu siinä on että ne ihmiset joilla on penseä asenne elämään, katsovat
oikeudekseen levittää sitä skeidaa ympärilleen? "Vittu whine kruiks sitä ja
tätä, mulla on paha olla. Onha sullakin?" Eikö sitä voi perkele vaikka
näytellä tyytyväistä välillä? Puolustukseksi tulee tietysti kysymystä että
miksi pitäisi näytellä, eikö kelvata sellaisena kuin on? Miksi helevetissä
sitten meikataan, puetaan päälle siistejä vaatteita tai leikataan hiuksia? 

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 15:23 [ permalink ]
Olin just tällänny itteni tähä asentoon ja sit klikkasin naurunappulaa:   <- Näin itteni :(
Posted: 31 Jul 2008 22:21 [ permalink ]
Täs pitäs ny alkaa tekee jotain et mä pääsen tän kroppani kirouksesta eroon.
Mind over matter jne.
Posted: 31 Jul 2008 11:24 [ permalink ]
Tätä vois viedä pidemmälle ja esim alkaa ennustamaan tuopinpohjista tai
filtterisavukkeen jämistä.
Posted: 31 Jul 2008 11:23 [ permalink ]
Nyt vasta vuosien vierittyä hokasin miks ennenaikaan oli jotain kahvinporoista
ennustajia: Ennen kahvi oli kallis tuote jota tarjottiin vieraille. Ja
pulaaikaan kahvia säännösteltiin. Mummelit kulki talosta toiseen 'kerjäten'
kahvia tuolla ovelalla kikalla. Lupaa ennustaa kahvinporoista, siinähä tietty
saa kupposen samalla kun isäntä/emäntä tulevaisuudesta huolissaan sumpit
keittelee. Tämä ihan vaan muistiinpanona itselleni tulevaisuutta ajatellen.
Posted: 29 Jul 2008 14:46 [ permalink ]
Posted: 20 Jul 2008 13:42 [ permalink ]
Sitähä mä täs nyt oon viimeks pohtinu, että miks englantilaisilla naisilla
näyttäs oleva isot tissit mut iha hevosen lärvi?
Posted: 17 Jul 2008 19:10 [ permalink ]
Hitto, pitäisköhä yrittää perustaa 'säätiö', ihan vaatimaton mutta kuitenkin.
Ideana olis siis se, että entisen ainejärjestön piiristä yrittäis kerätä
ihmisiä lahjoittamaan esim 10euroa per lärvi siihen että saisi lahjoitettua
parille vähävaraiselle paikalliselle (Kuopio tietysti aluksi) tai vähän
kauempana olevalle potentiaaliselle tulevalle ainejärjestöläiselle lukion
oppikirjat ensimmäiselle vuodelle. Oon täs ny lukenu niin monesta lehdestä
siitä miten kaikilla ei ole varaa niitä ostaa. Ja toi ei 'meille' töissä
käyville ole summa eikä mikään. On väärin että joku ei pääse kouluun siksi
että pitää valita ruoan ja kirjojen väliltä.

Mutta miten alkuun...?
Posted: 16 Jul 2008 20:36 [ permalink ]
Pistetääs blogiin ylös näitä juttuja:
Uraanitutkimuksia 1
Annual discharges
of spent fuel from the worlds reactors total
about 10 500 metric tonnes of heavy metal
(t HM) per year,

...The technology to extract
uranium from sea water has only been
demonstrated at the laboratory scale, and
extraction costs were estimated in the mid-
1990s at US$ 260/kgU (Nobukawa, et al., 1994)
but scaling up laboratory-level production to
thousands of tonnes is unproven and may
encounter unforeseen difficulties.

Recycling of
plutonium reduces the natural uranium needs by
approximately 15%, as one tonne of MOX fuel
requires recycled plutonium from 6 tonnes of
spent fuel.

Posted: 16 Jul 2008 19:19 [ permalink ]
Tästä viel lähetää sinne puolmaratoonille:

Posted: 29 Jun 2008 19:47 [ permalink ]
Kaikemaailman talkoita pitää rivitaloyhtiössä pitää, mut vielä puuttuu
nännipihatalkoot ja hoitaa ns. varahoitovuorot. Tää varahoito tarkottaa sitä
siis että ku kotona tulee ns. "hiljasempaa" ni voi mennä varahoitoon
Posted: 27 Jun 2008 17:29 [ permalink ]
Wtf pitkästä lollista.
Posted: 13 May 2008 08:12 [ permalink ]
Kehittelin tuossa eilen autoillessa uusia termejä: Trance-atori (tran-satori)
ja Anthem'nlightenment. Tää siis kuvastaa sitä hetkeä kun ajelee autolla,
luukuttaa kitcheintä kikkelianthemtransea ja saa flashbackin. Hetki kiteytyy
siihen että tulee tunne että meinaa irrota kropasta ja pakahtua. Vaikka on

Edellistä kokemuksen todennäköisyyttä lisää mahtavasti minulla jos biisi on
joku hyvä tykitys-anthemtrance. Esimerkkinä eilisestä vaikkapa Gigi D'agostino
- L'amour Toujours ja Dra På - Floytesangen. Molemmat löytyivat Top 100 Trance
& Party hits levyltä. 
Posted: 08 Apr 2008 09:00 [ permalink ]
Aijjai jai. Taas on alkanu joogaus sujumaan mukavasti. Viel pitäs alkaa
juoksua kehittelemään siihen suuntaan että lähtis kesällä se 10km.
Posted: 05 Mar 2008 19:29 [ permalink ]
Systeemityön pauloissa:
WYSIWYGistä WYSIWYW:n kautta WYGIWYD:niin (What you get is what you deserve)
Posted: 27 Feb 2008 14:15 [ permalink ]
Tulimpa täs äkkiä kuumeeltani bloggaamaan tän helmen menneisyydestäni: 
Tää tapahtui luultavasti kevät-kesällä 1992 ja tapahtumapaikka oli Kuopiossa
oleva baari, silloisen Kummelin alakerrassa. PAikalla on nykyisin Raxin
rappuset ja jotain kännykkäkauppoja, Anttilan 'vasemmalla puolella'.
Istuskelin siinä odottelemassa kavereita muutaman muun kaverin kanssa ja
kuuntelin naapuripöydän harjaantumeempien juoppojen jorinoita. Eräs tyyppi
siinä pöydässä kertoi hääpäivästään ja -yöstään: Oli kuulemma vedetty hirmu
bileet, paljon kansaa paikalla ja mahtava meininki. Ja tietysti viinaa,
paaaljon viinaa. Kuuntelin osan tarinasta ja osan annoin virrata ohi korvien.
Sitten päästiin hääyöhön jota ei oikeastaan ollut ollutkaan. Kaveri oli
herännyt tuoreen, sammuneen vaimonsa pikkurilli perseessään aivan
saatanalliseen krapulaan. Kaikellaisia hääöitä.
Posted: 20 Feb 2008 06:06 [ permalink ]
Hei, tänä aamuna sit vaivasi tämmöinen ajatusketju: Elokuvissa oon nähny et
siel jossain aavikolla kulkee niitä pyöriviä puskapalleroita tuulen mukana.
Kaikki jotka on joskus siivonnu, tietää et tavarat tuppaa kerääntymään
johonkin -> Onkohan jossain joku piruparka jonka autotallin ja asunnon
muodostamaan kulmaan kaikki pyörivät pallerot kerääntyy ja se sit joutuu niitä
sieltä kolaamaan syrjään joka aamu että pääsee töihin? 
Posted: 19 Feb 2008 08:59 [ permalink ]
Hiphei, just keksin sit uuden gravimetrin ku tuli puhetta televisioista:
Jos tekis valtavan mittasen tyhjiöputken (kuvaruutu), ni teoriassahan siis
pystyis näkemään painovoimaerot suoraan siitä fotonisuihkun kaareutumisesta
näytöllä. Tämä olettaen että putki on tarpeeksi pitkä.
Posted: 19 Feb 2008 06:25 [ permalink ]
Päivän mietelauseena pohdittakoon seuraavaa: Koska viisaampi antaa aina
periksi, tätä maailmaa johtavat idiootit.
Posted: 18 Feb 2008 06:31 [ permalink ]
Eilen unessa olin kattomassa mukavaa elokuvaa. Siinä ainoassa kohtauksessa
jonka näin, oli nainen perse pystyssä ja pimppsa maskeerattuna. Se oli vissii
joku kauhuelokuva ja kaikenlisäksi vielä sellainen vuorovaikutteinen koska mä
näin sen kohtauksen kuvaukset siinä ehkä ihan parin metrin päästä. Ihmeellinen
on immeisen pään voima.
Posted: 08 Feb 2008 14:40 [ permalink ]
Tuli niin huonoa nörähuumoria että otan itelleni oikeuden antaa propsit
Wintoosa, paitsi että se on microsoftin käyttis, ni se on myös
kansainvälisyyttä tavoittelevan maalaisbordellin viikkokilpailun nimi.
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 15:03 [ permalink ]
Tarkennuksena siis edelliseen, että oon ihan tosissani: Luen tota uusinta
Finlandia ehdokas kirjaa ja kattelin google earthista Oulua. Samalla iski
päälle kauhea ahistus siitä et ompa penseetä ku tuolta mereltä tuulee nii
vitusti ja kalsarit ei riitä. Hurr. 
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 15:01 [ permalink ]
Vittu tiäks mikä on outo fiilis? Se ku hetkellisesti tuntuu siltä et asuis
Oulussa, vaikka ei oo ikänä siellä ees käynyt.
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 14:23 [ permalink ]
Tiedät kyllä ketä tarkotan! Niin, juuri sinua!
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 14:23 [ permalink ]
Pakko tässä välissä nopeesti blogata ihan vaan että muistan: Oot kyllä hyvä
Posted: 06 Feb 2008 08:14 [ permalink ]
Tiukka tilanne töissä. 

Olen täällä Helsingissä ESRI:n kurssilla, jenkkiläinen kouluttaja tällä
kertaa. Koska kurssi on englanniksi niin tänne on eksynyt joukkoon myös
ulkomaalaisia. Myös Ruotsalaisia. Työkaveri huomasi erään "oudon" insidenssin:
Täällä on eräs Claudia Schifferin kopio. Tästä ei voinut tehdä kuin yhden
johtopäätöksen; Claudia Schiffer on tullut hakemaan minua töihin Ruotsiin!
Koko tämän aamun olen katsellut painia omatuntoni ja rakkauteni (Claudiaa
kohtaan) välillä ja tähtiin kirjoitettu rakkauteni oli voitolla kun tämä sama
viisas työtoverini vihjasi toisesta, näin jälkeenpäin ajateltuna
loogisemmasta, vaihtoehdosta.

Ihmettelin hieman että Claudia on kasvanut 10cm pituutta ja bodannut itsensä
hormooneilla taistelukuntoon. Ajattelin tämän johtuvan siitä että Claudia
haluaa olla varma siitä että lähden mukaan, hyvällä tai pahalla. Nyt, tiedän
olleeni väärässä! Se ei olekkaan Claudia, vaan Ruotsalaiseksi blondiksi
naamioitunut ufomies! Kirjoitan tämän nykyajan pullopostin testamenttina;
mikäli minusta ei enää kuulu mitään, olen jossain tähdissä. Claudian kanssa. 

En ole varma haluanko tulla pelastetuksi. Mutta, just in case.

Posted: 02 Feb 2008 14:41 [ permalink ]
Viimeyönä oli taas iha kivat unet ja unien päälle töhösin kunnolla. Olin
hengailemasa jossain sotatoimialueella/teollisuusalueella. Huomasin siellä
talsiessa että eräs gubbe oli ottamassa arskaa heinikossa, se ilmeisesti
närkästyi siitä että oltiin talsimassa hänen alueellaan ja huuteli mennessään
meille rivouksia. Kaljamaha vain heilui. 
Sen jälkeen sit huomasin että taivaalla lenteli hävittäjä ja hävittäjän edellä
lenteli laserohjattu pommi/ohjus. Kattelin sitä näyutöstä siinä ja mietiskelin
että ompa ihme paikka ampua pommi. No eipä aikiaakaa ku se saakelin 1000kg
tnt-lahjapaketti lähti syöksymään kohti läheistä teollisuushallia. Ei perkele,
sehä putosi iha viereen! Eiku tulimerta vaan ja minä syöksyin "turvaan" jonku
ihme rännin alle. No siinä sit betoninmurusateessa odoteltiin unen loppumista
että pääsisin töhöilyssä ihan uudelle asteelle... Voi vittu sentään...

Joo, eli heräsin ja painuin suihkuun. Olin edellisenä päivänä äkännyt akan
varastosta sellaista ihon kuorinta-ainetta; Body Shop Mango Body Scrub tjsp.
No, olin ottanut sen kaapista (tykkään kaikesta hyvälle haisevasta) suihkuun
jo edellisenä päivänä joten nyt sit aamutuimaan sain mahti-idean!
Kikkelinjuurta kutitteli ikävästi, oli vissiin talvi-ilma kuivannut ihon niin
että se selvästi kaipasi tuollaista scrubsorointia. Tää tuote siis perustuu
siihen että siinä on jotain hunajankaltaista liisteriä hoivaamassa ja
mangonkivimurskaa raapimassa.  
Otin kahdella sormella tuollaisen tummeliannoksen kuorinta-ainetta kouraani ja
pelkästään tuotetta hyväksyvästi nuuhkaisten survoin tökötin haaroväliini ja
karvoille. Virhe. Raapivatoiminto tuntui ihanalle, mutta noin neljä sekuntia
aloittamisesta havaitsin ongelman. Tuote oli alunperin sisältänyt luultavasti
hoitavana aineosana hunajan lisäksi myös mehiläisvahaa joka oli nyt muumion
ikäisessä tuotteessa erittynyt tuotteen pintaan. Näin ollen alkuperäinen
mikstuura oli sisältänyt ehkä 50% hunajaa, 10% vahaa, 5% kivimurskaa ja loput
jotain töhnää. Loput töhnät oli haihtuneet ja vaha oli erittynyt pinnalle.
Kädessäni oleva seos oli siis suurinpiirtein 5% murskaa, 10% hunajaa ja 85%
mehiläisvahaa. Tää skeida EI oikein irronnu kuumallakaan vedellä joten nyt on
karvoituskuin neekeripojan tukka, paitsi kiharampi. Ja niin liisterissä että
lerssillä voitelisi ovensaranoita vuosikausia. Mahtava juttu, paitsi ettei
Posted: 01 Feb 2008 11:13 [ permalink ]
Hyvät unet jatkuu edelleen. Selkeesti hyvä meininki ja kevät tulossa.

Viime yönä sit ajelin mopolla pitkin Toivalan raittia, hyvä mopo olikin; siinä
oli nääs luottokorttikäyttöinen turbo. Senku viilas kortilla ni sit tuli lisää
tehoja. Tosi kätevää. 
Mut hyvää oli myös cola/menthol limppari jota ostin työkaverin kaupasta. Tosin
sillä sattu oleen just sillo limppari lopussa joten se teki sitä lantraamalla
tiivistettä lidlin kivennäisveteen. Maistui muuten aika omituiselta, enää ois
puuttunut Ettan-tee jota kehittelin laivalla. Eli annospussi nuuskaa veteen ja
siitä vaan suuhun. Nam nam
Posted: 31 Jan 2008 14:15 [ permalink ]
Edelliseen vielä jatkona sen verran että toi oli tosi näppärän oloinen
systeemi, että on uimahousut, reppu ja repun hihnat samassa paketissa ja samaa
materiaalia. Vähä hiostaa mutta kevyt kantaa.
Posted: 31 Jan 2008 14:14 [ permalink ]
Viimeyönä oli taas iha hyviä unia: Olin semmosella matkalla jossain ulkomailla
että oli tarkoitus päästä lentämään autolla. Kiinnitettiin vanha laskuvarjo
autoon koska se toimii 'siipenä'. Sit pistettii joku känninen urpo ajamaan
sitä autoa ja se heti ajo jonku päälle ja sit vielä siitä panikoidessaan
pakitti toisen päälle. No putkaanha siitä jouduttiin. Auto takavarikoitiin ja
kaik meidän 'ei henkilökohtaiset' tavarat. Jouduin taistelemaan poliisin
kanssa siitä että reppu johon on kiinnitetty cordurasta ja pehmusteista
valmistetut uimahousut on mun henkilökohtainen tavara. Saatanan poliisi, mulle
ei vittuilla.

Posted: 27 Jan 2008 19:18 [ permalink ]
Viimeaikaisen eduskunnassa tehdyn kyselyn innoittamana suoritin saman kyselyn
kotipiirissäni: "Oletko kokenut seksuaalista häirintää?" Tulokset yllättivät:
50% taloutemme naispuolisista jäsenistä oli saanut osakseen rivoja ehdotuksia,
rintoihin oli tartuttu keskellä päivää ja joskus oli kourittu
sukupuolielimistä. Toisinaan tämä oli koettu kovinkin häiritseväksi. 50%
kyselyyn vastanneista oli kuitenkin täysin tietämätön tästä ja epäili kyselyä
epävalidiksi tai epäammattimaisesti tehdyksi ("Mitä isi höpöttää? Isi on
tyhmä!"). Pyrin jatkamaan kritiikistä huolimatta journalistin uraani. (Kysely
toteutettiin suullisesti eilen iltapäivällä meillä kotona, n=2, vastaajien
keski-ikä 16v)
Posted: 17 Jan 2008 18:41 [ permalink ]
Voi voi voi.... nyt on taas se aika vuodesta ku miehen tekee mieli naarasta.
Eli siis vuodenaika joka sijoittuu tammikuun ja joulukuun väliin.
Posted: 23 Dec 2007 20:40 [ permalink ]
Ainii, ja lisättäköön viel edelliseen se, et ton voi toteuttaa hyvinki
pienellä rahalla kun ja JOSS pystyy ennakoimaan massojen liikkeitä: Jos
rahastot viel tulee yleisemmiks ja kansa alkais säästään rahastoihin esim
joululahjoja varten, kannattais myydä omat rahastoosuudet pois jo marraskuussa
ja odotella sit joulukuun halpamyyntejä osakkeiden osalta (tai alhaisen
rahaston osalta kun säästäminen taas alkaa tammikuussa).
Posted: 23 Dec 2007 20:32 [ permalink ]
Oon täs kehitelly ajatusta rahastojen voittamisesta - eli pieni johdanto siihe
miten rahalla rahamarkkinat pistetää kyykkyyn: 
Ensin rahastoista; rahastot ovat jonkun hoitamia sijoituksia. Hoitaja ottaa
sijoittajan (asiakkaan) rahoista jonkun tietyn pienen prosentin (liittyessä
(ostaessa osuuden), nostaessa (myydessä osuuden) ja säilyttäessään) rahasta
palkkiona sijoitustoiminnasta. Osakerahastot sijoittavat nimensämukaisesta
rahansa osakkeisiin. 
Tässä piilee nyt hyödyntämisen sala: Rahastoisa on aina pieni määrä rahaa
jolla maksetaan niille jotka haluavat nostaa rahojansa. Nyt jos kävisi niin,
että ISO määrä ihmisiä haluaisi jostain syystä nostaa rahansa pois yhtäaikaa,
joutuisi rahasto myymään osakkeitaan pois. Tämä voisi tapahtua niin kurjaan
aikaan että osakkeille ei löydy tarpeeksi kalliilla ostajia joten osakkeet
menevät halvalla. 

Tähän väliin voisi siis rahamies iskeä: Sijoitetaan rahastoon niiiiiin iso
summa rahaa että se ylittää lievästi tuon käteisvaraosuuden. Odotetaan hieman
tuottoa, myydään pois, rahasto halpenee, muut myy pois, ostetaan takaisin.

Kirjoitan tästä lisää kuha saan muotoiltua sen kunnolla.
Posted: 18 Dec 2007 07:57 [ permalink ]
Koska tein joulun kunniaksi hilloa niin pistämpä tänne reseptin muistiin:
3kpl verigreippejä, 3kpl appelsiinejä, 800g hillosokeria (sis. pektiiniä) ja
3dl vettä
Greipit kuoritaan lihalle asti veitsellä, appelsiinit normaalisti. Appelsiinin
kuorista tehdään ohuita, lähes läpinäkyviä, suikaleita jotka pilkotaan
pitkulaisiksi mukaan soossiin. Appelsiinit ja greippi soseutetaan
Sose ja vesi kattilaan, keitetään 10min kannen alla. Lisätään sokeri koko ajan
sekoittaen ja keitetään vielä 5 minuuttia. 
Purkitetaan kuumiin purkkeihin ja heitellään helttaa kohden sopivissa
p.s. Jäi välistä pois vielä että soseen sekaan heitetään keittovaiheessa ne
Posted: 21 Nov 2007 20:08 [ permalink ]
I miss rest of your book Qurp, I hope we can talk it through in some other
life. Thanks for letting me know you, even for the short moment. -Dino
Posted: 06 Nov 2007 18:09 [ permalink ]
Paljon onnea syntymäpäiväsi johdosta surumieli. Ne tosin oli jo eilen, mutta
ei se varmaan mitään tee.   
Posted: 27 Oct 2007 08:18 [ permalink ]
Nytku o tullu vanhemmaks ja miettii menneisyyttään, alkaa ymmärtää miksi
sanotaan että elämä vilahtaa silmissä ennen kuolemaa. Niin se vaan perkele
vieköön tekee. 
Sydämelliset (ja ennenaikaiset) onnittelut, olet ihana.
Posted: 20 Oct 2007 20:38 [ permalink ]
Henkilökohtaista (ei mitää mielenkiintoista teille):
Posted: 19 Oct 2007 17:11 [ permalink ]
Tästä sit perverssijatko osa: Space bukkake... Siel ei ikänä tietäs kenen
lärviin se läsähtää.
Posted: 19 Oct 2007 17:08 [ permalink ]
Now in english: I have been emptying my DVB recorder from old junk and been
watching TAKEN. Now I have a new goal in life: To get laid in zero-gravity. My
god it must be awesome.

And some additional reading to do:
Posted: 15 Oct 2007 14:53 [ permalink ]
Outoa, tuli elohiiri hanuriin. Pydylly sykki trancen tahtiin.
Posted: 14 Oct 2007 21:55 [ permalink ]
Tösäytimpä sit hirveen autolla. Ei ollu kolmenollakasi, winchester, vaan
kolmekakskolme, Mazda.
Posted: 06 Oct 2007 14:26 [ permalink ]
WC huoneen sisustuksesta ja Zenistä:
(Muistiinlaitettavaksi) Lehtitelineen tulee olla oikealla puolella tai ainakin
päällimmäiseksi pinkkaan tulee asettaa jokin neutraali lehti. 

Tämä siitä hyvästä, että on varsin epäniseä persettä pyyhkimisen lomassa
tuijottaa kolmea nuorta naista silmiin (kuopion yliopistolehdessä oli jotain
opiskelijoita kannessa). Tuli jotenkin varsin kinky olo.
Posted: 22 Sep 2007 09:08 [ permalink ]
Hassuja ajatuksia tuli mielee juoksulenkillä. Juoksin semmosen vajaan
kuuskilometriä ja kiersin tuolla lapsuuden kodin vieressä joten mieleen
muistui sit yks juttu jonka kuulin ehkä neljäsluokkalaisena koulun kentän
vieressä. Tarina kuului näin:

Kävelin siinä yksikseni kotiin ja kuulin siitä jääkiekkokentän vieressä olevan
pukeutumiskopin takaa puhetta. Puheissa oli naapuriini muuttanut pari vuotta
minua vanhempi jäpä ja hänen 'tyttöystävänsä'. Itse en ymmärtänyt naisista
viel mitään tuossa vaiheessa joten puheenaine jäi kaivertamaan minua näin
pitkäksi aikaa: "Haha, muistatko ku oli se 20 penninen pillussa?", sanoi tää
jätkä.  "Vittu!" tai jotain yhtä ponnekasta vastasi tyttö ja alkoi jahdata
jätkää ympäri koppia jonka jälkeen juoksivat sitten jonnekkin ulottumattomiin.
Siis nyt jäi kaivertamaan 28 vuodeksi tämä asia. Kuulinko minä jotain väärin?
Kuulinko ehkä vain osan keskustelusta? Miten se 20 penninen sinne looraan
joutui? Tämä on niinku muokannu mua ja mun elämääni ja tän painolastin kans
sitä sit pitää elää.
Posted: 20 Sep 2007 21:27 [ permalink ]
Aatelkaapa tämmöstä sosiaalista testiä: Tutkimusryhmällä viidakkoon, ammutaan
nukutusnuolella joku aboriginaali ja tungetaan häkkiin nukuksissa. Roudataan
se suurkaupunkiin ja päästetään vapaaksi. Vois tulla hupaisa experimentti ku
tsiikailtas miten villiltä menee pasmat sekasin.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 20:28 [ permalink ]
Joskus tuntuu että sitä on nii saatanan yksin.
Posted: 09 Sep 2007 12:39 [ permalink ]
Pitäs teettää tommonen paita ku suomi24:n kirjoitukista pongasin: "Koodaa v*
ite mokkulas"
Posted: 04 Sep 2007 06:22 [ permalink ]
Pitkään aikana en ole nähny junaunia, enkä toisaalta vessa unia. Nyt näin
viimeyönä sit molemmat yhdessä! Mahtavaa. Let the story begin:

Matkustin junalla johonkin, luultavasti kotiin koska hätäilin koko ajan siitä
että muistan nousta oikealla pysäkillä pois. (Katson täs parilausetta
taaksepäin ja huomaan että mun pitäs nähdä enemmän unia äidinkielentunnilta,
etenkin niiltä yhdyssana tunneilta). Noh, siinä istuskelin parin tyttösen
vieressä ja lueskelin jotain kirjaani. Mulla oli reppu mukana ja se meinas
ilkeesti kaatuilla toisen tytön päälle. 
Yhtäkkiä sieltä ryntäs joku kiva tytteli istumaan mun syliini! En tiä miksi
mutta siinä se istu. Ei se mulle jutellu tosin, vaan niille mun vieressä
olleille joten olin vähän hämilläni. Se viel siirtelin mun kättä silleen että
käpälöin sitä siinä samalla jaloista. Aika mukavaa ja samalla hyvin outoa.
Noh, siinä sit kulu aikaa ja ne tytöt läks, itseasiassa junasta poistui
kaikki. Lähdin käymään veskissä. 
Se vessa oli sellainen ahdas, lentokoneenwcmäinen, härveli johon sullouduin.
Ryykkäsin siihen peppuni ja aloin vääntämään kakkaa. Pohjiksi, loiskahduksia
estämään, asettelin tietysti parit paperikerrat. Väänsin ja väänsin. Tuli hyvä
kakku. Sit pyyhkimään. Oli syntynyt ns. tarrakakka ja se ei meinannut irrota
peräsimestä millään. Käsisuihkua ei ollut käytettävissä joten pyyhin ja
pyyhin. Sitten loppui paperi. Oh noes!
Noh, päätin kuitenkin että koska olen matkalla himaan, tää saa riittää
puhtaudeksi ja vedin housut jalkaan. Sitten painoin vetäisynappia. Oh noes x
3! Pönttö surisi hetken ja kakka+paperipino notkahti hieman. Pino kallistui
kuitenkin vain senverran että paperikasan päällä ollut pökäle lötkähti ensi
kannelle, sieltä lattialle ja G-voimien ansiosta painui litteäksi kasaksi
linoleumille. "Voi saatana" tuumailin tästä uuden käänteen saaneesta
tilanteesta toivuttuani. Heräsin tarkistamaan ettei housuissa ole mitään.
Posted: 26 Aug 2007 10:15 [ permalink ]
Vittuku o taas hienoa. Ostettii tos keväällä hieno Espritin iso värikäs matto
(melko kallis). Se sit tos alkukesästä meni vähä likaseks joten vietii se
pesulaa ja pesetettiin. Pistettii se sit varastoon siinä pussissa jossa se
tuli pesulasta, ku kesällä ei tartte mattoja. On muutenki niin kuuma. 

Tää piti siis pestä siel siks että se o jotain keinokuitua eikä sitä saa
vesipestä. Kemiallinen pesu only. Noh. Näppärästi sit se vitu matto o vissii
ollu kostee ku tuli takas meille: Se o homeessa nyt. Mahtavata ja vittu
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 16:34 [ permalink ]
Ihana päivä. Kävin kävelyllä ja kuuntelin tos musiikkia, huomasin samalla että
aika on jälleen tehnyt tehtävänsä: Kesä ei oo viel ohi, mutta syksy on
tulossa. Alkoi samalla (ja aiemmin jo rovaniemeltä tullessa) tekemään
sittenkin mieli lappiin reissuun :(

Taitaa vaan olla myöhästä. Mut... ihanaa tää syksy, se on semmosta aikaa että
ihminen voittaa luonnon, vihdoinkin. Koko pitkän kesän kukkaset, kärpäset ja
muut kasvikset on olleet kingejä. Nyt tulee aika kuitata kalavelat!
Posted: 09 Aug 2007 12:19 [ permalink ]
Rakas päiväkirja...
Tänään on yksi niistä päivistä. Yksi niistä päivistä jolloin pitäisi jäädä
kotiin makaamaan ja pitää pää peiton alla.
Ensin aamulla värkkäsin Oraclen tnsnames.ora:n kanssa pari tuntia hiki
perseessä valtavassa pissahädässä, vain huomatakseni että värkkäsin väärää
tnsnamesia. Siellähä luurasi toinenkin, nääs orant/net80/admin/tnsnames.ora...
Nooh, pikku juttu, mutta pohjusti vitutukseni.

Nyt oon sit ton plus muiden juttujeni kans siinä tilassa että menempä
kattelemaan uusia työpaikkoja.
Posted: 02 Aug 2007 18:16 [ permalink ]
Mikä vittu siinä o et joka saatanan paskalehden pitää nykysin sisältää joku
saatnan musiikkiarvosteluosio? Ketä perkelettä kiinnostaa jonku random hyypiön
mielipide jostain kikkelibändistä jonka "saundi on nyt entistä svengaavampaa"?
Siis tää on taas näitä wizardimiehen wtf -hetkiä. Tekis mieli vetää kännit ja
jotakuta turpaan. Saatana.
Posted: 01 Aug 2007 21:21 [ permalink ]
Eipä oo taas tullu kirjoteltuu vähää aikaa mitään unista, mut nytku muistan ni
kirjotan. Taas meinasin viimeyönä saada puukosta unessa: Olin lähdössä jostain
ihme parkkipaikalta johon olin unohtanu kukkaroni (muut meni edeltä, eivät
odottaneet) ja siihe tuli viiden jätkän lauma jotka tuli puukon kans
huitomana. Sanoin etten oikeestaa haluu viiltelyä vaan voin luopua kukkarosta
suosiolla, jannu ilmoitti että tulee sekä että; puukkoa että kukkaroa. Heräsin
ja menetin unet. Sniff.
Posted: 31 Jul 2007 19:54 [ permalink ]
Kun yössä yksin vaeltaa, voi kaltaisensa kohdata ja hetken tie on kevyt kaksin
Posted: 26 Jul 2007 21:38 [ permalink ]
Oot muuten ihana.
Posted: 26 Jul 2007 11:40 [ permalink ]
There is no criticism, only feedback. Taisin sanookki tän jo vaiheessa,
unohdin sen vaan itekki.
Posted: 26 Jul 2007 10:48 [ permalink ]
To be, or not to be. Siinäpä pulma. Blogata vai eikö blogata, siinäkin on
Posted: 25 Jul 2007 16:50 [ permalink ]
Voi saatana että toi Dior'n Addict tuoksuu hyvälle. Edelleen oon ihan myytyä
miestä. Voi hyvin sisko.
Posted: 25 Jul 2007 07:51 [ permalink ]
Senverran tässä mainostan että oli muuten kaikkien aikojen bestestein
Pohjanmaanlinja! Tosin eräs arvostelukykyinen veteraani väitti että
legendaarinen linja II, vuodelta 2002 olisi ollut parempi...  No
jokatapauksessa tämä meinaa sitä että ensi vuonna saatan olla osallistujissa
taas. Järjestäjä puolellakin kyl kivaa. Katsotaan katsotaan.

Posted: 16 Jul 2007 09:08 [ permalink ]
Jaahas, se on taas päivä uus. Ei mitään kerrottavaa unirintamalta, näin kyllä
joitain hyviä mut unohdin ne. Yhdessä oli kyl Teuvo Lomann ja unen jälkeen
toivoin totisesti että saisin pääni sisällä selviteltyy ny vihdoinki tän
'bicurious' homman siihen kuntoon, ettei perkele ainakaa Teuvo Lomannia
tarttis unissa katella. Olis ees joku vähemmän alkoholisoituneelta transulta
näyttävä, mutta ei. Eipä sitä tietty kyntömies vakoaan valitse.

Lomamatka on takana ja olen kokenut kosmisen ymmäryksen vanhemmuudesta:
Vanhempana olemisen tehtävä on luoda se sukupolvien välinen kuilu niin syväksi
ettei siitä loikita yli. 
Posted: 09 Jul 2007 15:16 [ permalink ]
Where is Osama Bin Laden today? And what about lake Bodom? Where, and who is
the murderer?
Posted: 07 Jul 2007 21:47 [ permalink ]
Nyt se läsähti se kaipuu sit sydämeen, tälleen lauantai iltana. Tuli iha
yhtäkkii ja yllättäen. Ja ethä sinä kyl mitenkää vakuuttava ollu, järjen veit
kyllä. Saatana tätä elämää.
Posted: 06 Jul 2007 14:27 [ permalink ]
Täytyy tuossa täydentää viel tota miten kaupunki on huora: Ei se kaupunki ole
varsinaisesti huora; Kaupunki on lihava ihraa tihkuva toukka jota työläiset
ehostavat aamuisin päivän töihin. Se röyhtäilee dieselin hajuisia röyhtäyksiä
ja voi pahoin. Joka ilta kuhnurit tulevat ja hinkkailevat itseään sen
sykähtelevää hyllyvyyttä vasten. Vaikka se haisee paskalle, kuselle ja hielle
niin me rakastetaan sitä. Nuohoan tuhoon tuomittua ruumistani omaa kaupunkiani
vasten ja hyrisen onnesta. 
Posted: 06 Jul 2007 07:03 [ permalink ]
Rakas blogsor...

Tänään heräsin aika pirskatin aikaseen koska näin hämmentävän unen jollaista
en ollu aiemmin sit nähnytkään. Hommahan meni niin, että olin jossain
ulkomailla ja olin lähteny rannalle juoksemaan. Maisemat oli iha sikamaisen
hienot: Kalliorantaa ja merta. Läksin hotellilta aamuyöstä sinne rannalle (oli
valoisaa jo) juoksentelemaan ja sit juoksin tosi pitkälle. Siellä sit rupesin
tutkaileen kiviä käsissäni ja heittelin niitä mereen joutessani. Yhtäkkii
meinasin pyörtyä (unessa!) ku huomasin et ne kalliot oli ainaki 30metriä
korkeet siinä heti 5 metrin päässä rannasta ja ne näytti siltä et ne meinaa
kaatua päälle. Päätin lähteä hölkkäämään takas hotellille.

Kesken matkan iski paniikki: En muistanu et missä vitussa se hotelli on.
Kattelin vasemmalle ja katoin oikeelle, mikää ei näyttäny tutulta.
Juoksentelin semmosessa kulmauksesa olevalle hotellille ja näin siellä jonkun
oppaan jolta päätin kysyy neuvoa. Tää opas käänty pois ja sano et "Lain mukaan
mulla ei oo velvollisuutta kertoo sulle mitään". Just.  

No, sit mä kyllä heti heräsin pohtimaan tätä juttua (no en siis tarkoituksella
tietysti, vaan vahingossa!) ja kellohan olikin mainiot 04.55 joten päätin
lähteä syömään aamupalaa ja töihin. Sen verran on vielä työmatkasta mainittava
(menin autolla) että olipas niin hieno utuinen ja tihkusateinen kaupunki että
päätin käydä kruisailemassa. Mukavaa nähdä kaupungin roskaisuus ja se miten me
unettomat (tai työtä tekevät) möngitään nukkuvien jätteissä aamulla. 

Kaupunki on kuin halpa huora. Sen on pakko meikata ittensä joka aamu uudelleen
et me kiimaiset ihmiset voi raiskata sen taas illalla. Sen on pakko, sillei oo
Posted: 05 Jul 2007 15:01 [ permalink ]
Hittovie sie tuoksuit ihanalle. 
Posted: 01 Jul 2007 10:30 [ permalink ]
Ihme juttuja kyl. Oltiin viinijuhlilla tuos eilen ja jonottelin vessaan (siel
oli miehille vain kaksi semmosta privaattikoppia ja alkuvaiheessa en viittiny
hengailla niissä kimppakusilooseissa), jollain aiemmalla kerralla meinas tulla
turpakäräjät portugalilaiseen henkeen. Katottii yhden jononohittelijan kans
että kuka saa ja kenelle annetaan, ei saanu sillä kertaa kukaa mut kuulemma
turpaan tulee hetiku tulen vastaan jossain. Näin. 

Toisella kerralla sit oli silleen hassua et olin siin ensimmäisenä jonossa eli
menossa seuraavana. Siihe tulee joku semmonen iha nätti tyttö ja se sanoo et
senki pitää päästä vessaan. Joten änkäsimme samaan vessaan ja siinä mä sit
seisaaltaan pitelin sen tyttösen juomaa ku se pissaa siinä mun edessä
istualtaan. Aika.... omituista? Sit se läks ja mä pääsin ite pissille. Jotenki
vaa niinku tuli sellanen wtf fiilis, mut tunnelma oli semmonen niinku ois ollu
ihan tavallistakin mun seistä bajamajassa ku joku tyttö istuu pissillä naama
mun munien korkeudella.

Jotta tämmöstä. nyt on sit krapula ja pelkään et kohta tulee kuolema.
Posted: 23 Jun 2007 07:33 [ permalink ]
Voevoe.... ihme unta näin:
Uni#1: Istuttiin hirmu porukalla kahdessa rivissä vastakkain ja peli oli
sellanen, et jokaisella oli pienoispistooli kourassa. Sillä sit vuoronperään
ammuskeltiin toisessa rivissä olijoita. Oli kuulkaas hirvittävän ahistavaa
istuu siinä ja odotella ku vastarivin lihavat ämmät saa oman vuoronsa... 
Uni#2: Oltii oltu jollain helevetin vaelluksella tai jotain ja oltiin lähdössä
paluumatkalle tosta meidän kirkon pihalta. Joltakulta unohtu jotain kamaa
sinne viel joten mä läksin hakee sitä ku muut oli jo pakkautuneet ahtaaeeen
autoon. Oli semmonen luminen pimee ilta ja sit mua alko kusettaa iha
helevetisti ja etsin sieltä sopivaa paikkaa. Ei löytyny. Pyöriskelin pitkin
sitä aluetta ja kattelin mut aina tuli joku koiran ulkoiluttaja tai joku
paikalle ja failasin. Sit piti mennä autolle takas hirveessä pissihädässä.
Aiemmin jo samassa unessa olin kussu semmosen VALTAVAN saavin täyteen, piti
keskenkaiken lopettaa kuseminen että se ehtii vajua (siellä oli pohjassa joku
venttiili). Nyt vähä jännittää että oonkoha kastellu sängyn sit...
Posted: 08 Jun 2007 15:16 [ permalink ]
Kaukana on pehmeiden huuliesi kosketus, pulleiden rintojesi paine rintaani
vasten. Vaivoin enää muistan sinua, on kymmenet vieraat huulet vieneet tunteen
mennessään. Vieraat kielet ovat huuhdelleet makusi kieleltäni. Ovat itkuiset
tunnit muuttuneet naurun minuuteiksi, naurun minuutit ilon päiviksi. Ilon
päivät muuttuvat onnen viikoiksi. On makea tuoksusi enää muisto jonka
kesätuuli pyyhkii mukanaan. Lennä sisko, lennä!  
Posted: 06 Jun 2007 16:03 [ permalink ]
"Sinä Jumalalle rakas! Opi ymmärtämään ne sanat, jotka minä sinulle puhun.
Mitään muuta meidän ei tarvitse muistaa. Tai muuta meidän ei tarvitse sanoa."

Niin. Piste.
Posted: 03 Jun 2007 16:31 [ permalink ]
Jaajaaaajuuuu... Kylä tää tästä lähtee!
Posted: 02 Jun 2007 09:12 [ permalink ]
Jos perustan joskus LVI alan liikkeen, sen nimeksi tulee "Kakkahätäkeskus"
Posted: 28 May 2007 12:28 [ permalink ]
" se on totta, et oot itsekäs, jos lopetat tän siks, etten muuttuis.
Koska sillon en eläis elämääni to the fullest eli en ois oma itseni, ts.
muuttuisin. Mut eihän sun sitä tulis nähtyä, joten et siitä tietäisi ja voisit
kuvitella mun olevan tällainen ikuisesti. Pitää kauniin muiston. Vain minä
olisin onneton ja taas ilman naurua..."
Posted: 24 May 2007 09:09 [ permalink ]
Kyl jumala omistaan huolen pitää; Kaik o taas kuten ennenkin.
Posted: 23 May 2007 21:58 [ permalink ]
Se ilta olikin tänään, oli jäähyväisten aika. Viimeinen sanasi oli hyvästi, ei
näkemiin. 68 päivää takana ja elämä edessä, tänään myös itketään.
Posted: 23 May 2007 18:12 [ permalink ]
Oon kyl ny tyrkkiny itteni semmoseen paskaan että jos tästä selevitään ni hyvä
Posted: 15 May 2007 07:49 [ permalink ]
Sanotaan et mies pettyy ekan kerran ku ei seiso toista kertaa ja toisen kerran
ku ei seiso ekaa kertaa. Mut jos käy niin ettei seiso ees runkatessa ni kyl o
syytä ahistua.
Posted: 11 May 2007 13:38 [ permalink ]
Päivän Zenismi: "Se loppuu sitku mä lakkaan haluamasta sen loppumista." 
Posted: 04 May 2007 13:05 [ permalink ]
Kun yössä yksin vaeltaa, voi kaltaisensa kohdata ja hetken tie on kevyt kaksin
Posted: 02 May 2007 06:09 [ permalink ]
JAaha jaaha, näin sit yöllä pitkästä aikaa unta. Jostain syystä mulle oli
tullu tehtäväksi lopettaa kaverin koira (se elukka on ollu död jo monta
vuotta, sellanen iso mukava, valkoinen kultainen-noutaja). Siitä piti tehä
ruokaa tai jotain rukkasia. No olin semmosella pihalla ja tusauttelin koiraa
päin haulikollani. SE perkele ei vaan ottanu kuollakseen millään. Eka osu
kylkeen hyvin ja se rotkahti kyljelleen. Se vaa jatko apeana huohottamista.
Ammuin kaikki neljä siihen (pumppuhaulikko) ja molemmille puolille vielä. Ei
mitää tulosta. Sit siihe paikalle tuli jostain alikulkusillalta (olin
ampumassa semmosten pakkauskasojen välissä) lapsia pyörällä ja mua ahisti ku
ne pääs näkeen sitä kuolemassa olevaa koiraa. Sit rupes jänskättään et ne
niiden lasten mukana tulevat aikuiset (tai ku ne lapset kertoo vanhemmilleen)
soittaa poliisille ja joudun selittelee et miks vittu ammun koiraa ja miks
helevetissä se ei kuole vaan 'kidutan' sitä. 

Ja toiha ei ees riittäny, vaa se kiittämätön elukka kattoo mua taas niillä
märillä silmillään ja nousee saatana pystyyn. Kaverissa on 200g lyijyä ja
vismuttia pieninä palleroina, ja eiku hölkkäämään. Se lähtee löntystelemään
metsänreunaan ja yrittää paeta mua suojaan. Lataan äkkiä ja losautan vielä
kerran. Ei tulosta.
Koira vaan mönkii metsää kohti ja katoaa sinne. Taisin herätä tähän.

Toinen uni oliki sit sellanen et olin ottanu jostain syystä matkalle mukaan
(lentokentällä tää siis tapahtui) molemmat läppärit ja kiroilin ku oli niin
täys laukku. Sit meinasin myöhästyä ku ne arpo siinä että onko mulla liikaa
kamaa vai ei ja että onko siellä säilytyspaikkaa toiselle läppärille vai mitä
täs tehään. KOne lähtee ja ahistaa.
Posted: 25 Apr 2007 22:46 [ permalink ]
Mää oon kyl iha sekasi.
Posted: 22 Apr 2007 09:10 [ permalink ]
Onneks naiset nauraa ja muna seisoo.
Posted: 18 Apr 2007 19:42 [ permalink ]
"Vielä tulee miehelle se aika kun muna ei seiso ja naiset ei naura, vaan
Posted: 17 Apr 2007 11:29 [ permalink ]
Oijjoi, eipä oo pitkillee tullu blogattua. Pitäs hakee apteekista kunnon
B-vitskut ni irtois kunnon unet taas, oon nähny hyviä mut unohdan ne ehkä
millisekunti aina unen jälkeen.
Posted: 05 Apr 2007 22:03 [ permalink ]
I have been thinking about this book lately: Intimacy (Kureishi). The first
chapter starts with "It is the hardest night, for I am leaving and not coming
Posted: 02 Apr 2007 09:05 [ permalink ]
". Mä nään koiranpennun ja nään miten se rakastaa isäntäänsä. Mä nään
lapsenkasvot jotka rakastaa vanhempiaan ja mä nään miten ne vanhemmat yrittää.
Ei ne onnistu aina ja joskus ne on kertakaikkiaan täysin paskoja ja
epäkelpoja, mut silti mä nään miten se lapsi rakastaa. Ajattele jos ite osais
vaan rakastaa - paskojaki hetkiä - koska ihanniinku lapsi, ei tietäis muuta.
Se on mun Zenin tarkoitus.

Posted: 29 Mar 2007 14:11 [ permalink ]
Se lähtee ensin mukavasti tuntumaan tuolla pohjelihaksessa. Se alkaa niin
tasasesti että sitä ei voi ku hymyillä. Sitä näkee oikein miten se trackeri
etenee. A4 siellä, A2 täällä. Viuh viuh. Koko ajan kiivaammalla tahdilla.
Mahtibasso jytkyttää. Sit se alkaa. Vähänku kissanpentu näpläis jalkaa
ylöspäin. Aavistus siitä mitä o tulossa, mut ei oikeestaan sinnepäinkään. Sitä
näkee sen täyden salin, hymyilevät kasvot kiinni huumeiden täyttämissä päissä.

Sit sun niska lähtee nytkymään kompin tahtiin. Sitä ei voi ku oottaa ja
nautiskella. Piripirkot nytkyy alkunosteen tahtiin. Komppi lakkaa, tulee
suvanto... pitkä suvanto. Tanssimisesta sekasi menneet kropat heiluu edelleen
vanhasta muistista. Sit ne siirtyy nytkymään... alkaa melodia. Tyttöjen
mekkojen helmat heiluu vastustamattomalla kauneudella. Sit se alkaa...
aavistus siitä mitä on tulossa hiipii kroppaan. Kaikki hymyilee ja näät miten
ne nuoret lihakset jaloissa jännittyy, ne oottaa sitä. Ne on kuin panttereita
jotka tamppaa persettään ennenku ne loikkaa vihollisen kimppuun. Nää kaikki o
valmiina loikkaamaan anttemiransen kimppuun, ne janoaa verta. Ja sit se tulee!
Kädet ilmaan ja tamppausta! Hameet nousee niin ylös että sä näet kyyneleisistä
silmikulmistas millaset pikkuhousut niillä on. Sitä jatkuu ja jatkuu, siellä o
elossa vain ranse, tytöt ja sä. Josse on oikeeta anttemiransee ni sitä kestää.
Sitä kestää niin pitkää että meinaa taju lähtee, mutta ei se silti riitä. Sitä
pettyy silti joka kerta yhtä kovasti, siihen että anttemiranse päättyy. Ei
haittaa että valo häikäsee silmään ja savukoneen savu on murjonu
hajureseptorit nenästä tajuttomiksi. Ei haittaa vaikka pyörit lasinsiruissa
huumehörhöjen keskellä jotka muualla tavatessanne naurais sulle. Päävitunasia
on nääs se, että anttemiranse soi.
Posted: 28 Mar 2007 08:04 [ permalink ]
Voisko joku kertoo mitä mun kannattais tehdä? Jos kertositte että mitä teitte,
nii mä voisin sit valita niistä että mitä mä en ainakaa aio tehä.

Ainii, elämä muuten on aika ihanaa.
Posted: 23 Mar 2007 17:24 [ permalink ]
Tänää rupesin tos pohtii aamupäivällä sitä, et miten sitä sais kirjotettuu
parasta mahdollista shittiä. Sit se aukes. Sitä sais kirjotettuu ku paljastaa
ittensä oikein kunnolla, menee sielu munasillaan lavalle ja huutaa et täsä mä
oon, ottakaa tai jättäkää! Sit mä rupesin vielä kelaamaan, että eihän se
saatana niinku onnistu. Ei ainakaa multa. Ei vittu ikinä. Jos mä jo nyt
kuvittelen ett
oon jotenki erikoinen ja ettei mua ymmärretä, ni sit mä vasta erikoinen
olisinki jos mä sen tunnustaisin. Joten ny mä oon päättäny alkaa kijrotteleen
tänne blogiin vuoronperään totta ja vuoronperään keksimiäni juttuja. Mä oon
melkein varma että kaikkein uskomattomimmat totuudet menee fiktion piikkiin.
Mut lupaan aloittaa lähipäivinä. 

Poltin tänää sit Maisan tuttikeiton pohjaan. Kämppä haisee ongelmajätteidenkäsi
ttelylaitokselta ja nyt toi ite tuttien omistaja tuuttas viel sellaset
rykäleet housuunsa et meinaa tulla oksennus. PItänee mennä siivoomaan ne pois
ennenku päänsäryn lisäks alkaa oksettaa. Jumalauta.
Posted: 22 Mar 2007 21:53 [ permalink ]
Yritin pistää tänne <3, mutta sehän oli liian lyhyt ja tämä oma tekemäni
koodin retale hylkäsi entryni. Valitan itselleni
Posted: 22 Mar 2007 15:37 [ permalink ]
Mä pelkäsin että näin käy vielä joskus. Kone päihitti koneen älykkyydessä.
Eiku siis ihmisen. Eiku ihminen päihitti koneen. Eiku kone. Kone päihitti
Posted: 22 Mar 2007 11:43 [ permalink ]
Iha vaa varmistaakseni, että tiedätte: Pelle on sirkuksen surullisin äijä, se
itkee vaikka sille o maalattu hymy naamalle.
Posted: 22 Mar 2007 11:07 [ permalink ]
I wrote longest e-mail I have ever written. 30KB long, took over 2 hours to
complete. Quite a story.
Posted: 21 Mar 2007 21:13 [ permalink ]
Tiätteks mikä sattuu? Se että työntää sormee nopeesti eteenpäin semmosta
ohutta rautaa kohti. Silleen et kynsi ja sormi jatkaa matkaansa. Eripuolilla
sitä vitun rautaa.
Posted: 21 Mar 2007 15:07 [ permalink ]
For some reason I have been VERY restless today. There is no obvious reason, I
hope I am not getting sick. Very persistent neck-/headache contributes
significantly to today's total annoyance level. 

I cleaned out our flat, once again. First dusting, then waited two hours for
dust to settle. Then vacuuming. Then woodtile floor cleaner and finally
waxing. While I began waxing, some goddamn nice trance was playing on
( so it took only about 40ms for my brains to react: set
Ninja_trance_mode=true; Volume to 10, rag on the hand and then some ninja
moves: WAX ON, WAX OFF! I knew watching karate kid on repeat would pay off
some day.

I have received some very nice e-mails from very nice persons (of course I
received also shitty ones from less nice people, it is the law of my karma ->
If you receive too nice e-mails, you shall receive spam and whine), so I am
all excited about everything! I also received thumbs up from my primary boss
for 3 day course on may for ArcGIS Server so more travelling and learning.
Nice nice.

Wonders of motivation.
Today I spent some time wondering about the wonderful but not well known
concept of motivation. Motivation originates from the word that means motion
or motive as a reason (which indeed could be from the same movement based
origin). As a word motivation means basically entity's internal reason to move
or act. There are external and internal motives which cause motivation. I
couldn't find any today.  
Posted: 21 Mar 2007 10:08 [ permalink ]
I changed my msn address to from The another
one is still valid for work related connections. Reason? I no longer own domain and the posts don't get forwarded. 
Posted: 21 Mar 2007 10:07 [ permalink ]
Lovetan. Täysillä. Elämää ja ihmisiä.
Posted: 20 Mar 2007 09:01 [ permalink ]
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.
Posted: 19 Mar 2007 14:53 [ permalink ]
Doverin kalliot. Kuulemma mahtavat.
Posted: 19 Mar 2007 08:55 [ permalink ]
Just an inform to all you fenno-ugrically limited people: I love you too and I
will continue providing quality blogfeeds in english also.
Posted: 19 Mar 2007 08:38 [ permalink ]
Uuh. Olipas ihana risteily. Känniä tuli otettua makoisia määriä ja
Tukholmaankin päästiin. Moderna Museet otti meidät vastaan ja halasi meitä
limaisella sylillään. Oli taas taiteilijat tehneet hommiaan. Oli konetta joka
harjasi itseään kun painoi nappia (hyödyllinen esine, ei tartte pyyhkiä
pölyjä. Kun vaan muistaa käyttää kerran viikossa), sit oli pimpsankuvaa
seinällä ja jättikokoinen samettipäällysteinen munankuori. Jes jes. 

Illat meni laivalla kivoissa merkeissä. Ensimmäisenä iltana tanssin kuin
travolta ja sain lonkkani niin kipeiksi että kävelin kuin akuankka. Seura oli
hyvää, ensimmäisen illan pisteytys 9-. Ilta päättyi vitoskannen tupakkaloosiin
jossa pääsin katsomaan läheltä homojoukkion ja hägiensä hägsäröintiä läheltä.
Puristelin erään naisen polvilumpiota ja koin elämyksiä. Yllättävän ihanaa
hommaa. Lähes tissien puristelun veroista. 

Toinen ilta lähti käyntiin hieman varovaisemmin, mutta päätyi sitäkin
ihanammin. En ole ehkä ever never jutellut yhtä monipuolisesti asioista
kenenkään kanssa, etenkään naispuolisten naisten kanssa.  Jutut kävivät
kvanttimekaniikasta psykologian ja filosofian kautta tietotekniikkaan.
Nuoruuden seikkailuista lasten tekemiseen ja kaveruussuhteisiin. Outoa mutta
ehkä ihaninta ever mitä "tuntemattomien" ihmisten kanssa voi vaatteet päällä
tehdä. En tosin tiedä paraneeko se edes vaatteita vähentämällä, luultavasti
päinvastoin. Vituku sitä osais kirjoittaa (tai vitu kun JAKSAIS kirjoittaa)
niin noista tarinoista sais kyllä kudottua mahtavia elokuvia tai kirjoja. 

Ainiin ja mikä hämmästyttävintä: Tunnistin tuon immeisen jo ulkonäöltä
samankylän tytöksi! Kummallista, sillä hää muutti pois sieltä 20v sitten
(tosin lähelle, voihan olla että muistan häät sieltäkin?). 

Darol oli kaukaa viisaana miehenä kirjoittanut muutama viikko takaperin
ketjukirjeistä. Eräässä noista oli pyydetty lähettämään kommentti 3:n leffaan
2 päivän sisällä tai kuolo korjaa. Rupesin tässä miettimään että: Jos jokainen
lähettää viestit keskimäärin päivän sisällä, ja yksi viesti vie vaikkapa
tuollaiset 100 tavua (jossain pakatussa muodossa), niin kuukauden kuluttua you
tubessa on 61 petatavua pelkkiä kommentteja! Ennen kuin googlelta ja
juutuubilta loppuvat levytilaan käytettävät rahat, alkaa porukkaa putoilemaan
luultavasti jo pelkästään sen takia etteivät he enää pääse ruuhkautuneisiin
palveluihin sisälle. Koko maailma täyttyy vapisevista ihmisraunioista jotka
odottavat ihaninta päiväänsä ja suukkoa elämänsä rakkaudelta! Minusta
kuulostaa siltä että ihmiskunta saa sitä mitä tilaa. Service not available ja
rakkoja f5:n näpyttelystä.
Posted: 23 Feb 2007 18:40 [ permalink ]
Ihana ilta, sähköpostia hyviltä tyypeiltä ja hommat sain tehtyä niin hyvin
että eipä oo mitää tekemistä taas hetkeen! Otampa vinkkua.
Posted: 11 Feb 2007 19:49 [ permalink ]
Ny oli kyl helmee, marsu tuli kaupasta, toi kolme kaljaa (0.5l) ja ehdotti et
ostettasko häälahjaks meille toisillemme pleikkari kakkonen.
Posted: 09 Feb 2007 17:48 [ permalink ]
R.I.P. Anna Nicole
Posted: 03 Feb 2007 11:39 [ permalink ]
Olkaa siis Jumalan seuraajia, niinkuin rakkaat lapset ja vaeltakaa
rakkaudessa, niinkuin Kristuskin rakasti teitä ja antoi itsensä meidän
edestämme lahjaksi ja uhriksi, Jumalalle "suloiseksi tuoksuksi". 
Mutta haureutta ja minkäänlaista saastaisuutta tai ahneutta älköön edes
mainittako teidän keskuudessanne - niinkuin pyhien sopii - älköön myös
rivoutta tai tyhmää lorua tai ilvehtimistä, jotka ovat sopimattomia, vaan
paremmin kiitosta.
Sillä sen te tiedätte ja tunnette, ettei yhdelläkään haureellisella eikä
saastaisella eikä ahneella - sillä hän on epäjumalanpalvelija - ole
perintöosaa Kristuksen ja Jumalan valtakunnassa.
Posted: 31 Jan 2007 21:09 [ permalink ]
Niin siis, edellisessä lähetteessä mainittu vitsihän kuuluu: Mikä on kirkasta
ja haisee paskalle? (Vastaus sisältää kymmeniä kilodaroleita huumoria)
Posted: 31 Jan 2007 21:08 [ permalink ]
Oku tells Nevahood and you 'prkl suomen paras vitsi tosiaan eltaantu aika
pahasti :('
Posted: 21 Jan 2007 18:51 [ permalink ]

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 08:55 [ permalink ]
Ou mai gaad, näin TAAS unta Päivi K:sta, ja ku tarkistin googlella, etmitähä
se guuggeli tietää Päivistä, ni eikö perkele se mun kirjoitus vuodelta nolla
kummittele ekana iskuna? Kummittelee.
Posted: 10 Jan 2007 22:34 [ permalink ]
Quote nyysseistä:
"Our country and all the other socialist countries want peace; so do          
 the peoples of all the countries of the world. The only ones who crave       
 war and do not want peace are certain monopoly capitalist groups in a        
 handful of imperialist countries which depend on aggression for their        
 profits." --Mao Zedong (1956) 
Posted: 09 Jan 2007 10:44 [ permalink ]
Last night I saw nice dreams again. I was driving on a nice red convertible (I
watched some stupid sitcom which had 'Porscha' car on it) along the roads and
was trying to get away from police. Unfortunately they got me.
Posted: 31 Dec 2006 23:32 [ permalink ]
Ok, the time has come to write the conclusions about the year 2006 for 
Tero Rönkkö aka. Dino the Jurassic Wizard @ Batmud.

The last year started fine as a newcomer dad for a baby girl. I managed 
well on my task. The girl grew up fine and we got marries with Marsu and 
daughter got named Maisa Aurora (Aurora for the Aurora borealis which 
I *absolutely* love and Maisa for other reasons. I later learned that 
Maisa means "scent of forest" which is very very appropriate). 

I had very good time at private boatcon with Ceewu, Oku and Usva during 
the spring. There were some numbers that became "Classic" during the cruise
and I will remember the nice moments for a long time. 

During the spring I succeeded at work very well and got lots of thanks for
my achievements that still carry on. This was very challenging 
professionally and I am sure it will carry on for the future.

During the summer we spent some unforgettable momennts on the island of 
the Rhodes nevertheless it was windy and boring from time to time.

During the autumn I had opportunity to go abroad to ESRI European User 
Conference and I had chance to meet VERY special people. It was and still 
is very influential to meet people who were truely enthusiastic about
their job and about what they were doing. I hope this will carry on to 
the next year.

So in conclusion, during 2007...

I was most proud of ...
... my achievements on the field of programming on soil field-data collection
tool UI. 
... the people I met during the year.
... amount of change I was able to inflict on myself.
... my wife, daughter and son.

I was most ashamed of myself because of...

For the year 2007, I will promise to...

... weigh 78kg.
... to meet new people.
... to be my worth in salary.
... to be more than I am being expected of.
... to be better than before.
... to be worth the money I would be, if I was a company.

Posted: 30 Dec 2006 20:08 [ permalink ]
Uusi vuosi tekee tuloaan ja alkaa olemaan aika kirjoittaa edellinen puhtaaksi.
En aio tehdä sitä tietenkään nyt, vaan vasta huomenna.

Nyt voisin kuitenkin jo edeltäkäsin kiittää kaikkia niitä henkilöitä jotka
ovat tehneet tästä vuodesta miellyttävän elää. Aloitellaan muditutuilla:

This year is coming to end but it is not yet time for conclusions. Rather I
would like to thank following persons for making this year worthwhile:

Mudders: Femko, Grizzt, Ruta, Ceewu, Oku, Dura, Mopo, Machaon, Mordac, Marlor
(and all other dataroom persons that I don't remember here), Flirt, all my
*fabulous* apprentice wizzes (darol, orgoh, blasterr and all others!). Don't
be offended if you were not included in this list, I am under influence of
alcohol and the big confession is yet to come tomorrow.
Posted: 29 Dec 2006 13:26 [ permalink ]
Terveisiä Erja Kaskimetsälle! Tuli vaan tuossa mieleen pakkaskeleistä ne
muinaiset potkuriajelut ja muut yhteiset marssit. Sano samalla terveisiä
siskollesi myös. Mukavia tyttöjä!
Posted: 28 Dec 2006 09:46 [ permalink ]
Aika hitti fakta tuli täs eteen kun meillä oli käymässä Maisan kummi veljensä
ja tämän tyttöystävän kanssa. Tämä tyttöystävä oli Ruotsista ja kertoi että
"Maisa menar skogsdoft" elikkäs ettäpä Maisa nimi meinaa metsäntuoksua. Aika

Tyttö on muuten tänään 1v. Onnea kaikille osakkaille.
Posted: 25 Dec 2006 22:11 [ permalink ]
Dear you,

It has been almost four weeks and you haven't replied to my e-mail. I know it
was long and whiny, and I shouldn't really be writing these at all, but still.
It just was so nice to be able to feel that kind of feelings for the first
time in my life. I hope you will reply to e-mails, if you don't, well it is up
to you. Just know this, I will remember you. Always.
Posted: 24 Dec 2006 09:31 [ permalink ]
Vittu et mä vihaan tätä joulua. Ei sillä että vihaisin nimenomaan TÄTÄ joulua,
vaan mä vihaan joulua yleensä. Ei, tämä ei tarkoita että minusta ei olisi
kivaa kun on kuusi ja saa antaa lahjoja ja että syödään hyvin. Se mitä minä
tässä vihaan on tää perkeellinen yrittäminen ja jännittäminen sen yrittämisen
suhteen. Jokaisella on omat odotukset joulusta ja sitten niitä toisten
toiveita ja unelmia yritetään toteuttaa ja samalla reikä rypyssä pidätellään
henkeä että meneehän ne kaikki odotukset nyt varmasti juuri niinkuin pitää.
Kellontarkkaa rypistelyä.

Joulu näyttää olevan naisille (ainakin minun naisilleni) jotain samaa kuin
häät on Amerikkalaisille. Häihinhän ladataan odotuksia ja prinsessanväristä
vaaleanpunaisuutta koko naisten nuoruuden ajan. Jouluun ladataan joulunpunaa
onneksi vain muutaman kuukauden ajan, mutta ei se silti tee tästä
vuosittaisesta helvetistä yhtään sen parempaa. Ja vittujos ei pipari tuoksu
nenässä ja mielessä ole silkohapsilapsista kirmailemassa kuusen alla niin olet
ilonpilaaja. Mua kyrsii jo nää suomalaiset joululaulutkin. Eikö sitä perkele
voi edes kerran vuodessa iloita ja olla onnellinen? Kaikki laulut on "whine
whine kruiks, pellosta meni viljat ja lehmät kuoli ja vittuku o kylmä ja
pulutki palelee"

Hyvä Jumala, voisitko ensi vuonna peruuttaa Joulun.
Posted: 22 Dec 2006 22:16 [ permalink ]
Hello, I just wanted to announce how great today has been. I have coded my
first ASP application ( i had little previous experience experimenting with
PHP and MySQL). I web enabled my LANTTU (Laboratorio ANalyysiTulosten
TUtkimisohjelma - Laboratory Analysis-study Program) program and it was so
goddamn nice and trivial that I can hardly believe it. I am totally on fire!

It seems like MS has been doing really awesome job with .NET IDEs like Visual
Studio 2005, it integrates PERFECTLY with IIS and development + deployment was
SO easy that it actually hurts to know how "difficult" it is with PHP (either
you edit locally with pico or shitlike that and press refresh or whatever, or
you have some scripts to do it - Atleast this was reality for me). It is not
impossible, but it is more difficult. And with .NET I had the advantage of
being able to use my native computer language, C#,  for it. All the familiar
API's and tools so basically it was just as simple as learning how to use
datagrid with objectdatasources and how to create datatable from Oracle, which
turned out to be pretty awesomely easy.
Posted: 19 Dec 2006 07:18 [ permalink ]
Dearest blog. I have been listening lately to "Anna Frank - The diary of a
young girl" and it makes me furious and sad that I have learned this vulgar
version of english instead of that written in England. Not that the audiobook
is in english, it is originally written in Dutch (or German, not sure) and
those languages are SO polite and vivid that it hurts. 

BEsides that, I finally understood how in the hell should Diary be written. It
should be written to you. To the diary. Like letter. It could become a true
lovestory, just me and you. Together, staring at each others watery eyes with
empty gazes... I think I will do that. I will do that for you. 

And work... I should start a blog about "HUOH - A diary of systems analyst".
As you might know, I work for quite largish government organization who has
nothing whatsoever to do with computers by nature. I am doing my part in
developing them a core supportive system for their basic operations. However,
the nature of the business (geology) is nonclassifiable, meaning that there
isn't quite good agreement how things should be classified. And as you most
likely know, computers tend to like classified things. The result of above
mentioned conflict from my point of view (as system administrator and
architect for the databases, a frontend software developer and general system
design architect (time to time)) is horrible, amazingly horrible mess. It is a
continuum of failures, everlasting dance of incompetence, daily cancellations
and withdrawals, attempts to deny responsibility and lack of character to
restrain doing the previous. It is a daily wtf with capital letters and
underlining, bold, size 60 font. With rainbow colours.
Posted: 10 Dec 2006 14:08 [ permalink ]
(13:39) Zinko tells you 'veikkaan etta koko taa karttamuutos oli vaan ovela
 salajuoni saada meidat hukkaan sormukset etta joku mithrand saa houkuteltua
 sut vaimokseen'

Hiukan myöhemmin:
Zinko tells you 'onneks automaatti anto sormuksen takasin'
Posted: 04 Dec 2006 22:33 [ permalink ]
Runo ihanille asioille:
Tissit tissit, ootte mahtavia.
Tupsut ja tuhinat, ootta ihan ihania.
Posted: 04 Dec 2006 22:24 [ permalink ]
33 years old tomorrow, drunk and happy today.
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 09:27 [ permalink ]
Uhu.... good morning. Last night I saw a dream that was kind of scary, but in
a totally new way:
I was sorting things out on police station with my mom and dad. My father was
a police and I have no idea what my mother was. But I recall she was pretty
and my dad was handsome detective kind of police. My father annouced that we
need to move the fuck out of our apartment because he is all fucking fed up
with us and the family and had divorce papers on hand. I tried to reason with
him but in vain. I don't recall what other happened since then as the bell

Well there wasn't too much scary shit there, was there? No. The actually scary
part is that for the first time in the history of my dreams (that I recall) I
wasn't me. I was some other fucking dude, not me. I think my brains are
outsourcing me to some cheaper to upkeep version from america or something. It
was like a fucking tv movie, not a decent dream. I will need brain surgery if
this continues. 
Posted: 24 Nov 2006 18:00 [ permalink ]
To make this more complicated, I am taking some medicative drink. It seems not
to help at the moment. I should probably close visual studio before I make
this shit completely unreadable.
Posted: 24 Nov 2006 17:59 [ permalink ]
Today's meditation point: Where to put eventhandler code in C# sourcefiles....
very problematic. Book says to top (But speaks of event/enum/delegate
definitions) and I am used to put them on most bottom. This sucks
Posted: 23 Nov 2006 08:00 [ permalink ]
"In war, the second worse thing after losing - is winning" - The dude who beat
Napoleon at Waterloo.
Posted: 22 Nov 2006 07:29 [ permalink ]
To celebrate two week anniversary for something nice, I will give tp for the
first person who tells me "GIMME!" after this blog.
Posted: 21 Nov 2006 12:11 [ permalink ]
Uuuh, Taste of Cherry Halls candies - Memories of the Athens. 

Other news on the frontier of Wizard life. I have recovered (atleast
partially) and working HARD on the new editor UI for the soil geologists. Also
waiting for new ArcGIS 9.2 to be published and shipped to us for testing. I am
in a bit of a hurry before the end of the year here, but it is nice as it
keeps me alert and focused.
Posted: 13 Nov 2006 08:29 [ permalink ]
Good morning from finland my fellow mongers.

I decided that I will ask Geological survey to allow me to continue my studies
and I will start looking for doctorate or licensiate program to start on. I
have some ideas already for the study (Next generation digital mapping of
geological data, the current is crap. Or alternatively Datamodeling of
Geological data and Metadata). 

This aimless spending time on fun things must stop. 
Posted: 11 Nov 2006 12:44 [ permalink ]
While going home from Athens I wrote this on my diary: 

"When I think about it rationally, it feelds completely stupid to miss
something that won't miss me even for a blink. And the only thing that I miss
it for, even isn't there anymore. I guess this is like the slogan in the
ad-board on the way to the airport: 'you never say goodbye to a myth'"
Posted: 11 Nov 2006 11:53 [ permalink ]
What is it about melancholic butg powerful songs that touch my mind?
Last week I spent some time in Greece and went to Acropolis and against usual,
I was listening to music instead of audio books I usually have been listening.
I had put some of the longest ones I ripped from the DI.FM newage stream and
while walking on the ruins, my MP3 player injected those nice tunes straight
into my brain. It was like shooting heroine while looking especially beautiful
art or naked female body. Vangelis, 2002 and the like. Melancholic while still
extremely cheerful, smiling greek girls, couple holding hands and another
kissing on the ruins (Go check the pictures at gallery/ronkko/ath
ens06). A girl drawing a sketch, tourist taking a picture of a flower. 
My god, I am listening to this now (Cusco - Tigris and Euphrates), and it
literally is almost making me cry.
Posted: 11 Nov 2006 11:44 [ permalink ]
I should really do something about my life. 
Posted: 08 Nov 2006 17:23 [ permalink ]
Melekosen tyyristä kaliaa hotelli Hilton Athens'n yläkerran näköalabaarissa.
PAikallista litkua 10eur pullo.
Posted: 05 Nov 2006 08:37 [ permalink ]
Hello, vähän tarinaa suomeksi reissun onnistumisesta so far:
Olenhan siis nyt Ateenassa, tuossa antiikin pääkaupungissa. Seuraanko
Aristoteleen ja kumppaneiden jalanjälkiä ja istun oliivilehdossa lakana
päälläni, litkimässä viiniä ja räpläämässä Spartan kuumimpia kimuleita
kuumaksi? En. Palelen hotellissa lievän flunssan kourissa. Miten tähän
päädyttiin ja mistä tänne tultiin? 
Aloitin matkan valmistelut toissapäivänä pakkaamalla alukun rakkaan vaimoni
Marjan kera. Myös tyttäreni Maisa avusti syömällä rättiä ja hakkaamalla
laukkua nyrkillä. Illalla ryhdyin nukkumaan kello 23 kuten tavallista. LAitoin
kellon soimaan 4.15 että ehdin aamun lentokoneeseen. LAitoin varalta molemmat
känykät soimaan (kun en ollutm uistanut ladata kummankaan akkuja niin oli
parempi varautua kauiikkeen). Näkökykyni kuitenkin teki tepposet. Vanhempi
kännykkäni (työrasia) oli edellisenä' viikonloppuna tehnyt loparit ja
irtisanonut taustavalonsa, en siis nähnyt mitä kello siinä vehkeessä näytti.
Sain unesta kiinni vähän jälkeen puolen yön joten unta olisi tarjolla vähän
yli neljätuntia. Kuinka väärässä olinkaan.

Kello soi ja onnekseni en tällä kertaa kimmonnut vain ylös ja alkanut
puuhailemaan. Päätin laittaa toisen kännykän kiinni ennenkuin sekin herättää.
Huomasin että kello oli vasta 3.15. Se vanha känny oli jossain
muinaissuomalaisessa ajassa! No, ei muuta kuin tunti lisää unta. Hyvin meni.
Heräsin lopulta, puin päälleni ja lähdin matkalle. Kone nousi Kuopiosta 6.10,
laskeutui mukavien lentoemäntien pitäessä vapisevista käsistäni kiinni
Helsinkiin juuri aikataulussa seitsemältä. 

Helsingissä jouduin odottamaan seuraavaa lentoa 10.30 saakka joten vietin
aikaani pääasiassa housuntaskuja kuluttaen ja pohtiessani eteläisen
naapurikansan ulkonäöllisiä eroja suomalaiseen maatiaisrotuun nähden. Aula oli
nääs varattu ennen Zurichin lentoa Viroon suuntautuville matkailijoille. Tein
kuitenkin hätäisiä johtopäätöksiä asioista ja kaikein virolaisimmiksi
luulevani tyttöset olivatkin luultavasti Sveitsiläisiä sihteereitä. Uuden
arkkivelhomme favoritin näköiset jannut kuitenkin osoittautuivat epäilyjeni
mittaisiksi virolaisiksi nörteiksi.

LEnto zurichiin sujui kivasti. Laskeutuminen oli niin pehmeä, että en voi
koskaan tunnustaa kokeneeni yhtä ihanaa tunnetta. Se oikeasti oli taidetta!
Zurichissa käppäilin lähtöportilleni ja kävin pikaisesti taxfree ostoksilla
ostamassa deodoranttia. Paikalla oli ihan USKOMATTOMIA ilmestyksiä. Edessäni
osteli sellainen melkein 2m amazooni jotain kosteusvoidetta. Kllä ei voi kuin
ihmetellä tätä maailman moninaisuutta. Lennolle pääsin istumaan kreikkalaisen
kompuutteri äijän (en tiedä mikälie äijä, mut jotenkin veikkailin) ja
saksalaisen bisnes-insinöörinaisen väliin. 

Saksalaisen kanssa pääsin pienen alkukankeuden kanssa juttuun ja ihan kivaa
oli jutella. Hää toimi sotilas sat-com laitteita valmistvan yrityksen business
development osastolla ja oli nyt menossa Ateenaan 9 kaverinsa kanssa
purjehtimaan. Olivat vuokranneet 16m veneen viikoksi (2800 eur). Olin lievästi
sanottuna kateelllinen. Except: Täällä on pirun kylmää ja luultavasti merellä
tuulee kuin viimeistä päivää. Tyttö oli ekakertaa menossa purjehtimaan ja
kertoi vielä tulevansa helposti merisairaaksi. 

No lento päättyi ja pääsin turvallsiesti henkisen isäni - Aristoteleen -
kotipaikkakunnalle Ateenaan. ei muutakuin kassi hihnalta ja taksille. Istuin
kyytiin ja selitin kaifarille et Hotel Electra, Syntagma square. Kysyin
lisäksi et käykö visa. Kaveri tuumaili hetken ja kysyi sen jälkeen
aroituksellisesti "Hotel electra, Syntagma?". Nyökkäsin ymmärtäneeni

Kuski suristi moottoribaanalla (luultavasti rakennettu olympialaisia varten,
oli senverran uudennäköistä paikkaa) 150km/h, rajoituksen ollessa 80km/h.
Selvisimme kuitenkin vain yhdellä hätäjarrutuksella jonka aikana kaveri otti
vielä varalta minusta kiinni (etten lennä kirjani kanssa lasista pihalle).
Kiitin pelastajaani ja laskin kirjan pois sylistä. Pääsin perille hotelliin
maksettuani kyydistä 35eur. Edullista ja mukavaa.

Huoneessani oli pereleen kylmä joten ruuvasin lämpölaitteen isommalle ja
sairastuin. Katselin hetken telkkaria ja päätin lähteä ulos syömään. Kävelin
hotellilta ehkä 50m johonkin Everest nimiseen sämpyläbaariin ja ostin club
sandwichin ranskalaisilla ja tölkin kokista. Ongelmaksi tulee muodostumaan se,
että en ymmärrä kielestä mitään enkä osaa edes noita paikallisten kirjaimia.
Pitää nopeasti opetella.

Vielä senverran että sveitsi näytti kauniila. Joskin maa lentokoneesta ennen
Zurichia näytti lähinnä haltiaäidin mauttomuudella vanhoista erähousuista
tehdyltä tilkkutäkiltä, oli vuoristo kaunista katseltavaa. 

Tämän sunnutntain aion nyt kipeänä ollessani käyttää hyödyllisesti menemällä
ensin sotamuseoon ja sieltä sitten akropoliille katsomaan raunioita. Jos aikaa
jää niin poikkean vielä muuallakin, mutta en jaksa kyllä kauheasti ravata.
Posted: 04 Nov 2006 09:38 [ permalink ]
kone nousee ihan kohta. 10.05 nääs. Zurichiin. sieltä sit Ateenaan.
Posted: 03 Nov 2006 20:09 [ permalink ]
At ESRI european user conference @ athens from 4th to 10th of november. 
Posted: 03 Nov 2006 20:08 [ permalink ]
Time to get nervous. 10 hours till my plane leaves. First from Kuopio to
Helsinki at 6.10 am, then about 10am from Helsinki to Munich and then later
from there to Athens. Will be back online tomorrow evening hopefully. Or then
maybe in friday when I get back to finland. Roaming GPRS internet was just too
expensive (17eur/MB) to use if hotel doesn't provide.
Posted: 30 Oct 2006 19:53 [ permalink ]
I will reserve this plot to advertise my RSS feed -watcher program aRSSe!. Go
ahead and check it out at . It enables you to
follow websites for updated content with your web browser (it opens the
articles in default browser). 
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 22:05 [ permalink ]
tässä taitaa kyl ny olla jotain merkillistä. Todella merkillistä
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 21:46 [ permalink ]
Testaataan ny sit tuleeko parempaa ääkköstä
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 21:33 [ permalink ]
No ei ollu ei
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 21:32 [ permalink ]
Pliupliiii. Tää o viimenen jos vaa toimii toi juttu. Last one if this works
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 21:28 [ permalink ]
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 21:27 [ permalink ]
Piipipiiiipaaa auto tulipunnaineeeeen!
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 21:25 [ permalink ]
Plipplop, hevonen on pop
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 21:22 [ permalink ]
TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst
test TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst test TEst test
TEst test TEst test Testing more, don't worry. It will stop soon. TEst test 
Posted: 27 Oct 2006 21:21 [ permalink ]
Testing this... do not worry, more to come
Posted: 24 Oct 2006 09:48 [ permalink ]
Uhu, I just realized this morning (while taking my daughter to daycare) how
HOT women in about their mid 30's are. There was this nice mature woman
dressed in "suit". *Purr*
Posted: 23 Oct 2006 21:22 [ permalink ]
Encountered an interesting thought today on a book: What would you do if you
were invisible and could do whatever you would want to? Would you be
altruistic and help others, or would you go and take what you want? 
Posted: 14 Oct 2006 20:35 [ permalink ]
Ensimmäinen jahtipäivä takana, metsästysneitsyys meni. Saaliiksi ei tosin
tullut kuin kylmettymiä ja urho sikspäkki teboililta. Lähden hieromaan
alfauroksen lihaksiani saunaan. Onneksi kämppäkin on tänä iltana yksin minun!
Posted: 13 Oct 2006 07:28 [ permalink ]
What the hell is so addictive in pulling, touching and scraping healing
wounds? I just can't resist myself.
Posted: 11 Oct 2006 07:50 [ permalink ]
Jaaha, tänään keskustelussa aiheena aikuistuminen, tarpeet vs. halut. 
Tuli kotirintamalla tarvetta määritellä "toisen tarpeellisuus". Nyt
pohdittuani asiaa olen tullut siihen tulokseen että kyse on semantiikasta:
Lapsi syntyy tähän maailmaan täynnä tarpeita, ilman haluja. Halut kehittyvät
mutta tarpeet säilyvät läpi lapsuuden. Nuoruudessa ja alkavassa aikuisuudessa
tarpeet alkavat muuttua haluiksi ja toisinaan syntyy ristiriitatilanteita
tarvitsijan ja tarvittavien välille. Minä mittaisin aikuisuuden sillä, että
voi sanoa ettei tarvitse mitään toisilta ja on riippumaton. Halut eivät toki
välttämättä häviä mihinkään. Aivan myöhäinen vanhuus taas ryömii kuvioihin
mukanaan tukku tarpeita toisia kohtaan. 
Autonomia tai kuolema!
Posted: 10 Oct 2006 09:00 [ permalink ]
Aughhh.... ensimmäinen jahti lähestyy. "Lavan taakse, paksuimpaan kohtaan" :(
Posted: 08 Oct 2006 10:23 [ permalink ]
Voivittu tätä elämää taas. Kaik alusta:82.4kg ja kaikki siitä et vedin punkkua
lounaalla ja otin jälkkäriks liköörin. Jumaliste. 
Posted: 03 Oct 2006 14:06 [ permalink ]
"I am god. And so are you. The only difference between me and you is that I
know it while you still doubt it" -Some yogi.
Posted: 30 Sep 2006 20:42 [ permalink ]
Meinas tulla hengenlähtö Torniossa. Kaiffari uhosi tappavansa ja haki kaverit
avuksi. Piti juosta aikalailla.
Posted: 21 Sep 2006 21:08 [ permalink ]
Paino se meni tänää sit 79.6:n joten otimpa sit sen kunniaksi vähä sidukkaa
(väkevää) ja parit oluet. Kyytipojaksi pahaa oloa karkoittamaan naukkasin
tuokkosen bailey'stä, joka oli seleästi noista paras. Päiväthän onkin nyt
kuluneet kyllä häpeilemättömästi Civilizationia pelatessa. Oon kyl
koodannukkin vähän.
Kakkosversio huippusuosion saaneesta softastani valmistuu.
Posted: 21 Sep 2006 09:22 [ permalink ]
In tribute to scales:
If year would represent a millimeter:
Human life was about 8cm long.
Birth of the Christ was merely 2 meters away and the first Homo Sapiens about
45 meters away. 
Last ice age was about 12 meters away and last mammoths about 4 meters away.
America was discovered about 50cm "ago" and first humanoids appeared on earth
about 4km away. 
Dinosaurs and the like rule the earth from 65km to 300km away. 
First organisms are born 3500km away and the earth itself, about 5500km away. 
Universe itself is approximated to is born 20000km to the past and our sun
will consume its fuel in about 5000km to the future.

My life is only 3.3cm of that. 
Posted: 19 Sep 2006 20:52 [ permalink ]
An nice sidenote from the book that I am reading (listening actually) - A
short history of nearly everything - said that everytime you think about sex,
you release a tiny amount of testosterone. So, more you think of sex (watch
porn, wank, whatnot), the more you will want it (testosterone is the hormone
mainly responsible for male (and female too!) sex drive). So actually there is
a chemical reason why thinking about sex is obsessive.
Posted: 19 Sep 2006 19:46 [ permalink ]
Huhhuijaa. Töistä lähtiessäni kävin noutamassa puhelimen huollosta. Olivat
päivittäneet softan ja samalla dellineet kaiken sisällön. No onneksi on
bäkapit. Sitten ajelin kotia kohti ja moottoritiellä oli onnettomuus. 10km
matkalla meni ~1h 15min. Sen jälkeen sit söin kalakeittoa. Maha meni sekaisin
ja paska lensi. Nyt maistuu sit jälkeisihanuutena suussa hikiselle pallille ja
happamalle pimpsalle, en tiedä miksi.  Muuten menee iha hyvin. 
Posted: 16 Sep 2006 13:33 [ permalink ]
Menihä se perkele läpi. 
Posted: 15 Sep 2006 06:59 [ permalink ]
79.9kg läsähti. Ja eilen läsähti vitutus siitä että en osaa ampua. Joko on
miehessä tai sit on pyssy/patruuna/kiikarissa vikaa. Veikkaan että miehessä
joka ei osaa ampua kiikarilla
Posted: 14 Sep 2006 07:23 [ permalink ]
And hello again. Had a nice dream where I was supposedly on my workplace,
working as somekind of summer helper or so, and we were told to get rid of
outdated equipment. There were carts full of pens, accu- and normal batteries,
papers whatnot. We all (there was my school mates from my lower elementary
level school) hoarded loads of those stuff. My problem was that I didn't have
a bag to put those things into. So I was all worried that I don't get
anything... :(

The dream relates probably to our trip to Halti (Finland's highest peak, in
the northwest lapland) and my problems in packing.
Posted: 13 Sep 2006 07:21 [ permalink ]
Jess! Päästiin alle 81 rajan: 80.8kg! Eilen sain sen tussarin siihen
hirvestykseen ja kävin koeampumassa 30 laukausta. Vituiksha ne meni niin että
Posted: 06 Sep 2006 07:13 [ permalink ]
Last night in dream I was driving a van with my father (RIP). We ran into a
police squad and I didn't have my seatbelt on and had illegal bullets on my
hand (In finland you are not allowed to possess ammo for guns if you don't own
a license for such a gun). I quickly stuffed the bullets to glove compartment
and fastened the belt. The police (man and woman) were standing on a grassy
hillside and we pulled over. I opened the window and the woman asked me for
bread. They had forgotten to buy bread and were having lunch and were hoping
for us to give some. We had two packages of fazer brand bread with us (which
we had just bought) so we gave them the another one. I also offered some buns
and they took few from a large bag I had on the back. After that we left. The
lesson? Even police needs to eat I guess...
Posted: 05 Sep 2006 17:21 [ permalink ]
Mikä perkele se on se ero Rakastelun, Seksin harrastamisen ja Panemisen
Posted: 05 Sep 2006 08:13 [ permalink ]
Omg lolz. 
A friend of mine has MSN messenger status saying "At Work - OMG so busy - DONT
DISTURB ME". I mean, how inviting is that? I am fighting with myself to resist
disturbing really goddamn hard. Well... I hope I can resist. 

I saw a dream, and remember parts of it. This later sleeping time seems to be
doing good to my mental health (good is VERY relative). I was in somekind of
roleplaying game -shop with my godson who had bought a really cool fantasy
strategy board set. Lots of figurines and minicannons that shot long
projectiles. The aim was to hit other figurines with the projectiles from the
cannon. Reminds me of my childhood with my cousin, he had VERY nice playmobil
pirateship which I utterly envied. You could shoot little plastic pellets at
the little pirate figurines. I mean... HOW GODDAMN COOL IS THAT?  
Posted: 02 Sep 2006 11:30 [ permalink ]
oooouuuuh, two nice things today. First I remember one dream from last night
(long time since last one, perhaps it is because I went to bed one hour later
than normally?) and then I ran into a girl (woman) from my teentimes when I
was visiiting shop with Maisa this morning.
I then walked with her to her parents home to Toivala (about 4km from our
place?), had a nice talk with her. She had had it a bit roughly on life. She
has 3 children, 2 girls aged 9 and 11 who live by her parents and then one boy
of 1.5 y/o. Well enough of it, it was nevertheless nice... 
And then dream: I was a leader of group of soldiers in a paintball "war" (war
game with paintball guns). It was evening/night and my team was in this big
cottage getting things done. Suddenly a new guy steps and joins my team. He
tells us that the commander had ordered guard shifts of 2 hours each for us
and he was oing to be the first. Then I go with him to this very steep grassy
hill (I think it was the same hill as there is in Toivala, some 500m long
driveway with another 500m of raise on the opposite). It is now grassy plains
and there is a cover someone built. A red, transparent plastic 20cm by 10cm
thing that marks (or is?) the guardpost. I take the plastic thing off and
wonder who the hell puts xmas decorations as bunker on a open grassy hill.
Suddendly I notice a group of perhaps 10 people climbing the hill below. I
quickly decide to move the post up to the top of the hill and run there before
they notice me. It is too late and they arrive. I quickly get my gun and shoot
a illuminating ammo in air and yell "Don't shoot!". They look at me oddly and
walk by. I have no idea wtf happened and why in the hell I was commanding and
how there are illuminous ammo for paintball guns.... Shitty dream, but I
didn't get better yet. Perhaps tomorrow.
Posted: 28 Aug 2006 10:35 [ permalink ]
I didn't yet make it down to 80kg, but decided to return anyway. RL sucked
without dataroom. Nevertheless I am continuing towards the 80kg with
no-alcohol strike.

And I am missing about 3kg
Posted: 22 Jul 2006 21:24 [ permalink ]
pohjanmaanlinja 6, ylivieskassa. vitusti hyttysiä. onneksi puhelin toimaa
Posted: 20 Jul 2006 08:26 [ permalink ]
Hohoo, I found an old comic I made some 20+ years ago. Isn't it still
quite.... modern?
Posted: 19 Jul 2006 13:53 [ permalink ]
Q: Miksi kutsutaan darolismia joka on leivottu huumorin sisään? 
A: Lolzone -Vizziksi
Posted: 17 Jul 2006 06:57 [ permalink ]
I was browsing through my old letters, and boy I have been lucky in my live. A
big thank you to all the people who have loved me as much as they have. It has
been thoroughly nice life so far! Especially big thanks go to the few women I
have had pleasure to love and be loved by. Thanks
Posted: 13 Jul 2006 07:10 [ permalink ]
Jippiaieeeeee, paino meni alle 83kg, meni itseasiassa melkein alle 82kg. Ja
eilen tilattiin Rodoksen matkakin kun halvalla sai.
Posted: 11 Jul 2006 13:14 [ permalink ]
Se ihana nainen oli tänää surullinen. Ei se ainakaa hymyilly mulle ja näytti
iha itkeneeltä tai tosi väsyneeltä (vaikkei sitä kyl ikänä nää)
Posted: 07 Jul 2006 11:46 [ permalink ]
Nyut luultavasti tuun näyttämään oranssilta paviaanilta. Olin just
levittelemässä saamaani näytepakkausta itseruskettavasti voiteesta lärviini ku
puhelin soi taskussa. Failasin TAAS mehevästi
Posted: 07 Jul 2006 06:27 [ permalink ]
no nyt taas laiffi hymyilee leveästi! se bussityttö hymyili minulle jälleen,
on kyl mukavaa tää tälläinen!
Posted: 06 Jul 2006 14:21 [ permalink ]
Matemaattisesti siis: f'(life) > 0
Posted: 06 Jul 2006 14:19 [ permalink ]
Elämän derivaatta on aina positiivinen. 
Posted: 06 Jul 2006 06:30 [ permalink ]
uuh. se ihana nainen hymyineen on täällä bussissa taas pitkästä aikaa!!! ei
tosin nyt sit katsonutkaan kuin syrjäsilmällä. harmi!
Posted: 27 Jun 2006 21:28 [ permalink ]
Herrajumala sentää mikä panetuskausi on alkanu täs. Jotenki toi
kesäpäiväntasaus veti dinonseisauksen päälle.
Posted: 21 Jun 2006 06:54 [ permalink ]
Tänään se suuri totuus taas kerrottiin mulle (Conversation power -äänikirja):
Onnellisuus on oma valinta
Posted: 19 Jun 2006 15:27 [ permalink ]
Julkistan 556 -kerhon tulevan viisivuotisbilesuunnitelman tässä: Nyt aletaan
laivojen sijaan kiertämään suomea ympäri juopottelumielellä. Ensin
tietystikkin pitää painaa alle 80kg, mut varmaan jo syksyllä HC laihdutuksesta
selvittyäni, voitais lähteä.
Viva la 556-klubben
Posted: 19 Jun 2006 15:20 [ permalink ]
I just promised not to drink any alcohol before I weigh less than 80kg.
Reason: I have gained 7kg in 6 months
Posted: 16 Jun 2006 18:43 [ permalink ]
Eipä oo tullu blogattua sins viime kerran ollenkaan. Nyt ollaan kotona Maisan
kanssa kahdestaan ensimmäistä kertaa yötä. Hyvin on mennyt. Tyttö on oppinut
istumaan hienosti ja katsoo mun kanssa telkkaria. 
Posted: 01 May 2006 17:58 [ permalink ]
Vähemmän tunnettu, mutta useita ihmisiä koskettava, vaiettu ongelma:
Ylioppilaslakkiallergia. Olen havainnoinut että aina kun olen pitänyt lakkia
päässä, on seuraavana päivänä huonohko olo, kuvottaa, päähän koskee. Kaikki
selviä, vakavan myrkytyksen oireita. Otan varmasti yhteyttä hatun
valmistajaan. Voi olla että formaldehyditasot kankaassa ylittävät sallitut
arvot. Tähän on tultava loppu!
Posted: 17 Apr 2006 21:15 [ permalink ]
Niksipirkasta: Käytetyistä sukkahousuista, kahdesta kitarasta, rumpusetistä,
bassosta ja kolmesta kaverista saa näppärästi kyhättyä 80-luvun hevibändin.
Posted: 16 Apr 2006 21:45 [ permalink ]
Oli kesä ja oli mökki.
Oli vene ja tarinassa merenneito.
Tuli rakkauden hetki. 
Tuli Tero, sitten tulit sinä.
Tuli eno ja tuli nolostus. 

Tuli kiire ja meni eno. 
Tuli syys ja menit sinä. 
Ikävä jäi. 
Posted: 15 Apr 2006 19:35 [ permalink ]
Oodi extyttöystävälle
Olit mun, mä olin sun. 
Oli kesäkuuma, mulla päällä hirveä huuma.
Minna minna, olit mun manna.
Posted: 10 Apr 2006 14:04 [ permalink ]
Jessus, miten voi morkkis tulla ihmiselle viikon myöhässä? Tuli kuitenkin.
Olin kännäämässä viikko sitten perjantaina ja oli ilmeisesti niin kova känni
etten muistanu kaikkii yksityiskohtia ennenku nyt. Hokasin täs et mähä vittu
juttelin koko illan yhelle äijälle amiska ajoiltani. Tilittelin sille jotain
iha tarpeetonta moskaa, hävettää. Toivottavasti ei tuu turpaan. Pitäs osata
keskittyy olennaisempaan, eli juomiseen ja naisiin. 
Posted: 30 Mar 2006 07:23 [ permalink ]
Pitkästä aikaa tuli nähtyä ihanaa unta (tosin kankean alun jälkeen: Oletko
koskaan herännyt 02.00 yöllä siihen, että pohdit miten win32apin avulla
tutkitaan ActiveX komponenttien rajapintoja? Minä olen. Samalla tuli pohdittua
miten saan tehtyä ja liitettyä EXIF kuvametadata käpistimen paikkatietojärjeste
lmäämme.)! Olin mennyt naimisiin toisen naisen kanssa! Siis olen jo
naimisissa, mutta pääsin jollain erikoisluvalla naimisiin toisen naisen
kanssa. Oli todella näppärää kun oli kaksi naista joita puristella ja pitää
hyvänä. Toinen oli oma Marsuni, ja toinen oli uusi vaalea, pitkähiuksinen,
uhkea herkkunami. Olin kylläkin vähän ulapalla että miten käytännösä
tuollainen moniavioliitto toimii, mutta hyvin se sujui. Suosittelen.
Posted: 27 Feb 2006 12:49 [ permalink ]
Zen mietteitä: Kattelin tos viikonloppuna telkkarista jotain ohjelmaa ja
hokasin samalla (hokasin syvällisesti) että siitä, et oivaltaa mikä tekee
onnelliseksi, on vielä pitkä matka siihen et voi alkaa neuvoa muita.
Onnellisuus ei ole yleistettävissä, siitä lähtee oivallus.
Posted: 20 Feb 2006 18:48 [ permalink ]
Our daughter got named "Maisa Aurora" last weekend. At the same time I got
married for the 2nd, and hopefully the last time.
Posted: 09 Feb 2006 06:27 [ permalink ]
Aww, I saw a dream: I found a webpage from internet full of pictures and story
about my friend (girl) in all quite awkward positions. Nice pics and sexy
girl, but I felt so biased. Should I call her and tell about the page, should
I save the pics? Wtf should I do?
Posted: 08 Feb 2006 12:03 [ permalink ]
Work is the curse of the drinking class
Posted: 07 Feb 2006 08:49 [ permalink ]
I use deodorant from Thierry Mugler called A-men, it is a short from Angel
men. It is really good and I bought their second fragrance called "B-men"
which is some superhero shit. It is not as good.... Last night I thought about
the sequel to that serie... I think it would be about gay men (for slow ones
of you: C-men).
Posted: 01 Feb 2006 07:25 [ permalink ]
Ahdistaa. Kehon sijoituspaikkana Helsinki, Hotelli vaakuna. Huone 949.
Nukkumaan viattomasti 01.00 että uni molskahtaisi silmäkulmaan niin hyvin,että
nukkuisin aamulla pidempään. Vitut, failasin kuin vanhatekijä. Ylös kello
04.30. En tiedä johtuiko tämä hetkellisestä metroseksualismistani - ostin
miesten ihonhoitotuotteita. Huomasin että tuotteessa on kofeiinia. Onko
herkistynyt, äärimmilleen viritetty kroppani saanut yliannostuksen kofeiinia,
tuota arabien myrkkyä? 
Luulempa että on. Fuck.
Posted: 13 Jan 2006 15:10 [ permalink ]
Kohta neljä kuukautta takana. Wooshwoosh!
Posted: 13 Jan 2006 09:30 [ permalink ]
AIkanisebie unia taas viimeaikoina. B-vitamiini lisä pitkästä aikaa toimii
kuin kolmivaihevirta-perseensuristin. 
Unessa olin kaupungilla häppäilemässä, sisko ja sen mies oli niin kännissä et
niitä piti olevinaan lähteä kuskaamaan kotiin. Ei niillä ollut kyllä omaa
autoa, vaan jonkun toisen vanha rasia piti ottaa käyttöön. Auto oli parkissa
kaupungintalon takana (siellä oli joku hiekkamonttu) ja se juttui
epätoivoissaan sinne penkkaan. Nihkutin ja nahkutin ja sain sen lopulta irti.
Sisko kyytiin ja ajelemaan. Taas oli sit kauhiaa kaupunkisuunnistusta useilla
kaistoilla varustetuilla jättiläisteillä. Paljon siltojen alitusta ja muuta
hämärää. Mikähä fiksaatio mulla on noihin kaupunkien katuihin? 
Posted: 09 Jan 2006 17:26 [ permalink ]
Hyvin menee edellee, vähä väsyttelee. Helpottanee pian
Posted: 30 Dec 2005 11:18 [ permalink ]
Pähkinää pähkinää!
Posted: 30 Dec 2005 08:10 [ permalink ]
Life is good. I haven't been able to recall dreams in few days, perhaps the
stress is easing up? Good good... Paternity leave of 3 weeks starts on monday.
Posted: 28 Dec 2005 22:04 [ permalink ]
Ok, more details:'
28th of December 2005, 01.55 CET I got myself a daughter. She is my second
child. She weighed 3790g and was 51cm tall. She had about 5cm long curly hazel
hair and she had her eyes open and spent her first our staring around
(occasionally screaming for food/cold/tit/whatnot).

Posted: 28 Dec 2005 21:59 [ permalink ]
Getting homedrunk.
Posted: 28 Dec 2005 02:25 [ permalink ]
Ok, finally. 01.55 Dino got himself a real princess.
Posted: 27 Dec 2005 20:22 [ permalink ]
Ok, it has finally started I hope. 19.00 we finally were allowed to enter the
birth giving room. It still can be very long and painful journey, but lets
hope for the best.
Posted: 27 Dec 2005 12:31 [ permalink ]
Nothing is still happening. Marsu is still in hospital and I am atm at work,
waiting for something to happen. Nothing nothing nothing.

13:10 Update
Boring boring. I am at work watching 'movies' and trying to pass time. I can't
continue my current work because some specifications are waiting for preview
and acceptance. Perhaps I should write a new applications for my new Warhammer
fantasy roleplaying game. One to keep characters managed

In hospital now. Nothing happening. Waiting for contraption causing medicine
to take effect. Hope it does.
Posted: 26 Dec 2005 22:33 [ permalink ]
(22:31) Durand tells you 'annetaan sille leveli ni se luulee että niitä saa'
Posted: 26 Dec 2005 17:24 [ permalink ]
Still waiting. Marsu will soon get to see doctor and we will know if I have to
go home or should I wait here. Time is crawling on us. It should run.
Posted: 26 Dec 2005 16:14 [ permalink ]
Waiting here at the hospital resting room. Watching tv and getting bored. If
nothing happens and it seems likely, I will go home and sleep there overnight.
The labour will start if it will. If it won't, it will be started tomorrow.
VERY boring time for both of us.
Posted: 26 Dec 2005 12:05 [ permalink ]
Ou yeah, Marsu is not allowed to leave hospital anymore without giving birth
so i am all stuck here. Lets hope it happens sooner than leter
Posted: 26 Dec 2005 10:47 [ permalink ]
Saa nähdä tuleeko vaavi. Istun synnytyslaitoksen aulassa odottelemassa.
Perhaps I should write something in english too. I am waiting here in the
lobby of birthwhatever-plave in hospital. Marsu is being checked if the birth
starts or not. I will hear in few minutes I suppose. 
Posted: 26 Dec 2005 09:16 [ permalink ]
To hospital now. Perhaps the baby comes.
Posted: 22 Dec 2005 11:49 [ permalink ]
KUmmallinen yksityiskohta nousi esille tänään vuosien takaa. Olin varmaa 12v
tjsp. ja pyöräilin koululta himaan. Oli vissii kesä (koulu oli siis loppunut
vastikään). Pyöräilin Ruskeisentietä alaspäin ja Metsurintien risteyksessä
näin kaverini Mikko Hallikaisen (käytännössä veljeni) juttelemassa parille
luokkamme tytölle. Tytöt olivat iki-ihana Päivi Kaskimetsä (terveisiä!) ja
nyttemmin TV:stäkin tuttu Piia Pasanen. Pasanen kiljaisi kun olin kääntymässä
heidät ohitettuani takaisinpäin (en muista miksi, ehkä olin tulossa
juttelemaan Mikolle, tai muuten vaan ihastumaan Päiviin tjsp.) että "Mee
muualle siitä haisemaan". Tämä karmiva kohtaaminen on selkeästi jäänyt
kummittelemaan koska nyt, 20 vuotta myöhemmin tapahtuma muistui mieleen.
Tarvitsenko terapiaa? Selviänkö tästä omin avuin? Tuleeko kyynel? Sen näemme
Posted: 22 Dec 2005 07:08 [ permalink ]
Last night I came up with humorous concept of "Open source religion -project".
Against the commercialism!
Today we are going to hospital for a check. We have high hopes that he/she
will be born soon.
Posted: 21 Dec 2005 17:13 [ permalink ]
Järetöntä ku en saa tota juttua nyt mielestä. 
Posted: 21 Dec 2005 16:02 [ permalink ]
OMG! Se blondi hymyili oikeesti MULLE! Se hymyili uudellee tullessaan töistä.
Täähä menee mukavan jänskäks!

Siis tarkennuksena tietysti: Ei siin oo muutaku se et tuli hyvä mieli. 
Posted: 21 Dec 2005 10:54 [ permalink ]
I added some pictures to my Batmud msn blogspaceshit:
They are excerpts from my batmud notebook.
(Pictured with Nokia camera phone, so quality is intentionally bad)
Posted: 21 Dec 2005 07:19 [ permalink ]
Vaik sanotaan ettei se tee kesää jos tyttö hymyilee, mut kyl se vaan kummasti
tällästä talvipäivän seisausta piristää. Mukavan näköinen blondi hymyili
bussista poistuessaan. Tai jos ei hymyillyt, niin jokatapauksessa mulle tuli
hyvä mieli.
Posted: 17 Dec 2005 08:57 [ permalink ]
Olipas herkullisia unia viimeyönä. Söin pitkästä aikaa taas vitamiinit joten
vaikutus oli selvä. 
Uni1: Oltiin laivalla. Se oli taas vähä outo botski, siellä oli meidän hyttiin
sellainen pyöreä lavahissi joka laskeutui suoraan lattian läpi. Hytissä oli
tottakai parveke ja pelit. Muutoin aikalailla tavanomainen uni, mutta tuli
Marsun kans riitaa ja sipasin tukan lyhyeksi.
Uni2: Olin vissii kotona tai jossain, mut mä olin kuvaamassa pornofilmiä.
Kaksi naista ja mies ja meikä kuvaa. Iha mukavat kuvaukset, tosin en usko että
filmistä tuli kovin laadukas kun jäin sen nussivan trion alle ja kamera
sojotti kattoon (ja heppi kohti näyttelijättäriä). Kuvaussession jälkeen
kourin toista näyttelijää keittiössämme pakaroista ja rinnoista. Sillä oli
kuulemma "pillu ihan tulessa, ei voi nussia" joten sen enempään ei pystynyt.
Se pyysi kuitenkin minua hakemaan kolme suklaalevyä, että saa vähän
naposteltavaa. En muista hainko.

Ainii, toi oli tavattoman realistisen tuntusta taas toi pyllyn puristelu.
Vieläki tunnen näpeissäni sen silkkisen tatsin sieltä pakarasta. *purr*
Posted: 16 Dec 2005 09:43 [ permalink ]
Olipas muuten aika hotbiet unet pitkästä aikaa. Naapuriin on muuttanu uus
nainen (en oo tavannu sitä viel ollenkaa livenä. Ja tietty, muuttiha siinä
mies kanssa) ja flirttailin sen kans. KAtottii jotain videoita tai mitälie
leffaa ja juttelin sen kans. Mukavaa oli kyl.
Sit oli joku toinen sota uni kans, mut sen unohdin jo täysin. Nyt otin taas
pitkästä aikaa B vitskua joten yöllä tulee varmaa hyvät unet. Muutenki o ollu
hiljasta uni rintamalla täs aiemmi ku on ollu niin tasasen kivaa. Ny jännittää
toi uusbeibin tulo nii paljo vissii et on kevyempää tää uni -> Paremmat

Posted: 15 Dec 2005 17:45 [ permalink ]
[17:42]:Nevahood [slf+]: pitikos tanaan teha jotain muutaki ku hakee santalta
[17:43]:Dino <slf+>: Lucianeidolta pesää? 
[17:44]:Dino <slf+>: Katjalle vaa kynttilä päähän ja steariinia otsalle,
[17:44]:{slf+}: Willi raises an eyebrow at Dino. 
[17:44]:Dino <slf+>: Olin niin hupaisa, et ikuistan tän blogiini 
[17:44]:Nevahood [slf+]: kutsu mua hoosiannaks! 
Posted: 14 Dec 2005 07:01 [ permalink ]
Ou noy ku tuli taas ikävä Isle of Wightin yläasteenaikaista kielimatkaa ja
niitä iki-ihania naisia. Terveisiä Maisalle!
Posted: 11 Dec 2005 10:49 [ permalink ]
Naiset ain valittaa miten inhaa o joutuu istuun kylmälle posliinille ku menee
veskiin (ja mies tietysti o jättäny kannen ylös. Itseasiassaha kyse ei oo
kannesta, vaan rinkulasta). MUTTA naiset ei oo koskaan kokenu miten saatanan
inhottavalta tuntuu se, et meet veskiin aamulla, aloitat rauhalisin mielin
aamucacan puskemisen, sit jostain mielen takaa puskee mieleen tietysti joku
tissi tai tuhero joka aiheuttaa sen et lerssi herää sleep-modesta ja kärki
koskettaa pöntön sisäpuolen posliinia. Aivittusentään.

Toinen on tietysti puolijöpökillä kuseminen, joka aiheuttaa sen että
kusisuihku tulee kimmokkeella reisille.
Posted: 11 Dec 2005 09:19 [ permalink ]
Oh my bie what a dream I had at last. I was in school reunion, which was held
in somekind of university class. In the queue for the school restaurant, I
finally met mrs. Mervi Laitinen. I thought she was very hot and nice woman
when I was in the upper elementary school. I haven't seen her since. Well,
anyway, in the queue she grabbed my arms and then kissed me, of course she did
lots of other stuff too, but I was so overwhelmed by that act that I forgot
all rest. Then I understood that she would be completely mine during the night
*purr*. Later in the dream I played american football and that was nice too.
It wasn't a real game, but just tossing the ball. Virpi Riekkinen didn't speak
to me at all in the reunion, I don't know why. (I think mervi was the first
girl that I saw had real boobs in the school. She was well developed already
on the 7th grade. And she was strong, she could toss me around the floor just
like that. Oh, so hot.)
Posted: 30 Nov 2005 08:20 [ permalink ]
I bought a nice watch:
Posted: 26 Nov 2005 01:58 [ permalink ]
Piccujoulut. Vetelin rommispritee ja hyvää oli. Ei lähteny lapasesta.
Tunnelman sen sijaan 'latisti' kysymys "Mut, saatsä toteuttaa ittees täysillä?
Pystytsä näyttään kyntes?". Hyvä kysymys. Elokuva oli mahtava success. Vois
opetella ottaan kunnian vaa vähä nätimmin. Kyräilin nurkassa ku hiiri. *spank*
Posted: 25 Nov 2005 06:02 [ permalink ]
Kaks kuukautta viimesestä lapastuksesta. Rulestusta. Otan tänään sille. Ja
ehkä parille muullekkin jutulle.
Posted: 11 Nov 2005 07:37 [ permalink ]
40% Big breasts, 50% Big Ass and 52% Cute! Pretty fucking absolutely right.
Posted: 09 Nov 2005 21:42 [ permalink ]
Oodi ystävälle, kirjoittanut Dino:
Olen tuntenut sinut nyt 15 vuotta.
Ainakun olen poissa luotasi, ikävöin sinua.
Ainakun käyn illalla nukkumaan, unelmoin sinusta.
Pillu, sinä olet minun paras ystäväni.
Posted: 01 Nov 2005 08:14 [ permalink ]
Pornolakkohan se continues. 
Posted: 27 Oct 2005 19:43 [ permalink ]
Kuukaus ilman pornoo ja wänkkäystä takana. Hyvältä tuntuu!
Posted: 19 Oct 2005 07:32 [ permalink ]
Syy siihen etten oo kirjoitellu pitkään aikaan mitään tänne, löytyy siitä,
että olen löytänyt analogisen logittamisen ilot. Mikään ei voitu mun uutta
läppäriäni, notebookkiani ja kommunikaattoriani: Paperia. Ostin A5 kokoisen
ruudullisen "Moleskine" (googlaa jos et vielä tunne) kirjan/vihkon johon
tykitän ajatuksen virtaa täydellä (650W) teholla. 

Toisaalta on sanottava että myös saamani Fujitsu läppäri on ihq. Se toimii
kuin junanvessa. Kun kannen sulkee se menee standby tilaan. Kun sen avaa niin
on sekunnissa mudissa. Langattomasti. Ja toiminta-aikakin 6h kahdella akulla. 
Voi istua vaikka pidemmänkin istunnon vessassa.

Posted: 11 Oct 2005 07:18 [ permalink ]
Ehkä historian paras keksintö pulpahti unesta viimeyönä: Kaikilla joilla on
enemmän kuin yksi pari sukkia on ongelma - Sukat katoavat pesussa ja/tai
niille on hankala löytää paria kuivaustelineelle laitettaessa. Ratkaisu on
Fluoresoivaa kangastussia tai lankaa. Tällä tehdään sukkiin näkymätön merkintä
(esim teksti "Dinon sukat 51") ja sit parit löytää näppärästi vaihtamalla
kuivaustilan lampuksi UV (mustavalo-) lampun! Kuka alkaa valmistamaan? 
Posted: 10 Oct 2005 10:56 [ permalink ] 
Mulle käy tolleen aina ku oon yksin tommosen värkin kans. 
Posted: 04 Oct 2005 13:29 [ permalink ]
Ibby Love ( on kyl Psykomuumin
tyttöystävä. Se o varma se.
Posted: 13 Sep 2005 07:56 [ permalink ]
Voi vittu. En voi sanoa muuta. Nyt alkaa nimittäin olemaan vitsit niin vähissä
ettei kykene enää irrottamaan englanninkielistä tuubaa. 
Posted: 23 Aug 2005 10:52 [ permalink ]
Oh yes, I saw a nice woman from my teenhood-dayz today in the morning bus. She
didn't have as full butt anymore, but she looked similar and hadn't had gained
weight. I don't think se recalls me.
Posted: 19 Aug 2005 07:53 [ permalink ]
I had nice dream last night. I was sitting on a beach as I noticed parachutist
dropping from the plane. The chute didn't open and she fell on a roof of
closeby building. I ran there and asked someone to call 112 while I was there.
She yelled me from the roof that there is no need, she was ok. I talked to her
a little (she was VERY flirteous with me and I got embarashed) but that was
it. Well not 'nice' in the sense of telling, but "it made me feel good" -nice
Posted: 08 Aug 2005 07:01 [ permalink ]
Hello, since long time I had a nice psychedelic dream experience last night. 

Dream: I entered a bar with my friend. It was Henry's pub in Kuopio and 
there was somekind of finnish shitband playing. They had old poster 
on the wall for show and it said it was 15mk entrance. When we got there,
it was 4 euro or 19 swedish kronor. I wondered wtf for there is kronors
and wtf for there was huge inflation. The band played only one song and 
then they got back to their normal business. The place suddenly wasn't 
Henry's pub, but somekind of outdoors festival and I felt that I had 
to go and pee. I went outside, flirted with some midget girls (which 
made me go wtf?) and we had a blast. I really went for a piss then and 
could do it only half way because guards game. The place looked lots 
like my old upper elementary school at Siilinjärvi. After that I 
decided to leave and would have wanted my friend to drive me home. 
He couldn't because he was too drunk and wanted to stay in the place.
Luckily Oku was there and promised to take me home, although I was 
living on completely other direction. We parked my car better, but
before it was finished, some girl called (I don't recall her name, 
perhaps Sanna, like the murderer) Sillanpää took my car and was gone
before we had time to act. Well shit, perhaps she was going to bring it
back tomorrow. We crashed oku's car on the snow wall and then we decided
clean the car thoroughly as someone said it has a bad smell. I couldn't 
smell it but the big man who was passing by said it did. We took everything
out and did nice job. Then we drove forward and got into police block,
they were testing for drunk drivers and so. They also tested me because
they were having some special night where they test not only drivers, but
everyone. The other police (who we almost fatally drove over) was my 
friend (a girl) and I talked to her about some special mint candies
while I was spitting out ufo-shaped ice cubes from my mouth. I have 
no idea where I got those cubes. PErhaps oku's car is full of them.
Posted: 29 Jul 2005 10:38 [ permalink ]
Hello blog, I haven't had any good dreams recently (worth blogging) but
yesterday I had one. I was with DURAND in (supposedly) Paris, going to
Disneyland. We stopped in this HUGE mall (which actually was somekind of
amusement park thing, as it was a big tent. We left car at the parking hall
downstairs and left all our money and shit there. Then we left to the tent and
queued inside. I lost durand, and then I realized I had left my wallet and all
money and all gear in the car and France (in that dream) was a complete
paradise for robbers, so I panicked and tried to find dura (we didn't have
phones) so we could go to car and get our stuff or hide it better. I got lost
in one backroom, which was big circus style tent and I didn't find way out
because all the exits were somehow blocked. 

In dream number two someone had changed my wallet, I don't know if it was
intentional or robbery, but all my cards were lost and the rest of the dream
was about me trying to get the wallet back. This happened outside on summery
small village/suburb.  

Might be that I am going to lose my money....
Posted: 08 Jul 2005 22:00 [ permalink ]
Mother fucking mother earth! I have seen it all. One day I saw a plumb teen,
about 15 year old, wearing skirt that was fit to her about 3 years and 15kg
earlier. The fucking dress gave a totally new meaning to 'wasp figure' (bee?
Ampiaisvartalo in finnish) in this case the body was made of three parts, just
like wasps have. Ass, stomach over the very very very tight skirt and finally
chest. And it seems like it even isn't unique thing. 
Posted: 22 Jun 2005 11:53 [ permalink ]
Yesterday I saw a wicked dream about Kung-fu karting. The micro-kart cars were
attached to somekinds of tracks that hanged high in the air on the guys were
driving them around and fighting at the same time. Nize!
Posted: 20 May 2005 20:26 [ permalink ]
Voi jeesus sentää et toi Seppälän R.A.K.A.S. tanssimainos on hyvä. Mä tuun
jokakerta iha äärimmäisen hyvälle tuulelle ku noi veivaa tota tanssia. onneks voi katella uusintoina ja opetella tanssiaskeleet!
Posted: 19 May 2005 19:19 [ permalink ]
AUAUAUAUAUU! Memories of the special night stroke me like a lightning. 
Posted: 14 May 2005 19:09 [ permalink ]
Didn't get the belt. I did quite well on my own scale, but there are flaws in
my technique -> No belt. Need to sharpen those things up a lot.
Posted: 14 May 2005 08:17 [ permalink ]
Dear blog, I have my (karate) belt-graduation -day today. If this is a good
day, it will go well. If mediocre or bad, I probably won't get it. I haven't
been practicing to this one enough yet. My partner persuated me to try.
Posted: 13 May 2005 09:26 [ permalink ]
I like e in the middle of my zen.
Posted: 11 May 2005 20:14 [ permalink ]
Zen starts with a Z.
Posted: 03 May 2005 08:09 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitita
Yesterday, in my dream I was again in the all so typical setting, near the
shoreline. This time I was walking with my father and Marja. On the way to the
'house' we found a birdnest. My father decided it would be easy to take the
eggs and make the mother bird tame. They took the eggs and the little birds
and I captured the mother. It was tamed in seconds. Then we went back to the
house and there were lots of people in. The bird walked by me (it looked a bit
like fluffy crow) and it was really nice. A kitten came to play with the bird,
and they played peacefully.
Posted: 28 Apr 2005 22:44 [ permalink ]
Still feeling high on life. It feels like "The inner monoloque has ended, I am
having conversation with the world."

A fucking great feeling. Just unimaginable nice. Beautiful.
Posted: 28 Apr 2005 15:22 [ permalink ]
I have still been feeling odd. Like high from life. 
Posted: 27 Apr 2005 16:57 [ permalink ]
I have been feeling oddly good today, almost like I was high on something. I
hope I finally am lucid living (opposite of lucid dreaming, in which happens
so, that mid dream you realize you are dreaming. I think I realized I am
Posted: 27 Apr 2005 08:20 [ permalink ]
Hello blog, today I made a heroic deed and finally released new psykomuumi
comic. It is great. I also saw quite strange dream about the house we are
moving (although it wasn't the same house).
There was a wappu party going on, and I went to toilet. Which was a very
cellarlike, empty dark dutch tiled room. Suddenly I noticed that I can't get
out of there via the same route I got in. The hole was too tight. When I tried
to dig it bigger, there was clear collapse danger, as the bricks started to
fall. It got sorted out and I started to yell to my mom that she should call
the current owners if we could be there or not, as we were not yet able to
move in. I don't know why I thought it was my moms responsibility, but still I
did (I think it should have been me who calls, if someone). I think she didn't
call and I was scared shitless if the people would return from their holidays,
or whereever they were, and found us having a party in their house.
Posted: 26 Apr 2005 06:32 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. Today I woke exceptionally early because of quite stressful dream
I guess. I had two dreams, first one was just weirdish:
Dream 1: I am again on war, town I am in is being bombed by WW2 planes (they
always are ww2 planes and settings), I run for cover to forest. I sit there in
middle of forest and suddenly a reindeer runs towards me and licks my face. We
become good friends!

Dream 2: I am on cruise ship. On the mouth of narrow canal another cruise ship
hits us, I see the collision from the side of my eye, and warn others with me.
The ship spins but no alarm sounds. We look few decks down and see that there
is some water on the floor. I start running towards our cabin. It is a deck
down and behind a strong blocking door (I could get trapped). I run in and
grab my jacket, then regardless of the warnings, try to search for some
valuables from my backpack. I can't find my phone. I see water coming below
the door to the cabin and I wake up. Shouldn't be too hard or stresful, but it
Posted: 25 Apr 2005 08:01 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. I don't know how it will come up, but I will try to start keeping
dream diary again. Last night was veeery typical 'war dream'. It is quoted
because it was one of those paintball type wars again. I was hiding from
somekind of squad in a forest and had to run a lot. It ended up in a big house
as usual. But unfortunately last night I went to bed thirty minutes before the
usual and woke up 15 minutes later than usual, meaning that I am still feeling
a bit dull (after 45min of waking) and forgot all of the sleep. 

Omg, it just came to me that last night I also saw a dream where I was sitting
by the pool somewhere, and a girl/woman was casually working with dildo there
right opposite me. She had no pubic hair and it looked pretty... pretty...
well pretty pretty too, but also pretty uncomfortable to watch when there were
like tens of people around. I don't recall what she was looking at, or what
was happening around... I remember wondering how hellishly TIGHT she looked. I
think I have been lacking sex for too long time.
Posted: 17 Apr 2005 10:13 [ permalink ]
Drunk. Too drunk. Left home.
Posted: 15 Apr 2005 09:06 [ permalink ]
My god what a dream.
I was having some "oral fun" with an older lady, no details available for
writing atm. 
Posted: 13 Apr 2005 08:14 [ permalink ]
Hello blog.
I am so sorry I haven't been able to write to you as much as I would have
liked to. We finally found a house (apartment from "row house") to buy, and
can move there in the beginning of june. Although we will be going to Crete on
2nd of june, but no worries.

No good dreams lately. The psychotic season is over.
Posted: 24 Mar 2005 09:05 [ permalink ]
To fall in hell or soar angelic, you need a pinch of psychedelic.
Posted: 16 Mar 2005 22:11 [ permalink ]
Sydämeni osuman sai, nuoli oli amorin viinistä kai. Syvälle se upposi
niiiii-iiin, aivankuin jääädäkseen iäksi kii! Toimittakaa joku mulle mun
punakukkapaitainen tyttöni! Se joka näyttää Karita Tuomolalta, mutta on
Posted: 12 Mar 2005 09:23 [ permalink ]
Find the rhythm, and join the dance.
Posted: 08 Mar 2005 21:22 [ permalink ]
Muistot syntyy ihan pienistä asioista. "Ta det lungt".
Posted: 18 Feb 2005 07:58 [ permalink ]
I yesterday finished the best book I have read about zen so far.  Paul Reps
and Nyogen Senzaki are the compilers of this excellent book called "Zen Flesh,
Zen Bones". It contains 101 Zen Stories (also found in internet), The Gateless
Gate (zen koans), The 10 Bulls (or "the ox-herding pictures") and Centering.
So it is actually four books in one. I think Mud Zen koans are ready for "The
10 compilers", or the "Compiling programs -text".
Posted: 15 Feb 2005 10:03 [ permalink ]

Last night I had nice dream again. I was with Marsu on two week vacation.
First week in Greece and second week I think in Thailand or something 
as excotic. First week was nice and everything was going smoothly. The second
week we went in a bus to this weird looking hotel (I watched Gaudi Afternoon 
a few days ago and mr Gaudi (spanish architect I suppose?) made some really 
weird ass buildings, it must have impacted this dream). First our room was on
the second floor and it wasn't too nice. When we went outside there were 
gazillions of grasshoppers, almost blacking out the sun. Everywhere you 
stepped there was grasshoppers. The dream ended me and Marsu being outside
for a walk (there wasn't any hoppers anymore, guess they left). The evening
was nice but many black men surrounded us and threatened us. I made some 
cool defensive kicks but they got us. I can't remember too much of the rest.

Posted: 28 Jan 2005 22:21 [ permalink ]
Merja tells you 'you are too cute and cuddly and nice to be an arch.

Access denied :(
Posted: 28 Jan 2005 07:09 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. 

I haven't been seeing too many good dreams lately, but I saw one yesterday.
I was on holiday trip on alps, during summertime and I went into one of these
skilifts. This one was single seated and it went quite close to the ground
until there was a sign saying "sudden drop". The lift was going downwards as
I had to notice. The view from the lift to the drop below was amazing and
breathtaking. I literally recall that I wasn't able to breath (I suppose
it happened on the rl too) because of the height. The lift arrived finally
to some bahnhof and I saw that the place was "Les Tres Valles" or something
like that (the tree valleys), supposedly the place between austria, italy and
france. I had few friends with me, including pretty girl with black bikinis.
One thing led to another and I found her asking me (she was lot younger than 
I am) wether I have "YT". I was puzzled, why in the hell does she want to 
know about my work (YT is yhteistyö, and usually is referred in cases when 
layouts are coming or something like that). I asked her and she meant 
if I had a girlfriend (Ystävä - Tyttö, it really is the otherway, 
Tyttöystävä). I honestly replied that I do. We both agreed in the dream
that it was slightly pity, considering all the circumstances. After that
I desperately tried to find the right lift back to the place where I left.
I didn't succeed before waking.

Posted: 19 Jan 2005 22:57 [ permalink ]
80% of people claim that they are more clever than the average.
Posted: 14 Jan 2005 16:32 [ permalink ]
Hello blog.
I have been wondering lately, why do I see repeatedly dreams where I am
driving our old Mitsubishi Pajero, but the breaks are not working and I need
to press the pedal literally to the metal, to get the monster stop. 
Shrug. Perhaps I feel like my work is going on like brakeless car. *Shrug*
Thanks to Oku for the idea, I finally made my zen homepage:
Comments? I am sure.
Posted: 10 Jan 2005 08:33 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitita.
last night I had quite vivid dreams again. I was on bus trip to celebrate new
years eve in Pori (wtf?). There were some friends and people I know in the bus
and suddenly tire broke. The driver was shit and almost made the bus crash
when trying to stop. Not only that, when he went out to check for the tyres,
he forgot to put the breaks on and the bus slid into the sea. Fuck. I rescued
one stupid fellow from the water and we got out. Then we started waiting for
the towtruck. They came with huge caterpillar.

My zen books have been delivered. *Twiddle*
Posted: 07 Jan 2005 09:21 [ permalink ]
Good morning monsieur Blog. 
It is a great day. Although I just found out that the 'koans' I have been 
writing are not actually koans, but they are called mondos. Thus, to repair
the damages I have caused, I will now announce first ever LPC Koan: 
If all your bugs are reduced to one, where does that one go?

Another note. It is surprising how few people explores and pays attention
to new areas nowadays. One of the first things I ever learned of Batmud
was that "Knowledge is power" and that "The newcomers pay for the oldbies
to be able to relax". I also announce now publicly that I have plans to
make extension to Taiga. I expect it to be about the same size roomwise. 
Posted: 18 Nov 2004 22:13 [ permalink ]
The monster fell. I am happy!
Posted: 15 Nov 2004 15:00 [ permalink ]
Guess what? This is a bit boring.
Posted: 03 Nov 2004 07:58 [ permalink ]
Hello and good morning. My area seems quite popular. Practically only two
players are trying to solve the puzzle, and I am quite sure nobody will ever
solve it (if they do it this hard as they have now) without their help. Well
even better. I am glad to give my supreme EQ to these two! Go Shar, Go Rocker!
Posted: 02 Nov 2004 08:30 [ permalink ]
Omg! I saw a dream last night that deserves partially to be here, on the
schitzoman's dreamlog. The dream shows that I have been playing too much enemy
territory (Armokani) and upgrading my computer. I also got a message from
someone that has actually read some of the things in the blog. My  god.
Horrible waste of time. I haven't been eating B-vitamine (which enables GREAT
visual  dreams) since summer because I have been suspecting stomach problems
from various sources, including the above mentioned vitamines. Now I took some
and, shit, this is good stuff! Counted all the hours spent luxuriously lying
on the bed, seeing vivid action dreams,  sometimes romantic, sometimes not,
B-vitamines are money far better spent than with  acid ever. Of course the
matters differ greatly and are not comparable. 

Dream: I was in military I suppose. The place was two foresty hills on a very
large grassy  open plain. The thing was that russians had come to finland for
a parade and we were supposed to do some drill training with them. I noticed
that I wasn't with my platoon and I quickly ran towards the right hill  as I
noticed also that the drill had started. I forgot my gun somewhere, ran back
and grabbed it. I  quickly tossed in the grenade (grenade rifle) and quickly
shot towards the shooting that occured between the  hills, behind my line of
sight. The hills weren't high nor big, both of them were only about 100 meters
wide, roughly round shaped 5 meter high forests with tall pine trees. When I
reached the hill, I noticed that I had dropped my cpu-cooler silver-compound
tube there and picked it up. I noticed that it was all empty. Dang, I couldn't
put any more cpu coolers on today. The rushkies had to pay! I found an
another, new tube a bit further. It must have been really odd
computer-nerd-war-drill-hill.   I think the dream ended here, me feeling odd
about the silver-compounds and rushkies firing at me while I hold the tube.

Posted: 27 Oct 2004 07:28 [ permalink ]
Syksy saa - Talvi tulee
Minä vielä runkkaan.
Posted: 21 Oct 2004 08:56 [ permalink ]
This must be conspiracy:
Posted: 19 Oct 2004 13:53 [ permalink ]
Päivän mietelause: On lottovoitto saada lottovoitto.
Posted: 14 Oct 2004 11:44 [ permalink ]
I was very doubtful about how well I did with my area, until I got this:
(11:07) Dolan tells you 'vittu et vihaan tota sun areaa :D'
Posted: 12 Oct 2004 15:16 [ permalink ]
info: Valley of the kings - 'Journal' now works for players above the lq lvl.
 @Durand cheers enthusiastically at you.
Durand tells you 'meenkin sinne heti!'
Posted: 08 Oct 2004 09:20 [ permalink ]
Hello blog,

I have been quiet lately because I don't feel like I have anything to say.
Naturally I am happy that we managed to put the area finally into game, and
some people even claim they are having fun. But, I feel like something is
missing. Sniff
Posted: 03 Oct 2004 22:10 [ permalink ]
Puuh^2. End of coding spree. 
Posted: 17 Sep 2004 08:17 [ permalink ]
Yesterday brought up some nice memories when Oku pointed out the link to's article (
iot&seskey=) about my former employer Riot-E. The article is written by
Riot-E's former  manager and the thing really was about that way.
Unfortunately I didn't belong to the group of 'insiders' but to the group
mentioned later as 'friends' and 'various'. I just happened to be in right
place in right time. The party mentioned with naked drunk driving of downhill
cars and whatnot was partially skipped by me because I recall being sick. I
couldn't drink all the free booze (GOD, GIMME ANOTHER CHANCE!). But it was
great, thank you Nokia ventures, thank you News corporation. Thank you Riot
babies! LA PUTA RIOT!

And then, what a nice dream. I was somewhere that I was able to meet with 
really young girls. This one was pretty but only 14 or so (I learned the
thrill of young girls from my beloved cousin, Obie). She for some  goddamn
un-understadable reason fell in love with me and the dream was about this
innocent love. So nice. I mean, no sex whatsoever was included! I swear!

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 08:06 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitito. Yesterday I got few dreams inspired by our Lyon trip and  I
decided to write them down. I think I remember these because the second  one
ended so 'dangerously' and I woke up. 6.57 exactly.

Dream #1: In our work there is quite 'hhot' mature woman (bit big butt though
but it is allright). She has quite perfect skin and might have looked quite ok
when she was young. She is not a beauty, but anyway ok. This woman was asking
in  the work place that did anyone know where the Catacombs in the Lyon were
as  she was gonna go there too. I said no, the catacombs are in Paris, not in
Lyon but she insisted (I took few quite good pictures from the Catacombs to
inspire me...) that they were in Lyon too. We looked at map and then we
decided that we need to  go to Lyon to see. So we decided to fly to Lyon in
the middle of the day.  I didn't even tell Marsu, except by SMS that I was
going, but would be back  by evening. Then we walked around in Lyon and didn't
find them. Quite nice though. I went to the airport to return back and just
didn't make it to the plane, the one customer before me got in, but I didn't.
I was cursing around in the small airport (it wasn't  real Lyon airport) when
I noticed tons of people gathering against the airport fence and ambulances
and firemen going to the runway. The plane had exploded and all the people
were killed on the airfield before takeoff! My badluck saved me!

Dream #2: This happened probably close to the airport as I definitely wasn't
home. One surgeon (I went to see surgeon yesterday, just to show him something
that needs 'cutting') promised me and one of my friends (don't recall who)
that we could operate the next  patient and we went into this log cabin. It
was full of people (at least later it was) and we two wore green operating
aprons and the patient on the table asked the rl surgeon that is he really
going to let them cut. I was quietly thinking that this is so exciting.  Will
I able to cut with just the right power. Is the ribcage really hard, and if I
really  push, could the scalpel 'slip' slightly? What if I cut his aortha? All
these questions, so  little answers. <Something happened meanwhile> Suddenly
someone knocked on the door. I go open in my apron and it is a serious looking
guy with bucket of flowers.  I open the door but he steps back to the porch
and looks through the windows. I notice he has a gun and he starts to yell
"Ok, I know what you are doing!" type shit. Obviously one of the girls is the
infamous 'Jenni' from the finnish 'Joe Millionaire' show and the  guy is his
furious crazy ex-boyfriend. The fucker starts shooting at us and I duck behind
some concrete tables. There is lots of people and hassle. I jump out from the
cabin and  go to one secret door and I hide in the small opening behind it.
The guy starts chasing us (he hasn't managed to hit anyone yet) and one friend
of mine pushes him off the 'bridge' into the water and I jump after them. We
manage to get a neck lock on him and we step on  his fingers and he releases
from the gun. The fight is over.
Posted: 14 Sep 2004 15:44 [ permalink ]
Oh yes, I bought the coolest thing:
.According to the manufacturer, it should be bulletproof. I must test it on
some minimudcon with beermist mudders. Ah yes, and also got a 9 gigabyte bunch
of old arcade game roms.... looooots to play.
Posted: 13 Sep 2004 19:59 [ permalink ]
Ah yes, tomorrow I will make 'since' thing into cal command. It will show how
many days/years/minutes/whatnot it is since/to some day in past/future. It
will rock
Posted: 13 Sep 2004 19:57 [ permalink ]
Wizard's blog, mud-date xxxx.
Hello. I am back from the le baquette land and I survived it. I have seen
Eiffel tower, Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, Louvre, Moulin rouge and all that shit.
Conclusion: Notre dame is cool.
Posted: 02 Sep 2004 11:34 [ permalink ]
Koodi on vähän niinku dino. Ruma mutta toimii.
Posted: 31 Aug 2004 10:23 [ permalink ]
Great day. Great, glorious day!
Posted: 23 Aug 2004 09:55 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitito. I saw few nice dreams again and noticed that we have broken
the limit of 10000th blog! Good work!

Part 1: I am on a party (mudcon?) and lots of people are in the standup bar
type pub. A boy-girl (I guess in my dream she was mudder "Tiina", but she
didn't look like the real Tiina. A masculine gay version of her. Sorry Tiina)
wanted to fight with me and we end up wrestling and I kick her in the face.
They leave me alone and I drink the rest of the dream alone in the bar. The
rest of them fled downstairs.

Part 2: I am on a attack mission, flying a attack plane. My target is this
HUGE dam and the two AA missile stations. I have to shoot to a point above the
AA stations to make the dam collapse on them. I succeed in the mission and in
evading the missiles they launched against me. I return to the base as a hero.

Part 3: I returned to the base and was walking towards my car as I notice two
guys trying to get into my van. I quickly get my gun and go attack the men.
They flee and I talk with some bystander about the incident. I suspect they
were setting a bomb on my car ebcause I was so succesful and skilled fighter
pilot. They go to their car and one of them draws AK-47 from the trunk. I
quickly shoot the unarmed one with my pistol and then start shooting at the
other. I make runs towards him but he evades. I am surprised that he hasn't
hit me (it is something like 10 meters between us) yet. Finally I manage to
shoot him dead while he was rolling sideways into a cover (inside a house). I
ask the bystander why in the hell was "Keanu Reeves's father" shooting at me? 

Fuck. I think I have problems in my brain.
Posted: 19 Aug 2004 07:35 [ permalink ]
ooooh, twice in a row I remember my dream:
Roope had come to my place in the middle of the week. It was wednesday. We
decided to go to the town to buy some snack food (hamburgers) and in the
crossing where there is that 'new' ST1 gas-station, there were LOOOOOADS of
people. Like it was some Vappu and middle of day. Suddenly I recalled that
omg, Roope should be in school tomorrow and here he is, awake with us and it
is almost midnight. We tried to get through the crowd and I got in the middle
of the crossing. One guy with denimjacket suddenly took a frying pan and came
to our car and started banging it in rage. All of us were panicking and I
tried to tell the guy to stop, we have children in the car. He told me that he
could bang Roope too if he just came out. Soon after this we could drive
through and we did. I told Marsu to call the police but for some reason she
failed. We were parked by this time and I took the phone. We walked a bit
further from the car and I called the police. This is where the first dream
ends, and the another starts.

Suddenly while I am telling the police about the incident, a bunch of guys
walk by. I run to protect my car, which has polymorphed to a chevy van. I push
the guy away and suddenly notice that I know this guy. Quicker than I
correctly say Polymorphism under influence of my precious mushrooms, the bunch
had installed themselves on the backseats of the car. The police shows up. He
inspects the damage. I go in the car and notice that the break pedal is
practically useless. I ask the police to drive the car instead. He refuses and
walks. The car is parked in a low hill and I notice that the outway is blocked
by cars. It is kind of T-crossing ahead and we would have needed to go through
that to get onthe another road. The side of the another road however, is full
of parked cars and we cannot. I spot a 'hole' on the left and let my car go
there slowly on the freedrive. Suddenly the police tells me to stop. It wasn't
a hole, but a 'wall'. I would have dropped some two meters with my car if I
had driven there. The police goes down and starts examining a car under the
drop, as it seems like it has been buried under somekind of construction
debris. He cleans the windows from the dust and peers in. Perhaps there was a
Posted: 18 Aug 2004 08:07 [ permalink ]
Hello blog, I haven't seen any good dreams lately, but yesterday was an
I had to go to a shop and buy things from there (mainly things Marsu bought
yesterday). The shop was really old, village shop style small building. The
lady (owner I guess), who btw looked like my grandmother I haven't seen in
maaaany many years (I'll tell you about it and the reasons later), told me to
pick the stuff and go put the money into the box that was placed on a tree
behind the shop. I shopped alone there and wondered why in the hell is the
shop so empty. I supose it was dreamreplica of the shop "Seppäsen T-Kauppa" in
Toivala from the depths of my vivid imagination. I bought the stuff and went
to pay. Then I remembered that I had forgotten to buy paper for the oven and I
had to go back. I located the paper and went back to pay. I didn't have exact
amount (3 euros) and I had to take the box down and start shuffling through
the money to find match. Suddenly the son of the shopkeeper comes and starts
yelling at me that I am robbing their money. Well eventually everything turned
out good, but it was strangely stressful. I mean, cmon, it was only dream and
someone accusing but I am a sensitive man!

The thing with my grandparents from my fathers side is a bit sad really. They
are now really old (I guess grandpa is almost 90 now) and in pretty bad shape
I suppose. I haven't been able to communicate/see them ever since my dad died
in 1997. There was some quite annoying things between his family and ours (me,
my sister and mother) during the time of death and the aftermath. 
I called them last summer (2003) and we agreed that I could go and see them
(my son has never seen his grandgrandpapa/mother because of this, and I
suppose I haven't got the right to deny it from him), and she promised to call
when is good time. They have not yet (aug 2004) called. 
Posted: 13 Aug 2004 08:03 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitita. No dreams lately as I have been either too tired to remember
any dreams (physically). I have decided that I need thicker arms (and few
pounds less fat in tummy, though that is optional) and to liftpush 70kg before
xmas. I hope I can keep up with this plan. I also try to get my Blue belt on
next spring the latest, this requires atleast 2-3 times a week. If I try this
december, it would require 4 times a week and I don't like the tuesday
Posted: 07 Aug 2004 15:27 [ permalink ]
Nyt on kyl semmonen olo et suolet huutaa hoosiannaa ja mahalaukku saa
lupailemaan ikuista raittiutta. Jumaliste
Posted: 05 Aug 2004 11:12 [ permalink ]
Made a new miniquest yesterday. Mainly for tarmalens, but I guess there are
others too who could complete it. Go seek 'a wounded merchant'.
Posted: 04 Aug 2004 16:35 [ permalink ]
Larppa tells you 'HERRA MAISTERI saako puhutella?'

Posted: 30 Jul 2004 09:45 [ permalink ]
Yesterday I saw a dream about my girlfriend's friends. She was living in this
rowhouse and I went to visit her while we were having paintball war with my
friends around there. The situation ended with me hugging and cuddling with
the girl and eventually, of course, kissing with her. I left the building via
window for some reason and I broke her curtains while I was getting out,
because I was so fat. After that I found out the friends had shot all the
balls while I was in and we had to start cleaning up. It was a nice, a bit
cloudy light day. Veeeery veery nice.
Posted: 29 Jul 2004 10:34 [ permalink ]
First she entered my life, now she has invaded my dreams. 
Posted: 26 Jul 2004 11:06 [ permalink ]
Hello, I haven't been seeing good dreams in a long time, but last night was
exception: I supposedly was in Greece or Spain again, abroad anyway. I was
looking around for suitable place for us to sleep. An old friend of mine was
with me in the country, but not with me there. I walked into this house which
was somekind of wicked harbour. Kind of seametro or soemthing. I checked the
time tables and 
wathed the ship go by and then the dock was 'closed'. Somekind of a curtain
came where the ship had been and it was supposedly even safe to walk on the
thing (it was a vertical curtain). Naaah, now I forgot the rest of the dream.
Sorry :(
Posted: 23 Jul 2004 13:37 [ permalink ]
For some reason or another, I have been feeling very strange: Short of breath,
sweating and shit like that. And also, a lump that I recall having in my right
index finger (I still remember the feeling it caused, because I even went to
see a nurse for it)  about 20 years ago. The nurse said it is because of
pencil, but I write with left hand. And I haven't been holding a pen now for
Posted: 22 Jul 2004 18:58 [ permalink ]
Yes, I love you too.
Posted: 19 Jul 2004 15:09 [ permalink ]
I am tired of this. Whiners are using us as their target for "Emotional
Bukkake". Grow up and stop it!
Posted: 13 Jul 2004 07:56 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitita. Dream: LAst night I was in play war with Maphesto and Dolan.
I think it was our residence and I had setup a smoke bomb to the backyard. The
boys were looking for me and I was hiding and ready to shoot at the bomb which
was set to explode when shot. The boys found me before I did shoot at it.
LAter I manually lit the smoke bomb and vanished in the smoke. I climbed in a
hill that changed into a 10 meter bookshelf. I sat in the top, looking down at
the boys. 
Posted: 08 Jul 2004 07:52 [ permalink ]
right away to the last night's dream. I was walking alone, with backpack
during night to a computer shop to buy computer parts. I encounter 3 persons.
2 guys and one girl. One of the guys is a couple with the girl and they argue.
Another comes closer to me and decides he will take my backpack and the stuff
in it. He isn't violent but it is evident that they will kick the shit out of
me if I resist. I fight a while before I wake up. 

Another: I am in a big room, it must be christmas as there is xmas tree. I
have my backpack and smaller sack by me because I am going for somekind of
holiday. We have also _won_ (sic) some presents and somebody is giving them
out. He says it is easy to look from the backpacks the code, which gift
belongs to whom (they were t-shirts). My backpack is lost and I look for it
all around the room. There are two almost similar sacks where mine was
supposed to be. Finally I find my backpack from under the 'sofa/bed', near the
xmas tree. The dream ends...

Actually the dreams are quite boring, but nevertheless I rememebered them.
Weird that they share common theme: backpacks. Might be because today I am
going for some paintballing. A big war scenario with paintball guns. 
Posted: 03 Jul 2004 20:43 [ permalink ]
Last night, I had one of the weirdest dreams I have had in a looong long time.
I was part of this military excercise (I am going to one voluntary one next
week. Paintball war) and I was somekind of officer. I had pistol on the left
side of me and I was wondering why in the hell on the left side, I would use
it right handedly anyway... well, we were runnign away from something in this
little town/village.I stopped following the others and ran through one old
house and its garden. The house owner wasn't visible so I though what the
hell, I can go through. I went and suddenly I notice that there is a
cable/string above me: DOG! Goddamn I start to run towards the shack on the
back of the garden. The dog catches me and I turn. It bites me on the hand but
only very slightly. I calm the dog down and talk to it. It speaks back to me
and we start talking. The dog tells me that the hosue is actually a bordel and
the owner is pimp. I ask the dog about the girls, because I suddenly get
interested in this hooker issue. What would it feel to fuck a whore? Could I
afford it, and still feel ok with it? This has been bothereing me in the
reality also. I am not sure wether I could or not. Well I ask about the girls
and how much they are. The dog tells me they are pretty, but doesn't know the
price. I ask the dog if there is any 'mature/older' milf whores available,
because I think I would like one now. He doesn't know. I wake up wondering why
in the hell was the pistol on the left side...
Posted: 02 Jul 2004 23:19 [ permalink ]
I'd like to have sex now. Volunteers please e-mail Measures,
skills and experience must be included in your application. 
Posted: 01 Jul 2004 13:16 [ permalink ]
Couple of minutes ago, I received E-mail saying that I passed my last exam.
This means that I have now graduated as master of science in computer science.
Thank you.
Posted: 28 Jun 2004 10:27 [ permalink ]
Last night in my dream, I was in this huge overnight bookstore. I was
wondering how in the hell was it profitable to sell books after ten p.m., but
obviously it was. It was outdoors/indoor market type place and the counter of
the clerk was made from wood. It looked a bit like saloon, or something like
Posted: 27 Jun 2004 21:53 [ permalink ]
My god I saw a gooooood dream two days ago... I can't describe all the
details, but I try to give out the plot: I was abroad in some foreign country,
lots of my friends were there too. I had a BIG bag of drugs with me and we had
plenty of fun with them. At one point my friends told me that they will tell
police about them and I panicked. I went and hid my drugs under this huge
rock. Then, later I was going to go back to Finland and I didn't know what to
do with this huge bag of drugs. I went around the village/city (Which btw, was
exactly like Toivala, the place where I grew up) to look for people, and on
the side of one field I met someone. There was a guy I know as 'the gardener'
and his girlfriends or, girls anyway. I asked them if they'd like a big bag of
good stuff and they got so excited that one of the girls offered herself to
me. She guided my hand on her crotch and it was smooth, hairless and so nicely
wet. Did I mention she was naked ? She was, and she was a dream come through.
I slid my finger inside her tight thing and turned her back towards me. I got
a bit distracted by the fact that I thought she was gardener's girlfriend and
woke up few seconds later with huge boner. It was very very very vivid....

For Juhannus we were in the Marja's parent's cottage. We slept in our camping
tent... quite intimate, but nice.
Posted: 22 Jun 2004 13:04 [ permalink ]
Morthius gave me so much happiness with his plan... thank you morthius!
Posted: 21 Jun 2004 20:34 [ permalink ]
I am having near death experience with my fever + diarrhea combined. Also nice
"stomach acid" and urge to vomit. I have had few VERY nice dreams/deliriums,
but am too weak to describe them atm. Send me food and a big breasted nurse,
thank you.
Posted: 20 Jun 2004 20:45 [ permalink ]
KuopioCon was a great success, now I am feeling all nice, but tired. Thank you
everyone. Enempi ois saanu olla tissejä kyl.
Posted: 14 Jun 2004 08:04 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitita. Yesterday I saw again (first in long time) a dream worth
noting. The dream is short because I woke up on it and I don't remember the
beginning: It was early spring and my workmate Juha informed us that we both
will be dismissed from the work at 20th of may for some reason. It was a new
"reduced costs -model" for GSF and we had to go :( I hope this is not a
foretelling dream...
Posted: 11 Jun 2004 10:26 [ permalink ]
I am back. 
Posted: 25 May 2004 21:35 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitita, tomorrow evening, I leave for a holiday, two weeks. If I
don't get back, Ceewu shall take care of everything. Hasta la vista!
Posted: 23 May 2004 08:51 [ permalink ]
Last night Roope woke up about 3am and woke naturally us up too. He had a bit
of a cough and he
came to sleep between me and Marja, I got to the floor and slept on sleeping
bag. This enabled me to see one of the BEST dreams I have seen in a while:
I was in somekind of rock festival, it all happened in a place that looked
awfully lot like Helsinki railway station trackyard. It was all hay, but
nevertheless the same. I walked in there through the doors and about hundred
meters further was the main stage. There was only few people and Metallica was
playing. The stage was only about 10 meters wide and about the same long. It
looked really boring and I started wandering around. I noticed mr Jylkkä
selling sausages on the 'left sideway' and headed to him. He was dressed in
white Serveri overalls and hat a wappuhattu and wappunose. We chatted a bit
and he was pissed off because he had been there for ten years or some, and
never had it been this few. The neighbour came to talk to me and asked if this
was the first time for me? He told me that I should replace him as the
superman of the festival as he was forced to sell candies this time. He showed
me what that meant: Instead of ripping of his normal clothes and revealing
superman outfit, he ripped off tight superman outfit and revealed nothing. He
was a big man, about two meters tall and 150kg heavy. I asked if I could take
a picture of that and he said go ahead... to my great disappointment later
when I woke up, there was nothing on the camera :(
Posted: 22 May 2004 08:58 [ permalink ]
I can't seem to get up at all this morning. I am still half asleep and tired
as hell. I should perhaps go and read a bit for my exam. I can't say this many
enough times: I am going to be MSc. this summer!
Posted: 21 May 2004 08:33 [ permalink ]
Let me first say OMG! Last night I saw a nice, nice dream about Petra! I don't
know why she is/was so hot as she was, let me just assure you, there was
something about Petra. I never told it to anyone, but the dream made me sure
about it. Well, I was lounging around on a bus/train station of somekind and
suddenly, Petra arrives out of nowhere. She looks different and all, but
nevertheless as Petra as she can! She was alone, but she told me that she had
gotten a child and was happily married. I wanted to took few pictures about
her, but she was reluctant. I don't know if anything REALLY interesting
happened or not, but it was quite nice to see her again. To be honest, I kind
of promised to pay for the drinks when she turns 18, I haven't seen her for
atleast... hmm... 10 years?
Posted: 20 May 2004 17:10 [ permalink ]
It is going to be ready soon. I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.
Area is all around me.

I feel anxious. What will mortals like the area? It is huge and I'd like to
think it is complicated, I would be happy if mortals manage to get even close
to the last mob before new year. I am hoping we get it into the game during
this summer. 
Posted: 15 May 2004 14:12 [ permalink ]
I must record this before I forget:
The conversation on the bat channel made me think, that the it is about
genders. Sexy is for man, what romantic is for woman. Thus I really cannot
understand what the hell is romantic, and what is not

The question was, "How would you define what is 'sexy' and 'romantic'?"
Posted: 14 May 2004 08:43 [ permalink ]
Again, last night I was flying in airplane and crashed. This time we were
together, going for the holiday trip with my mother, grandmother, marja and my
son (we really are going to Crete in two weeks). I had to sit in somekind of
toilet during the takeoff. The plane started the takeoff run and in the middle
of the runway it made a steep turn to another runway. The first was too short.
The plane was so much overloaded that it had some serious trouble getting up.
We managed to get some 10 meters or so, and the captain raised the landing
gears to make the plane more aerodynamic and thus help it lift. But that was
in vain! Again the hill was closing and everyone was hoping that we can make
it. We didn't. In the top of the hill (the runway ended to a steep forest
filled hill, there was of course somekind of clear area for the runway) we
touched down and crashed. The plane didn't explode and I managed to get out
first as I was very close to the exit in the toilet (or whatever it was). I
then got really worried about Roope and my family because I couldn't see them.
The dream as I remember it, ended there. I woke up little after. Quite
Posted: 13 May 2004 21:32 [ permalink ]
Puuh, it has really been a long, long journey making this future area. I think
we are really going to make it to the game (atleast for approval) soon. If not
before summer, certainly before fall! 
Posted: 12 May 2004 20:23 [ permalink ]
Yawn. Bored slightly. I need to recode some shit for my future area. I hope it
is not a biggie tomorrow....
Posted: 08 May 2004 11:12 [ permalink ]
Muah, last night in my dream, I was in somekind of "finger a woman" class.
First I was there with Marsu, but then it turned out that we had to switch
places and I got myself my former class mate from lower elementary school. So
weird. (I don't want to say her name here for security reasons, as she is
'semi famous TV celebrity' nowadays, is pretty and someone could google on
her). We kissed a bit, but she refused me and we couldn't do what we were
supposed to do.

Hehe, I read from a book that when you get aroused and horny, your left little
toe gets red. I should pay attention to that in the future!
Posted: 06 May 2004 17:02 [ permalink ]
I spent today remembering and learning about Rudolf Hess. I wish he had
succeeded on his first try, 21st of december 1941.
Posted: 04 May 2004 10:57 [ permalink ]
Last night I was again in Lapland and in middle of russian missile attack. We
were walking somewhere in middle of nowhere at night time and I noticed a
missilelaunch far in the distance. I said to the others that 'Look, a rocket
(space ship) launch!" but then suddenly it turned downwards and headed towards
the closeby city, impacted and exploded. Then there was more coming and we
started running back to our cottage in great hurry. I noticed that I had left
my shirt somewhere and it was pretty damn cold. 
Posted: 03 May 2004 07:45 [ permalink ]
Omg what a dream. We were supposedly on our cottage, except it was BIIIG. The
boys had decided to try out creating a DIY armour piercing ammo as they found
7.5kg bottle of quicksilver and a little less TNT. They placed the bottle on
the bench on the porch and the TNT behind it. And then light and RUN AWAY!
They had placed somekind of metal/wooden construction a bit outside of the
cottage to simulate the armour they were supposed to be piercing. The thing
exploded, quicksilver was gone and our cottage was in fire. I recall running
to the roof/interroof in panic. I was also really goddamn worried about the
ecological problems 7.5kg of poisonous heavymetal on the garden of our summer
cottage. Boys are boys!
Posted: 01 May 2004 20:36 [ permalink ]
Congratulations for Estonia, Poland and others for joining European Union!
Posted: 29 Apr 2004 07:05 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitita!
I had a weirdest dream tonight. I have been sleeping quite badly for few last
nights and this was definitely the worst. Actually I had two weird dreams but
I will tell about the last first.

Dream 1: I was part of some religious group and we were actually having some
kind of snowball war and I accidentally killed one of our 'priests'. A bit
later one of our own priests came and started shouting insults on me and
treated me. He told me that because I had killed one of the priests (I really
did, not just with snowball), I shall be detoothed and then slowly crushed. I
got a cunning plan and threw a large piece of ice on him and then I let one of
my prisoners kill him too. I tricked my own side to believe the another priest
was killed by the enemy, which later was lynched. I was saved! 

Dream 2: I met the brother of Noppa (my old school mate) and then we suddenly
decided that we want to go renting paintball guns. We did. With Noppa-bro's
big ATV. Except that it didn't run, because battery was flat. When they
finally managed to get it running, the door was locked and I couldn't get in.
Posted: 21 Apr 2004 21:57 [ permalink ]
You ponks don't deserve me!
Posted: 21 Apr 2004 11:08 [ permalink ]
Hooray, I just coded the last item and the last monster of my future area. Now
I am ready for the round three.
Posted: 19 Apr 2004 08:37 [ permalink ]
Hello blogititta! It has been a long time since I wrote anything, so I try to
be better now... Well it is the first day in two weeks in work. Feels weird.
Got two new books here and 512mb more memory for my laptop (1024MB now,
great!). What is it that I turn my head for almost every goddamn women I see
on the streets? Am I trying to lighten up shadows from my past? What the fuck
is wrong? Time for deep internal research.
By the way! I am most likely going to graduate before next semester, and I am
kind of anxious because of that. What should I do? I have only one real exam
left and one paper to write. No lessons, nothing!

Last night I saw a dream where I was in somekind of shopping complex and I
desperately wanted to buy a book written by Anna-Leena Härkönen. It was her
new book and she was there signing the books. First I had to wait there for
her and then when she came, I got the last book. I paid with my credit card. I
was backpacking and I had hid my card into a yoghurt can. I thought it was a
clever place to hide it, but it turned out to be a bit messy for the cashier.
Well, I got the book, but missed Anna's smile. She was in hurry :(
Posted: 06 Apr 2004 11:57 [ permalink ]
Last night I had a weird dream. I was in somekind of circus. I was standing on
top of a high (something like 10 meters) pole or a mast with Marsu. There were
lots of people around, but we were not the main act. Our purpose was just to
stand there on the small (perhaps a foot wide) platform on the top of the
pole. Damn hard, if I may tell you.
Posted: 03 Apr 2004 09:59 [ permalink ]
This is one of those mornings when wizards say 'Fuck this game!' and stop
Posted: 02 Apr 2004 11:35 [ permalink ]
I have to open up a little here too... Mature porn (atleast at isn't what it used to be. It used to be about beautiful,
hhhhhot, fully figured goddamn awesome females. They were simply hot and
amazing, their faces were nice, cute and the best of all, they seemed
selfsecure and content. 
Then, what has changed? The fucking site is infested with way too ooldd hags
from Russia (or wherenot) fucked by pimpleboys. These ladies look like they
have been drinking alcohol for the last 20 years of their pitiful life,
finally they ran out of money to buy more and decided to do some porn. My
fucking god. It is not about the worn out bodies, it is about the attitude
that glows from their discontent faces: 'Gimme my fucking money' or in worst
cases 'Please, I will swallow and take it in the ass, as long as you just stop
beating me up with bamboo sticks!'. What kind of disgrace-of-a-mature-porn
they are trying to feed me? 

p.s. I hadn't been surfing for matures from for atleast a year before
Posted: 01 Apr 2004 22:45 [ permalink ]
Why oh why.... Everytime I am on no-alcohol diet, I have opportunity to drink
for free.... so unfair....

Last night I saw a dream that happened in Spain again. I was there with marsu
and I was going to a karate lesson first by our bikes, then by bus and finally
we had to take taxi. We put the bike on the backseat and suddenly I was on the
backseat with two girls. I sat on the left, one brunette in the middle and
this HHOT blonde with long hair on the right. The blonde had kissed allready
with my friend sitting on the front seat (I don't know where marsu went...
weird) and she was actually our taxi driver. Atleast she used to be. Well, now
she said to me that wouldn't I like to do with her, what is best done with a
girl like her. I sure in the hell did! I kissed with her over the brunette on
the middle... She had veeeery nice thin muscular (sporty) lips and we had a
nice long long hot kiss. Her lips didn't look narrow, they just were thin. I
mean the 'flesh part' between the actual lip and gums was thin. It felt SO
realistic that I actually woke up because of that. I hope I see her again
Posted: 29 Mar 2004 11:42 [ permalink ]
PLZ ?!!! !LOLZ!
Posted: 21 Mar 2004 11:06 [ permalink ]
I am worried about mr Thematrix. He has been offline for over two weeks. I
suspect he is either dead, retarded from overuse of illegal mind altering
substances or in prison due to the previously mentioned misuse. 
Posted: 17 Mar 2004 21:30 [ permalink ]
You tell Oku 'Piti siirtyy kuuntelee hard house -striimiä tänää töissä :)'
Oku tells you ':)'
Oku tells you 'POLKKASAURUS'
Oku tells you 'kyllä sen tunnistaa piripolkaksi jos se on piripolkkaa'
Posted: 16 Mar 2004 13:25 [ permalink ]
My master's thesis ("About Distributed Spatial Databases") was approved today!
Posted: 16 Mar 2004 11:39 [ permalink ]
Despite of page like '' where different
kinds of electronic music genres are explained and judged, I feel there is
still need for some additional information how to distinguish music from

Muddha's guide for good music. 
Genre #1: Good music. This includes all the songs you like.
Genre #2: Bad music. This includes all the songs you don't like.
Posted: 16 Mar 2004 09:52 [ permalink ]
Tonight is a Club 909 (Trance I suppose) party at Giggling marlin and I am
going to go there. Though my butt, back, thighs and my stomach still hurt from
the sunday

No, I didn't mess with 'boys', but we had a hellishly hard karate lesson on
sunday. I am propably in very bad shape and that lesson was too much. 

I have been seeing really nice dreams lately, though I can't remember them
very well. Last night I was going to go somewhere with this really repulsive
guy that lived where I lived when I was young. I didn't like him that time.
Anyway, last night I called him and was going to pick him up for some meeting
or something. He couldn't give very good directions where he was and I got
lost. I went to wrong house (it turned out to be the house he lived before). 
Few days ago I saw a dream with VEEERY beautiful blond haired woman again! I
was so much in love. Unbelievable!
Posted: 14 Mar 2004 22:19 [ permalink ]
I am fine. I am alive and I have functional limbs. My brains work (I think)
and I have a job. I got family and there is no war going on in finland. All
this plus the fact that I have subscription (TRANCE!)
means that I am happy! 
Posted: 12 Mar 2004 15:46 [ permalink ]
I think I shall rename my Mud Zen koans as Muddha's zen koans... I have to
think about his for a while... Otherwise life is good. Really good.
Posted: 11 Mar 2004 08:24 [ permalink ]
Hello blogitita!

Yesterday I saw dreams about me being in "St. Petersburg" and going into 
this bar. I saw there an old 'friend', girl which is called Virpi. 
I didn't dare to go meet her (she didn't say hello to me either) because
I had heard a story that she rejected a decent man because she thought
he had a beer belly. Then later, Jale was driving a car there and I was
a bit scared about that drive. He did some serious trafficsurfing and 
switched lanes like never before!

Not so interesting but seeing Virpi was quite emotional for some reason
or another. Wonder where Minna was...
Posted: 09 Mar 2004 10:16 [ permalink ]
So, in the first dream I was hopping around in somekind of backyard and  I
think it was during somekind of war. I saw some fighterplanes flying high 
above us and I felt like I would like to get some action. I quickly ducked 
next to the fence and started crawling towards the forest that was right  next
to the house. I rose up and quickly ran to the forest and ducked behind a high
tussock. Suddenly I noticed that I have ran too far and was fucked! I noticed
that on left of me there was a HUGE SU152 russian tank running  towards the
house. It hadn't noticed me yet. Then I noticed  some rushkies between me and
the house. I was trapped! The dream  ended a little after the tank started
coming towards me. It was only  something like 40 meters away from me and I
was scared.

In the another dream I was part of somekind of a gang and we were robbing  a
house. The house happneed to be my grandmoms old house and we were on the 
backyard. The leader of the gang got mad at us for not obeying him and 
started killing us. He chopped me into a fish (sic!) and I became a flake  of
fish. I managed to avoid getting killed by this and then I ran inside  the
house (I obviously turned back to human form) into a closet in my  uncle's old
room. I hid there behind the clothes and waited for the gang  to leave. Soon a
girl came to the closet and she was the love of my life!  Oh my god. So
beautiful that she even glowed in dark. She had long,  sand  colour straight
hair, beautiful nose and eyes. She had few freckles and  I was in heaven.
Truely weird as I really felt like I am going to  explode from happiness when
I kissed her neck as we were sitting there  together, she on my lap. I don't
know who she was as I don't know anyone  who looks like that anymore. And
don't recall who it could have been from  my past. She looked a bit like Arwen
on the LOTR - Two towers, but she was  smaller (not exactly perhaps thinner...
but hard to explain) and younger. 

Posted: 09 Mar 2004 07:48 [ permalink ]
Absofuckinglutely beautiful dreams. First one about war, hiding from ww2
warbirds, SU 152 and soldiers. The second one about eternal love. So fucking
Will tell about them later if I recall.
Posted: 06 Mar 2004 19:46 [ permalink ]
Went to see "Brother Bear" ("Karhuveljeni Koda") with Roope, Ceewu and his
son. Veeery nice movie.
Posted: 02 Mar 2004 16:31 [ permalink ]
I am sooooo happy. I managed to pass two exams! Work and organizational
psychology lecture exam and book exam. I hadn't even seen the book (still
haven't) so it was a pure lucky strike! I decided to read about
"Organizational culture" before going to exam from the internet, and that is
what they asked! Great. I just hope I won't get an another e-mail saying they
are sorry, but I didn't. GREEEAT. If I drank, I would definitely go and buy a
bottle to celebrate.
Posted: 01 Mar 2004 09:56 [ permalink ]
I have started to wonder, what is wrong with me? I see fucking toilet dreams
everyday... Is my subconscious trying to tell me that I really like wicked
toilet shit? Eww.
Posted: 29 Feb 2004 11:31 [ permalink ]
Awww shit. I have been having really wicked and intense dreams. I am still a
bit sick it seems because the dreams are so intense.

Dream: Last night I was in spain/portugal with Marsu and I had problems. My
backpack was full of stuff because I was going to move to portugal  the next
day. We were on this camping place and it was summer. I decided to go swimming
to the beach and ran through a forest. In the forest,  there were something
like 10 men doing some wicked yoga shit (they  had this big white book they
read and excercised). I went to beach and  swam. All the while this dream was
going on, I was struggling with  getting a correct 1:20000 picture to some
fucking GIS application.  It was crucial that I get it working. I practically
had two dreams overlapping each other and it was oh so weird. Fever,
sweating... mmm... Better than  most cheap drugs!

Posted: 28 Feb 2004 08:55 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. I haven't been writing anything for a while for some reason or
other.  My Gradu is getting ready, work is fine and school is fine.  Yesterday
I got somekind of weird flu from Marsu and saw nice set of wicked dreams
yesterday.  Luckily the fever is subsiding and I seem to be getting well
again. Atleast I hope so.

Dream: I was on my way to someone's wedding with Marsu. We were in Madrid
(once again...) and  trying to figure out which metro and local train we
should take to get there. When we get to the place, we find out we need to buy
drink tickets and food coupons to eat. The couple  has not yet arrived and we
queue for tickets. Marsu gets drink ticket for herself and I get food coupons
for us both. It is somekind of restaurant. The dream ended before I found out
whose it was. Not so weird but the feeling was really intense, like it always
is with fever on.

Posted: 20 Feb 2004 10:57 [ permalink ]
Hello blog! YEsterday I saw partially a quite disturbing dream so I want to
share it  with you. Don't read if you don't like parasites, piss, and all
that. Stop now.

Dream: I am waiting for Marsu to pick me up in Toivala Esso. I decide to
hitchhike to  Jännevirta just for fun and I go to the side of the road to wait
for lift. A cargovan stops and it is all full. I climb in and I notice it is a
family  driving to someplace for holidays. One girl jumps out of the allready
moving car.  Her name is Pilvi. I help her back in the car and we go forward.
I notice there is one refugee (black woman) too in the car and I ask where
they are heading and stuff like that. I ask them to stop in Jännevirta and I
go into this big amusementpark/restaurant thingie  (there is no such thing in
Jännevirta, there is nothing). 

It is a dark loomy place and I go there by the bar and consider taking few
pictures.  My camera is suddenly not my familiar Sony, but some fucking shit
that looks like  some techno-laser-gun and I experimentally shoot some photos.
I am embarashed and scared to shoot because of the all the rednecks looking at
me meanily. I put the camera back to my pocket (I am wearing my gore-tex
hiking jacket) and decide to go back to Toivala so I get ready to depart. I
walk down this aisle and there is this nice girl (drunk) that I talk something
to. She grabs me around her arms and we walk  a bit further. I suddenly notice
that I am not wearing my jacket and all my stuff was in  the pockets of it so
I must run to find it. I run back, grab my jacket and go back to find  the
girls. I don't find them and instead I can't find my way out. The place has
several  exits. All the exits are crazy, like Slide-down, jump to shaft, go
through tilted stairs and crawl through little hole (too much coding?). I went
through the slide and I didn't see the girls again.

Later, marsu had come to the place and I went to toilet. The toilet is again
fucking weird thing with sofa, hole in the ground (wwwwvveeery disgusting hole
indeed) and a kind of  dentist's spit cup. I close and lock the door and
decide to piss on the spit cup.  And my god what happens! My piss is all lumpy
(the lights are quite dark and reddish in the  tone so I can't see clearly)
and resembles diarrhea more than liquid. Fucking fuck!  I am going to die! I
notice there are two doors in the toilet and I quickly go and closet that. I
panic out and call Marsu. She doesn't answer so I decide to take a closer look
at the lumps. Fuck! WORMS! I am infested with parasites! They are small white
elastic worms! They came through  my precious! The dream ends when I pick one
specimen with tweezers and put it by the washbasin.

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 13:48 [ permalink ]
Holy shit. It must be spring because I am getting so horny nowadays. I will
soon fuck everything that is living and doesn't resemble vegetation.
Posted: 18 Feb 2004 08:55 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. This morning I woke up early party because of urge to pee, and
partly because I think I saw romantic dream about my friend's wife (Not
Ceewu's). I also had a nice dream but I don't recall the exact details so I
won't be writing about it. It was a mud meeting again, this time on somekind
of farm house. Shumrena and Huppu arrived there by car but that is about the
only thing I recall now. 
Posted: 17 Feb 2004 13:37 [ permalink ]
Oh my oh. I had great dream last night but of course I didn't write it down
immedetially so it is forever lost. Now my stomach hurts after I ate an orange
and few cheese sandwiches. Great. I have been lazy writing this shit lately
but that is just because I am so busy. Last week the tutor of my Pro Gradu
work told me that it is ready for approval, so I think my gradu is now finally
Posted: 16 Feb 2004 08:37 [ permalink ]
Heeeelvetin hyvin meneee. I fumbled with my backpack this morning and of
course my (work) laptop was in it. It wasn't high drop but the fucken battery
pack came through its attachments. And of course it didn't break the battery,
but the fucken computer side of the compartment. Grr perkele. Now my laptop
isn't so portable as the battery will slip off from the slightest tilt.
Posted: 06 Feb 2004 09:25 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. I haven't been seeing too many good dreams lately, but yesterday 
I saw a dream about Slarba so I have to blog it.

Dream: I am in school. This is somekind of special place to be in school as
the class isn't where it is supposed to be. We are looking for class 606, and
there is supposed to be a swedish lesson. We find a backdoor and a woman comes
ask what are we looking for. We tell her and she tells that this is it.  WE
enter it and it looks a bit like someones living room. It is somekind of
special night lecture as we decide to watch some tv. Few of the guys run
around and fight. The teacher  tries to stop them and one of the biggest guys
(Matikainen I suppose) runs for help.  Teacher kicks him in the face while
trying to prevent the other two from fighting.  A bit later I talk with LARPPA
which for some fucking reason is on my class and  I notice he has the book I
am looking for next week's exam. The book is not for sale anymore and all the
books are borrowed from the library allready so this is my big chance! Larppa
gives me the book for loan for few days and I am so happy!

Part 2: Later I notice that the teacher and most of the others have felt
asleep and  I lurk outside to go to toilet. For somereason the place has only
outside toilet and I go to  the hallway leading out. There is a nice, strong
looking finnish huntingdog waiting to get inside.  I look back and notice that
everyone is sleeping so I don't want to let the dog in. We go outside together
with the nice dog and I go in this weird toilet. The toilet is like
greenhouse, all transparent.  I pee in one of the 'toilet seats' which is more
like a f**kn' sack full of sod and hay.  My  bladder gets empty, the sun
shines with beautiful orange colour, it is dawn. I am happy and content.
Posted: 05 Feb 2004 17:49 [ permalink ]
Any volunteers for repairing ~200 lines of shitty code?
Posted: 02 Feb 2004 09:58 [ permalink ]
New day, new tricks. Toe didn't hurt but I had a quite nice military dream. 
Let's get right into the business then, shall we...

Dream (A weird game in the army, I am sniping people and they blame me for 
being a traitor and cheating): I am in the army and we play a weird game that 
some people are playing some kind of football while some are shooting at them.
I suppose the guns are not real but their heads blow up when I hit them. 
I again got this fucking annoyingly triggered M16 but this time with red-dot
laser targeting. In the beginning I shoot at least 10 players with skilled
Then I go to my sniping position on the top of one big large rock. The trigger
starts playing shit on me again and I don't manage to shoot anyone anymore.
the hits miss. Suddenly some little girls arrive by the me and reveal my
They tell me that the off-game artillery is doing unbelievably good job,
is cheating! My sister arrives to cheer me up and throws little rocks on the
of my neck. I get pissed off at them. The game ends and we all go in to this 
big stone building and the our team leader comes to our dressing room. He
accusing me of cheating. He tells me that I have been giving the artillery
and now the other team blames us for being no-good sports. I try to convince
that nono, i didn't even have radio but they don't believe me and explain it
that I called someone and gave them guidance. The incident ends to thing when
coach (which by the way is one of our karate instructors :D ) tries to pull my
and I slap him.

So fucking weird.
Posted: 02 Feb 2004 00:17 [ permalink ]
Hello. My toe is about to explode. I need to go and show it to doctor tomorrow
and apply for painkillers and antibiotics
Posted: 31 Jan 2004 04:18 [ permalink ]
My fucking god, my toe hurts really bad! I woke up a little over 3 am because
my right big toe is almost in fire. I beleve the side of the nail is infected
and it is 'radiating pain' to the joint. But sure the pain is almost fucking
unbearable now. I would take morphine without hesitation now if I had it. It
prevents sleeping completely. 
I am waiting for the pain to subside (I took some normal pain killers) so I
could sleep again. I need to go for a lectures at 9 am :(.  Btw, managed to
talk yesterday with the prettiest girl on the class. She turned out pretty but
a little bit dull.
Posted: 26 Jan 2004 08:59 [ permalink ]
Good morning. My eyes are still almost crossed and I slept almost like a baby
from 22.30 to 7:30.
WEll some cool dreams but forgot some parts of it. Karate club annual party
went nicely saturday. 
We drank few beers on the meeting place and ate a bit. Then we headed to
Amarillo and I talked 
A LOT with many many nice people. I never actually realized how nice the
people were. Then we
went for Onnipub, drank one there and went to alepub. Marsu and Beiba came
there and we went
for one last bar that is in that corner, before Henry's. Some shit and full as
hell. We fled 
with marsu and went to bed. Of fucking course I woke up 8:30, drunk as hell
and unable to sleep. 
Then came the hangover. It was horrible. Oh yes, I also met few old lower
elementary school 
schoolmates and friends in the Amarillo. Misters Huttunen, Saastamoinen and
Matikainen. I hadn't 
seen Huttunen for over 15 years. Mr Saastamoinen looked  exactly the same as
his biggest childhood
idol, Vesa-Matti Loiri. Wwwweird.

Dreams... Well I can't describe them in detail. I recall selling pot and
delivering it to someone. 
The another dream was about my Friend Mikko H giving me a xmas present. I
found the paper he 
was going to give the present for me. I was worried because we don't buy
presents with Marsu anymore
so we didn't have anything for him in return. The dream was really emotional.
Much more emotional than
reality ever is for me. Weird

Posted: 24 Jan 2004 07:30 [ permalink ]
Goog morning blog. Today is the annual karate party. Well, it is not so much
party  but we gather together, sit and talk and the club gives out trophies
for the most  prominent ones. Of course I secretly wish I will get one, but I
have not been the  most prominent hobbyist around so I won't most likely. Well
will take some booze  anyway. Today's dream woke me up again 6am so I will
write it.

Dream (War is hell. Except if you happen to be able to sleep in nice cabin.):
I am sitting on a ditch/gutter and suddenly a bunch of men runs from the
forest to  the same ditch. They are wearing military uniforms and hold guns.
There is also  somekind of wooden construction by me. I realize this is
somekind of war excercise and suddenly I am part of it. I am holding old open
sight rifle, bolt lock rifle and aim with it somewhere. The guy next to me has
M-60 american machine gun and he shoots few shots. I aim to the road (which is
btw Toivala mainroad and I aim towards the shop) and try to scan for enemies.
I see few sitting on a tree further around but don't shoot. I want to know 
how this excercise works before shooting anyone for real. Before I get to ask 
I feel a sudden sharp pain on back of my neck and go WTF. I have been hit!  I
am out of game. It turns out that they use somekind of rubber bullets or shit
like that.

Dream part 2: We are supposed to stay put if we are dead. I lay still for few
minutes and then look up (I don't want to get shot again, it didn't feel
nice). I drag myself into  the wooden construction which turns out to be
somekind of cottage. I look through the windows  and see lots of running and
shooting. A bit later I notice that I have been sleeping and am without proper
clothes. Someone looks in to the cottage (which is just a shack now) and yells
that I should join them if I could. I start looking for my shirt and find it
under someone who is  sleeping on the floor. I dress up and we talk with the
guy. The guy tells it isn't that bad to be in the army/war, if you can sleep
in a place like that... I wake up before I get back to action..
Posted: 22 Jan 2004 09:00 [ permalink ]
Hello honeybunnies and lesser demons! I have had a great week.  Today I again
have go listening to shitty seminar presentations, ack.

Yesterday on karate one of the dudes explained me his system for drinking.  He
is gradually reducing the times he is allowed to drink from 9 to 6 / year. 
First he had 9 times and gradually he will set drinking to maximum of six
times a year.  I thought that is quite clever... Well gotta think about it a
bit more. But not  until saturday night as then is Karate's yearly party. I
need to start asking teachers if they need help as we are required to do 5
times of teaching before  blue belt. 

Dream (LAS DROGAS!): Me and Marsu went into this techno/trance bar and a we
arrive there early. There is a bar and lots of sofas on the another room and 
we go there first. Marsu is tired and passes out on the sofa. I think this is
my opportunity and I decide to do some speed. Shit! All the stuff is in my 
jacket pocket and it is by the fucking guards. I go there and ask the guard if
I could take something from my pocket. He puts the jacket on (?) and I go for
the pocket. I try to take my sheet of dexedrines without those bastards
noticing it. I finally manage to do it and go to toilet for few nice
stimulants.  I hop them in and suddenly notice that oh shit. I am outside the
bar and would need to get in again. Luckily the guard remembers me and lets me
in. Now I wonder why in the hell is this  techno place so fuckin silent that I
don't hear any music. I go looking around and see that there are LOADS of cars
on the parking lot (so the party must be going on) and go seeking for people.
I don't remember the rest very well but I am sure it involved kissing with
someone  who wasn't Marsu. Marsu slept while I was being nasty, taking speed
and kissing other women.

Posted: 21 Jan 2004 13:20 [ permalink ]
Last night I was in Sahara (or some shit like that), sitting naked on the sand
while others where playing football around me. I was worried about getting
sand in my butt and burning my hands. Neither one happened.
Posted: 20 Jan 2004 06:33 [ permalink ]
Hola Blogitita. Woke up again too damn early but it is probably because I 
drank a half a cup of coffee yesterday. The reason for that is that about 9.30
we lost power yesterday from work and I was left without my usual tea. Some
workers had cut off the powerline so we went home. Though, I went for my
master's seminar (we have to listen 15 presentations and have to make one
yourself). Though, the final, and actual reason for waking up was thig stupid

Dream (Bar, arguing over Feta sallad): Me and two other dudes are in this
small bar drinking beer. The dudes are eating sallad and complaining to the
lady a lot.  The lady gets angry and yells all the time (like women usually
do) to us from the  kitchen/counter. I go over there to pay and order more. I
tell her (whom btw looks exactly like "cuddly bear" (woman), our Taiji
teacher) to sum it up. I have loads of money in my purse because we had been
making some good business there earlier  (selling drugs of course). The lady
gives me beer and gives me a bill of fourty euros. Goddamn sallad cost 20 euro
each! I pay and curse a lot. Two BIIIG guys arrive around me after I paid. I
look at my friends at the another 'hall' and talk to the big guys.  Another of
the big guys takes a fork and hits it on the table. It stays up. The guys are
really pissed off. Another is standing behind me and another in front of me
lits up a cigar.  They point out that it would hurt a lot if they poked me a
bit with the cigar. The woman counts money and keeps on nagging. I stand up
and quickly walk to the other hall where my friends are  supposed to be. They
are not there. Goddamn. I run out towards our car. The fucking car is gone.
The big dudes get up and come after me. I run outside (this time I suppose the
place is my  old grandmother's place in Pielavesi) and to the street going by.
The car is nowhere to be seen. Fuck. I am in trouble now. 

Posted: 16 Jan 2004 09:42 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. Weird things again in my dreams. Nice karate lesson yesterday, I
guess I am getting back into the karatemood. Which is good of course. Today I
am planning to fight with MS SFU 3.5. I think they should have named it STFU.

Dream (party party, people sleep in weird places): We are having party,
probably in Toivala where I  lived when I was young. The party is over and I
notice that Rutaliator, Asolo and Ceewu sleep in the fridge shelfs. Asolo is
on the top and he is feeling really cold. I suggest they should go to the
guest building outside. I give them the key and they go there. Marsu retreats
to my parents bedroom and I decide (for some reason) to go to my sisters room.
I drag my sleeping bag with me and go to bed. I notice lights are on and get
up to switch them off. There are at least four switches and I can't figure out
correct combination to switch all the lights off. I am really pissed about
them and go asleep with the lights on.

Posted: 15 Jan 2004 08:30 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. I had few weird dreams again and few more thoughts to think about.
If you would need to describe yourself as a card in a deck, which one would
you be? I am quite sure there wouldn't be too many three of clubs, or four of
spades. People tend to think they are better than the rest. IIRC ~80% of
people answer they are smarter than average if they are asked about it.
Though, honestly speaking, if we take the whole population of the whole earth
in count, we are one of the cards in the royal flush. Probably even in the
better end.

Dream 1 (Strange shit): Jale, Kode and Mikko are going in to a restaurant in
Kuopio. I can't quite make the place where it was but it must be behind the
Sokos somewhere. I am with my bicycle and  the rest of them go in. For some
reason I don't follow them but turn and go to the van THEY arrived with. It is
a few blocks away. It is my old van (Mmm... Toyota....). I go in and sit there
for a while.  Suddenly my old school mate arrives with a big gang. They don't
hear me and one of them says to Miika: "Go ahead, we'll film it". Miika takes
a big knife and is about to carve something to my car! I jump out and yell to
them. Miika recognizes me and greets me. I am angry and go back to my car and
speed off the place. I drive around in a FUCKING big roads and try to find my
bike. I find it and put it in the back of the car. Again I drive those 10 lane
streets and I run into police squad! I don't recall what I had done wrong but
I was scared that they would stop me. 

Shit, I forgot the rest of it and the another good one. Well, another time. 

Posted: 13 Jan 2004 10:57 [ permalink ]
The song: Zymotix - Rachel in trance. 

I can't wait till my next 3 gigabytes of trance (ripped from DI, I have too
strich firewall at work) flows here. I am all too bored to my old 2 gigabytes.
Posted: 10 Jan 2004 08:47 [ permalink ]
print "Hello blog";

I decided to start translating english zen stories into finnish. Though, zen
is like elephant copulating with a flea so it might be in vain. 

Dream (In my area, above the ceiling. M16 has very hard trigger. Sucks as I
get hit by rocket.): A bunch of players are in my new area (in reality) and
notice a secret door in the ceiling (woooo). They open it and we climb to the
attic. It is not decorated but there is a glassbox and there  are three
persons. One is black woman and two I don't remember. PErhaps white men. I
quickly grab a M16 from the floor and start shooting. I shoot the lady first
and then few shots to the others.  The fucking rifle is in singleshot mode and
the trigger is really hard to pull. I mean REALLY tough and heavy. It feels
like an old playgun which is broken and needs excessive power to be armed. I
switch to auto just in time to shoot the two guys who come out with a long
burst. The scenery changes (as I think I  woke up partially at this point) to
a apartment building yard. There are some hills and bushes that block sights
to the glass box and the black lady (who is alive by the way).  I have only
few bullets left and all of the others (my side team) have allready been
killed. I walk towards the badboys side and quickly notice one girl  there
laying on her back and holding a phone and rocket launcher. I try to shoot
her, but the trigger is too heavy and I miss first one. She shoots at me. I
jump and the rocket misses (mind you that those rockets are all too similar 
to 'quake' rockets). She shoots two more and they miss too. Then the fourth
hits me. I survive and manage to shoot the bitch. Then I notice my M16 is
empty (btw, i have never even seen M16 in reality) and I grab two
submachineguns from the ground (my team members died earlier) and notice that
the another one is quite empty. I shot experimentally to see  if they work and
are armed. They do and they are REALLY silent. Like 'TUFFUFUFFUFUSHUIH'. I
crawl towards the black lady which I know is a wicked bastard. Sexy as hell
and is determined to kill. So am I. I am lethal killing machine, special ops, 
swat team, karhu ryhmä, T-74 and a cuddly wizard in a same package. I aim to
kill. The tension gets really intense  and I wake up before I get to crawl to
see the lady. Dang.
Posted: 09 Jan 2004 13:52 [ permalink ]
Yesterday I came to a conclusion that atheism is The God version 2.0.
Posted: 09 Jan 2004 08:25 [ permalink ]
Blopblop! Blip blop blop. Blipblipblip blopblop. Blop. Blopblip!

Posted: 08 Jan 2004 08:36 [ permalink ]
It is thursday morning. I saw a dream. I was also in the karate lesson
yesterday. A nice one, ruta avoided it AGAIN on the last second. So sad. For
some reason I had there a very strong feeling that I will not find the truth
from karate. You shouldn't read that literally and make any conclusions about
me being a lunatic trying to find some truth from a sport. I mean that I felt
that Karate, and especially Wadoryu, isn't perhaps the one good sport for me.
I didn't feel like the  stances and the moves they described would REALLY fit
me. By fit, i mean that I felt that I could do them a bit better by not
following the exact teachings... Well got to see how it goes, I'll continue at
least this year.

Dream1 (Romance in the air): We are visiting a small two story house. The
owner is a nice looking woman (I don't recall what she looked like though) and
someone from our group has some romance going on with her. We decide to go to
sauna and I heat it up.  It is almost ready and I mention many times that we
should be going there allready. There was something weird about the sauna  but
I don't remember what, it had a clear window on the back wall, above the
stove. The benches were to the right from the door.  The woman announces that
we should really leave. We leave and the guy who has the romance going on
recalls he left something important in.  He tries to knock the door but no
avail. He throws a small rock to the upper story window and it goes through.
It actually  causes something to explode inside the building and the woman
comes to the window. She throws his stuff down and goes away.  We decide that
we should go see a movie. Marsu is not there but there is one extra woman so I
take her by the arm and we walk away.

Dream1 part 2: We don't go to movies afterall but into a nice, small
restaurant. IT looks expensive but I decide I will pay.  I am alone with the
nice looking girl and we chat and it is all romantic. After the food the owner
of the restaurant comes with a bunch of flowers to me and tells me to choose
appropriate flower for my lady. I panic as I know they cost a LOT.  I notice
marsu is sitting on the next table with her back towards me, so I decide that
I will give the lady with me a yellow rose. I thought red one wouldn't be
appropriate. But the lady is nice and helps me and finally decides to choose a
flower that is violet.  There were really many varieties on the table and they
were so fresh. I could smell the flowers and I remember them even being  wet
because they were so fresh. I choose a large red rose for Marsu and the guy
thanks me and writes down some notes  on his flower order list. I notice the
prices and they are horrrrrrific for my budget. The violet one cost 57 euros
and  the red one 53 euros. Besides, that was only the f**king flowers, not

Posted: 07 Jan 2004 08:05 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. I think I am not sick anymore: No dreams. Shit.
Posted: 06 Jan 2004 06:51 [ permalink ]
Dear blog, I woke up too early. It is a holiday and I shouldn't have had to
woke up yet. Well, you know how it is when you die in the dream. It happened
to me today.

Dream 1 (splat-game indoors, without masks. A weird 3rd person view. ): There
are two persons in this dream, and every once in a while I am the second one.
The one with UZI.  The dream starts as a video game (3rd person shooter) where
I am on the bottom of this weird stairshaft and my opponent is high above me.
We shoot each other and I see even the target marker there. It changes so that
my view runs through the maze to up and I see the another guy shooting at me
with this  desert eagle copy. The guy looks awfully lot like the guy on the
Idol's (the speaker guy).  The shooting stops. I believe I am changing clips.
The guy shouts something down.  The place is a huge (200 feet wide) tower made
from red bricks. The place is lit with indirect wall lights and it looks
great. It has 100 feet wide stairs which go a bit illogically and it is
possible to jump down  to next 'floor'. The guy waits till I have to load and
comes for me. (I view this as 3rd person, so I see my self. Though am not sure
if it was really me, or someone else. ) He laughs at me and says now I have to
die. I see me reloading and then shooting towards the dude but I miss. All of
the shots miss. I say something and suddenly jump down to the next level. I
keep on running the stairs (which are red velvet covered) and jumping down to
the next level. At this point I am again the runner. I hear the guy coming
behind me and I remember waiting for the hit on the back. As nothing happens,
I run like a bunny. I notice a veeeery narrow stairway on the side of the
tower and enter it.  I find that it was not good enough and climb back. I
continue running until (supposedly on the bottom?) I find another narrow (1
feet wide or so) stairway and I go to it. It leads one level down into a 10
feet long and 3 feet wide  corridor. Oh shit, a dead end! No, i notice even
narrower niche on the end and push in there. I notice a breeze of fresh air
from the niche and come to conclusion that it connects with the previous
stairway. I only need  to squeeze through. The passage is only 3-4 inches
wide. Suddenly I hear noise and look back to the corridor.  The guy points his
desert eagle at me. He looks at me, and the dream ends. I lost. Damn.

Posted: 05 Jan 2004 08:54 [ permalink ]
Is it just me, or are insomnia and depression some kind of official medical
conditions on mudders? (Count me out, thank you)
Posted: 05 Jan 2004 08:19 [ permalink ]
I think the strange sickness (flu?) is going away. I haven't had really fever
(no temperature)  but I have been veeeery confused and feeling sick generally.
The dream was standard shit:

Dream 1 (I punch the master and the guard of the machine, then find myself
naked next to the machine): The place is Toivalan Esso. It is not the same
shaped but it still is it. It is the local gasstation we used to go when I was
young boy and lived in Toivala. We are sitting on the corner table (where in
reality was the desc you bought stuff) and discuss about stuff. Lots of people
visit the place.  We are obviously planning the destruction of this weird
doomsday machine (ventilation equipment). There is only one big problem, the
big fat guard. We run to the back of the station, which by this  time has
changed mystically into our lower level elementary school building I have been
dreaming so many times before.

Dream 1, part 2: We go to the back door and enter the building. It is winter
as there is few cm of snow on the ground. We climb the stairs and meet the
notorious fat guard. I punch him in the stomach and the midget that is with us
loads his magic fists (I have been playing R-type way too much) and punches
him in the stomach with all his might. The guy  doesn't get stunned and we
need to run. I run upstairs with oku and we go to the room with the strange
machine.  Oku desperately tries to lock the door and I remind him that it
wouldn't help, the guard has the key.  I tell oku to reset the lock with
another key (Matrix reloaded) and he succeeds with a key that looks like a
fucking fork for pickled cucumbers. While Oku is working with the lock I turn
up the lights. The very low windows in that room are on the floor level. I
quickly notice that I can see people on the outside, and it is obvious that
some of them can see me. I quickly duck on the floor and notice that they
still probably could see me as the parking lot outside is on the higher level
than  the building we are in. I stand up and try to find the right light
switches from the wall (there are tons of them).  For my horror I notice that
I am naked and I fumble the another light. Ack ack, naked and locked in a
small room everyone can  see in. I quickly try to get to the toilet, which is
next to the maindoor. Oku must destroy the machine alone!

Posted: 04 Jan 2004 12:10 [ permalink ]
A nice and feverish dream production! Dream 1: I was in airport and went into
a motherfucking strange airplane. It was supposed to be the Spirit of St Louis
(You know, the airplane the one flew first alone across atlantic, the one you
could not see out from). Well this was more strange. It had two parts. One was
the back, and one was the engine. The plane was line the speedsters in
starwars episode one, the cockpit was on the back and the engine was in the
front part. It was really hard to fly, especially when someone started
smacking me with broomstick while I was airborne. I love being sick.

Bye bye now honeys, my soup is almost ready!
Posted: 03 Jan 2004 10:03 [ permalink ]
Hello. Jylkkä called yesterday, what a nice surprise. Well, I am still sick
and saw a nice bus dream again. Today I am going to sit on couch and watch

Dream 1 (Bus drive): We are on a old bus, going to somewhere. It is a green
summer day  and the road is very narrow and the forest around the road is
scarce. There are somekinds of  strange magnet mines that drag our bus back
when the driver tries to get past them. The bus swings around and it is really
hard to maintain balance. The driver says he can't do it so I volunteer. The
controls for the bus are really fucking strange. All kinds of levers,  turn
wheels and pedals. Well I handle it and we get past the strange magnet mines. 
I drive the car to small alley / corridor (indoors!) and we get almost stuck
there.  I back up and the dream ends there. Me backing up an old weird bus on
a very narrow alleys, almost as narrow as the ones I saw in Morocco.

Posted: 30 Dec 2003 05:47 [ permalink ]
Hello nice anc cute blog! The fucking dream woke me up and now I can't sleep. 
I think I'll go to shower and then to work...

Dream (late from airport, panic in the air): Me, marsu and roope are going to
Crete for holidays next spring. In this dream we are going today. The flight
leaves 17.00 and we are allready in Helsinki in somekind of hotel or something
and we are hanging on a lobby.  I keep on telling Marsu that we should go
allready as it is 15.30  or something. We don't call taxi and soon it is so
late that the only way to get there is via Oku. There are bunch of our friends
in the lobby of the hotel and I try to persuade one girl to come help and show
oku the way to the airport. I keep on checking wether I have the tickets in my
pocket (jeans jacket, top left pocket), i do. In this dream I had a strange
'memory' about how long, and which way we needed to the airport. The girl I
persuaded was Johanna from the karate and the guy I made the trip I had the
memory of was one of the salesmen on the Novomeridian. The cool one. The one
that showed me thursday bar, Kalle 13.

The stress of not going to make it woke me up. Fucking a. Well tonight  we are
leaving towards Tampere to spend the new years eve with my sister and her
future husband. Happy new year!

Posted: 29 Dec 2003 13:44 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. In my dream, I was again in germany. This time I was on some kind
of skiing trip and as I was coming back from the slopes on a narrow forest
road I noticed a nice girl sitting on a kicksledge (potkukelkka) and sleeping.
She seemed so cute and lonely that I went in and started talking to her. While
we talked I noticed that a hellishly black cloud arrived to the beach and sunk
below my vision, behind a cliff. I grabbed the girl by hand and we ran right,
towards our tent. Some crazy motherfucker was fishing there and we ran past
him and ducked under the camouflage colored tent. It was summer by this time
by the way.

And not only was it summer, the german girl had transformed into Bombadillo.
Posted: 25 Dec 2003 09:25 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. Xmax difficulties are history and everything is good.  Today would
have been my father's 55th birthday, rest in peace.  A classic dream today!

Dream 1 (a weird lightning storm that turns out to be the start of nuclear
war, we die): It is a summer and we are on the way 'back to the house' we were
guests at. Mikko and Henna (ex-wife and her new husband) have been
housekeeping while we were away. Mikko has mowed the lawn and was on the
toilet when we arrived.  Henna was on the garden. We walked to the front yard
where there were several  bushes of berries. I curse blackcurrants are they
are so hard to pick. There are also fig bushes (I don't know where they grow
irl) and some redcurrant bushes. Someone wonders why the berries are still
there, don't the owners pick them and wishes aloud that he could pick them. 

Part 2: Soon it starts to rain and we descend to the backyard which is on the
lake shore.  There is a summer tent (a tarpaulin on four poles) and we all
gather below it to keep  the rain. Suddenly it thunders loudly. There is a
series of thunder and it looks like something flew upwards to the left of the
lake. I follow the trail of that something and  an another something similar
goes up. I point the moving dots and tell others about  what I think I can see
there. There is even a trail of cloud/smoke behind the objects. The objects
reach their highest point and start descending. Now we are sure it was
something. I think OMG, they are missiles from Russia. The objects crash
perhaps 3 miles from us and explode. There is no super bright light as
expected, actually not that much light at all. First there is just that
explosion that happens behind our visual range behind an island. Then I am
sure it was nuclear explosion as the sphere of explosion with fuzz of water
and steam starts coming closer.  We all turn our backs to it and walk towards
the house. I kiss Roope and Marsu a goodbye and say farewell to Markus and
Tuomas. The rest of the people walk before us and we all fade to the eternity.
I woke up.
Posted: 25 Dec 2003 01:30 [ permalink ]
Haista sinä joulupukki vaan vittu. 
Posted: 23 Dec 2003 08:55 [ permalink ]
Oh my! Very restless night, i can't remember any dreams. I will take few beers
tonight to see if it helps
Posted: 22 Dec 2003 10:02 [ permalink ]
Mystic dreams again my dear Blog... Very good ones though.

Dream 1 (In the shopping mall with Roope): I am in a shopping mall with my son
Roope as he is trying to find something he wants for xmas. The lights go out
from the whole building as it is the last hour of the xmas. I hear footsteps
from afar and see light further until it too goes out. I have my sapphire blue
light and I light it. Roope finds what he wants and I beam with the blue light
into the darkness. I shout "Hello?" and someone responds. A guard walks by us
but pays us next to no attention. Roope finds what he was looking for and we
walk towards the escalator. We go out with the rest of the people.

Dream 2 (in a high apartment house, having a summer party. The house tilts and
falls!): I am in a summer party, everyone is sitting on a balcony on a second
to highest flat on a  quite a high apartment building. It has perhaps 12
stores at this point and a we are sitting under a orange marquise and it is a
lovely day. We are sipping something like sangria and it is all nice.  There
is something like public toilets or something on the yard and a laddersystem
leads directly to  the balcony from outside. I look down and see car driving
to the yard and two men walking towards the toilet thingie. I remember going
"Oh my god, they are after us! Everyone keep clear from the  edge of the
balcony. The balcony is wide, atleast 20 meters or so. Suddenly Henna (my
Exwife)  climbs up and brings Roope to me we talk few minutes. 

Continued: Suddenly the building starts to rock. We hold on to everything as
the building tilts and falls against the opposite building. Nobody is hurt so
I quickly instruct everyone to climb  on the roof of the opposite building
before the whole building will collapse. We all climb there and then  I
further suggest we jump back to the roof of our building and walk through it
to the otherside where there is a high cliff  where we could jump and we could
all be safe from the crash. We all go. Oku jumps first and he makes it easily.
Roope jumps and falls. Henna starts to cry helplessly but we notice Roope
didn't fall down to concrete floor but to a  somekind of moat full of water
and we just pick him up. Then we all manage to jump to safety! Hooray!

Dream 3 (Hotel, hotel, hotel. Orgoh and I are living in same room): I am going
for the hotel swimming pool/sauna.  The hotel is cross shaped and the sauna
department is in the middle. You can go in to the sauna from all  directions
so every hallway of the hotel has entrance to the sauna. I am on the other
side of the hotel as my  room and someone suggests that we should go to the
sauna. We go in and I notice I don't have clean underwear, towel nor swimming
suit. I decide to walk through the other door to my hallway and do it quickly
as it was women's  side. I go open the door which by the way reads "Tero" with
big letters. The room is perhaps four meters wide and  four meters long. There
is a toilet right next to the door on the left and wardrobe on the right. I am
living with Orgoh and he lies on the bed next to the toilet wall watching tv
on the opposite wall. There is also a couch and  another bed on the right side
of the room, below tv. There are basic cookware and somekind of small kitchen.
Orgoh is smoking cigarrette and says he won't come to the sauna as he is
having such a hangover. He will be sleeping. I get my gear from the floor and
I leave. Weird feeling.

Posted: 20 Dec 2003 10:58 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. Again I had few very nice and vivid dreams which  I am about to
blog. I will add the last one first because  it was the one that amuzed me the
most, even as it was the shortest.

Dream 3 (Bus drive, again): I am sitting on a bus full of  girls that are bit
younger than me. Definitely not bar-aged girls and I feel awkward by sitting
there. I am coming from  somewhere and definitely going towards Kuopio as I
don't leave  on the right stop in Toivala but take off on the next stop. I
have my camera and backpack with me. I check that my wallet is in place, so I
do pretty much the normal things people  try to do in the bus to keep
occupied. The girls sing something that sounds like "Everything I do, I do it
for you" by Bryan Adams. It is not the same song, but the message is the same.
Unfortunately I forgot the real words. I am sitting next to the aisle and the
bus is full. There is some a bit older woman standing and I move next to the
window, leaving a vacant space for her. She sits down next to me. The bus
continues and I am about to stop on the 'right' stop (to place where I live)
but  remember that I need to go to Kuopio. I wait a bit as it is the next stop
and  notice that there is a new stop on the front of the lower elementary
school building and quickly press the stop button. I collect my stuff and
leave the bus. When I am leaving, all the girls 'stand up', look at me through
the  window and start singing that same song, giggling along the way.  I am SO
confused. Were they mocking me or not? Grr. I hate girls. Why do  I hate to
see dreams that make me feel uncomfortable and unsecure. Why can't I see
dreams where I am heroic adventurer that gets chicks for free. Grr.

Dream 1 (A party party, Asolo has birthday party and so do I, Rutaliator 
drank all my booze and my juices.): We have a greeeeat party going on a nice
house. I don't know whose it is but it surely is great. People are sitting on
the  roof and on some point I am the one we are having the party for. Perhaps
it is my birthday party? Well in the beginning I come 'home' from somewhere
and I had saved myself a half a liter bottle of booze and I walk in to the
kitchen.  The refrigerator room is big and there are two doors that lead in
there. One  from the kitchen and one from the hallway. I leave my bottle
there. There is also lots of food and juice there. The juice is apple-banana
nectar, and it is  on the small 0.2litre paper bottles. Rutaliator is all
knocked out allready and  mumbles something I don't understand. The party goes
on and I go backyard and  hang out there a bit. I go upstairs to get some
drinks and notice that my bottle is almost empty. I suspect Ruta but don't say
shit. I take one  Juice and dip in some booze and go back to party. I don't
see or talk to too  many people but I know it is somekind of party. At one
point I go to Asolo's  room and see that he has gotten nice presents. A
plastic jumbojet (the kinds you had on the 80's that you had to glue
togethere) and a weird helicopter,  german WW2 jetplane and aeroplane hybrid
-models. The weird plane has a cockpit of a helicopter and a jet engine of
that WW2 plane on the place of that back rotor. It doesn't have wings but it
looks cool. I think to myself that Asolo is  one lucky guy to get all these
cool items. At some point we leave somewhere by car and when we are getting
back I remember that I am drunk and can't drive and suggest that we all should
run, the place isn't far away. We are in Vuorela  and the place we are
supposed to go back to is where Jale lived when I was young. We are on the
'shopping mall' so it surely isn't a long way and I decide to run. I give keys
to someone else and take my backpack and run. I reach the place first and run
for the refrigerator. WTF? Someone has drunk all the booze and all the juices.
There is only empty plastic bags on the floor and I am really pissed about it.
I wonder why I have chosen Ruta to be the criminal boozedrinker in my
dreams... Weird... There was lots more to this dream but I have forgotten it.

Posted: 19 Dec 2003 14:13 [ permalink ]
Hello blog! I have been a bit sick and had to go home earlier yesterday. I
decided not to go to work today and  have been watching Shawshank redemption
from DVD for the morning. Had few nice dreams but nothing much happened in

Dream 1: For somereason we (me and Marsu) had moved to  Iisalmi (A small town
80km north from here) to an apartment wchich had orange curtains and made the
room look like  a pimp house. For somereason many of the rooms in my dreams
seem to have that kind of curtains. It makes the whole  room appear orange
when the sun shines in. Well anyway later Marsu told me the rent for the room
was only 29 euros  so it was really cheap for us to live in Iisalmi. We got
out and I saw my disgusting aunt there (didn't talk to her) before we walked
towards the Iisalmi center. I think the apartment  was near the docks as I
believe we walked to the center from the  shore. Weird? No, not that much.
Just stupid.

Dream2: We have a sailing boat. I raise the sails and off we go. I control the
sail by hand, almost like on windsurfing board.  I turn the boat towards a
narrow strait (? is that a correct word?) and it starts to rain. It rains so
much that the air is full of  flying water and wind and I can't see shit. We
have to turn back and as soon as it appeared, the rain is gone. It is almost
like a  wall of water when I look back to the 'rain'.  Nothing else happens as
far as I remember.

Back to the Shawshank (a very, very good movie by the way!).

Posted: 17 Dec 2003 08:41 [ permalink ]
Hullo again. Crazy motherfucking night again! A real disgusting shit on the 
dreams! Some could call them nightmares actually. Besides that, I am feeling
sick  because I had to take a sip (a LAAARGE one) from  DXM containing cough
medicine. That shit just is about the worst substance I have  ever tasted.
Even the smell makes me wanna vomit. (And now the shit hit my head, I am
definitely feeling it.)

Dream #1 (Child molestation): Someone I know is molesting a child/young girl.
It is a kind of situation that I am helping him do that and probably taking
pictures. He tries to put his toes inside her pussy and I keep on helping. I
hold the girl  (she is not so young but obviously suffering a lot and I feel
bad for her) as she is standing in upright position and the guy is on the
floor. Actually at this point I believe it is a normal porn film with normal
willing actresses.  A while after we stop the guy turns into my drunken father
and I panic! What the  fuck have we done! What the fuck has he done! I amok
around our Toivala house and panic!  WHAT IF! I will call the police! Father
comes and takes me on his firm grip and shakes me up. He tells me that "I
should definitely wait a day and do my decision only after it, not any
sooner!" "Think son! Think!". Thoughts run through my head, I can definitely
see myself in prison!

(At this point I am definitely feeling the nasty stuff I sipped inside my
body. I feel great. I could  quaff a full bottle of that stuff now.)

Dream2 (MiniBoatcon business, nothing happens): I am on the line for changing
our free tickets to real tickets as we are going for a miniboatcon again
(zinko zinko seis -reality show). Few people are ahead me but the line goes
fast. The desk is a small table on a lobby and a woman stands  behind it with
stamp and some papers. AFter taking my tickets he gives me the real ones and
tells that it will be a lovely journey today, would I like to get food tickets
too? I notice that the rest of our group is missing and then I call Ceewu to
ask where in the hell he is. He tells me he is in Helsinki  railwaystation,
just about to get to the bus but he is having some troubles. Nothing else

Dream3 (Gay stuff, a guy wants desperately to wank): I am somewhere that I
don't remember anymore as  I woke up sweaty in the end of this dream and only
remember some parts. There is again a guy that is after my  wallet and I
manage to get my wallet into safety. I push the guy away and he gets mad! I
retreat to this hallway (a narrow school/hotel hallway, low windows up near
the ceiling and lots of doors and corridors on the sides) and the guy follows.
He fucking starts wanking in front of me! I don't know how  much anatomy I
know but that dick is definitely on wrong position as it comes out from his
collar  and he even sucks his own dick. He is standing and everything. He
hisses some shit to me but I am tough and  won't believe he does anything so I
dare him to wank there as I keep on retreating. As I thought, he doesn't.

I think the last dream was inspired by one fucker we met on a pizzaplace few
months ago at 4.30am.  We were trying to get him to annoy him more than
necessary just to start a fight. Though he was annoying bastard and would have
deserved a punch. He was touching the 'ladies' behind us and  just generally

Posted: 17 Dec 2003 00:04 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. I have a bit sore throat now so I am not sure wether I shall go to
work or not. Riikka was here today (she is Marsu's friend) and she is nice.
She is a aerobic teacher but doesn't really look like one unless you pay
attention to her thighs and butt. Well of course me as a engaged man, didn't
pay attention so I wouldn't know. Thank you and good night. 

P.s. I now know what makes me stand up during some nights. The big-d. I am
trying my theory today in practice.
Posted: 12 Dec 2003 11:07 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. Yesterday was the last lesson of the Tai-ji basic course. Now I
should know the Jang-style 24-step serie, but I strongly doubt. The teacher
wasn't perhaps the  best possible so some things are still quite uncertain.
Especially as we got  verry limited amount of teacher feedback for our
efforts. Anyway, it was so much  fun that I will continue doing it next year. 

I didn't sleep very well last night and I woke up (because I needed to go to
toilet) at 4am and since that I had very shallow sleep. I remembered part of a
dream earlier  today but now I have forgotten it. I hope I will remember it

Posted: 11 Dec 2003 21:36 [ permalink ]
I want to share this thought with you illiterate little weasels: "Ä for the A
is same as Y is for the U". Now repeat with me 'ÄÄÄÄÄÄ'!
Posted: 11 Dec 2003 11:17 [ permalink ]
Hello my dear blog and all the anxious little gritters who are reading this!
Yesterday we had BPM RY (association for electronic music (formerly Kuopio
University association for electronic music)) x-mas party and it was hit
again!  (check out the pictures at
). Me and oku were trying to act like gentlemen and didn't go to the sauna
right away when I arrived because we heard there were some foreign (German
atleast) girls and  we thought they would like privacy. Later we found out we
can come there  and we even rechecked that by asking certain nice girl to go
and communicate with them. BUT! WTF!?!? We were almost too late. I hardly saw
any naked girls as they left almost right away. We had waited too long. Only
one couple (boy and girl) from Iceland stayed there a little longer. The girl
was of course quite cute, what did you think?

Usually I don't check girls I see in the mix-sauna but this time I had to. I
had an academic interest on the bodies of foreign girls. Are they different
from the local  girls or are they the same? Well, I have to say that they were
the same. The girls were about 20 years old and thin so they had quite nice
young bodies to check. They were in fact so similar to common finnish female
specie that I could have worked them out right away! No need for introductions
or anything! Whee! Btw, there are pictures of the foreign girls I was in sauna
with among the pictures mentioned earlier. Not naked though.

I also have a short dream were I litter and act weird, Dream:  I am walking on
school hallway with my new gore-tex trekking jacket (which makes me look like
some forest hippie, luckily I am ugly and have short haircut so I give up
mixed signals. On the other hand I am cuddly little wiz, on the other hand I
look like crazy russian motherfucker who will kill you for piece of bread.). I
dug for my pockets and notice  that I have few batteries on the pocket because
I took some of those pictures using normal alkaline batteries instead of
accu-batteries which ran out. The normal battery ran flat really soon  so in
dream I had them in my pocket and I needed to get rid of them. While walking
the  hallway (it was bright spring day and some people were sitting on benches
on the sides) I noticed trashcans beside the benches and while walking I
tossed the batteries in the can. Soon I noticed I had even more batteries on
hand. There were those really small 1.5v batteries that were used by HP-28S
calculator I had. I tossed them one by one to the trashbins. I recall feeling
bad for tossing toxics to normal bin and at one point I even picked  one
battery up from the floor (I missed the bin) and retossed it. I am a littering
idiot  in the dreamworld. 

Dreamworld made me also reconsider recoding the dragon in my Taiga area.... It
is now quite unused, without purpose and stupid. Factions could be used or

Posted: 10 Dec 2003 09:42 [ permalink ]
Oh my god. I saw a dream and slept SO badly. Well it must have been  because I
was 'scared' for my money. I got 600euros yesterday in cash and I am not used
to handling that kind of money in cold hard cash.  I always use credit card
and the most I have had money for about 10 years  in cash was 150 euros I had
last summer. Well anyway. The dream woke me up and it was quite a nice dream
in fact. It proofs that I miss Peiba (Petra) slightly. Peiba is Marsu's friend
but she moved to Barcelona so I had  a money losing, peiba missing, good'ol
spanish dream. The weirdest thing is that this time I didn't only have a
tv-series like dream, but the -ing dream also had end credits!

The story in short: I miss the train because I left my purse,  the train and
us are about to get robbed by gangsters. Peiba feels nice and Marsu disarms
robber and ties him up. 

Dream #1.1: We are in Spain. And we are walking towards a local train or metro
station.  The station is below surface and we walk together to the desk. All
the walls and ceiling are  'yellowish-reddish' (kind of that old school paint
color, well atleast here in Finland)  painted rough concrete and the floor is
made of dutch tiles. The place where we buy tickets is on the right side of
the stairs that lead down to the platform. The room is probably some  ten
meters wide and about 3 high. The stairway is probably a bit over two meters
wide and arched. The stairway makes a steep turn right about five to eight
meters down. 

Dream #1.2: Marsu and Peiba buy single tickets and I, as a experienced
spanish, buy ticket for 10 rides! "Quiero un tarjeta para diez viajes!" "Aqui,
siete euro, gracias". I pay the old lady and run  after my company downstairs.
Jale and Tarja are there too waiting to get on the train  that is standing
allready on the platform. Soon I notice that wtf! My wallet is gone, it  is
not in my pocket where it should be. I quickly run back up and leap for the
counter I  bought the ticket from. I push my hand through the crowd buying
tickets and find my  lovely wallet there, intact! I rush back to the platform
but found out I am late from the train and Jale and his wife are gone. Marsu
and Peiba are angry with me because now we need to wait for  new train.

Dream #1.3: Finally we get into the train and start rolling. Marsu sits on the
opposite side of the train and I sit next to Peiba on the other side of the
car. The train goes on and  we can for some reason see through it. It also
isn't totally covered and people could jump in  if they wanted to. The train
goes by an industrial section (that for some reason looks exactly  like the
road in Kuopio, near the thermal powerplant). Soon we notice that we are in
the first  car and if the people would come in, they would come to us! Soon we
notice all kinds of troublemakers like these young -ers with baseball bats and
everything. They luckily don't come in. I grab my  arm around Peiba and she
feels comfortable. Marsu is on the other side but doesn't mind. I am  only
protecting poor little Peiba. We notice that the driver which is on the back
of the train  is pushing/kicking speed for the train now. Wonder where the
engine, roof and walls of the train went...

Dream #1.4: The last youngster is really young but he is waving a butterfly
knife. Not the  fancy american/oriental style chrome -er but thick Fiskars
model (like my dad used to have). He jumps on the car but Marsu is faster than
lightning and disarms the child. He is only  something like seven years old so
Marsu doesn't really have any trouble. Marsu ties him  up and places him on
the side of the train which now btw is fully stop. Marsu writes something on
top of him (probably so his parents would find out what happened or something)
and I ask what she wrote. She answers but I don't remember what she wrote.
After that someone of us writes "Sarja päättyy" ("series ends" or "last
episode") next to the boy and I tilt my head sideways towards Peiba and feel
happy. The end.

Posted: 09 Dec 2003 13:03 [ permalink ]
My thigh hurts like hell. I can't write any blog today as I don't really
remember any dreams whatsoever. OUUUUCH
Posted: 08 Dec 2003 14:12 [ permalink ]
Dear blog. I have a dream today that I wish to log. The story in short is: I
huggle with my ex-wife in a trailer park and I manage to lose my  DVD/Video
cassette. Rutaliator comes to help.

Dream: I am visiting my ex-wife in a somekind of trailer park where she is
living. I am supposedly living there too but now I am only visiting her. I
talk with her about some wicked things and then I huggle with her  and it
feels really good. The huggle seems to continue for ever and we  stare at each
other for long time before I leave her house/trailer. I go outside and look
for my video/dvd set and suddenly it slips from  my hands. It falls down
beside my car and I start looking for it.  The thing that I am looking for
looks like DVD box-protector (a transparent pieces of plastic that they use to
protect DVD's from theft). I find some pieces but obviously some parts are
still missing and I keep on looking for them. Suddenly rutaliator arrives and
starts asking some questions about something I don't remember now but it did
annoy me a lot by that time. The questions were not about the lost DVD boxes
and he didn't help only kept on sticking his face in front of my vision so I
couldn't look for the lost items.  I found some brand new pieces later (they
were wrapped in plastic!) and managed to restore my DVD/video collection.
Hooray! Wonder why the huggling with ex-wife felt so orgastically good? 

And I did mention that we got engaged with Marsu last friday (also my 30th
birthday)? Well we did. And As I allready told someone, we did not set the
date: It is not common to do so in Finland (afaik). .
Posted: 07 Dec 2003 16:39 [ permalink ]
Yoohoo my dear Blog. I am now 30 years old, and ALIVE! Well I have had a week
long vacation now and need to go back to work tomorrow. Sucks.

The birthday party on friday was a great success and I was really fucking
drunk. In fact, I was embarashingly drunk and will not drink no sooner than
new year. Then perhaps I have to go to 30 year parties of my friends next year
but... I hope I will survive this. 

Dreams and stuff tomorrow! And btw. The Black Adder all four series DVD box is
Posted: 01 Dec 2003 07:33 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. I have nothing to say this morning, no dreams to remember so I
would like to dedicate this next story to my friend, Femko.

Two monks were washing their bowls in the river when they noticed a scorpion
that was drowning. One monk immediately scooped it up and set it upon the
bank. In the process he was stung. He went back to washing his bowl and again
the scorpion fell in. The monk saved the scorpion and was again stung. The
other monk asked him, "Friend, why do you continue to save the scorpion when
you know it's nature is to sting?" "Because," the monk replied, "to save it is
my nature."

Oh, in fact I do have a dream. I was in somekind of swimming pool/hall and in
the dressing room area. There were these cabins you put your stuff in. I got
key to mine and the lockers were supposed to be full of clean clothes (a bit
like in army, except of course, they were not clean there). I found a ton of
my old items from my locker. There were MY old t-shirts, Roope's old shirts
and trousers. It was so weird to find my own old clothes from the place they
should have never been. 
Posted: 29 Nov 2003 08:37 [ permalink ]
Hello blog! Yesterday my friend AP (Bombadillo) gave me a scuba diving intro.
It was so goddamn amazing, I hope I will have money to attend to a real course
someday. I really do. 
Also, after the intro, we went to a bar to take a beer. I took two and was by
car. AFter we left, we went to the teller machine and I just told Marsu that
fuck, i feel light headed and she said that I shouldn't be driving with 2
laaaaarge yummy beers. Well, indeed! Then we headed back to home. Oh fucking
oh. There lurks couple of polices under a bridge for a breath-analysis test.
Fucking fuck, my heartbeat goes from normal to 180 in 2 seconds as I pull over
and stop.
I drop the window, the police says "good evening" and I reply. He says "A firm
blow, thank you" and I inhale and then exhale. Police says "It is Zero, drive
carefully". I just can't believe it. Unless their meter is not working, or I
really was sober. Weird.

Perhaps it was kiddy beer :(

Posted: 26 Nov 2003 14:28 [ permalink ]
I feel tired. No dreams.  Gradu is AAAAALMOST ready. I'd say 95% completed.
Only the conclusion and crap like that left.
Posted: 25 Nov 2003 09:06 [ permalink ]
Hello honeybunny. I have been sleeping badly lately but my gradu  is
proceeding nicely. Now practically only the last chapter "conclusions" is
missing. Of course the other shit needs rearranging and stuff but otherwise,
ready! The second dream was inspider obviously by the movie Cast Away.

Dream 1 (a brown russian fighter jet drops right next to me and police is
still unavail): I am walking with one of my friends on the road in Vuorela,
right next to the place where I was overrun by bus when I was 6. They have
built a aerial guidance light system right next to  the road and I look at
them and wonder how in the hell do those work (technical details).  Suddenly a
brown jet plane flies over it and as it goes by we notice it is a fighter jet.
It turns straight up and then flies over us again. Now we notice we were
indeed really there by car and some other friends except us two were just
visiting the shop nearby. 

We are walking towards the car and the plane closes in again. It turns upside
down, and then turns nose directly up.  The plane stalls turns over, drops to
the road and rolls to the gutter. We quickly run to the  plane and unscrew the
cockpit window and help the driver out. We talk and he explains that  he was
trying to "escape to the west" with the plane because he thought it would
bring  more publicity to be the first jumper with the fighter jet! We feel a
bit sorry for him for his airplane. We go to the car were I recall that he
indeed is not the first one to jump to west by plane, we allready have a girl
in the car who did that. I comfort the guy by telling him that he was the
first with JET-plane, the girl did it with propeller plane. I try calling the
112 to inform about the crash. Again and they never answer.  

Dream 2 (On the plane again, crash land): I am on the plane and again we are
trying landing on the airport behind a veeeery steeply descending hill. The
captain is not qualified. I don't  recall why he had to take the plane but
anyway, an amateur is in charge. Captain stalls and turns the plane otherway
around.  The plane obeys weirdly and goes to the hill tail first. I yell and
scream in panic as I am 100% sure the  fucker will explode when we are sliding
down the rocky hill with a sledge equal to metallic cigar holder/tube filled
with kerosene. The plane doesn't explode or the dream ends.

Posted: 22 Nov 2003 08:40 [ permalink ]
Hello and good morning. I forgot to write yesterday's dream so  I write todays
quickly before I forget it. I had two dreams and the first one was 'scary'. I
bought a cheap finnish splatter  movie-wannabe 'Frankenström'. Not too bad to
be homemade but  the acting and dialog was mostly crappy.

Dream 1 (I got robstabbed and police doesn't come!): I am sitting on somekind
of metal pipe on the old lower level elementary school  at Toivala. I sit on
the further end of the building and there is a sand road that leads right next
to it (in reality it is grass field). A big convoy truck drives right next to
me and stops.  Three people come out from there (they are russian and talk
funnily) and walk to me. The two others surround me and one approaches saying 
"We money left to the home, you come with us and give us money" and points me
with a small pocket knife. I see the other too have knifes too and  notice too
late that I am way too close to the guys to do anything about it. They start
walking me supposedly towards the teller machine on the  should-be-closeby-mall
. I tell them that I don't have money but I can show  them who has (I am
trying to get to phone/help from others) and  lead them into the school. I
walk among the children and the teachers  with my haunters and wink them
towards Eerik (which was the strongest dude,  although almost the smallest too
on the class when we were there). They ask Eerik to give them money but Eerik
suddenly yells "You fucking  hippie, I won't give you anything" and supposedly
hits him.  A fight breaks up and I got a shallow wound on the chest and the 
knife went through my jacket and got stuck. I run out  and call 112 (equal to
911 in some of the non-standard countries). Then I go waiting for police and
ambulance to the gates but they  never arrive. I go back in to the building to
hear that they allready  were there and left because no-one could tell what
happened.  I am so frustrated because I was the only one with the details. 

Dream 2 (A nice bus driver girl has a crush on me until everything fails
majorly): I am sitting on a convoy truck and someone I barely know is giving
me a lift.  The driver is supposedly my uncle's friend and they had agreed to
give me a lift to frankfurt or something like that (weird, perhaps I was on
the way to see Femko). I got an sudden urge to pee and there is no toilet. We
notice a bus (coach for  the less intuitive english speakers) driving on  the
next lane and I decide to go in and ask the driver to let me use their toilet.
Skillfully I manage to get into the bus from the rear back door and walk to
talk  to the driver. Oh my she is pretty! I chat with her and she is sold!  I
ask if I can use the toilet, I could pay ticket for that, and she promises me
to go there. Atleast back toilet works she says. I see people by the back
toilet  and decide to try the middle one. I go in and the toilet is a bit odd.
It is veery small hole on a plastic cover but it is fully stained and wet and
disgusting. I see an another hole lower and decide to pee through it.  I
wonder why in the hell the toilet is like this, it looks like it has soil
floor and all kinds of knobs and plastic gratings everywhere. Well,  I
continue and get back to the woman. We get along fine and I am sure I will
score some beaver later. We stop somewhere and after few hours I get worried
about my  real transportation method, the convoy truck. I decide to call him
but I don't  have the number, neither does my uncle answer to phone. Suddenly
my mom arrives  and reminds me (and the girl is listening too) that because I
have wife and kids  waiting at home, why am I here, on the way to Frankfurt
with some bus driver (although pretty).  The hope for the beaver was gone.
Posted: 21 Nov 2003 10:04 [ permalink ]
Hello, I saw a dream again and will describe it later. Weird things
happened... Well few weeks ago I was going through my old papers and noticed a
small notebook with few curious looking writings there between me and a
certain girl that I suspect had a bit of a crush on me. Well anyway, I hadn't
met her in four years since the spanish lessons I took before I went to spain
sometime 1998. Wednesday I met her on the way to Karate and talked few
minutes. And that was not enough, and today I went to take down few lists from
the Geolaboratory and had to meet their chief in charge. The chief looked
almost the same as her! OF course she was hottie mature woman but, still.
Goddamn... Is her mother working here? I didn't dare to ask. 
Posted: 20 Nov 2003 09:38 [ permalink ]
Hello Blog! Today I woke up again too early, but I managed to memorize my
dream  so I tell you about it. I have been probably doing work for nothing few
weeks here and this sucks. 

Dream (Nothing really happens, I get into bus that is not a bus after few
minutes and stop a fight): I am returning from somekind of holiday trip and we
all travellers  get into a bus (coach in english) and I stay at the end of the
queue. As the last one getting in I have to stay on the front seats, beside
the driver. I sit in and a beautiful and tall, tall necked woman with short
blond hair comes to sit to the another seat. She was fed up with the backrow
people. We don't talk. 

The bus suddenly isn't a bus but kind of a theatre or something with many rows
of seats. People are drunk and throw cans of beer around each other. Of course
a can hits a wrong guy which throws a full can of beer back and a fight breaks
up. After a while of fighting I go on and stop one  of the main bullies by
grabbing his shoulder and demanding expalantion. I acted like a fucking
teacher  among school kids. I am getting old :(

You have to arrange a birthday party soon: Dino is 30 y/o ~two weeks! 
Presents and etc can be brought to dataroom.

Posted: 19 Nov 2003 08:58 [ permalink ]
Hello. I don't recall any dreams but I have been actively playing with my new
digital camera. I created few panorama pictures of my home and workroom, go
check them at !
Posted: 18 Nov 2003 06:46 [ permalink ]
Dream (In china, taking pictures and getting robbed): Me and my ex-wife (I
suppose she was my ex-wife, atleast  part of the dream) were in china and I
was so happy about  my new digital camera. I was taking pictures and we went
through what seemed to be a forest to get to a street. So it was somekind  of
shortcut. I was wearing shorts and long t-shirt and was very concerned about
my wallet in my backpocket because  of pickpockets. I was asking Henna
(ex-wife's name) where she holds her purse and if it is safe or not and stuff.
She  said yes, definitely her purse is safe and beyond robbery. 

I asked her if she could take my wallet on his jacket and she agreed. The only
thing I remember her wearing was a jeans jacket which was upside down on her.
So I put my wallet on top pocket of her  jacket. My wallet was weirdly empty,
almost like it had nothing  except my credit card or shit like that. We
continued walking  and bumped into a man. I kept on taking pictures and
obviously the man followed us as when we arrived to the last corner of the 
street there he was again, and bunch of others. I knew we were  in trouble.

We were going into somekind of amusement park in china and  we were on the end
of the road that lead there. The road was  surrounded either by a wall or very
densily built buildings as the street went straight to the gatekeeper dudes.
We were on the corner and  suddenly I noticed that one of the guys is selling
my lenses from the camera! I looked at my camera and indeed it was without its
lens.  In reality I have compact camera, but in the dream I had SLR camera and
the fucker had stolen my lens! I quickly grabbed it and the guy  started
yelling at me "It is mine, no you sod, give it to me!".  I recognized my lens
from a scratch it had and took it! I took the lens and started backing up, I
took few pictures of the  thief group. I went some 30 meters upwards and saw
the funnily dressed  amusement park gatekeepers some 50 meters further from
me. The gatekeepers were wearing some brown bear uniforms with huge heads and
they  were waving at me. Henna was staying down with the robbers and between
her and the gatekeepers I felt lonely.  So lonely. 
Posted: 17 Nov 2003 07:10 [ permalink ]
Dream:  I had gone into somekind of weird business deal with my  lower
elementary schoolmate Eerik. I haven't seen Eerik atleast in  fifteen years so
this was a bit of a surprise. There was also  this weird guy that I knew and
the business guy me and Eerik  supposedly both knew. The business went shit
and we left with  the weird guy and shortly, me and Eerik wanted to get rid of
this guy. So we decided to lose him and I told him that it was  a really short
way to the train station and he should go there now. 

I was feeling a bit sad for him because it seemed nobody liked him, including
me truly. We started walking towards the trainstation from the Puijonkatu
direction (it wasn't that street, only the view was) and then Eerik whispered
that let's go. Then we ran into the forest and  tried to lose him. The guy
didn't notice our absence right away  and we got a slight ahead. It was cold
winter day as I was wearing ski mask and on one point of the dream even skis. 

I recall sneaking behind snow ledges and looking the guy from there.  It was
cold slight winter storm as I froze my face looking behind the ledges ( I
don't know if that is correct word for the 'snow dunes')  against the cold,
dry, snowy storm wind. I saw the guy and then I decided  to cross one street.
I crossed it, almost was hit by a car and then I turned back to see what Eerik
was doing (I had skis on at this point).

Eerik and some other guy were going into a three store building (flat) and he
was signaling me to come there. I went there and we went in to a small 
kitchen and Eerik started doing some cooking. Soon a woman/girl arrived like
she was the owner of the place. I didn't know her but Eerik obviously  did as
she said "Oh, it is my favorite drummers! What's up boys?".  She looked a bit
like one slutty girl from my youth. Well, I am not sure  if she really was
slutty, or just rumoured to be slutty - I never found out.

Posted: 16 Nov 2003 08:45 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. For a long time I had one dream that I remember even partially.
Got my Digital camera last friday: after all I decided to be 'cheap' and
bought Sony P72. I have been quite content with it, after all, I am not a
photographer or rich.

Dream: We were playing baseball, or actually sitting on the very tight/small
baseball field when some people played. IT was supposed to be our turn very
soon and we were picking outfield. The catcher's glove was very loose and I
couldn't tighten mine enough. Soon suddenly we were sitting on the jetplane
waiting for takeoff. I was sitting sideways in the very back of the plane and
someone near me complained how he hates sitting on the back. I replied that
"yes it sucks because the engines keep such a noise". The plane started take
off and once again the runway was really narrow and full of trees and what
not. It also raised slightly upwards so the take-off really took a long time
because the plane had to follow the turns and the raising of the runway. I
closed my eyes and hoped for the best. I was always waiting for one of the
trees/lighting poles to touch the wing of the plane and the plane to crash. 

Gradu is proceeding quite ok. About 68 pages done with everything in it. I
suspect some 10 pages more will be done and then it is ready. I wish I get it
off so I can dedicate my powers to the secondary subjects.
Posted: 14 Nov 2003 14:05 [ permalink ]
Music for the jurassic wiz: STARPLASH - Travel time
Posted: 13 Nov 2003 16:22 [ permalink ]
Today I invented few of probably worst jokes ever:

Miten wizu esineellistetää naisen? (object)"vosu.c"

Miks naiset suuttuu wizardeille? Koska nämä pitää naisia pelkkänä objekteina.

Ja Durandilta lähti kans tosi huonoo: Durand says 'miksi dino vonkasi seksiä?
se ei halunnut kuolla sukupuuttoon.'
Posted: 11 Nov 2003 10:06 [ permalink ]
I got nice poem by e-mail today (I first thought I didn't know who she was but
it was just different e-mail address from the usual):

Just one kiss

pulling my hair back quietly
I sneak out the bedroom door
I'm not the girl for you
my dear.

Just one kiss, before I leave
One night of passion
with you, my friend
I leave with a smile
and I leave with a tear
all for you, my dear

You held me in your arms
for just one night
And I'll still love you for that
but I'm not the girl for you
my dear.

Just one kiss, before I leave
One night of passion
with you, my friend
I leave with a smile
and I leave with a tear
all for you, my dear

I'll lie to you tonight
and tell you it doesn't hurt
knowing, that I'm not that girl
nor will I ever be

but please, 
Just one kiss, before I leave.
Posted: 10 Nov 2003 09:01 [ permalink ]
Hyvää alkavaa viikkoa! Oli taas mukavat viikonloput, pl. eilinen autoilu kun
oli vähän sumua ja paskakeli muutenkin. Roope tuli perjantaina ja käytiin
äitin luona kylässä. Lauantaina käytiin ostamassa Roopelle housut ja illalla
kyläili Jale perheineen. Sunnuntaina oli vuorossa isomummin luona käynti ja
ajaminen paskakelissä.

Lauantaina sattui kumma tapahtuma Intersportissa. Odottelin roopen kanssa oven
suussa  Marsua sisältä ja katselin sellaista kaunista, ehkä 30v naista joka
käveli minua kohden.  Hänellä oli luultavasti lapsi mukanaan (en ole ihan
varma koska se saattoi olla jäljessä tulleenkin naisenkin lapsi). Katselin
häntä silmiin ja hän katsoi takaisin. Kohdalleni päästyään hän yllättäen 
hymyili ja sanoi "Terve". Tervehdin takaisin ja jäin katsomaan tyhmänä hänen
peräänsä (hän ei pysähtynyt eikä katsonut enää taakseen). Jäi häiritsemään
ihan perkeleesti josko hän tunsi minut, vai oliko se vain ovela keino saada
ujo mies hämilleen ja kiinni tuijottamisesta. Hyvä fiilis tuli koko loppu 
viikonlopulle :)

Ihan kivoja uniakin tuli oikeastaan nähtyä... En aio nyt kirjoittaa unia
kokonaan auki, vaan kerron vain pääpiirteet. Tämä siitä syystä etten muista 
niitä tarkemmin. 

Ensimmäisessä unessa hengailin Joe Millionairessa eilen jäljelle jääneiden
tyttöjen kanssa. Olimme jossain torilla ja ne oli tosi mukavia tyttöjä. Siinä
oli vieressä joku laiva jossa me sit asuttiin, tai ainakin ne tytöt asui. Oli
aika myöhä koska mietin et minnekkähä pääsis nukkumaan. En muista pääsinkö
jonkun tytön luo vai en.

Unessa numero kaksi juoksin karkuun romahtavia WTC torneja jonkun Linda
nimisen, kauniin naisen kanssa. Piti houkutella kovasti että se Linda lähtee
mukaani, koska se ei meinannut tajuta että kohta tulee noutaja. Tapasin Lindan
portaikossa jossain ihan siinä WTC:n  lähellä olevassa talossa. Sillä oli kai
lapsikin mutta ei sitä kyl enää sit myöhemmin näkynyt.  Juoksin kuin aropupu
ja minä roikotin Lindaa perässäni kädestä kiinni pitäen. 

Posted: 08 Nov 2003 09:57 [ permalink ]
Voi pyhä neekeri. Päivän biisi: Cat Cat - Bye bye baby.  
Posted: 06 Nov 2003 21:22 [ permalink ]
Hmm... Just remembered an old thought that bothered me while I was intoxicated
years ago: Where exactly is your 'self' located in your body? Does whole your
body feel equally 'yourself'? Mine doesn't, I feel almost like I am a driver
inside a body, located 5cm backwards from my eyes. Though, this is quite a
nice body to drive...
Posted: 06 Nov 2003 07:14 [ permalink ]
Heipparallaa. Nyt on taas unet vähän sekaisin ja väsyttää mukavasti aina
iltapäivisin. Noh, aina ei voi voittaa ja toisinaan jopa minäkin häviän. Ostin
spontaanisti eilen Marsulle uuden puhelimen kun alkoi ahdistaa sen ainainen 
valitus siitä ettei se entinen toimi. No, ei se onneksi kallis ollut. Tämän
päivän unet ovat perättäisiä ja kuuluvat yhteen paloittelen ne että ne on
helpompi kirjoittaa ja lukea. Kirjoitan lisäksi Piruttaren pyynnöstä
tiivistelmän alkuun.

Uni1 (Laskettelua. Minulle tehdään pila ja  matkalla After-skiihin Willi
otetaan vangiksi.): Ollaan taas kerran laskettelemassa, meikä lumilaudalla.
Veivaan  kuin Tom Hanks ja teen todella taitavia loikkia enkä kaadu
kertaakaan. Mahtava fiilinki. Laskettelen mäen alas ja irroitan siteet. Siellä
sitten  onkin jo duuniporukkaa odottamassa. Olen ilmeisesti tullut jo päivää
ennen heitä laskettelumestaan ja nyt huomaan siellä lapun seinällä: TMRONKKO
(minun  sähköposti osoitteeni) Blahblahblah. En muista mitä siinä lukee mutta
sisältö  on se että mulle on asetettu jotkut erityisluvat lasketella.
Duuniporukka  hehhii siinä ja lähtee sivummalle. Menen kysymään
lipunmyyntitiskin vieressä norkoilevalta työntekijältä et mitäs vittua, miks
mulla on jotku erityisehdot. Se ei ensin meinaa tunnustaa mut sit ku
kovistelen sitä hetken ni se tunnustaa et mun pitäs varoo ku mä oon ollu
vaihtamassa duunii jne. Myöhemmin se selittää  et pitäs varoo ku pelaan
jalkapalloa, vastaan etten todellakaan pelaa. Sitten se  selittää et "no
punttisalilla ainaki käyt" johon vastaan etten kuitenkaan käy,  kroppa on
hankittu syömällä. No sit ennenku ehdin sanoo et harrastan karatee ja  taijitä
ni se sanoo naureskellen kassamyyjän kans et "No et onneks niitä Taiji 
(lausuu sen viel TAI JII) porukoita oo!". Vaikenen. Paljastuu että
duunikaverit  on soittanu sinne edellisenä iltana ja pyytäny niitä oleen
myymättä mulle  lippuja ku mä oon urheilussa nii pahasti vammautunu enkä sais
tulla.  No tää häslinki päättyy ja lähdetää sit porukalla kohden afterskii
bileitä. MAtkalla syntyy jotain häslinkii ja on tarpeellista pidättää Willi ku
se  vähä riehuu. Otan willistä tukevahkon rannelukon ja taluttelen sitä kohden
bileitä. Willi rauhoittuu ja löysään otetta. Maailma on pelastettu.

Uni2 (Bileet. Asolon ja kumppanien saunomistapa vituttaa minua ja saan 
köniini. Tilanteen rauhoituttua naapurin hulivilihevipojat hyökkää taloon ja 
tappelee.): Bileissä on hyvä meininki. Talo on isohko, tummasävyinen
puupaneloitu talo.  Siellä on iso sauna ja pieni kylmävesi uima-allas.
Puuhailen kaakeloidussa takkahuoneessa kunnes ihmettelen missä jätkät oikein
on. Menen katsomaan  ja Asolo ja kumppanit saunoo perkele ovi auki. Alkaa
ahdistaa ja huudan niille jotain. Inttikaverini mr Räbinä hyökkää perääni
suivaantuneena vittuiluuni  ja alkaa mäiskiä mua märällä pyyhkeellään selkään.
Joudun rätkimään sitä takaisin käteeni osuneella pyyhkeellä ja tilanne menee
ohi. Menen käymään jossain  makuuhuoneessa jossa joku makailee sängyllä lukien
lehteä. yhtäkkiä ikkunasta rynnii sisään isohulivilihevipoika ja kaappaa
sängyllä makailleen lattialle tappelua varten. Toinen samanlainen julli on
hyökännyt viereiseen  olohuone/keittiö tyyppiseen huoneeseen, ilmeisesti
toisesta ikkunasta. Siellä ne nujakoi lattialla ja kaikki on tietysti ihan
yllättyneitä eikä  osaa aavistaa että ne nujakoinnit on totta. Hetken kuluttua
tilanne selkiää ja hyökkäämme hyökkääjien kimppuun. 

Uni3 (Hulivilihevipojat heitetään pihalle ja otan niiden äidin vangiksi. 
Lohdutan häntä hiekkalaatikkoleluilla.): Saamme voiton pojista ja ne
irroittavat otteensa. Tilanne rauhoittuu ja tämä iso junttura jota minä
rauhoittelin  kyselee viel lisää tappeluporukkaa. Saan ohjattua sen ikkunasta
pihalle ja suljen ikkunan. Ulkona on leuto, talvinen ilma. Katselen ikkunasta
ja huomaan että  ne perkeleet on varastaneet kattolampun mennessään ja
huutelevat siivottomuuksia tieltä talolle päin. Talo on tässä vaiheessa meidän
kotitalo Toivalasta.  Varastettu kattolamppu on mallia 'teollinen
loisteputkihäristys' mutta  päätän lähteä varkaiden perään. Hyppään ikkunasta
pihalle (vaikka meillä muuten  EI ollut avautuvia ikkunoita) ja juoksen,
seuraten heitä. He pakenevat  naapuritaloon. Portaissa seisoo heidän
kääpiökasvuinen äitinsä ja oven edessä  on jotain romuja niin että vain pojat
ehtivät sisään ennen minua. Ne paiskaavat oven kiinni ja niiltä putoaa jotain
osia siitä lampusta siihen pihalle.  Otan äidin kiinni ja se itkee ja huutaa
ja syyttelee minua ryöstöstä.  Koska sillä äidillä on niitä varastettuja osia
käsissään, päätän viedä  mummelin poliisille. Lähden hinaamaan kääpiömummoa
kohti kotiani kädestä raahaten. Matkalla totean että tämä kääpiöäiti on aivan
lapsen tasolla ja muutenkin  hieman vajaa. Päättelen että hulivilihevipojat on
syntyneet insestin seurauksena ja lohduttelen raahaamaani hysteeristä naista.
Sanon hänelle ettei  se ollut hänen syynsä, ja kaikki on ihan hyvin.  Maassa
lojuu neonkeltaisia  hiekkalaatikkoleluja ja osoitan niitä insestikääpiömummoll
e ja sanon  "Katso kuinka kauniita värejä, älä itke". Mummo rauhoittuu.

Posted: 05 Nov 2003 11:15 [ permalink ]
Edelleen on ollut vähän semmosta viilinkiä että ei oo bloggaus lähtenyt...
yritän kuitenkin veivata pienen unen pätkän jonka muistan siksi että vitutti
niin kovasti...

uni: Oltiin jossain metsässä, mökillä tms. Lähdettiin vaihtamaan paikkaa ja
minä lähdin polkupyörällä. Jouduin ottamaan kaksi ihmistä tarakalle ja ne vaan
huuteli ja solvas ku en jaksanu polkee tarpeeks. Se polkuki oli semmonen vitun
mutavelli et niinku HERMO menee. No näin sit jatkettii ja päästii mökille. Se
oli semmonen iso itävaltalais tyyppinen vuoristo hotelli tai joku sellanen.
Sit pätkii taas. 

Keuhko, kurkku ja pää paskana, kuumettakin lienee. Paranis joskus ni vois
treenata kunnolla. Eilen meinas loppuu happi ja henki harjoituksissa.
Ensimmäistä kertaa melkein kolmeen viikkoon siellä :(
Posted: 03 Nov 2003 15:02 [ permalink ]
Päivän teemabiisinä soi  Zymotix - Rachel in trance

Joo joo, kirjotan lisää kunhan paranen ja tulee asiaa. Unet on ollu niin
intensiivisiä, sekä olen edelleen kuumeessa ettei oikein lähde nyt tää blogi. 
Posted: 01 Nov 2003 17:52 [ permalink ]
No nyt alakaa laiffi voittamaan aika fifti siksti. Ei ollu tosiaan ihme et oli
niin huono olo tos aiemmin, maha oli ihan täynnä oksennusta. Nii, oltiin eile
vähä  minicuopioconilla. Pädissään.
Posted: 31 Oct 2003 11:00 [ permalink ]
Feng shui yhä pielessä. Oikeanpuoleinen kukka hengissä, vasenta elvytetään

Päivän uni: Olin ajelemassa jollain autolla joka näytti myöhemmin ihan Okun
mazdalaatikolta ja se oli jotenki semmosel kaukoohjauksella. Oli talvi ja se
tie oli ihan vitun levee ja ihan  sika jyrkkä. No en lähteny viel heti
alkuvaiheessa veivaamaan sillä sitä rinnettä ylös (joka muuten siinä 
vaiheessa näytti jo ihan laskettelurinteeltä joka oli sairaan jyrkkä). Siinä
oli parkissa jotain  muitaki ihmisiä autoineen ja ihmettelivät että meinaanko
vetää tolla tosiaan ton mäen ylös.  Mulla oli se kauko-ohjain kädessä (se oli
itseasiassa narukaukoohjain kuten myöhemmin käy ilmi)  ja ennenku lähdin sinne
lumiseen rinteeseen ni junttasin sen auton parkkiin ja jarrut päälle.  Mut
mut! Kävi köpelösti eli eipä pitänyt rengas siinä vvaan auto lähti valuun alas
ja sieltä  se tuli loppujen lopuks hirmu vauhdilla sladissa ja meitä kohti! No
ei muuta ku ohjaileen ja sain  sen väistämään meidät eikä kukaan kuollu. Se
auto singahti siitä mettään meidän ohi ja kimpos ojan kautta syvemmälle.  Sit
se pyöri pitkin mettää kunnes loppujen lopuks mäsähti kyljelleen ja jäi
siihen. Okun auto oli ihan  rusinana mut ongelma oliki se et mennessää se oli
sotkenu sen kauko-ohjaimen piuhan sinne puiden sekaan. No onneks äly pelaa
unissa joten alettiin sit siirteleen sitä autoo sillee et saadaan se
kaukoohjaimen piuha  suoraks ja auto takas radalle. Ois voinu olla kevyempi
liikutella se kaukoohjain (joka näytti muuten ihan flex  koiranulkoiluttimelta)
 kuin se 900kg mazdan raato. Mut aina ei voi voittaa kato.
Posted: 30 Oct 2003 18:45 [ permalink ]
Toinen, oikeanpuoleinen, kukka on hengissä! JIPPIIII! Vasemmanpuoleinen on
luultavasti Dead, R.I.P. Herkullisia naaraita oli taas tuol kanthialla. Ihan
tällänen vanha sydän alkaa pumppailla seksistisiä ajatuksia päähän. Nam.

Feng shui tilanne edelleen katastrofaalinen -> En tee töitä ennen
Posted: 30 Oct 2003 09:52 [ permalink ]
Saatana, mun työkukat on kuollu sillä aikaa ku olin tampere-helsingissä. Vittu
saatana, työpäivä ihan pilalla
Posted: 30 Oct 2003 07:58 [ permalink ]
Tampereelta on palattu ja flunssa jatkuu hieman. No eipä siinä mitään. Sain
eilen Roopelta ensimmäisen sähköpostiviestin! Mies on 6v  ja kirjoitti itse
minulle viestin. Kyllä siitä koko viestistä  sai melkein selvän. Ei muuta
raportoitavaa oikeasta elämästä  tällä erää, unimaailmassa menee lujaa.

Uni1: Ruskeisentiellä (eli lapsuuden kotikadullani) oon käymässä siel 
Happosen talon nurkilla ja oon menny sinne Okun neuvojen takii. Okulla oli 
tiedossa et siel on jotku bileet tulossa juhannukseks ja siel oli hirmu
kissoja aikalauma. No se yks niistä oli vailla miestä juhannusbileisiin ja 
panetti sitä siinäki aikalailla. Mun mukana tullut jannu jonka toin sinne et
se vois olla sen puutteessa olevan akan kans, ei suostunu vaan sano ettei  se
haluu ainakaa rueta niiden kans mihkä tekemisiin. No yritin suositella sille
sit Okua mut se sano ettei oku oo ny tavattavissa. No sit mä innostuin  ihan
järjettömästi siitä ketä ois pitäny panna ja se kävi suihkussa ja sitä alko
panettaa ni sit mentiin sen makuuhuoneeseen mut siellä ei voinu köyriä jostain
syystä. No lähdettii siitä sit jonnekki kartsalle ja päädyttii semmoseen
kapeeseen rakoon jyrkälle katolle, siinä oli sit joku  superloni patja siinä
katon päällä joten ei liuuttu alas. Siel sit  alko ihan järjettömän kiihottava
pillunnuolentasessio. Raiskasin sitä typyä siinä aikani kielelläni oikein
kunnolla ja sit siitä meni  ohi Heikki Hela saatana. Siinä alla ja edessä siis
meni katu joten  sieltä näki sinne kattovälikköön. Se Heikki oikein käänty
kattoon et  ei perkele minkäälaista häpyä. No loikattii siitä sit alas ja
takas sinne mistä lähdettiinkin. No sit siel talolla meniki kaik vituiks ku
niille vihdoin kävi selville et seurustelen enkä oo vapaa. Helvetti repes irti
ja mä heräsin kesken hyvän unen :( Tää tapahtui ~05.20

Uni2: Espanjassa/Amerikassa. Olin ollu yökerhossa ja sit olin menny syömistä 
hakee semmoseen liikkuvaan kauppaan. SE oli siis ihan semmonen superstore mut
se kulki pyörillä ympäri sitä kaupunkia. Jotenki se tuntu ihan Madridilta
mutta siel oli Englantia puhuvia jannuja. Kattelin siinä et vuokraisin jonku
DVD:n mutta en sit vuokrannu. No siin sit jonotettiin kassalle  vissiin ja
eessä olevat pikkutytöt varmaan tajus et oon suomesta ja kysy et saaks täältä
mahdollisesti videon piuhoja kans ja totesin et "saa varmaan, kysykää." No
siinä sit takana tullu pitkä jannu sit otti kii mun korvan syntymämerkistä
(mulla on  riettaan näkönen syntymämerkki jota en oo ny sit jaksanu
myöhemminkää alkaa  operoiduttamaan pois. Siin on mm. se riski et korvasta voi
tulla 'kukkakaalikorva' koska toi on osa rustoa.) ja kysy et mikä vittu tää
on. Sanoin et BÖÖRTH MAARK.  Sit siinä vittuiltiin jotain puolin ja toisin
kunnes sit tilanne rauhottu.  Mentiin eteenpäin kaupassa ja näin ne
piuhanostaja tytöt, ne oli saanu jonku tekeen niille piuhan ja siel tiskin
takana joku kolvas sitä piuhaa pimeessa. Juttelin sen jannun kans siinä jotain
ja muistan  katselleeni ikkunasta sitä ku se autokauppa kiisi pitkin madridin
öistä katua.  Kyselin siitä siltä jannulta ku se selkeesti oli 'paikallisia'
ja se sano  et se on ihan tavallista. Se ei siis ollu mikään linja-autokauppa,
vaan semmonen ihan pienen kaupunginosa kaupan kokonen liikkuva härveli. Ei se
näyttäny ees paljon pysähtelevän missään. Kysyin niiltä tytöiltä ku istuttii
jossain 'takapenkillä' että mistä ne on kotosin ku ne puhu suomea, sit se
jannuki kysy multa saman kysymyksen  täydellisellä suomella. Ihmettelin
kovasti mut uni jatkuu. Sit pian me poistutiin sieltä liikkuvasta kaupasta.
käveltii jonku matkaa ja se jannu jäi sit kavereineen johonki talon pihaan. 
Huikkasin sille et missä se on oppinu puhuun niin hyvää suomea.  Se sano et ne
on "bunch of meksikolaisia jotka on tullu tänne madridiin Kemin kautta
viimekesänä laivalla". Eli siis ne on ollu opiskeleen jossain lapissa ja
lähteneet  sieltä sit laivalla espanjaan, jea rait! No sit unessa muistin et
oon toisessa unessa jutellukki jonku mexicolais porukan kans kemissä ennen
niiden lähtöö  viime kesällä mut ei ne varmaan ollu hän ainakaa. Joo, ei
ollukkaa, vaan ne muut. Jatkoin matkaa...

Uni3: Istuin paskalla semmoses korvossa nurkassa 'parvekkeella'. Tää parveke
oli katutasossa ja olin semmosten vaatteiden takana.  Siinä oli käynnissä joku
semmonen joku tietokilpailu ja ne vittuili mulle siinä näyttelemisen välissä
jotain. Vittuilin takaisin.  Sit sieltä tuli yks muija ja puristi mun lärviä
käsiensä väliin ja  sano et "Vittu mikä naama!". No sit tää unimaailman helmi
loppu aika pian joten en muista mitä kaikkee siinä tapahtu. Sitä showta oli
tekemässä ainakin Kati Kukkola, eli sama muija joka esitti esim siinä "7
oiken" sarjassa sitä hullua ämmää. Aika weird.

Posted: 27 Oct 2003 07:08 [ permalink ]
Stana oon kipeenä ja kaikki muutenki vähä ankeeta. Pitäs neljänkymmenenminuutin
 kuluttua lähtee tampereelle joten tiedätte varmaan mitkä on fiilikset. No
toivottavasti siellä saa ruokaa, oon nimittäin kalunnu koko kämpän ruoaks
kelpaavat kuivamuonat loppuun. Tampereella menee sit keskiviikko iltaan saakka
ja tälleen kipeenä ja kuumeessaha tommoset retket on yhtä vitun juhlaa vaan.
Uniakin taas tuli nähtyä mut muuta en juuri muista ku sen että yritin opettaa
roopelle miten uidaan räpylöillä mut se ei oikein oppinut. Lisäksi uima-altaan
pohja oli semmoses paskassa et en kyl näin valveilla ollessa siihen
uima-altaaseen menis. Paljon tuli nähtyy muitakin huippu unia (fiilikset on
hyvät vieläkin) mut kuten tavallista, unohdin ne. Nyt tiskaamaan jne. 

Päivän biisi: Celine dion - Tout l'or des hommes    (Täää on oikeesti kova
biisi. PAras sitte titanikin)
Posted: 25 Oct 2003 14:37 [ permalink ]
Blogimiehen laulu
Tänään en työtä tee
Tänään en pukeutua aio
Suihkuun ja sukat hakemaan meet
Ällöpylly näkkärin jostain taiot.
Tänään on blogmiehen vapaa päivä, 
En tätä tänään kirjoittaa meinaa
Tänään on blogimiehen vapaapäivä,
Tänään blogimies kalsarikännissä veivaa.
Posted: 22 Oct 2003 09:07 [ permalink ]
Huomenta, eilen ei juurikaan tapahtunut mitään.  Ahdistuin Helsingistä kun
yritin käydä ostaan pipoa -> Ei löytynyt ja meni hermo. Päätin että palelen
täällä ja ostan sit marsun kans yhdessä pipon, helpompaa niin on se. Kävin
viel forumissa ostaan pähkinöitä tv ruoaksi ja söin hotellissa jotain frutti
di mare pastaa. Annos oli selkeesti poienempi ku siinä kauhukana pastassa
mutta oikein miellyttävää muuten. Sit marssin huoneeseen ja katsoin putkeen 
frendit, sopranos/mullan alla ja 4d dokumentin. Jee vittu jee. 

Tänään on sit se päivä. Mennään Maejtin, Dreocan ja Durandin durren kans 
syömään ja sit johonki. Toivottavasti saan käytettyy ne juomakupongit pois 
ettei jää taskuun 12 euron kupongi. Jos menis viel sit johonki baariin, ei
tiedä. Voi olla et joutuu menee yksin :(

No sen verran viel mudiasiaa että nyt on sitten taigan lohharikiärmeelle
keksitty stoori ja homma eli kunhan ehdin tässä ni koodaan senkin asian pois
päiväjärjestyksestä. Ompaha sit  joillekki lohharintappajille tekemistä. Ja
jospa sille sais kunnon ekunkin.

Uni: Tää tapahtui Toivalassa. Oltiin jossan tanhulan (erillinen
liikuntasali/halli jossa  käytiin urheilutunneilla ala-asteella) takana ja sit
joku huus et hei! Tanhulan pihalla  on tappelu tai jokin sellanen. Kiipesin
muka tanhulan katolle (se oli semmonen kummallinen  katto jossa oli
syvennyksiä ja ties mitä. Vähän sellanen vanhan helsinkiläistalon katto) 
kattomaan sitä meininkii ja menin semmosen 'sivukaton' väliin makaamaan ja
kattoon reunan  yli et mitä siel tapahtuu. No siel oli Pellisen poika (en
muista etunimeä) heilumassa ja viime hetkellä hokasin et se perkele tulee
katolle tappeleen enkä ehtiny tuupata tikkaita alas. Sit se tuli siihen mun
eteen ärvistelemään ja alko huitoa lyhyellä tikapuulla mua. Otin ite toisen
semmosen vähän reilun metrin mittasen tikapuun ja aloin pätkiä sitä. Se puhu
et 'ei noin, se pitää tehä näin' ja huiski ihan surkeella tavalla. Mä vedin
kuin  tikapuu-tekniikan Bruus Lii ja sain rampautettuu sen ennen ku se osu
muhu kunnolla.  Tää uni loppu siihen ku tuli eettinen ongelma: Pätkiäkkö
Pellistä, joka on oikein mukava  kaveri, vai antaa sen pätkiä mua... Pois ei
katolta päässyt ilman et toinen ottaa kunnolla  osumaa. 

Posted: 21 Oct 2003 13:12 [ permalink ]
Oijjoi, ruokalassa oli semmonen vähä maturempi leidi istumassa seuraavassa
pöydässä. Sillä oli päällä jakkupuku aika lyhyellä hameella joten reittä näky
vähän liikaakin siihen mun pöytään. Ny sit panettaa vähän liikaakin. Jotta

On se kumma miten tommoset stimuloi miehen mieltä näin kovasti. Olis kiva olla
ihan eunukki :(
Posted: 21 Oct 2003 10:34 [ permalink ]
Gooood morning. Hyvvee huomenta rakas päeväkirja.  Olen täällä helsingissä ja
täällä on aika tylsää.  Sen lisäksi että täällä on tylsää, täällä on myös
helvetin kylmä. Tänään minun pitää siis mennä ostamaan itselleni pipo ja hakea
samalla lasipalatsin bookplussasta se tilaamani sicacallis kirja. Olen siis
täällä pääkaupungissa, tosin nyt paraikaa espoon puolella Novomeridianilla
kurssilla. Kurssi on ihan mielenkiintoinen, joskin kuten aina tehtävien
jälkeen jää tunti vapaa-aikaa koska porukka etenee niin eritahtiin. Keksit on
hyviä ja limpparit  gutaa. Namnam. Hotellissakaan ei ole valittamista ja sain
pyydettäessä  huoneen jossa saa polttaa. Käryttelin eilen parit sikaarit.
Hyviä oli nekin.

Unien detailit unohdin mutta luuultavasti ne tapahtuivat jälleen Toivalassa
siinä linja-autopysäkin läheisyydessä josta kuljin kolme vuotta kouluun
Siilinjärvelle (yläasteelle). Siinä on/oli sellainen pelto ja mäen alla
Ingmannin käsi ja taideteollinen oppilaitos. Vieressä on myös Toivalan
ala-aste ja nykyisin  yläastekkin. Olen niin vanha.

Hotelli tarjosi 12 euron alennuskupongit joilla saa ruokaa. Otin eilen siis
jotain kanapastaa jossa oli kauheita möllöjä sieniä. Ei se niin pahaa ollut
kun siihen tottui. Ajattelin että se on vähänkuin homeinen leipä
vankileirillä,  parempi syödä kun yleensä saa... keskiviikkona on miitinki
duran, maon ja dreocan  kans, mennään syömään ja sit leffaan. Koska noi
alennuskupongit on päiväkohtasia joudutaan varmaa käymää juomassa sit
kipolliset jotain mun rahalla ennen lähtöä ettei jää käyttämättä! Noh, saa nyt
nähdä. Tylsää täällä kyl on.  Jotain säpinää ois kiva saada, meniskö tänään

Ainii, puhelinnumeron voi kysyy vaikka rutaliatorilta tai joltain.

Tai tietysti multa iteltä. Tai ihan sama.
Posted: 19 Oct 2003 11:25 [ permalink ]
Oikeeta huomenta. Näin tossa viel aamun jälkeen yhden unen  jossa oli
ennakkoaavistusominaisuuksia joten ne pitää jakaa ennenku ne pääsee
tapahtumaan. Eilen tuli korjattua muuten sit autokin. Siinä oli semmosta
ongelmaa et se kolahteli ku ajo monttuihin tms. ja minusta se ääni oli ain
semmonen 'muovinen'. No sieltä sit  löyty semmonen muovinen alapanssarilokasuoj
ahärveli joka on  näemmä joskus hankeen tmv ajettaessa hajonnu sen tuhannen
pillunpäreiks. Siitä oli vain osittain enää kii semmonen 20x15cm palanen siel
joka varmaan  on kovassa töyssyssä päässy osuun akselia vasten. Samalla ku
renkaat oli irti talvitassujen vaihtoa varten, pistettiin se kuntoon
jeesusteipillä. Ei se kyl ehkä pysy siellä ku se oli aika paskanen paikka,
eikä ollu mitään keinoa putsata sitä. Joku samanlaisen  auton omistanut osasi
kyllä nimetä jonkun tukiraudankin jolla on taipumusta kulua niin et se pitää
ääntä. Jos vielä kolisee ni sit tukiraudan kimppuun. Renkaiden vaihto onnistui
JUURI sopivaan aikaan koskapa tänne Kuopioon tuli eilen hieman lunta. Testi
ajo päivärantaan olisi ollut kesärenkailla fataali -> päivärannan ramppi oli
mustassa jäässä. 

  Uni: Oltiin menty reppumatkalle muka helsinkiin ja se päätepysäkki oli
semmonen päiväkoti/tarha jollekki venäläisille orvoille. Otettiin reput ulos
vissii linja-autosta ja jätettiin okun kans rinkat jonku päiväkodin tai
sensellasen pihalle. Oku halus mennä käymää jossain ja lähdettii, matkalla
sanoin okulle et voisin käydä tos hotellissa kysyyn jotani juttuja, ku oon
sinne illalla kuitenki  tulossa. Loikittii tien yli joka oli olevinaan
länsiväylä. Siinä oli sellanen  suojatie ja korotus johon pysty sit jättään
autoja parkkii. Näin siinä heti sit  peräänajon ja ihmettelin et ajaapa ne
kovasti noi helsinkiläiset. No käytiin sit sieltä kysymässä, mut se oli väärä
hotelli ja muistinki et eiku perkele se oliki intercontinental missä ne mun
jotkut jutut nyt on, tuun  tänne vasta illalla! No eiku takas tien yli ku se
intercontinental oli muka siel mäen alla. Siellä kulki teitä ja siltoja aika
sikin sokin joten se oli  tosiaan sellanen betoniviidakko. Ny ennen hotellii
menoo sit päätettii hakee ne rinkat oikeesti ja ylitettii taas se tie (se oli
ihan sen ekan hotellin takana). Heti taas joku rysäytti peräänajon, hulluja ne
helsinkiläiset.  Marja loikkas päiväkodin aidan läpi ku mä en mahtunu siitä ja
käskin  sen käydä sanoon sisälle et tultii hakeen vaan niitä meidän rinkkoja,
ei tartte  soittaa poliisia. Marsu tulee kohta sit sen johtajan kans pihalle
ja sanoo et meidän rinkat on jo kuitattu, ei ne oo siellä. Sanon sille et ei
nii ookkaa ku ne on täs pihalla. Marsu ei ollu ymmärtäny oikein mitä sen piti
tehdä.  Se johtaja nuhteli meitä ja sano et aiemmi on joku käyny pöllii kaik
rinkat jotka oli jätetty pihalle. Se oli josksu lupautunu korvaamaan jonku
köyhemmän  matkaillijan rinkankin, mut ei ois kandenu kuulemma ku sit se oli
kertonu kaikille ja muutki halus rahaa. "Vois pitää turpansa kii, ei meil oo
varaa kaikille maksaa". Se johtaja oli muuten itekki joku ulkomaalainen,
ainakin se puhui "hoono soomi".
Posted: 19 Oct 2003 07:24 [ permalink ]
Uni : Olin sellasella tiskillä joka muistutti pahasti Onninen OY:n   tiskiä,
maksamassa jotain ostostani. Kysyin muijalta et käyhän  pankkikortti, ja se
sano et joo, alle kolmenkympin ostoksiin.  No se meni tietty yli sen joten
piti maksaa käteisellä. Huomasin siinä rahaa räveltäessäni et mulla oli 5000
euron setelikin siellä muka vähien rahojeni seassa. Mulle oli tullu joku
perintö tai sellanen ja sit mulla oli ihan helvetisti sitä rahaa siellä
kukkarossa.  Sit se maisema muuttukin semmoseks että olinki sellasella torilla
ja jonotin johonkin kioskille tai luukulle koska mun piti maksaa jotain.
Pelkäsin ihan vitusti taskuvarkaita ja loppu unen ajan  yritin vaan suojella
rahojani siinä jonottaessa. KEksinki sit oivan suunnitelman, eli et talletan
ne tilille heti siinä  tiskille päästyäni. En tiedä miten suunnitelma eteni.

Voi vittu ku en osaa ees kirjottaa enää ku tommosta teinix sontaa. Menis takas
Posted: 18 Oct 2003 11:13 [ permalink ]
Katsoimpa tuossa viimeviikolla ostamani Spartacus leffan ja täytyy  sanoa että
kyllä se aika hyvä on, vaikka näkyykin aika selvästi aika ajoin että taustoina
on käytetty maalattuja levyjä.  Mjoop, mietiskelin tuossa että jokohan
uskaltas ottaa ton bannin pois päältä, alkaa tuo gradu kuitenkin olla jo ihan
kuosissaan ja stressikin on vähän helpottanut. En tiedä kyllä, ei täs oo ollu
nytkään  valittamista mutta... 

Marsu meni töihin ja minä jäin tänne siivoamaan, ei tää oo tämmönen kyllä
niinku miehen hommaa eikä elämää. Loukkaantu vissiin ku totesin  et ois hyvä
jos meidän vapaapäivät ois samoihin aikoihin ni saisin minäkin levätä joskus.
Mä imuroin ainaku oon vapaalla. Sillonku marsu  on vapaalla ni sillo se käy
kaupungilla. Saatana. No ei aina, mut melkein.

Koskee ranteeseen joten lopettelempa kirjoittelun täältä tähän, parit unet 
kirjoittelin puhtaaksi jo aamulla. Kirjoitin ne valmiiks etteivät pääse 
unohtumaan. Aika neutraalia kamaa mut tuossa jälkimmäisessä oli ihan mukavaa
ja jännää ku ajelin portaita alas Pajerolla. Ja olihan siellä muutama 
kiinnostava eroottisesti latautunut tilanne. Halvat on hullulla huvit.

Uni 1: Tapahtumapaikkana on joku pieni laiva, ehkä sellainen  sisävesipurtilo.
Tulee jotain kränää Mic:n kans ja tuuppimisen jälkeen se heittää mun päälle
vettä. Yritän saada sen kii mut en onnistu,  vetäydyn hyttiini kolmanteen
kerrokseen ja alan pakata laukkujani koska mulla on meno johonkin 'kouluun'. 
Mulla on kauhee kasa  jotain litteroita joilla koulumatkat sit jatkossa pitää
hoitaa ja tungen ne farkkutakin taskuun. Pakkaan laukkuni kunnolla ja tungen
kaiken mahdollisen mitä voi tarvita siel viikon reissulla  (kai se koulu
pidempää kesti, mut pakkasin viikoks). Sit huomaanki et Mic  tulee kerjäämää
lisää ikävyyksiä ja heittää lisää vettä päälle.  Ärisen sille jotain mut en
saa sitä taaskaa kii ku se juoksee portaita  alas ja vittuilee mennessään.
Jään yksin töllöttään hämmästyneenä siihen portaikko huoneeseen jossa on
paloletkukaappi, ruskee  palkintokaappi ja ruskeet tapetit. 

Uni 2 (jatkoa): Olen matkalla sinne kouluun, ajan Pajerolla (meidän  faijalla
oli sellanen joskus silloin vuonna nolla) ja funtsailen et kuinkaha vitusti
tähänki menee rahaa ku kaik rahat on jo iha loppu muutenki. No saavun
neljäntien risteykseen ja käännyn oikeelle ja se menee ihan väärään paikkaan.
Se menee vissiin Sonkajärvelle tai Sotkamoon. Käännyn siin kylällä ympäri ja
porukka tienvarrella tollottaa silmäkovana.  Käännyn sinne suuntaan minne
olisin ollu alunperin  menossaki ja se vie oikeesee mestaan eli vissiin
Kotkaan tai Kokkolaan.  En löydä taaskaa perille joten kysyn neuvoa ja ne
kertoo et pari taloo vaan  eteenpäin ja sit kysyn jotain muijaa nimeltä (en
muista enää nimee).  Ajan sisälle sinne taloon autolla, laskeudun muutamat
portaat alaspäin. Se talo on ISO sisältä, siellä on semmosii isoja hallimaisia
huoneita joissa mahtuu hyvin ajaan sisällä autolla. Se missä ajelen on
enemmänki  semmonen kauppakäytävä tai jotain. Vedän auton parkkiin ja kävelen
viimeset raput alas semmoseen tosi isoon ja hämärään huoneeseen jota aurinko
jostain  vastapuolelta mistä mä tuun valasee. Se huone on silleen 'maan alla'
et  sinne pitää tulla molemmista päistä portaita pitkin. Siinä on keskellä
sellanen iso puinen, pyöreä tiski, vähänku joku teatterin vaatenaulakko
systeemi tai jotain. Se systeemi on ainaki 20 metriä joka suuntaan, eli se on
aika iso. Sen takana häärii pari akkaa ja on siellä muuallaki istuskeleen
ihmisiä.  Kysyn sitä nimeltä jota mun käskettii kysyä, mutta kukaan ei
tunnista sitä. Kattelen jotain lappuja mitä sinne tiskin alle semosiin
lokeroihi on tungettu ja päättelen et kai tää on oikee mesta.  Yhtäkkii sit
ilmeisesti ilmottautuminen alkaa ja paikka ruuhkautuu ihan täyteen. Syntyy
jono ja kaik vaan ohittelee mua.  Mä seison kylmänrauhallisena siinä ja annan
niiden ohitella, mullei oo kiire koska tää selkeesti on joku virhe, ei mun
tartte kouluun enää mennä. Sinne tulee useita jonoja ja porukkaa on melkein ku
jossain vironlaivan  passintarkastuksissa. Porukkaa vaeltaa mun ohi mut oon
päässy johonki jonoon  joten en liiku siitä mihkää. Kysyn joltakulta
ohimenevltä viereisestä jonosta et mikäs mesta tää ees on, toivottavasti se
missä meikän pitää olla.  Se vastaa jotta "on tää, tää on XXXX:n lukion toinen
vuoskurssi". Nyökkään  ja oletan et se on oikee paikka. Eteen tunkee viel
muutama ihminen, mukaanlukien pari kaunista, afrikkalaista, tosi mustaa
tyttöä. Parit katseet siinä vaihdellaan mut sit ne hävii ku eteen tunkee viel
pari ihmistä. Nyt mun paikka vakiintuu ja  edessä olevat tytöt flirttailee
vittuilemalla: "Jätkä o pannu päälle niin isot paidat ja remelit et voi varata
muidenki paikat,  varmaa ihan tahallaan!". Mutisen jotain "litteroista,
lapuista ja viikon kamoista laukussa" vastaukseks kylmänviileesti  ja päätän
olla juttelematta enempää niille horoille. Uni päättyy, en tiä pääsinkö
kouluun ja miks vitussa mun piti mennä muka Kotkaan tai Kokkolaan lukioon. 

Posted: 17 Oct 2003 11:12 [ permalink ]
Guten tag, meinen damen und herren. Joo, eli kävin sit lääkäris eilen ja 
uutta kortisoni pistosta lopsahti. Toivottavasti ny paranee. Kysyin tältäki 
kyypältä mielipidettä harjoitushommii ja hää oli sitä mielt et vois kokeilla
olla pariviikkoo ny ilman käsiheilutteluja. No ollaan sit! Ensi viikollahan
joka tapauksessa joutuu menemään Helsinkiin. Olis edes jotain tekemistä siel
ni ois jees. Tulkaa pelastaan mut Scandic Simonkentästä pois! Päivät
ruotsalaisen opettajan  kurssilla, illat hotellissa :(  

Sain samalla myös uudet lääkkeet käsikipuun. Entiset oli liian stydit elis
samat lääkkeet joilla meni näkökyky intissä. No nyt sain viel stydimmät eikä
näytä se sivuvaikutuslista yhtään paremmalta. Sen lisäks viel nää  oli ihan
sikavitun kalliit: 20+ euroa / 20kpl. Jumalauta en kadehdi ihmisiä jotka on
oikeesti kunnolla ja pitkään kipeitä. Aamupalaks mehukeittoa ja 
soijarouhetta. Ei läheskää nii hyvää ku jugurtin kans, mutta pakko  kokeilla
jos maidoton ruokavalio sopis mulle paremmin. 

Aamulla ahdisti valmiiks ajatus siitä et pitäs hakee marsu töistä illalla niin
paljo,  et päätin tulla pyörällä töihin. Aika hiivatin viilee siel alkaa jo
oleen, posket  punottaa edelleen. Kuuntelin samalla vähän taas Sinuhe
egyptiläistä.  Juurikin teloittivat Azirun ja kohta menee Keftiu.

Toi Ihmissuhteet blogi on kyllä hyvää luettavaa. Jos olisin taipuvainen
kirjottamaan tietokirjallisuutta niin kirjoittasin samankaltaisista aiheista.
Nyt ei oikein nappaa koska tää unitulkitsijan ura on lähteny näin vitun hyvin
käyntiin. Toisaalta, voisha sitä esim kerran viikossa vetää jonku asiallisen
jutun... MUT! Taas toisaalta,  sosiaaliporno vetoaa paremmin ihmisiin. Jospa
multa kohta irtois taas jotain  perverssimpää kamaa, nyt nää unetki o ollu
tommosii pimpelipompeli unia.  Toiveissa ois semmonen Bully ja Pianonopettaja
elokuvien sekoitusuni. Semmonen  et Bijou Phillips haluais et mä rankasen sitä
hakkaamalla sitä, köyttämällä sen ja  sit panisin sitä suuhun. Ja piano sois

Uni1: Sotauni jälleen kerran. Olin kavereiden (ilmeisesti jotain
inttikavereita) jossain tupakkakatoksessa (joka muistutti ihan kuopion amiskan
roskakatosta) ja  ihmeteltiin siinä et mitä vittuu täs oikein pitää tehä. Se
tiedettiin et oli sotaharjotukset ja siinä ammuttas. Oli pimee syys ilta taas
kerran, ja kohtahan ne viholliset tuliki paikalle sieltä ja ku huudettii et
"mitä vittuu, saaks käyttää muka kovia" ni sieltä  huudettii et tietysti. Sain
perkele heti osuman polveen ja ryntäsin katoksen taakse rähmälleen ja aloin
sieltä napsia niitä vihollisia hyvästä suojasta ku ne nakutti niitä katoksessa
olevia kavereitani. Taas kävi niin et jostain syystä rynkyn liipasin oli nii
jäykkä et  en meinannu saada painettua sitä kunnolla. No siinähä tietää miten
siinä käy ku  ei pääse rysäytteleen joten siihen roskiksen taa tunki sit
sivustasta vihollista  ja mä en pystyny ampumaan niitä kunnolla. Ne hokas mut
ja piti ottaa helvetilliset ritolat  (josta tuliki mieleen et tapasin kerran
sellasen jätkän jonka ukista se 'Ota ritolat' sanonta tulee, se oli vissii
joku Ville Ritola tms juoksijakaveri, joskus kauan sit) siitä  ja jalkaanki
koski ku sain osumia sinne. Ne luodit ei kai ollu kuitenkaa IHAN oikeita koska
ne lens sillee roikulla, eikä mun jalka menny ihan tuhannenpillunpäreiks.

Uni2: Autolla liikenteessä, kyydissä oli vissii Oku ja Ceewu. Lähdettii ajaan 
vuorelasta kohti kuopioo ja heti perkele moottoritienrampilla tulee jotain
outoo häslinkii. Siinä seisoo joku kaveri semmosen sinisen nuoli
liikennemerkin kans keskellä kiihdytyskaistaa ja ohjaa meidät  ajana sen ohi.
Siinä o joku helvetillinen kaivanto meneilllään ja ainoostaan se kaveri ohjaa
liikennettä.  Oli siinä kaivannon ympärillä semmonen aitaus tietty, mut ei
paljo auta ku paahtaa 120km/h linssissä siihen. Siel oli jotain rakennusmiehii
siel montussa kaivelemassa käsin joten ihme hommaa kaikenkaikkiaan. No, siitä
selvittii ja ajettii sit hirmu ruuhkaan taas. Sit Sorsasalon rampilla (ehkä
noin 2km eteenpäin siis) oli kans jotain vitun kaivantohommia ja jouduttiin
nouseen Sorsasaloon. Siitä eteenpäin nääs siinä Etelänpuolen kaistallaki oli
vastaantulijoita kilometritolkulla ku siitä montusta ei päässy mitenkää
eteenpäin. No mentiin huoltsikalle, ja sit sielä sisällä huomasin et perkele,
Jalehan onki siellä ja sen luoha me just oltiinki menossa. No jutskailtii
siinä sit jotain ja oli puhetta jostain naamiaisista johon me muka  oltiin sit
matkalla illemmalla. Mirko & co. oli pihalla jalen autolla ja kysyvät sit et 
mites ne bensarahat oikein jaetaan ku illalla kuitenki sit lähetää sinne
mettää viel retkeilemään. Omituisesti taisin lähtiessä vielä nousta mirkon
ajamaan autoon, en tiä jäikö Oku ja Ceewu sinne huoltsikalle ootteleen  et
tuun pihalta takas. Eikä sieltä ees ois päässy mihkää ku kaistat on
tukossa/uima-altaan kokoisia monttuja täynnä. 

Posted: 16 Oct 2003 12:07 [ permalink ]
No eipä mitään uutta tänään. Eilen käytiin anttilassa ja mukaan tarttui taas
pari uutta leffaa: Spartacus (massiivista kamaa, ja kubrick!) ja Bully (tää on
loistoleffa, oli pakko ostaa kympillä. Siinä on viel se sexykäs Bijou
Phillips. Mistähä se johtuu et semmoset ruipelot on niin seksuaalisesti
kiihottavia, tosin se koko leffa on aika eroottissävytteinen vaik siinä
tapetaanki ihmisiä).

Joo ja nyt Bijou Phillipsistä sit olkapäähän. Olkapää herätti tänä aamuna
kello 5.30 joten varasin uuden ajan lekurille. Pitää käydä hakee tehokkaammat
Posted: 15 Oct 2003 11:14 [ permalink ]
Good morning, this will be my last daily blog entry part written in english. 
I have decided to switch to more fluent finnish for a while. The reason:
BECAUSE.  Well went to Karate yesterday and we had baton techniques. Did some
baton  katas and katas with batons. Quite weird and so much different from 
jiujitsu baton techniques. Then we had our weekly wiz + oku meeting (sauna
tuesdays) and after that we went to BPM Ry's "BPM Night". Bpm is the friends
of electronic music of kuopio -club. We drank two beers and it tasted oh so
fucking good. Smoked few  nice cigarrettes too and watched lots of teen chicks
shake their small booties. Mmmm.... Zinko came in and made me consider
creating a extra area for the dragon of the taiga,  and then on the way back
home ceewu and I came up with great plot! The dragon has been asleep for long
enough! Oh well, enough of this english shit.

Jaaha, eli huomenta. Mahtavat unet on taas takana joten käydäämpä suoraan
asiaan:  Jale, elikkäs Siekkisen Jan oli tullut ostamaan multa asuntovaunua.
No eikun asuntovaunua katsastamaan eli autolla ala-asteen pihalle ja siellä se
oli parkkeerattuna  puskan viereen. Se puska on semmosta mallia jossa kasvaa
ikäänku semmosii pieniä herneitä.  Niistä pikkuherneen paloista tehtiin
pienenä 'pillejä' ja oltiin vähä vitun kovia jannuja. No siellähä se lepäs
'mun' kafi. Mulla on ollu asuntovaunu mut ei se ollu just semmonen ku se  mitä
mentii kattomaan. Tää oli semmonen vanhempi malli jossa on niitä vihreitä
vaakaraitoja. No koputtelin siihen etuosaan jalella todistaakseni et kyl se
hyvä peli on, ja siitä kandee maksaa se sovittu 13000 euroo (oiskoha ne ollu
markkoja viel unessa? En oo varma onks siel siirrytty  käyttämään euroja).
Mut! Sielläpä oliki sisällä joku akka ja se nous sieltä sohvalta ylös ja 
koputti takas ikkunaan. Meikä oli ihan et huhhuh, vittu mitä tuli polteltua
mut pysyin rauhallisena, ja tervehdin sitä kättä heilauttaen. Sit sieltä
asuntovaunun takaa tuli sen mieski vissiin, se oli ollu laittaan vissii
grillia. No nyt tuli sit Tarjaki ulos autosta ja tuli kattoo sitä vaunua.
Kysyttii niiltä et voiks sitä mennä kattomaan ja saatiin lupa. No eiku sisään
ja voi vittu että se vaunu oli iso. Se oli ainaki kahdeksa metriä pitkä ja
siinä oli kaks huonetta. Ne oli viel sillee rinnakkain että se toinenki huone
oli siis kahdeksan metrii pitkä. Se toinen huone oli olohuone ja siel oli
sohvat,  televisiot ja kirjahyllyt ja kaik. Ja lisäks vielä iiiiisot ikkunat
ulos. Mut se  ei niin paljo hämänny ku se että se oli paneloitu semmosel
ällörimapaneelilla mitä käytettii joskus  60 luvulla jokapaikassa. Semmonen
tumma rima paneeli siis jollainen on myös meidän mökin saunassa.  Tuollainen
paneelihan luo samalla tavalla tunnelmaa kuin öljylautta aurinkorannalla. 

No tää edellinen uni ei enää juurikaa edenny tätä ihmettelyä pidemmälle paitsi
et nää samat immeiset tuli seuraavaankin uneen: Mä olin menossa Toivalassa
johonkin joka on ent. Paldaniuksen talon kohdalla, lähellä sitä missä  itse
lapsuuteni asuin. Jostain syystä survasin autoni toisen talon pihaan, oikein
sinne perälle,  sen talon asukkaiden paikalle. Runttasin auton lukkoon ja
lähdin käveleen pois sieltä pihasta  kun huomasin et voi vittu, siel on
asukkaat paikalla ja se muija tulee ulos samaan aikaan.  Moikkasin sille
muijalle kun se kantoi jotain pyykkikoria ja kävelin ohi. Kävelin vähän matkaa
mut sit alko tuntuu kummalta et vittu mä oon parkkeerannu ilman lupia
suurinpiirtein niiden  takapihalle, joten kai täs pitää lupa kysyy. No
käännyin takas ja huikkasin sille et onks ok  jos pysäköin auton siihe niiden
pihaan. Kyllä se suostui kun olin ostanu sen asuntovaununki niin  hyvään
hintaan. Se nainen muuten muistutti ihan yhtä semmosta vähän hissukamman
näköistä  tyttöä tuolta Taijistä. Se voi olla ihan jees tyttö, ei siinä
mitään. Vähän semmonen ujo +  hissukka vain. 

Aamupalaksi voi muuten suositella lämpimästi jugurttia tumman soijarouheen
kera. Oikein hyvää.  Siitä saa vähän protskua ja ne rouheet raksuu kivasti
suussa. Eikä haittaa vaik sitä ei keittäskään. Koska eilen meni niin myöhään
(02.00), nyt tarttee taikanappia että jaksaa!

Posted: 14 Oct 2003 11:49 [ permalink ]
Hello dear blog. Todays blog will be in english because my dear German friend
Femko can't read finnish. It is such a pity because finnish is so nice
language. Though, I think I should re-learn to speak in deutch. I studied it
for two years in upper elementary school but failed just like only a man with
no skills whatsoever can. 5 5 5 5 5 (scale was 4-10) or something like that,
for the whole duration of the courses. Well enough of that. Yesterday I was in
Taekwondo lesson. Kuopio Budo organization arranges a different types of
'open' lessons so the practicers of some martial arts style can try another
one for free. So yesterday was Taekwondo class. It seemed like I was the only
one from our Karateclub. Weird shit that Taekwondo, we did lots of kicks and
tried even few new ones (couple of jumpkick variations of our normal kicks
too). Quite nice but weird... 

Dream... Oh yes, I dreamed. I was again on the alp theme, skiing somewhere
with big slopes. Asolo was there with me and we were skiing. On the another
scene I was on somekind of cabin and trying to contact one of my friends with
Radiophone (it was a bit like army FIELDRADIO MODEL 217) but I remember not
being able to contact him on channel 19. I had a bit of trouble finding the
frequency from the machine and I could hear him talking to someone, but
couldn't get myself through. On another scene I went into ski restaurant and
met Mikko and AP, drinking coffee there. They told me they were having
holidays there and they were surprised to see me there. I ordered some hot
chocolate/cocoa and joined them. Unfortunately it is now so many hours since I
woke up that I have forgot the rest. It wasn't really eventful, except for the
great scenery when we were skiing with asolo. I also remember going up on
anchor lift, and seeing big condol and 4-seated lifts. I really should restart
skiing. NEXT WINTER!

Nothing much more happening, thesis proceeds slowly. Yesterday night I decided
to skip my philosophy lessons and take Ergonimics instead. Ergonomics is
available as webcourse so I am able to do it simultaneously with my gradu and
psychology course. I need two secondary subjects (now psychology and
ergonomics) + thesis to complete my master of science studies. And I need to
complete it to get a permanent job contract -> I chose the easy way. If I want
to go and study more, I can reapply to university, to some different subject
-> Study forever!
Posted: 13 Oct 2003 09:34 [ permalink ]
Whine about TV show, written on sunday 12.10.2003: Oh my fucking god. That
show called "Gilmore girls" is so shitty. I was forced to watch it while
waiting for Marsu to finish up the dishes so we could go to Pitkälahti to buy
some stuff. Like candies etc. Well, this show is obviously done while they are
under influence of bad speed. I mean, that 'mother' in that show is just hot.
I like her looks, and would definitely like to see more of her. And I am not
saying there is anything wrong with speed. On the contrary! It is nice to see
people being efficient! BUT that is not the case in the show. In this show,
they have done massive amounts of speed, and then decided that it is not
enough for them to speak fast like chickens. Instead of being cold efficient
speed talkers, they fucking wanted to be emotional too. So I believe they
decided to do couple of mitsubishi's each, just to grease things up a bit. Now
the result is just great. A mature psychobitch, her pre-mature daughter, fat
cook with overly emotional face + bunch of other fuckers. And guess fucking
what? They keep on talking. They talk and talk. [21/25 (84%)] More(Y/n/h)? SO
FUDGE. Three billion of my braincells just suicided. Remember kids, while
watching "Gilmore Girls" - THAT IS YOUR BRAIN IN DRUGS.  EOF
Posted: 12 Oct 2003 12:10 [ permalink ]
Restatement: If there is something I don't understand, It definitely is people
who delete their blogs. I should arch and delete their player files.
Posted: 12 Oct 2003 11:25 [ permalink ]
Huomenta rakas blogini.
Olet ihana. Marsu oli eilen kattomassa Hair musikaalia, ja minä kotona
karvasena muuten vain. Söin paketin fruits & yoghurt jäätelöä, ison pussin
pähkinöitä ja vitusti leipäjuustoa. Kuvotti, mutta onneksi Hercule Poirot
selvitti murhamysteerin ennenkuin annoin ylen. Sitten lueskelin nyysseistä
paskaa, ihmettelin miksi ihmiset kirjottaa niin huonoja blogeja vaikka niillä
on näin hyvä esimerkki ku mun blogi ja sit lopuksi viel nukuin unet. Niin
hyvät unet oli etten muista yhtään unta vaikka ne varmasti oli taas ihan
helvetin hyviä. Kohta uunista valmistuu Turkey Schnitzel á la Lidl. Sit
harkitaan mennäänkö harjoituksiin vai hengaillaanko kotona.

I got terrible urge to try XXX because Ceewu did too :( 
Posted: 11 Oct 2003 11:47 [ permalink ]
Good mornign blog. Roope is here today with me and nothing much is happening.
We watched a rented movie called 'like cats and dogs' or something like that.
It was quite hilarious (again). I saw a weird dream that I am going to
describe in finnish. Sorry.

Uni. Joo eli tuota, tapahtumapaikkana on iso kivirakennus, samanalinen kuin
ala-asteella. Tää oli nelikerroksinen. Yläkerran huoneessa istuskelen semmosel
puisella penkillä, tiedättehän, semmosella joita on liikuntasaleissa. Ne jotka
saa kii puolapuihin ja siinä sit piti yrittää puhkua jotain vatsalihaksia.
Siel on siis jotku bileet. Paikalle tulee ihan vitusti haalarijengiä ja niillä
osalla on lakitki päässä. Seinällä o joku vitun juliste jossa lukee et
'Teekkaripäivä, tänään saadaan lisenssi pitää YO lakkia päässä' tms. Huudan
täysillä niille jotka on kerääntyny lukeen sitä julistetta että TEEKKARIT
TEEKKARIT! ja sit toteen vieressä istuvalle etten oo tosiaankaa teekkari, enkä
semmokseks tule. No ne kaik teekkarit ryntää pihalle sitä lakkilupaa hakemaan
ja sit mä jään melkein yksin. Oon kännissä ja tekee miel tupakkaa joten meen
ostaan sitä siel nurkassa olevasta kioskiluukusta (se on semmonen baaritiski).
Siel ei oo ku barclayta ja kiroilen ihan vitusti et niinku pliis kyyppäri,
voisitko ostaa jotain parempaa merkkii ku se barclayn filsu menee aina iha
lutteroks. No ei se voi. Se avaa koko paketin kerralla, työntää kaik ne röökit
omaan suuhusa ja sytyttää viel yhden niistä ja alkaa kiskomaan. Sit se sanoo
et "Neljä egee". Tarejoon pankkikorttia mut se ei käy. No voi vitu. Äijä
kaivaa velkakirjan ja näyttää et siihe o laitettu neljä egetsii. Kirjotan
nimen alle ja sit se äijä alkaa nauraa ja osottaa viel piilossa ollutta 8euron
lisälaskua! Kiroan ja repäsen allekirjotukseni siitä irti, tungen sen suuhuni
(aattelin syödä sen ettei se saa sitä mun velkaa!). Lähden juokseen karkuu
alakertaan. Ensin käytävän päähän ja portaisiin ja huomaan et sieltä se
perkele tulee perässä. Kirmaan portaisiin ja alakertaan. Meen parikerrosta ja
en meekkää enempää alas vaan juoksen ovelasti toiseen kerrokseen piiloon!
Siellä o semmonen joku juttu jonka taa piiloudun ja jään kuunteleen kuinka se
ilkee velkojabaarimikko kirmailee alakertaan pahaa aavistamatta! Selvisin! 
Posted: 10 Oct 2003 11:05 [ permalink ]
Good morning. Taiji yesterday was nice. I am really getting hold of it. Didn't
go to karate as now as I have the new belt, the lessons are on the same time.
Well not exactly on the same time (karate 18.30-20.00 and Taiji 19.30-21.00)
but still too complicatedly similar times. 

My gradu (Master's thesis) isn't progressing as fast as I would like it to be.
I'd need to find some book/document/shit about DDBMS (distributed database
management systems). That area is not covered well enough on the standard
books about databases. None of our libraries have no interesting books about
the topic and real books  cost much to buy. I am waiting for something to
happen, perhaps I'll find perfect  document from web. If you have any
suggestions, or a book to loan --> Please!

I have to say that I am really positively surprised how many good blogs  there
are. Mine is shit but it is mainly written for me to be amuzed how much  shit
my brains produce during night time. And they really seem to be doing hard job
when I am asleep. Cavalier and Femko have really nice blogs. Others too  of
course but they were the only ones I ready this morning. I will award Keat a
tp for well formatted blog.

Hmm... Now I got really tempted to order DNA testing of myself from this They make test on you to find which of the 'original
clans' do you belong to. They track mtDNA and compare it to the DNA database
and make a diplomas and shit. Seems a bit expensive though but... I WANT ONE!

AVAUTUMINEN <tm>: What is the reason for people to deny the fact that most of
us are basicly  very similar to the stereotypes? I mean, why is it so hard to
admit that I am very much the stereotypical man? What is this illusion of
uniqueness?  What is the reason and benefit of it? Why does ones mind make up
illusions? There is nothing special in me.  Dino means nothing to over 6
billion people. None of them cares if I live or not. One very good advice for
life (especially for finnish people who always seem  to wonder what other
people think of you) was "Älä mieti mitä muut ajattelevat sinusta, heillä on
tarpeeksi tekemistä miettiessään mitä sinä ajattelet heistä".  Freely
translated that is "Don't bother yourself thinking what others think of you, 
they are bothered enough thinking what you think of them". 

Weird thing, I am getting aroused by weird sexual stimulus today.  I came to
work and the first thing I thought about were the two small, round  ball tits
that the cashier girl on the Micro-teknia cafeteria.  Her tits are so close
together that it almost makes me feel physically ill, not able  to touch them.
Well, as that was not enough, I AGAIN got pervertedly excited by the smell of
the cleaning lady here in my working place. She is oldish, not good looking 
and smells quite strongly (especially during fridays, when she cleans my
room). The smell is sweat I suppose but it has SO much feromones in it that I
am all tempted  to go and rape her. For fucks sake, I should seek medical

Dream1: A meeting, lots of people there. I suppose it is somekind of mudcon or
something similar. There is livefeed of it and I am responsible for the
filming. Some of the meeting is indoors and some is outdoors. I was filming
the thing partially with my videocamera and partially with my old cellular
phone. The phone had a special software to cast streaming video. I don't know
where the video  ended because I was only filming. I think some of the indoor
sets was in home of our family friends (Seppä) house. We used to go there when
I was  something like 5 or ten. They had 3 girls and no boys so I grew out of
it quite fast. I even know that the oldest of the girls has a burn scar in her
butt :)  She burned it on sauna stove while we were bathing.

Dream2: Americans are crazy! They build so weird airplanes to my dreams  that
I can't really but wonder their reasons.  Well, anyway, I was sitting on the
transit hall of airport and waiting to get home from the place I was. It was
outside finland because I had two tickets  (which I almost thought I had lost,
but found them from my right chest pocket). The tickets were narrow, thick
pieces of blue cardboard. The last one read  Finnair so I was first going to
fly to Helsinki and then home from there. I suppose it was in America (what
the hell I am doing there?) as the plane is definitely american. Nobody else
could build such a ridiculous plane. 

Dream2, part2: We are allowed to step in the plane and for gods sake, it is
decorated  completely by dark wood. It is built like some hillbilly house,
full of  dark colored wooden panels, stairs, really badly cushioned chairs and
decorations from hell. It looks like somebody's mansion, not like airplane.
Well the airport personnel inform us that they were unable to guide the people
allready in the plane to their right  places because they are somekind of
retards. This is why we have to be patient and just try to fit in. I wonder
how in the hell can that kind of plane fly, it is so high and of so weird
shape. I see one of the retards taking a seat next to a window that you can
see straight forward from (aerodynamics ruled). He looks a bit like randy from
the '' (btw, if you  have that film... could I have divx copy :D).
I take my seat but end up wandering around the plane  to take a look. 

Dream2 part 3: I suddenly realize that I have put a bag of marijuana inside a
small bottle (plastic bottle with yellow cap) in my bag. I know I have to go
through customs in Helsinki and I am quite sure they will have drug dogs there
waiting.  I quickly dig the bottle from my bag and try to come up with
brilliant ideas how to get this important bag to home. I come up with no ideas
:(  It is a bit like sitting on a non-smoking hotelroom with bag of hash on
your lap and nothing to do.

Posted: 09 Oct 2003 11:06 [ permalink ]
Good morning. Had a bit of a bad night last night. I couldn't sleep well and
woke up 3.15 in the morning. Then was partially awake till ~4.15 and then went
and read some usenet news for a while. After that I slept nicely till ~8am.
The reason was that I got a sudden rash, and felt itchy all over my body.  I
am either allergic to nitrites from the sausage I ate last night, or then I am
allergic to wheat and yeast  (ate yeast/wheat bread for first time since long
time). Or then... I something else, but it still was horrible.

Following text includes vivid descriptions of sexual acts! My dreams were
influenced this time by few quite distinct happenings. Yesterday I got a new
porn film and I checked it out to see how shitty it was. Well it had shitty
divx compression but it still was quite 'interesting' and I watched few bits
of it. It was 'Private XXX first timers' or something like that and I watched
the episode "My first time! Inga & Ines". Well, they were sisters so they
weren't doing things together but separately. There was somekind of teaching
part, where the producer filmed and this dude (i don't recall his name) gave 
some tutoring for the girls. First he was licking Inga's (or Ines's, I don't
know which one she was) pussy and female 'commentator' explained how she got
so many orgasms by that time blahblah. Then she was worked from  behind, then
she was on top. Then was time for some anal from behind and finally anal when
she was on top, facing  the camera. Lastly the dude started moaning like a
fucking bull and shooted all the shit on Inga's face and made him  suck it.
Don't know why, but this is what obviously inspired me to include Inga and
Ines in my first dream. 

The another dream was inspired by our (Oku's and mine) fall trekking trip to
Kuusamo few weeks ago.  On the way back we stopped on the gas station to buy
energy drinks (ED energy drink is quite good imho. Especially cold.) so we
wouldn't sleep on the car. I was allready partially unconscious because of the
warmth of the car and the constant humming. Well, on the parking lot of the
gas station there was this old russian transport helicopter as somekind of 
exhibit. The latter dream this morning included Oku driving this machine from
hell. In the middle of crowded street.  Nothing can stop this mad man!

Dream #1: After explaining the background, the dream might sound a bit dull. I
must assure you, it wasn't dull. It had Inga and Ines in it! Well the dream
starts with me having this porn film on DVD and we sit on somekind of quite 
large, stone paved market place. There are few stores visible with brightly
lit display windows. The market place is by the  sea or lake side, as we can
see the shore behind the bench we are sitting. I am sitting together atleast
with Asolo and Miika (Stmichael) and they tell me that I should go and trade
that film to 'antiquariat' (I don't know what it is in english,  sorry). That
is a place where they buy and sell used books, magazines and films. All the
sudden I see two  very minimally dressed girls (INGA AND INES!) rollerskating
around in the market place. They have pink and lime colored  (fluorescent, of
course) minishorts and tank tops on them and they look HOT. They are thin,
have eastern european facial  features and long dark brown hair. Asolo seems
to know them (Asolo knows all the chicks) and tells me that their film was
shit. Especially another of them was so shit that I should go now and trade
the film. The girls continue  rollerskating around the market place and they
seem to be eating ice cones. It is allready evening I suppose, at least  it
feels like august dusk. I go locate the store and find it. I often used to go
into these second hand shops before and have been in them many times in dreams
too. This one is semi book, toy, film, luxury item and porn store.  It
operates in one and half stories and the toy section was in the upper store. I
talk to the clerk who is sitting  behind a very brightly lit glass desk and
ask if they could trade the film I have. HE looks at the film and goes 'sure'.
He gives me another film and I go to the upper story of the shop. There is the
section for model aircrafts and shit.  There is FULL SIZE plastic model of
german WW2 'cart'. The kind that motorcycles towed behind them.  I mean why in
the hell build real size plastic model? It was placed diagonally for the
display and there was even a clock installed in it, so it wasn't completely
useless item. I then went to see the other display  vitrines, which in turn
were really brigtly lit. The vitrines were about 2 feet wide, quadratic and 6
feet high.  There was my old film and it was so expensive! It had yellow round
label  saying 9 euros and I got only 3 euros for it. I was pissed. I looked at
my new film and noticed it was really low  quality and old too. Fuck, what a
bad trade. I never saw Inga or Ines again :(

Dream #2: I am sitting on the back of medium sized russian transport
helicopter and Oku is driving. Oku lands in the middle of the street and
because I need to go to some shop. The landing is great and the rotors quite
easily have space to rotate. I go to the shop, come back and sit again to the
helicopter.  From the window I notice that there are loads of thin metallic
support poles on the street and I am afraid the rotor won't have space to
rotate. The poles are like the ones they use to support the constuction
platforms.  PErhaps they are construction platforms, I can't see what is in
top of them from the helicopter.  Oku is cool guy and starts the engine. I
tell him about the metallic poles but he ignores me. Then what was so
surprisingly skillful, I notice Oku didn't start the engine but started
'jumping' the helicopter to a more place with more space. How this happens is
totally beyond my understanding.  A bit later we are out of the danger and I
suppose we flew away.

Dream #3: Third dream is usual skiing slope dream. I am again on some big
mountain, skiing and/or snowboarding. I recall having some problems getting
skiing shoes for me or my son. We did some downhill runs and I recall 
climbing the very steep hill upwards at some point too.  I have only really
vague memory of this dream so I better not try to  explain it anymore. These
skiing dreams aren't usually very happy and the emotion that explains them the
best is 'serious'.

Posted: 08 Oct 2003 11:12 [ permalink ]
Fusk. I am overburdened on work now. Marsu complained this morning that why do
I have to turn with such a power on bed. Well, it is a bit hard to turn
'gently' on the bed if you have to watch out for your hand. The hand forces me
to "jumpturn". It must look cool, she shouldn't complain. I do it for free

I were in the first lesson of my master of science seminar today. IT was
mostly shit, but we have to do it. Well. No dreams from last night. 
Posted: 07 Oct 2003 11:04 [ permalink ]
Hello blog. Yesterday I went to see doctor because of the shoulder problems  I
have been whining for a while. In fact the shoulder have been hurting for
months but not as bad as lately. Well the judgement was - Cortison injection,
pain killers and need to learn to sleep in a different position. Also I should
avoid HARD exercise where my hand needs to be in upright position for long
times. Well I couldn't have done that anyway. 

Watched 'two' movies yesterday as I bought a new DVD player. 149eur from
Prisma, the player included LOTR - Two towers, but it wasnt't the selection
criteria. We had need for CHEAP  reliable player and that was about the
cheapest compared to the features. It plays MP3  records, JPEG pictures, SVCD
and VCD from  all media types. And I just found out that it  is possible to
hack it regionfree by simply using remote control!
The movies we watched were 'Two weeks notice', a quite nice film with Sandra
Bullock and that famous-blowjob dude from britain. Also watched the end of the
oh so fucking good "Manon des Sources" (Jean de Florette 2). The player seems
to read even shitty DVDs nicely as I managed to see my testdvd (U-571)
correctly with it!

I slept excellently last night as I used a special custom pillow under my
head. The  pillow was so high, and annoyingly 'thick' that I could only sleep
either on my back or by my side but not with my hand under the pillow (which
was the main reason for the fucken shoulder  problem. Or the ridiculous
amounts of Karate I have been doing before the belt graduation last weekend).
The special custommade pillow wasn't that special, I made it from blanket and
normal pillow combined together. I noticed that this kind of pillow-replacement
 helped me sleep on my side when I am sleeping outdoors in the tent. For some
reason though I have NO idea what kind of dreams I have. I have quite happy
inner feeling about everything so the dreams must have been excellent. Perhaps
I made my master's thesis last night and read all the books I need to read
before I get my ~10 points of philosophy and ~8 points of psychology. In
total, before I'll be ready MSc in Computer Science, I need my master's
thesis, proof of maturity,  about 18 points of philosophy/psychology and lots
of willpower.

Shit, I am getting SO depressed now. The reason is that I have been reading a
webforum for people to complain/ask advices about problems in their
relationships (sonera ellit - parisuhteet).  Logically, there shouldn't be any
reason to feel like this, as I have been 'regular' on sfnet.keskustelu.ihmissuh
teet for years now. But the contrast of 'Orson the Ordinarywebuser' and the
ones that write to usenet is HUGE.  Goddamn, there was this one girl asking
what should she had done as she was trying to get her husband  warming up for
sex but the husband was first reluctant. After she gave up the man got horny
and they started sex. After a while, this woman started to feel awkward -
"does he do this because of me? Did I force him to have sex?" etc. After this
she decided that she doesn't want any sex afterall and interrupts the sex
intercourse. WHAT A CRAP! And of course, there came dozens of other
whinybitches sharing their OH SO INTERESTING view that it was totally ok. Then
few come and tell how they too have suddenly, in the middle of sex
intercourse,  started to feel 'weird and feeling like they'd like to cry or
have started to cry'. Explanations were something like 'I am really interested
in sex and open to all new things and shit, but then we tried this doggy-style
and I suddenly felt so lonely and vulnerable and I started crying. I had to

Then I am again more pissed about reading blogs. TEEN GIRL blogs. Hell shit
fuck. I recently signed my blog for finnish-blog-top list (A pathetic amount
of three readers, one of them being me :( ) at (go there and
subscribe to my blog so I get more scores and I will rule the world!). There
you can subscribe yourself to blogs and it makes a personal list for you. It
shows the recent additions in the end of your subscribed list and  I decided
to read few of them. Holy mother of earth what a major mistake. I ended up
reading a blog written by some 17 year  old (or something like that, anyway
TOO young mentally) high-school girl. It sounded all like "Oh yesterday I saw
this guy,  he was hot... All men suck! They leave me and are not reliable! Oh
I wish I could tell this to "mister X" (obviously some  fucker from their past
that didn't like this biatch).' I mean, what kind of retard you have to be to
whine like that? Is that really what teenie girls do and think? No fucking
wonder they are left and betrayed. If you are interested seeing this blog, the
blog's name was 'Nancy' or somebody like that.

Posted: 06 Oct 2003 09:35 [ permalink ]
All right my honeypumpkins. I tried to be funny this morning and echoed an
error message but failed! I typoed <who> and it just looked stupid. THough, 
still some people were terrified and shitted their pants. Saw an excellent
movie called "Dark blue sky" yesterday. It is a chech movie about chech pilots
flying in RAF in the WW2. Ranked it 9/10 in IMDB. I just love WW2 airplanes.
The movie had it all, romance, war, misery and friendship. My shoulder ache
has spread down to my  elbow area and I called for doctor today. I hope they
found out what is wrong  and I can once again sleep. It is a bit hard to
explain pain, it is almost  like something inside me is hurting and the pain's
shadow is causing my pain.  Really odd but persistent kind of pain. 

I think I am going to buy a real DVD  player today. I got so fed up when we
watched  'the musketeer' (Which, by the way, was shit 5/10 in imdb) and my
computer player kept on lagging and crashing. Before that I will draw few
pictures for my master's thesis because the instructor told I would need to
have permissions from the  authors or publishers of the books I took the
pictures from. The right to quote doesn't apply to pictures it seems.

My dreams will be in finnish again today, it would be too hard to translate
this kind of utter shit that my brains are producing now. Sorry.

Survasen taas nää unet suomeks ku en osaa kuvailla tätä mahtavaa psykiatrisen
hoitolaitoksen potilaskertomuksiin kuuluvaa elämystä englanniksi. Eli
tapahtumapaikkana on Neulaniementien risteys (Kuopioconin osallistujat tietää:
tämän risteyksen yli pitää kävellä jos haluaa ostaa kaljaa tai viinaa
prismasta/alkosta).  Olen siellä marsun kans ja meillä on helvetin ruma
lemmikki kissa (joka itseasiassa onkin joku  lintu) mukana. Se loikkii melkein
karvattomana meidän perässä kuin joku rampa sika. No risteyksessä tuleekin
ongelmia, marsun mielestä jotkut naiset kattelee mua ja se on  mustasukkainen.
Mutta ne ei ookkaa naisia, vaan katulamppujen päällä istuu kauheen kokosia 
merilokkeja ja ne tuijottelee mua. Yritän rauhotella marsua et ne on vaan noi
kammottavat tappajalokit ku kattelee, ei naiset. No siitä selvittii vaikka
toinen lokki oliki tosi  ruma ja sillä oli pyöreet kammot silmät ja se
tuijotti pahasti.  Mentiin siitä sit jonku luo kylään ja siellä oli koira, nyt
tää meidän ruma lemmikkilintu muuttuki TOSI rumaks kissaks ja sit se meni
sinne sen koiran luo joka oli semmonen pieni räksyttävä piski. Se koira oli
sängyllä ja kissa hyppäs sinne kans ja heilutti rumaa töpöhäntäänsä. Jos ootte
nähny sen 'muinaisten petojen matkassa' ohjelmasarjan mnissä oli 'ensimmäinen
nisäkäs' tms pieni rotta ni se meidän kissa näytti just siltä, paitsi oli
harmaa ja rumempi. Sit se veti huulet törrölle ja  meni nuolemaan sitä koiraa
ja ennenkaikkee sen ylähuulta. Sit se koira oli ihan hämmennyksissä  ja
katteli iha hiljaa ku se kissa irvisti ja pisti oman ylähuulensa semmoseen
"nuole mua" asentoon.  Mut ei se oikein onnistunu näyttämään kuin
painajaismonsterilta :(

Uni2: Tää on oikeesti ennen tota toista mut pistän tässä järjestyksessä. Joo
eli mä oon jostain syystä ihmissusi tai joku muu monsteri mut nyt vaan ihmisen
hahmossa.  Mun piti löytää semmonen ukko ja semmonen joku helvetin kauppa
jonka nimi tais olla "DAZE".  Olin (tai oltiin, en ollu yksin. En tosin muista
kuka oli mukana) sellases kaupungissa joka  muistutti ankeudessaan ihan jotain
bard's tale 1:n kaupunkia. Paitsi et oli paljo pienempi. Kävin kysyyn jostain
saluunasta et missä sellanen kauppa on ja sit osasinki mennä sinne ja näin
heti sen kaupan. Sit menin sinne ja ei näkyny myyjää paikalla. Sit huomasin et
se perkele oli jossain (varmaan taas vessassa tms perverssiä) siel
takahuoneistoissa ja hyökkäsin sinne. Otin äijää raivelista kii ja puistelin
sitä et ala vittu kertoo miten tästä muututaan ihmissudeksi/whatnotiksi. ja
miten sen saa loppumaan. En muista nyt ihan tarkkaan kuinka tässä unessa kävi
loppujen lopuksi,  mut DAZE kaupassa oli aika vitun iso mainoskyltti. Se tuli
varmaa puoleenväliin katua ja se oli sellanen 'neon sininen'. Ihanku jostain
blade runnerista se kaupan mainos. Keskellä semmosta ankeeta lännenkaupunkia
jossa oli bard's tale tunnelmat. Multa taitaa loppua koneesta tehot ku graffat
on  noin klisheisiä. Huhhuh.

Posted: 05 Oct 2003 11:09 [ permalink ]
I GOT MY GREEN BELT!!! Well today I am going to write my blog in finnish
because of the quite hard to translate words and feelings.

Joo eli kuten sanottu, vyökoe meni läpi. Tuli seuraavankaltaista palautetta:

Sokuto: Tukijalan kääntö loppuun (peffa näkyy sivulta). Ushirogeri: Kohdistus.
Yhd. Tekn: Enemmän sujuvuutta, konkreettisuutta. Ei vain tekniikoita ilmaan.
Paritekn.: Toimuvuutta, tekniikoihin pituutta. Maegeri ukessa tukijalan 
oltava maassa lyötäessä. Kata: Takajalan tuen puute lyötäessä.

Parit helmet unipuolella on taas nähty, mutta pistetään ne tällä kertaa

Uni1: Olen vessassa, olevinaan karate dojolla. Taas jostain perverssistä 
syystä paikalla paskahuussissa on muitakin. Mulla on pelkät kalsarit jalassa
ja istun siinä ettei se toinen äijä tuijottele mua. Nousen pois ja tää  toinen
alkaa valittamaan että "näyttääpä härskiltä ku on housun persaukset ihan
märät. Hyi saatana!". Valittelen tilannetta ja totean että ei täs saatanan
läävässä oo paperia millä kuivata kädet (tai perse). Siis, ettei jää kellekkää
epäselväks, ni en paskonu housuun enkä kussu pitkin pakaroitani vaan nostin
housut jalkaan märillä käsillä. Tää paskahuussi oli muuten  samankaltainen
valkoinen kaakelihirvitys kuin oli ala-asteella. Pieni pyöreä, kirkas lamppu
seinällä. Neliskanttinen peili. Rautakehikolla.

Uni2: Toinenkin uni liittyy karateen. Sain eilen vihreän vyön (saa onnitella)
joten olin muka menossa ensimmäistä kertaa treeneihin. Olin ostanut uuden vyön
(ajattelin ensin vain värjätä vanhan mutta kai se on pakko ostaa ku unessaki 
ostin) enkä meinannu millään saada sitä päälle ajoissa. Olin varttia vaille
salilla mutta se oli liian vähän. Puku ei meinannu millään mennä ajoissa ja 
taisin vielä myöhästyäkkin itse harjoituksista. Tämä koko sessio tapahtui siis
pukuhuoneessa. Se pukuhuone oli muuten Siilinjärven ylä-asteen  liikuntasalin

Uni3: Kolmannessa episodissa ollaankin sitten taas hotellissa!  Kyseessä on
aiemmista unista tutun mallinen 'pyöreä' hotelli jossa  siis kerrosten
keskellä on kaiteellinen 'aukko' josta näkee alas.  Hieman samanlainen kuin
laivoilla 'promenadilla', mutta pyöreänmallinen. No eniwei, meitä oli joku
porukka siellä ja mulle ei meinannu ensin löytyä huonetta. Sit ne anto mulle
huoneen numero 17 ja se oli kummallinen huone. Muut oli ihan normaaleita
huoneita (otaksun) mutta mun huoneessa ei ollu  kuin sänky keskellä lattiaa,
verhot ikkunoiden edessä ja vessanpönttö  (mikähä vitun viksaatio mulla on
nähdä unia vessanpöntöistä ja siellä olemisesta?).  Nämä kaikki siis samassa
tilassa. En musita kuitenkaan nukkuneeni täällä vaan aamulla kun menin
katsomaan naaapuri huopneen asukasta joka oli nätti  tyttö, olikin
yllättävästi uni muuttunut niin että minä olin nukkunut siellä hänen kanssaan.
Kyselin miten menee kun se petasi sänkyä  (ihmettelin miksi  vitussa se petaa
hotellisänkyä, sitä varten on siivoojat). Tyttö vastaili että ihan hyvin.
Kyselin lisää et entäs miten oli menny miehen kans  (siellä huoneessa oli
kolme sänkyä, minä istuin ovea lähimmän seinän viereisellä ja oletettavasti
olin nukkunut siinä, ehkä parimetriä minusta oli yksi tyhjä sänky ja sen
vieressä heti sen tytön sänky) ja tyttö kertoi et ei kovin hyvin. Se jannu oli
sammunu siihen sänkyyn käytännössä heti tultuaan paikalle. Harmittelin tytön

Uni4: Olin Marjan, siskoni Terhin ja äitini kanssa menossa hissiin.  Sen
hissin oli tarkoitus viedä noin 300metrin päässä olevaan Scandic Simonkenttään
(olen menossa sinne taas parin viikonpäästä asustelemaan - koulutus). Tämäkään
ei hämmästytä nyt niin paljon kuin se että oltiin menossa sellaiseen hissiin
jota ei vielä siinä kadulla näkynyt ollenkaan,  mutta se piti tilata
painamalla kaivonkannesta nappia. Muistelin siinä  et eiks se ollukki 1999
rakennettu se hotelli ja sen perusteella sit  löysin oikean napin. En muista
saapuiko se hissi koskaan, luultavasti  ei koska eihän se siihen keskelle
tietä voi ilmestyä. Ei edes mun unissani.
Posted: 04 Oct 2003 11:40 [ permalink ]
For the fucks sake, I am all shivering and stressed because of the belt
graduation (today 17.00). Someone once said to me (I am not sure if someone
actually did... If not, then it is all mine!) that when you seriously do
something, luck is always a factor. By training hard, you can make the factor
of luck smaller. That is so fucking true. Well my luck factor is by rough
estimate now something like 30%. If everything goes catastrophically wrong, I
will not get the stinking belt. If everything goes normally or above it, I
will easily get it. 

Last night I saw quite a normal dream. I followed some girls (heard their
voice) through a narrow stairway and then finally through a hole or a tunnel.
Then I got stuck on the 'door' in the end of the tunnel and a another girl
helped me out. Then we went to sit on the couch with her and she had two quite
big dogs. She had round face (i don't know who she remained me of, atleast
nobody I can name now) and it turned out that she was the girl who introduces
herself in the usenet as 'prosessi'. She told me she had been lying about the
goats and the tamed crow (or whatnot) and she only had these two nice dogs.
She was terribly lonely too. I don't remember what else happened, or what else
we talked about. 

YEsterday I had to watch a bit of the new show called "Idols" and it was so
horrible. I think I am too emotional to see people treated like that. In that
show, people are trying to get a pop-music contract and the winner will become
star-artist or something like that. There are of course bad singers and people
that get REALLY nervous among the contestants. The judge listens to them and
says "Enough, that was horrible. You almost made to the worst-today
position!". Well I mean, it could be could so that bad singers would stop
dreaming about it but... I couldn't do that. I am too empathic. Fuck, now I am
almost crying and I would need to be getting into killer spirit. I need to
transform myself into a cruel killing machine. Stop purring, get your nails
out, slash and KILL! 
Posted: 03 Oct 2003 11:19 [ permalink ]
Tässä piruttarelle oikein mukava, suomenkielinen blogi. Mulla on tylsää ja
kohta lähden ostamaan trangiaa kaupasta ja sit kiinalaiseen syömään kuin
hevonen! MURRRRRNAU!
Posted: 03 Oct 2003 11:14 [ permalink ]
Oh my god. My shoulders and neck are totally screwed up and my flexibility is
close to zero. I have probably been practising too much lately. In taiji my
shoulders are as relaxed as a tigers that is jumping on its prey. In karate,
my flexibility is close to the scorpions armoured back. For fuck's sake. Well
the graduation is tomorrow so I just have to trust my luck. Just reserved a
theatre ticket from the work for me and marsu, don't recall the name anymore
but it is 14th of november. I have been reading about the 9/11 incident from
the 9/11 timeline webpage ( ), it
seems quite interesting. I am verrrrrryy tired and I believe I need some
boosting tomorrow, just to keep myself from falling asleep or collapsing from
physical exhaustion. 

Dream: Well the setting for this dream is Vuorela, a small village next to
Toivala, the place where I grew up (They are of equal size (2000 people or so)
and about 2 km from each other, on the sides of the 'mainroad'). The part i
remember stars at the Vuorela 'mainroad', which runs through the whole
village. For somereason Shumrena is in great danger and people are carrying
her to safety. She is sitting behind someone on the back of horse. I believe
there were total of three persons riding that same horse. I make an u-turn on
my car and ask them if I should take shumrena and drive her to safety, they
agree after a short discussion and suddenly I am taking shumrena to safety!
What a great hero. But for some fucking reason I am not driving my car
anymore, but we are either going by foor or by horse and we go to this small
path that leads to Toivala. That path used to be really small and went under
the railroad and the big road. It was all snowy and I asked shumrena if we
should go directly to Iisalmi because, perhaps that would be safer. Just as we
pass the railroad tunnel, the meanie attacks! It is Jani Köngäs (my upper
elementary school schoolmate) and he is dedicated to take Shumrena with her!
It could have been someone else too but I am very confident I thought he was
Jani by that time. I then attack Jani and make a leg lock on him and stab him
very hard on the chest with my elbow. Guess what? I WAS VICTORIOUS AND I SAVED
Posted: 02 Oct 2003 11:38 [ permalink ]
Yawn saatana. Taas huonosti nukutun yön jälkeen on ihanan kevyt ihmisen olla.
Olkapäähän koskee vitusti, linimentistä on silmät solmussa ja työ ei etene.
Gradu ohjaaja ilmotteli eilen et kuviin pitää olla luvat tai piirtää ite. No
kai pitää pyydellä sit ja piirrellä noi hämärämmät. Voe vitun vitu. Muuten työ
alkaa olemaan kuulemma ihan kuosissaan, pitää vaan survoo sinne viel niistä
hajautuksista ja sit yhteenveto ni se on siinä jukobliut. Ah, and yesterday I
didn't actually see so good dreams but I got few memories :) Karate yesterday
was quite nice, Pinan 1-4 katas in parts. First practice round, and then with
full killing spirit. Goddamn, i didn't even know I could be that tough. I
yelled like a huge tiger! Though now I need more relief for my weird shoulder

Dream... Well, As told I only recall parts of it and it gave me something to
think about. The dream happened once again on Asolo's Niko's house on Toivala.
Petra K was there and this made me moody. I don't know what the fuck was so
tempting in Petra but there sure was something about her. She was atleast two
or three years younger than me (which is lot when you yourself are only 17 or
so), had glasses, spoke rudely, smoked and so on. She wasn't even REALLY good
looking and had quite a big butt. But still, I kind of miss her, and would
like to see her someday again.  On the other hand, I still remember what her
friend's (she was Marja too) boobs felt under my head. It was weird, I didn't
mean to touch them but for some reason we were watching TV so that my head was
resting against her teenie boobies. I didn't even get excited or anything, 
the tit just felt so unforgettable. Like eternal tit and butt girls. For fucks
sake, why does man have this kind of memories that haunt? Why didn't I squeeze
those tits, stick my tongue in their mouths and didn't grab them by their
booty? I shall never know.
Posted: 01 Oct 2003 11:58 [ permalink ]
Eiku joo, kyl te ansaitsette mut. Ootte aika mukavia ja kivoja. 
Posted: 01 Oct 2003 11:17 [ permalink ]
"What we do in life, it goes into eternity!" Maximus, Gladiaattori.
Mahtava elokuva. Kertavitun kaikkiaan. Viime yönä näin kummallisen pedofilia
unen mutta kerrompa siitä englanniksi kohta koska kaikkia englanninkielisiä
pikku höpönassuja se kiinnostaa varmasti enemmän kuin teitä mulkeroita. Pexin
sanoin, ette ansaitse mua! Meikä rulaa.

Dream: Well, this was a bit strange as this was almost "pedophilic". I was
again in the woods and had once again built this 'pit' in the snow. The pit is
a snow house, you enter it through a hole in the roof of it. Sometimes in my
dreams, the pit is not made in the snow, but in the solid ground during
summer. Weird shit. Well, this moment was some time after the actual building
of such thing and it had partially collapset. I was running in the woods and
there was this little, young girl with me. She is one of our neighbours from
time when we were still living in Toivala, I think when she was something like
5 or so, she had a rush on me, how cute. OR! It could also have been Marsu's
friend's daughter, which is about 10 also. I can't be 100 % sure. Well anyway,
she was with me in the woods and then suddenly she grabs my hand and starts
leading us towards the 'pit'. I think what the fuck but I am all excited about
it. Then she turns and makes me to promise her that 'I will do only good to
her'. Yikes. She then leads us to the pit entrance, but it has collapsed and
we can't get in. Then she takes us behind the hill the pit was build and there
we stop. I recall that we were hiding from the eyes of some other people
there, as I think I heard sounds (never saw anyone else though). I am not sure
if I kissed/touched her there, wether she did or if we just stand there still.
But I sure was all excited about it. First dream of that nature. 

Went to karate yesterday and Perttu was leading. Had handball and sähly (i
don't know what this is in english, perhaps indoor-hockey?) for the warmups,
and then some self-defence techniques. My right shoulder is still trying to
kill me as it paralyzes from unexplainable pain sometimes. Pelvis doesn't move
too well but I am quite certain I will be able to do all the things needed in
the graduation with quite good skill. If the day is shitty, I won't get the
belt but I am optimistic. Really optimistic.

Posted: 30 Sep 2003 11:22 [ permalink ]
Do you know how fucking irritating it is to notice that after you can log in
to blog again (I am on mud vacation, can be here only mondays and between 11
and 12. I REALLY need my master's thesis. ), you have no idea what you should
blog. Of course I did have perfect idea of a perfect blog 15minutes earlier.
Perhaps I should just listen to "Dreamgate - Now we are free (original mix)"
one more time to get into a fucking killer mood. It has sound clips from
"Gladiator" the movie.  In fact it is really good movie, should watch it again
some day (got it as DVD (bought from rutaman!)).

Yesterday was boring, though we went to LIDL and made an excellent pizza
bolognese. Had same shit for dinner today + pancake. 

A movie called "Cyclomania" came from tv yesterday and we decided to watch it
instead of "Flintstones - Viva rock vegas" (Which was SO shitty). Now i just
wonder do young cyclists really talk like that? The dialoque was equal to
Dude "Do you want to eat?"
Girl "Yes"
Dude "Great, let's go"
I mean, it is ok for a while and sometimes. Bug for the entire duration of the
movie? Godddamn.
Posted: 29 Sep 2003 09:30 [ permalink ]
Oh yeah, that was the problemo. Now the smooth pimp is running again on the
Posted: 29 Sep 2003 09:14 [ permalink ]
Sitä oon kans miettiny et, ku hämähäkeillä aikoinaan tehtiin kokeita. Niille
annettiin happoa ja ne teki ihan sotkusen verkon, ni saiskoha jostain
sandozilta ylijäämä happoa ni vois ite kokeilla et miten esim virkkaus tai
gradun teko onnistus? Tää on kuulkaa pyyteetöntä halua uhrautua tieteen eteen!
Posted: 29 Sep 2003 09:12 [ permalink ]
HAAAAHAHAHAA! Now i know what is wrong! I moved one wrong file to wrong
directory (the XML parser needs a info XML file and I might have moved it to
another dir when I was moving old files away from the files that get backuped.
Cheer perkele vittu. 
Posted: 29 Sep 2003 08:30 [ permalink ]
Siis tää on taas yks niitä vitun aamuja ettei pitäs tulla töihin ollenkaan.
Perkeleen visio antaa informativiisen virheilmoituksen: An error occured while
opening XML document! ja OK nappi. Voe vittu saatana perkele.  Otappa siinä
yhteyttä sit käyttötukeen ku oon ainoo joka tota osaa käyttää ja valmistajalle
ei voi lähettää ku se XML:n sisältö on salaista :( Iha hoovee meininki.
Posted: 29 Sep 2003 08:06 [ permalink ]
Hello mr blog. We went to see "The hours" yesterday as the last play on the
Kuopio Vilimit Film festival. It was quite ok for such a play about
schitzophrenic (they always are, but these were especially) women. I gave 8/10
in the imdb for it, but was considering 9. Also ate SO much candies during the
movie that it is a medical mystery how i survived. I bought candies worth of
3.5 euros from Filmtown and ate all, all by my self. My fucking god.

I have been eating lots of B vitamins lately and it shows in the dreams...
quality shit again: For some reason or another I ended up in east germany
(they said it was the 'old germany') and we (a group of young people (i was
young too), some were obviously children, so perhaps it was a school trip or
somesuch).I was sitting on somekind of barbecue place outside with ceewu and
we had this little white bag and a stash of hashish/grass (don't recall which)
inside it on a small bag. We had just come from sauna and we were sitting
there with bunch of young local teenixors. We then had to leave somewhere and
we forgot the fucking bag there. Soon we saw a group of three police men going
in there and coming back with the bag. We saw this through a window on the
building we were doing something, probably getting ready to sauna more. I was
so scared that I will be put into jail, there in the old east germany. Phuck.
But nothing happened.

Another crazy one was somekind of running competition. I suppose all people I
know were there. It was a allterrain running competition as I recall running
in mud and shit. Well I won the competition, even as I kept doing so that I go
into these cottages and sleep for while and then run like a wild gazelle to
the next cottage. The next competition was a bit harder, we worked in groups
of two. Every group had a map that we needed to read and try to find somekind
of keys. We needed three to qualify. We found the three keys (last one was
cleverly hid under a floor tile) and went for the goal! It was not easy, the
goal was this big building and I couldn't find the place to register as winner
:(  It was all long hallways and doors (Well not like an abyss of hallways, i
don't see that kind of shit dreams). Finally, after a while I managed to find
the table i was supposed to register at (i asked some hints from other people
I saw there) and it turned out we were the first ones with 3 keys! Other team
came in and asked us if we could 'share the win' as they also had 3 keys and
they were almost at the sametime. I don't recall what I answered but I suppose
I didn't like the idea. Then after that we went for a dinner on the 'place
cafeteria'. Had to queue there.  

The sauna session on the first dream (I suppose it was it) was nice. It was a
real smoke sauna and there were soooo many nice people and beer and alcohol. 
Like a perfect sauna session.
Posted: 28 Sep 2003 11:58 [ permalink ]
Hmm... good morniing blog. Tiia and Timppa came to us for few days, nice. Had
few weird dreams last night, one involving me aiming at giant elk with hunting
rifle (through scope). It was going to be sure hit, right in the chest. Well
it didn't happen anyway... On the another one I was in somekind of war. I see
this kind of movies quite often, i mean it isn't real war but there are two
clear sides that oppose each other. I was hiding in a largish, dark,
multistore building with few of fellow guys and we had few pistols or
something as weapon. I remember being scared when we noticed a car coming to
the building and the headlights lit the indoors. We thought our hideout was
revealed (I don't remember if it was or not...). 

The war thing there is like two sides, but they are well defined. Everyone
knows that the enemies are there, about 500 meters downhill. We use real guns
but I don't think anyone ever gets shot or anything... Well, more about those
when I get a fresh new dream.

An another thing... Thematrix should learn to use paragraphs in his blogs. It
was REAL pain in the ass to read, though interesting.

Well now I think I need to prepare myself mentally for todays karate lesson
and need to perform better than on friday.
Posted: 27 Sep 2003 11:39 [ permalink ]
Today I read something truly truthful: 

"Jos ei ihminen osaa rakastaa itseään, ei hän oikeasti osaa rakastaa
muitakaan, vaan on koko ajan kärttämässä muilta rakkautta enemmän, kuin itse
osaa antaa. "

Translation by me: "If man can't love himself, he can't truly love anyone else
either. Instead, he is whining more love from the others, more than he himself
can ever give. "

The original is a quote from George Saraiste @ sfnet.keskustelu.ihmissuhteet.
Something so true, something so poetic. Something YOU should think about.
Posted: 27 Sep 2003 11:21 [ permalink ]
Ja jos mä en vittu jotain ymmärrä, ni se on semmoset ihmiset jotka deletoi
blogejaan.  Hävetkää!
Posted: 27 Sep 2003 11:20 [ permalink ]
Oh, forgot to mention this: My son has learned to read. He was born 1th July
1997 so he is now a bit over 6. Perhaps not the earliest one, but not bad
either, I am proud. I am proud indeed.
Posted: 27 Sep 2003 11:15 [ permalink ]
Hello again dear diary. Being a wizard and a daddy is bit hard job. My son is
here together with me and annoys me slightly. Not too much of course and I
shouldn't be iritated but I am a bit. Fucking GPRS isn't working and I have no
idea how to login to Where in the hell do i get my username
and password? Fuck fuck fuck!

Had a weird dream last night, well atleast one of them was. Judge yourself: I
was taking a shit in a quite a big room, there was one person there with me
and I actually think she was woman. Now that I think of it, I am not sure if I
took a shit or was just flushing something down. The toilet didn't work and
started to leak a lot. I was trying to flush atleast some papers (like copy
paper, not toilet paper) but the fucker got jammed. It even got away from its
real place and soon I was standing knee deep on toilet water. It looked clear
but ... well I wouldn't drink it. The person that was with me didn't bother
about the incident, she didn't have her feet wet. Not much more happened,
expect me worrying about the fucking toilet seat. 

I got SO irritated about yesterday's karate training (It was non-teacher-time
so Roope (my son) was there with me). Me and Jossu (my pair) were training and
if everything goes that sucky next saturday I will fail like a failing monkey.
FUCKING FUCKING FUCK!  Still pissed off about the techniques. Everything else
was good except 'combat' which went SO fucking badly that it will look like a
fluffy swan petting his companions neck with his beak when I am performing.
And for god's sake it should look like a fucking bear was woken from its warm
nice bed, in the middle of the night by a rabbit. I should do CAPCRITS and
STARCRITS. Not weeny gashes.  
Posted: 26 Sep 2003 11:46 [ permalink ]
VOi huohkis! Oh huohkis! Yesterday's karate was nice, some kicks and few a bit
stranger zukis, shuto and haito. Joopa vittu joo, unohdin viime yön loistavat
unet joten niistä ei nyt tuu matskua. Ei ollu uusia tuoksuja ilmassa, mut
sovittiin maon, dreocan ja mr D:n kans siitä et vois käydä syömässä ja
leffassa ku tulen helsinkiin ens kuussa. Jos keksii jotain tekemistä 20-24.10
(ja ehkä sille seuraavalle viikonlopulle kans) mulle helsingissä ni ois
fantsuu. 24 päivälähtien pitäs sit keksii myös lattia jossa nukkua. Ei oo
itellä varaa asuu omakustanteisesti hotellissa :(

Mut joo, sit siitä karatesta mentiinkin suihkun kautta suoraan Taijiquaniin.
Voi hevon perse sentään et mä oon pihalla niistä käsien liikkeistä ja jalkojen
asennoista. Ei tuu mitään, en opi niitä ikinä ja oon ihan paska :(

Sit kävi viel niin et näin viimeyönä ihan LOISTAVIA unia, mut pääs unohtumaan.
Sen muistan et olin ihan haltioissani viel ku heräsin siitä et wow, nyt on
niinku laatumatskuu. Oliskoha ollu seksiä, jännitystä ja jonku verran
toimintaa mukana? Varmaanki... 

Tänään on sit viel 'viimeset' vapaatreenit karatessa ennen vyökoetta. Roope
tulee huomiseen saakka mun luo joten marsu kattoo roopee harjotusten ajan,
käynevät kaupassa. Huomenna sit mennään mun kummin synttäreille syömään ja
illalla tulee viel Tiia ja Timppa kylään joten pitäs ainakin tekemistä olla.
Harmillisesti vaan sattu toi akateeminen startti just samalle viikonlopulle
joten ei pääse nyt sinnekkään, eikä etenkään niihin jatko reiveihin. Perkele.
Vaikka ne onki vasta 05-10 ni sit menis nukkumiseks koko yö ja ei ehkä kehtaa
tehdä vieraille semmosta källii et nukun koko sunnuntain. Tai, saatan tehäkki.
Mummollaki on synttärit sunnuntaina mut ne kai tulee käytyy läpi tos huomenna
siel kummin (joka on mun täti) luona. 
Posted: 25 Sep 2003 12:01 [ permalink ]
XXX tells you 'Mulle kävi tolleen pariviikkoo sit. Pyllisti mulle pikkusella
pyllyllään ja hais niin vitun hyvälle et teki miel ottaa vyötäröstä  kii ja
tunkee kulli farkun läpi sen toosaan'

Hmm... oli puhetta teinityttöjen hajusta. Joku meistä (EN PALAJASTA CUCA!) on
ihan pervo. Hyihyi.

Niin siis tää piti arkistoida koska tohon kiteytyy niin paljo, ja toi on niin
runollista kamaa!
Posted: 25 Sep 2003 11:40 [ permalink ]
Nice day, nice lesson yesterday on karate too. Pinan Jodan for public
audience. Weird that I performed so fucking badly and all the people were the
ones I know. Shrug, well I hope it goes better on the graduation! 

Had few weird dreams but I don't remember them too well. On one I was going
downhill a river on a rubberboat (or what the hell are they in english, I
don't know). The river didn't look that rough as it was but we managed it
fine. On the another part I was changing clothes on my apartment (it was mine
but not *mine* as the one I am living at). Someone came to there to sleep, but
I am not sure if it was ceewu or someone else, anyway there lived other people
too than me. I placed the one coming to sleep the night to one room that was
actually behind someone elses room (separated by 'wooden curtain'). Weird, now
that I think of it, I often dream about apartment that I share with someone,
and usually my room is 'behind' that someone elses room (I have to go through
his/hers room to get into mine). This is quite confusing... Do I internally
feel restricted somehow? 
Posted: 24 Sep 2003 11:21 [ permalink ]
Oh god, feeling a bit depressed for some reason or another.... Had a weird
dream where I suddenly noticed that I had been deranked to lvl 22. I went to
ask about it from Zin (who happened to be working for some odd reason on the
same fastfood restaurant i was eating and noticed the de-leveling) and he said
it was on purpose because i had been disagreeing on something the arches were
saying. Perhaps the new copyright policy or something. He was serious and
wasn't going to gimme my levels so I said I will delete my shit and suicide.
Had to type 'score' right away when I got to game :).  Heh. Greetings to zin,
he looked very handsome in McDonalds outfit :D
Posted: 23 Sep 2003 11:40 [ permalink ]
I just voted for my 700th movie on IMDB. Congratulations Dino, you are such a
great man!
Posted: 23 Sep 2003 11:34 [ permalink ]
Quite bore. Aika boree. Ei mitää ihmeellistä, paitsi eilen oli hyvä leffa.

Annan muuten sille leffalle suosiolla 9/10 imdb:ssä.
Posted: 22 Sep 2003 17:43 [ permalink ]
Kirjotan tähän suomenkielisen viestin johon laitan sanan selenium että se sais
ihmetellä et mitähä vittuu se Dino oikein on kirjottanu. Aika merkillistä.
Älkää paljastako vaan hymähdelkää sille jos se kysyy et mitä täs lukee.
Posted: 22 Sep 2003 16:22 [ permalink ]
Did I mention how much I have started to hate selfishness? A LOT! Also I am
not in mood for female moodswing shit. I should actually try to self-hypnotize
myself to turn myself gay.
Posted: 22 Sep 2003 11:54 [ permalink ]
Oh my god. I got so angry talking to mr matrix that I forgot to blog. Well we
had a nice weekend at Hossa with Oku. We were hiking a bit (33km), went on
thursday and came back yesterday. 

Dream 1: Apocalypse. My god. APocalypse came. It was dark night and someone
attacked some nuclear plant or something and was going to blow it up. The
surroundings were lit up with bright lamps and I was standing against some
building and looked down to the reactor dome about 500 meters from me. I saw
people getting in the dome and suddenly one of them noticed me and kneeled for
shot. He tried to shoot me but I managed to get around the corner. A "swat
team" member came and took control of that spot later though so I guess the
terrorist was killed. Later me and Marsu went into a restaurant and I decided
I will try to get my 1000 eur tax refund money in advance so we could party a
bit because the apocalypse and our certain death was anyway coming in 3
months. People were stuck on airport and they didn't have very much food left,
only old pitabreads and such. It was a 'rosso' restaurant and the serving
personnel were wearing green outfits. I paid our food with bonus-kortti. Weird
weird and veery emotional.

dream 2: I was taking part on a somekind of game which was played by throwing
little rocks at other people. The person being hit got out of the game. It was
held in a somekind of ship and there were two teams in that. I recall going up
stairs that ended on closed door before a platform (somekind of
store/something). All was painted white as usual in ships interiors. I waited
there and I managed to throw a fistful of rocks at the attacker (Which I think
for some reason was Huppu... weird) and I took him as prisoner of war and
returned to HQ (upperfrontdeck). I managed to be faster than him, even as my
shadow was showing my hide very clearly :(. 

Saw few weird dreams on the trekking trip too, mainly about people getting
into our lodge in the middle of the night (only two of us were there) but
Oku's dreams were so much better that I think I will skip and forget mine. Oku
thought Danny and Rakel Liekki came to visit us in the middle of the night.
Posted: 17 Sep 2003 11:36 [ permalink ]
Gooood morning. My first day without bat went nicely. Watched some tv, went to
karate (had VEERY STRANGE kicks yesterday. I don't remember half of it).
Generally, just smooth pimp day. Nice nice. And got few paragraphs to the
thesis too...

As allready told, I am going to Hossa (Near kuusamo) with oku tomorrow and I
have been packing my stuff. I hope we have everything

Few dreams: In first dream I was in army wityh bunch of really stupid and
annoying guys. I had lost my sleeping bag, backpack and mattress. I was
looking for them desperately around the room. Was panicking and almost ready
to kill someone. 

In the second dream I was going trekking with Paivi K. I was a bit in a rush
towards her when I was somethingh like 10. But, i guess all of the guys on our
school were :D. How cute.
Posted: 16 Sep 2003 11:20 [ permalink ]
My mudstrike has started. Nice to see "You can't log in at the moment text.".
Wrote few paragraphs to my paper and reformatted some shit (changed some code
into pictures/tables and so on). I am really tired but have been sleeping
really well. Now I am wondering if I should go eat to the school, or go to the
shop as I need to go to car-repairshop also. Front left wheel is making
strange sound, i suspect bearings :(. Had nice dreams but shitfully forgot
them before I got time to log in.
Posted: 15 Sep 2003 15:33 [ permalink ]
My god. 
I survived wizcon (hardly, but did). Now, 15 minutes ago some japanese chick
calls me to my cell phone and asks if he can speak with mr Tero Rönkkö (me) or
X X (oku) and then as she realizes she is speaking with me asks if she can
introduce his company to me, and asks what is my position in the Kuopio
University. I replied truthfully that student and then she asks for a number
to the university administrative unit or something. I replied taht I don't
know and then something and more something. Then she thanks me and hung up.
For crying out loud, she calls from japan and asks to speak with me and then
doesn't. Only thing connecting me and Oku is the website,
probably they got our contact names from some whois server, weird, I should
have removed my name from there. Well, weird. 
Posted: 13 Sep 2003 11:46 [ permalink ]
Doomsday sun is raising! wizcon T-3hours

and we are currently drinking in malar's place. what a nice chap to host us
rednecks. And he gave us beer too! Nice nice! though I think I need to control
my drinking, took one keskibisse and allready feeling lightheaded. I haven't
been drinking since may.
Posted: 12 Sep 2003 21:53 [ permalink ]
Hair is now cut. Oku has new backpack and we are ready to conquer Hossa. But
first, before the north, I need to conquer the southern finland. Tomorrow is
Helsinki's turn. BANZAI.

Ruta gave me something to think: which is better, a hairy bush or hairless
'porcelain' pussy? Shit, this is one of those eternal questions. I think we
need some more Zen.

And before all, what is interesting question and shows the true zen spirit of
rutkuman: Does anna erikson have butthair? 
Posted: 12 Sep 2003 16:37 [ permalink ]
Jännitys tiivistyy. Wizuconi lähestyy ja aistin ilmassa semmosta et mun
suoritus-, arviointi- tai juomansietokykyä voitaisiin pitää epäilyttävänä.
Ehei, ei oo tarkotuskaan olla soossissa siel. Oon vaan niin bouncebounce
HC-happy ja anxious et ei malta pysyä paikoillaan.

TRanslation: The anxiousness compresses. Wizucon is getting closer and I sense
possible suspection of my capability to drink, judge and perform,  in the air.
But no-hhhooy, I have no intention to be on the sauce there. I am just so
bouncebounce HC-iloinen and innokas that I can't stay still. Translation
provided to you by Dino's B-class translations.
Posted: 12 Sep 2003 10:08 [ permalink ]
Having a bit of neck pain after yesterday's karate lesson. Nanna was the
'sensei' and she managed it quite well. Funny speed trainings, kicks and then
plain mucle training. If you want to know where I live: <

Dream: I was waiting for train with Ruta and Elero (what the fuck is he doing
in my dream). Well anyway, ruta messed something up and he forgot some shit
home. I had my tickets but forgot also something. Elero was trying to make his
mind if he should come with us or not. This all happened in the trainstation.
Very confusing dream, nothing happened though.

Dream 2: I am sitting on stairsteps and a group of some fuckers (actually some
fuckers from my childhood) come to start a fight.  They sit around me and one
of them (I recall his name is Tuomas, but don't know the last name. Probably
'assfuck') takes a knife and tries to stab me. The rest of the dream is kind
of reruns/theorethical views of what would have happened. Did I get the knife
out of his hand or not, did I manage to jointlock him etc. No conclusion done.
Posted: 11 Sep 2003 10:25 [ permalink ]
Today my boss came back from Otaniemi where he had been on staff meeting of IT
of Geological survey of finland (where I work). He had proposed to make mine
and Ari's contracts permanent and guess fucking what? It is going to happen!
Though, for me not so easily: I am still student and it is one of the
doctrines not to hire students -> I need to complete my studies. But it
soudned like I have 95% chance of getting permanent contract from GSF,
beginning 1st of January 2005 if I complete my masters of philosophy! I need a
mud vacation now to complete my pro gradu!
Posted: 11 Sep 2003 09:01 [ permalink ]
Well. Had a bit of a 'fight' with Marsu yesterday but I hope some things got
solved out. I didn't go to kata lesson because of the Taiji. But the -ing
lesson was cancelled because someone had arranged a 'mamma jooga' (mother
yoga) for the same time, in the same place. Phuck. Now they need to probably
change the time and Marsu can't come -> Sucks, because that is part of the
reason I even went there. Well we'll see next week when it is, and is it
possible to continue. Any other day on the same time would be kind of ok. I
would be able to go to both, but if they change it earlier wednesday, it still
would overlap the kata lessons :( Got two free tickets to Vilimit (Kuopio
filmfestival) from Ari, Nice nice!
Posted: 10 Sep 2003 08:09 [ permalink ]
Nice ciccelitrance: Peran - Good time.

I can't get enough of this: Diana Fox - Where are you now. This is like modern
Blümchen. I need to find her full cd. 
Posted: 10 Sep 2003 07:53 [ permalink ]
Yes, a misty morning. 11C degrees cold/warm and I cycled to work. Woke up 6.15
again (Something is wrong in me, stress or shit is eating me alive) because I
needed to piss. Had few normal dreams last night, which is of course
improvement compared to last night. Yawn. And finally managed to find working
CDRW disk to carry the Vocal Trance stream to work. We have veeery strict
firewall here so I can't listen to Karate yesterday was
a pleasure. Nakki (Petri Toivanen, I have no idea where he got his nickname
'sausage') was our sensei and we had a bit of 'contest practice' with kicks
and sweeps. Managed to do very succesfull and beautiful ushirogeris with
'jump'. 3 out of 5 stars of toughness. Decided to skip this mornings own
training because Johanna (my pair) was drinking last night. Sigh. But wizcon
is getting closer and it reflects to the dreams, I am allready getting ready
for the hazards of Helsinki!

Dream number one: I was driving in helsinki with Ceewu. We were driving with
brand new (rented I guess) black Mercedes. Ceewu is behind the wheel (I am
really a whimp and wouldn't drive there) . We are trying to get to the wizcon
place and I am reading map. We are about to make a turn right but in last
moment I decide that we shall not go there as it is shit, I turn the wheel
from ceewu's hand and we almost hit the wall of the opposite side building but
miss it by inch. On the same time a fast going GRAY mercedes passes us (taxi)
by just inch or so. The taxi honks horns and flashes its signal lights to us
but we obviously didn't touch it and it speeds into the night. LAter we arrive
to the wrong place, we can see the place we should be behind a bay (on the
opposite side) but besides being on wrong place, we also are late. It is
3.40pm and we missed the boat. Shit shit. Well not all is lost as we still can
have fun: A big dude comes and starts a fight. He has scissors (those orange
color fiskars ones) and tries to stab me. I am very afraid that he will
succeed besides my blocks because he seems so strong. I remember getting
stabbed once on the back but I got revived and the dream stopped. Weird. 

The second dream (this was before the number one but I wrote them in wrong
order): I had written a book! It was most probably called Malla (almost like
the spirit mollo in Taiga) but I am not sure. I wasn't the only author and
only the story behind the book was mine. Unfortunately I have no idea anymoer
what it was about. I even found it from bookstore (actually someone else did
and yelled at me "here it is!" or something similar) and remember looking at
the cover and reading few pages from here and there. It was a great moment.

I couldn't see the opposite side of the Savilahti (the lake/bay in front of
Kuopio University and my workplace. And even the Tiukanlinna (Kuopiocon place)
) while I was biking, it was SO MISTY. And quite cold too. Should I buy
trangia cooker for myself or just borrow one? Own would be neat, but they cost
quite a lot too... PErhaps I just borrow one. We are going to Hossa trekking
area with Oku next week and we need a cooker just in case. There is supposed
to be quite impressive rock-art paintings in the Hossa. The trek route we are
going to go is about 30km and we go there early on thursday morning or late at
wednesday night. Will be back on sunday (or as soon as ready). 
Posted: 09 Sep 2003 12:32 [ permalink ]
Went to Chinese to eat with workmate, Ari. Now I am almost collapsing from the
amount I ate and the fatigue it caused. I should go hide somewhere and sleep.
Posted: 09 Sep 2003 07:43 [ permalink ]
Good morning. Nice crispy morning, 11C degrees warm/cold and wet. Wonder how I
could get liquid wax out of the front window as it seems to be there. Is that
what for they give piece of not very drycapable cloth on the car cleaners?
Gotta try next time and buy some solvent too.

Dream 1, on the boat again: I saw Oku playing somekind of fruitmachine. Later
on, when I was going to my cabin, I met oku on the front door. He had a bottle
of champagne with him which he waved at me and smiled. Then we got in and Oku
complained that he wasn't going to have any fun no more because he had spent
all of his money to the game. 

Dream 2: It was probably somekind of mudcon or something as I went to see info
about people from the web. I went for Illusia's webpage (irc-gallery or
someshit) and Hmm... Illusia had a picture of herself lying naked, spreading,
and having a radish or carrot or whatnot _there_. I didn't see what vegetable
it was, as I saw only the green part. Hell. I mean, what kind of pervert I am?
Sorry Illusia, I don't plan these dreams :(

Dream 3: I was walking together with my ex-wife and I believe our son was with
us too. It was somekind of market place. We talked about shit, huggled while
walking and I felt so happy. 

Sad that they were only fragments of the original dreams (there was lots more
in each one of them but I don't remember anything else). Today is again Karate
and Sauna day and tomorrow is my 'official' weighting day. I have started
measuring my weight once in a week (wednesday, after the sauna and karate day
-> I hope i will weight the lowest then (cheater) but I took it yesterday and
had lower amounts than ever. This is very promising, I might actually be
weighting around 80kg someday as planned. In the medical examination I had
both high blood pressure and high cholesterol, so the weight loss is really
needed. I guess 80kg would be quite ok for my body structure.
Posted: 08 Sep 2003 12:59 [ permalink ]
Holy cow! 
It seems that an another of my favorite persons come from germany! Not only
have Germany produced Dr Sauna, Dr Sauna's book owner - Mr Femko and finally
Diana Fox! I have been listening to vocal trance lately and one steps out from
the mass: Diana Fox. I especially like the "Where are you now". She is quite
pretty too :   Nice voice, nice vocal trance.
Posted: 08 Sep 2003 09:50 [ permalink ]
Nyt oli niin tanakkaa kamaa unet että pakko typee suomeksi:

Uni 1: Pelaan jääkiekkoa jossain sellaisessa missä ei voi luistella
(puulattia) mutta luiskelen kuitenkin kuin Wein Kretski. Siellä on jotain
helevetin matalia aitoja ja niihin semmosia pyöröoven tapasia härveleitä
joiden läpi ain pitää se kiekko saada lentämään. No kikkailen siel ja teen
parit maalit luonnollisesti. Sit se matsi on ohi ja joku muija yrittää tulla
mätkimään mua nuijalla. Onneks mulla sattuu oleen kourassa morning star ja
mätkäsen sitä kaaliin ja se lentää maalin perukoille ja menee tajuttomaks
toisesta huitasusta. Sit käsken muita paikalla olevia sipaseen siltä kurkun
auki ettei se enää häiritte meitä (tää uni sai vaikutteita eilisesti
"Punakhmeerien kuolemantehtaat" dokumentistä). Pahuus osuus siinä oli se, et
mä luulen et se tyttö oli karate Johanna :( .

Uni2: Tää on vähä sekavampi mut muistan rippeitä. Olin menossa johonki
tuote-esittelyyn tai johonki koulutukseen tai sellaseen mul on semmonen kutina
et se oli vähä samanlainen rakennus ku Oraclen rakennus siel jossain
Helsingissä.No anyway se oli semmonen lasipalatsi building ja olin jonku kans
menossa sinne. Jostain helevetin syystä mun paita kastui ja sit menin sitä
pesemään tai jotain ja heitin koko paskan pois. Sit jouduin kirmaileen siel
ilman paitaa siel kauheessa bisnestalossa ja sain helvetillisen paheksuvia
katseita ja juoksin äkkii takas hakemaan paidan. Myöhemmi siel istuskeltii sit
jollain sohvalla ja siinä oli Durandi ja Maejt. Sit vasta hokasin etteihä ne
tunne toisiaan ja esittelin ne. Majetti oli vähän niinku et 'no vittu kaikha
ny durandin tuntee' ja mua harmitti ku mä en tuntenu. 

Ja takaisin mielisairaalaan! Muuten hyvä päivä.
Posted: 07 Sep 2003 17:28 [ permalink ]
Goddamn. I went to Karate (Yellow-Black basic techniques) lesson 14.00. It was
nice but I thought I stay for one extra lesson and asked if I can join the
white-belts for another torment. It seems now that it was a mistake. My back
is telling me that it is going to suicide, but I don't worry about it too much
as I might black out first from the tension on the neck and shoulders. It is
so nice to have hobbies.
Posted: 07 Sep 2003 09:15 [ permalink ]
Good morning. Feeling like shit, I have withdrawal symptoms from two
cigarrettes. Shit.
Posted: 06 Sep 2003 18:00 [ permalink ]
What a nice nap! I got few dreams from last night, I made a great effort of
forgetting the dreams I saw 5 minutes ago. We all (five of us) who are going
to go to belt graduation next month "passed" the final testing and probably if
we perform equally, will pass the graduation. 

Dream one: Weirdo weirdo. I am getting out of Karate lesson and I need
something from my home. For my surprise I don't go straight to home but start
going around the Puijo hill (there is a surprise road going around it). It is
late night in the autumn. I see the red HP-Na lights reflecting from the wet
road surface. It is very pretty and quiet. I go around the hill and am almost
back where I left as suddenly I need to go there again. I go to a diagonal
shortcut path and there are some people there. The path levels up a bit and
the people are staying there and I see my school mate from the upperlevel
elementary school messing around a bit further on the path. He seems to be
drunk and yells shit at me and people. I talk briefly with the people and
continue. I end up wrestling the guy and I toss him down and jointlock his
arm. Then I ask if his had enough, push away and run like a gazelle back to
the dojo doors.

Dream 2: I was cycling in Kuopio, it is again autumn and it is raining a bit.
I walk my bike and pass a group of girls containing few that are dressed up in
pink bunny suits. They are making awfully lot of noise and I suppose they are
having their "bridal shower party" and drunk. They laugh a lot and as I pass
them, another of the bunny suited girls bumps me. She is walking with a boy
she is holding steadily from the left arm. As we pass, she turns and asks me
"Should I keep him?" and I reply "Definitely". LAter I walk my bike into a
bar. I bump into another school mate. This time a bit closer one, mr.
Antikainen, a real class mate yeaaars ago.  He starts argument with me as he
is drunk and we end up pushing each other a bit. I remember feeling a bit
scared about the situation, I kind of knew that there was going to be fight.
Well I go pass him and try to get out of the bar from the back door with my
bike (which I am still walking). The going into the bar was somekind of
shortcut somewhere, but now it turned out it is impossible to get out from the
backdoor as someone is lying on his stomach on the vestibule (or what the fuck
it is, i don't know, I am not an english teacher), partially inside the bar,
partially in the vestibule. He is vomiting like sick bulimic. I go 'EWW' and
turn back. I also remember seeing a girl who was also disgusted about the
puking and she turned back too. The bar was multi-level so it was a bit hard
to walk the bike in there. In fact it was a bit like 'O'connels' in Kuopio. 

I mean, what kind of psycho you are, seeing that kind of shit?
Posted: 05 Sep 2003 07:10 [ permalink ]
Oh how wonderful!
I have had the pleasure to see the classic dreams again! Though not all is
well. In yesterday's Karate lesson I failed so hard on every technique that
there is absolutely no I am getting the belt if I perform as well in the real
situation. A new girl arrived, though she had allready green belt but from a
different style so she was together with us newbies. She had oddly appealing
and familiar looking face. My gf's friends, Simo and Annukka, came for visit
yesterday and stayed over night. We watched 'About Schmidt' and it was quite
nice movie. It earned 9/10 points in IMDB from me. I have now rated about 600
movies I have most certainly seen.

Classic#1: I was on a boattrip. The boat was the kind of big ones that go
between Sweden and Finland. I remembered that the Mars can probably be seen (I
haven't yet seen it in reality so I guess I need to try to see it in my
dreams) and I and Marsu went through biiiig, wide glass doors. The glass was
smoke color and it lead outside to the outer deck. I went to against the
railing and tried to peer to the night sky. The boat was going in archipelago
or something as we could see the shore and some city lights. I couldn't see
the Mars and suddenly the boat started to tilt. It went sideways and got stuck
on top of ice coating over the sea (or whatever it was where it was going). I
jumped to the ice and wondered the situation for while. I had so seen this
before and knew how to handle such things. Mic (my rl friend) came and asked
what had happened and I explained that the boat 'fell' on its side and is now
stuck on the icecoating. I went on top of (The boat suddenly shrank because it
was so small from the outside) the captain's window and went to dig through
the snow (it wasn't cold by the way, i recall wearing T-shirt) to see what was
happening. I got embarashed and did not actually look what was in the 'control
room'. We were talking about something and soon the boat got itself free and
wasn't sideways anymore. Actually I think it was sideways only when I jumped
down to the ice. I didn't see the mars, but I saw excellent moonbridge.

Part of dream 2: I was somekind of soldier on a important landing date during
WW2 in the Pacific ocean (mind you this is not normal for me, I have muchos
knowledge about the european theatre of war but not from the Pacific between
Japs and Yanks. We were looking through the attack plans and it didn't look
great. We had to land on the end of an loooong curvy island (because the
surrounding waters were filled with jap patrol boats or some such) and we
needed to advance through it. I imagined the island would have been less than
hundred meters wide but veery long. Something like two kilometers atleast.  
Well, the leader said that 'We are going to need to fight for every goddamn
meter'. I remember wondering how in the hell are we going to survive if they
start throwing hand-grenades. After those thoughts I saw very elaborate
slowmotion flypaths of shrapnels between running men. Almost like looking
action parts from Saving Private Ryan, but in slowmotion. And of course, as
usual a horrible urge to pee woke me up and I don't remember if there was more
or not. 

I am so tired, I woke up 6am and went to bed ~00. 6 hours is too little for
me. Well tonight we are going to have a meeting with Ceewu (Oku will come too
as a mortal spy) about our big area, The Valley of the Kings. I hope we will
finally settle the last loose lines of the script and we can just code till it
is ready without wondering what the hell are we doing. It is going to be hard
and I am allready afraid no mortal will ever get deep enough to see the end.
Guess I have to give them tons of TPs for doing so :( Bribery :(   Before the
meeting though, I have to go to see a doctor (the preliminary check for the
work) and then finally 1830 starts the belt graduation excercise. They are
going to check if we are worth even trying the graduation belts or not. WE go
there 1730 so we can warm up a bit and get some flexibility. I really want
that belt but am a bit stressed about it, guess it is normal though. Right
after that, 8pm (2000) is our (mine and marsu's) Sauna-time, but as Marsu is
in Scout-competition (or something like that) the whole weekend, we will have
the meeting. I hope I don't pass out before it, because I am SOOOO tired. Had
a healthy breakfast: Salted peanuts. 
Posted: 04 Sep 2003 08:23 [ permalink ]
Oh yes, my first Taijiquan lesson was yesterday! It was quite nice and
rewarding. It is a lots more difficult than it looks in fact. I had tremendous
trouble doing the 'combing of the wildhorse' and it should have been easy.
Well my belt graduation is getting closer and closer and I would need to go
occasionally to the Kata lessons too. Taiji and those are unfortunately on the
same time and I think I need to go to them each other week or something. 

Some Marja's friends are coming over night for us today and tomorrow Marja
goes with them to Lappeenranta. There are somekind of local area competition
for scouts going on and she goes there to help. I have a nice quiet weekend
for myself!

Well in fact me and Ceewu are having a meeting about the Valley of the kings
area. I hope everything will be clear after the meeting, and we could FINALLY
get the shit done and into game. It has been done for over a year.
Posted: 04 Sep 2003 08:01 [ permalink ]
Had a normal dream this time. A bit hectic, but normal:
We were moving from our apartment to another. For some reason it felt like me
and Marsu had a child as there were toys all over and Roope was there with us.
I don't remember who were there but atleast Marsu and I yelled at her a lot
because she had had time to pack things up and it was already the last day for
us. Nothing was packed and atleast the computer room was still untouched. I
recall panicking and being stressed about the fact that I only had a weak
woman, her friend and my 6y/o son to help me to move the stuff. And there were
so much to do. 

I am stressed in real life too. I need to complete my studies and I think I
will need a vacation from batmud. For some goddamn unknown reason something
has happened to orgoh. I need to talk to some archwizard about it. STRESS
Posted: 03 Sep 2003 17:45 [ permalink ]
Fucking annoying thing. My right hand has had pain in the shoulder for few
months now. It hurts like hell when holding the hand a bit up from straight,
directly to the right of me. Also have sore spots on the back of my neck and
now I also have 'shadow pain' on the wrist of left hand. Either I am getting
sick, am having a hellish case of acid (shadow pain) or I am dying. Fucking
fucking great. Taiji course starts today at 1930. Unluckily it is on the same
time with karate Kata lessons and I am not sure If I am able to go to taiji
now as the belt graduation is getting closer and closer. I'd need practice. 

Today hasn't really been my day. BEsides the whine above, I have had headache,
dizziness and anxiousness today. Feeling pretty shitty.

Posted: 03 Sep 2003 07:23 [ permalink ]
One classic more. 
Last night in my dream I was on the plane (it was somekind of support plane, I
think it was 'second world war' and we were flying support for spies or
something). I never saw the pilot but the ride was awesome. The plane almost
swept the ground as we flew over mountainside and dived into a road in the
middle of forest. The forest was cleared around the road and the pilot was
steering skillfullly and we didn't crash, even as I thought so. For somereason
the plane landed next to my Ex-wife's paren't house. <Film goes black>.
Suddenly the plane had changed into a van and we were leaving the place. I
notice 2 of our tires flat and I am SO pissed because they are almost brand
new. I think I am with my sister and she starts to cry and whine ("Oh that too
whine whine whine, flat tire, whine cry") and I hear a woman voice saying 'You
need to grow a bit, it is not such a big thing' etc. to her.  I then dig my
dad's (RIP) old selfmade-compressor-air-filler-station and try to fill the
tyres. It is no use. Another has a bolt and a square shaped what-is-it-on-the-o
ther-side-of-the-bolt-thing in it. It looks almost like it was screwed into
it. The dream ends. 

My ex-wife and her new man are getting a baby any day now... I wish my dream
was somekind of omen (but still hope they don't need urgent help there from
anyone)! Why do I care about it? The baby will be brother/sister of my son.

I am SO tired. Yesterday's karate lesson was "Nervepoints part 3" so there
were few things continued from the last lessons and few new. My hands are
again hurting and I fell dizzy yesterday for almost nothing. Weird thing what
you can do with those spots :). Oh yeah, had a nice talk yesterday with Femko,
my favorite german.  
Posted: 02 Sep 2003 10:21 [ permalink ]
What a nice morning training session! Went to dojo with Johanna. Did Geri,
Renraku Waza, Ippon kumite, Ohyo kumite, Katas and practical techniques for
the belt graduation. I am getting more and more confident that I will be able
to pass it. Kuopio Karate seura practices in a big bomb shelter in
Puijonlaakso, only about 1km from where I live. One of our senseis practice
during the mornings so it is possible to go and practice too. It would be nice
to get a key there, but perhaps I won't ask for it just yet. Yame.
Posted: 02 Sep 2003 06:45 [ permalink ]
Ah yeah, the test setting...
Just this morning (Why? I don't know...) I recalled people and researchers
saying that childhood/experiences whatnot can't turn you into being gay, and
you actually are just born gay. But is this really true? Has this been proven
with double-blind twin tests that have been living in different environments
but both are still gay? I would like to know becauese I am behaviorist and
believe most of the human 'problems' can be explained by common sense (mainly
childhood experiences). 

Which reminds me: Janov, A. : Primal Scream   made a tremendous impact on me.
Read it. It is a book about how neuroses and whatshitnot is caused by
childhood experiences that are too 'bad' to remember consciously. I am not
100% supporter of that theory but, well... 87.2%
Posted: 02 Sep 2003 06:39 [ permalink ]
The dreams are back!
Oh yeah. Got few nice classics today. Though I also had SO fucking bad rest
that I am now chronically tired. We were in pizza rax (pizza bufffet)
yesterday and I drank two cokes + cocoa -> Caffeine and no sleep. Well I also
came up with brilliant test setting for socialpsychology. Will also tell about
it. But first, THE dreams. Remember, they are real classics. 

#1: I live in a biig house. Big stone house. It has perhaps 20 stories (hmm...
got uncertain about the word... well.. 20 levels :D ) and the stories are of
various shape. I mean, some of them have 'balconies' that point to the inner
court and some don't. Some levels have cafeterias etc in them. It is really a
big house. The houses are supposedly smallish apartments as there are so many
of them in each floor. I suppose the house could be something like hundred to
hundred and fifty meters wide and quadratic shape. There are MASSIVE stone
stairs with dark red carpet between each level. There are also two elevators,
and the right one is always broken (CLASSIC). I end up driving the right
elevator late at night and go in. For some goddamn reason the elevator works
so that half of the floor (the half further from the door) is not showing when
you start using the elevator. The floor is supposed to 'come' under the
another part when you press the button. I press my button (if I remember
correctly, I usually press number 6) and the lift goes. But what the hell! The
floor doesn't come and the fucking machine continues up. It goes to the top
floor and goes up so close to the roof that I have to lay down between the
elevator floor and the roof of the 20th floor. So I couldn't really use that
elevator. Dangerous machine, tried to squeeze me and also had no floor. 

#2 The second part of the dream is in the same building, I am using the
second, working elevator. It has only two buttons -> two levels to go to.
Though you could order that elevator to any floor you liked so it was nice if
you happened to live in any of those two stores. Well it happened that the
levels you could go to, were six and five. I believe I usually live in floor
five for somereason as I usually choose level 6 and go down one level by foot
( i recall going down, but not sure about this ). I go in to the elevator with
a older (mature/older) nice looking (italian?) woman and she chooses the level
six.  Meanwhile we talk about how the other elevator is broken and I should
call the repairman but the woman says it is allready been taken care by the
janitor or somebody 'who knows these things'. The elevators are of the 'old
type' that you can see where you are going through the mesh ceilings. I rescue
womans hand from getting squeezed between something as the protective 'net' is
not put on. I put the net on and the ride continues happily to the sixth

#3 I just talk with my friend (karate friend Johanna) in the lobby about how
gun accidents have gone muuuch more common in our neighbourhood (not in
a man going in front of very suspicious looking woman. The setting is the
lobby of the house which is HUGE long corridor with brown bench to sit on. It
looks a bit like some government building in old black and white US film.
There are doors and corridors leaving. Just before the couple leaves the door
and passes the bench where Johanna is sitting (I am standing a bit further)
close to the door leading out, the woman releases its victim and I raise my
hands up in the air. The woman is holding semiautomatic handgun. The woman
looks puzzled and a moment later she acts. She shoots at Johanna and right
after that I start running. I run like a gazelle and jump over some chairs on
somekind of waiting lobby (like railstation or shit) and continue running
through few doors and past many people. I go into one corridor and turn right
to another corridor. All this time the woman has been shooting at me and
trying to get me. I go into a saferoom or a place and the dream ends. 
Posted: 01 Sep 2003 10:50 [ permalink ]
It is autumn my brothers!
+6 degrees when I left home and raining. Trees are refusing to understand this
evident incindence and they are still green. 

Had a strange dream where I was assigned/assigning somekind of numbers to
everyone. It seemed very important that I had only 5 numbers in my number.
That is about all I remember though. 

Oh yeah forgot: Calendar is getting readyish. Still need the alarming system
and some other shit.
Posted: 31 Aug 2003 09:43 [ permalink ]
I am back online: The last (and only) dream I remember, I was in somekind of
arcade with few people (atleast probably my school mate's wife I saw last
night in Puijonsarvi (A disco or such). She was pretty drunk and friendly. )
and there were three different sizes of pool tables. All the balls were mixed
up and obviously we were making somekind of movie or somehing (again a clip
from past: I watched a "Kaunis Mies" tv serie last night and they were making
movies there too.) because we were in such a hurry. I was desperately trying
to sort the balls for each table. The balls in the smallest table were about
the size of grapes and the biggest ones were normal size. There was somekind
of HUGE tiger attackking people and I was the only person able to help them. I
needed to sort the fucking balls now, or all our native guards would be eaten
alive! Some of the balls were in big plastic basket and there were tons of
small tin weapons (tin weapons for tin soldiers). PRetty weird. 

Also have some clips from another movie where I was doing laundry. I was
living in a big 'old helsinki' style rock house, and I was doing laundry in
the basement. Met some people on the stairs and at the laundry room but it
wasn't really eventful dream. 

Sorry about the crappy english. I was writing it in half coma after nice warm

Posted: 30 Aug 2003 14:04 [ permalink ]
It was an EXCELLENT nap, except Marsu calling in the middle of it and waking
me up. Of course he managed to piss me off with her comments. GODDAMN
Posted: 30 Aug 2003 10:27 [ permalink ]
Desperate moments need desperate measures.
I can't fucking see any good dreams anymore. WHY OH WHY? Over and out. 

Oh oh oh! So good so good! "Vocal Trance" stream...
ripping the shit out of it with streamripper, got 950mb allready ripped. Few
pearls: Dee Age - Snowflakes and  Diana fox - Where are you now. Holy shit
trance is so good.
Posted: 29 Aug 2003 08:07 [ permalink ]
Dear diary,
last night (in my dream) I was in doctor. The doctor(ess) and me were filling
a questionaire about me and then she took some tests on me and asked if the
space under 'Drugs' was going to be enough, or should we continue on the
additional page. Hell yeah, why do I feel so much guilt about shit that is
quite normal. Perhaps I am not that bad person at all. Deep inside me is a
nice fluffy wizard. Gimme a hug! 

And oh shit... I was so eager to see Zinko's party to get my monster, but I
had to go asleep. Well they managed to find ALL of my monsters but something
went badly wrong here:
  TAIGAQUEST->party_done_part(TP, 3);
That shit didn't trigger -> I might need to do it by hand today. Shit shit
shit... And I even got no complains about it. Perhaps I could frame it to be
someone else's fault... like ... Femko's. Femko coded it! 
Posted: 27 Aug 2003 23:31 [ permalink ]
No entrance to the place : 200m queue, +10degrees and light showers -> We did
not see too many chicks this year :(
Posted: 27 Aug 2003 19:08 [ permalink ]
Ornitology day!
Goddamn, I am getting sick. Yesterday I was happy that everyone else is
getting sick except me as I am usually the one sick when nobody else is. Well
got the same symptoms today as others (Marsu, Johanna (My karate training
pair), Oku and Ceewu). Though not very bad but anyway clearly flu'ish
symptoms: Feeling cold, sore and aching of muscles. We went to a little
training for the forecoming belt graduation with Johanna. Both felt a bit bad
so we practised only about an hour or so. Now making pizza for Marsu and me
and preparing for the Ornitologist's favourite day! Today is the day when the
new university students (Fuksi in finnish) wander around the city drunk and
stupid. This is probably the only day we are going to see the birds of for
example medical sciences going around drunk and stupidly. This is because they
haven't yet started studying as they only arrived to school yesterday.  So I
am hoping I will go there to see how this year's crop looks like. I am sure it
looks just as sweet as before. 

Ceewu (?) was so right again, he told me once that it is just good thing that
men get older - there is more beautiful women every year as you learn still
like the ones that are your age, and there is neverending supply of newcomers
turning out sexy, hot and hornifying! I believe Ceewu heard that from someone
even older and wiser.

Goddamn! There was hot and HOT smelling teenager getting out from our building
same time as I was. I was taking carbage out so I could enjoy 'a view' as she
was bending and unlocking her bicycle. She smelled great. GREAT. Did I
allready mention I am a smell guy? Well, I am.
Posted: 27 Aug 2003 09:01 [ permalink ]
Gooood morning batmud!
WAkey wakey! No hurting in any muscles after yesterday. Guess I learned how to
do that "HC Brown-belt Dude"'s lessons so relaxed that It won't kill me. Last
time we had his lesson I marked 6 out of 5 points to the hardness of the
exercise, yesterday was just 5 (as it is maximum) (If you are wondering where
I marked it: I have a training diary). Forgot my non-caffeine
blackcurrant-ginseng tea home and now I am drinking plain good
ginseng-greentea but I am affraid of getting too much  caffeine from it. Marsu
got her paycheck today so I have a little money too now (she paid 50E for the
gas from last month). Perhaps it is time for chinese!
Posted: 26 Aug 2003 18:57 [ permalink ]
A bit hard karate lesson.
Fucking hour and half of continuous panting. First running, then
kick-block-sweeps for the rest of the time. NIZE!
Posted: 26 Aug 2003 08:44 [ permalink ]
Yes yes! Great day again!
Went to the doctor for the first thing in the morning. I have forgotten to go
to 'introductory healthscreen' when I got to my job 3 years ago. Now I did it.
A bit late but not too much :) Today they just took the blood samples and I
need to go there for the results next week. They also gave me a goddamn
checklist to fill before the actual meeting. I am now wondering if I should
report all the shit I have done in my life or should I just claim that I am
innocent little huggly bear that I am? Or should I confess that I used to like
doing drugs? This is a hard dilemma indeed... Kids, remember that drugs are
baaaaad, mmmkay? I can't remember any dreams from last night but Femko has a
nice blog (which reminds me that I should write more in my time-line project).
Also feeling stressed about the karate belt graduation coming in the beginning
of october. I am not fully satisfied with my kicks and there is SO little
time!! Shit.
Posted: 25 Aug 2003 08:50 [ permalink ]
Oh my...

Last night in my dream I was on a skiing trip. I was going up on anchor lift
and this fucker comes and tries to steal my anchor under me (i was
snowboarding so i was sideways on it). I then take two screwdrivers from my
pocket and hint the guy that these motherfuckers will hurt if stabbed in
armpit. What does this kamikaze do? He takes few screwdrivers of his own and
starts to attack me! What a big mistake to attack such a ninja as me. I
quickly disarm the guy but he keeps on getting more screwdrivers until he
picks a small gun and shoots me. I ignore the minor pain and attack the dude
and overcome him easily. I then call the security (cops, whatnot) to take care
the punk. 
Posted: 24 Aug 2003 14:55 [ permalink ]
Tiktak soi ja paskahaisee. 
Unessain oli paljo viinaa. Monenlaista herkkuputelia, konjamiiniä, viskiittiä,
vodkimusta... herkkuva kaikenlaista. Alkaa tää alkoholilakko (since toukokuun
loppu) näköjään puskemaan läpi. En saanu unta enää sen jälkee ku panetti ja
janotti nii paljo. Aika merkillinen tunne.
Posted: 23 Aug 2003 23:03 [ permalink ]
Oh my fucking god.
I saw something absolutely disgusting today in mcdonalds. I was having a nice
bronze (upgraded with student card to silver) Bigmac dinner and then there
were these two girls I was watching a little. A guy joins them a bit later.
The guy was about 180cm tall and weigh approximately 95kg. The fucker had
chosen to buy 'low-raise jeans' and his crack was showing when he sat in the
next table. It obviously wasn't disgusting enough to see them worn by fat
chicks, but I had to see that guys butt. WHERE IS THE GODDAMN DIGNITY?
Posted: 23 Aug 2003 11:04 [ permalink ]
Sen viel haluisin lisätä että...
Nyt tekis mieli tunkea kullia lämpimän kosteaan tuheroon. Ihan vaan tiedoksi.
Posted: 23 Aug 2003 10:55 [ permalink ]
Dear diary,
I don't remember any dreams but the fact that my son (who is visiting me this
weekend) had probably bad dreams and told us that he is feeling sick and lured
himself into our bed. Actually we made a bed for him beside our bed on the
floor but still he managed to wake us up 4am till 5.30 am or something. A BIT
TIRED. Obie is coming here about 2pm and we go shooting to my workplace then
Posted: 22 Aug 2003 15:53 [ permalink ]
Onneksi kuitenkin karkauspäivä tulee ajallaan, vaikka kevätpäiväntasausta
olikin kavalasti siirretty kuukaudella. Kirottua!
Posted: 22 Aug 2003 13:13 [ permalink ]
Ei niin vittu mitään uutta länsirintamalta. Naiset on hankalia ellei lähes
mahdottomia pitää tyytyväisenä. Lopun alkujumppa on aloitettu.
Posted: 21 Aug 2003 12:29 [ permalink ]
Voihan vittu.
Huomasimpa tässä että kevätpäiväntasaus onkin MAALISKUUSSA eikä huhtikuussa
niinkuin luulin. Voi vitujen vittu. Nyt meni kylvöt sekaisin.
Posted: 21 Aug 2003 11:21 [ permalink ]
Rakas päiväkirjani!
Nyt on tilanne sellainen että ei enää pysty tarinoimaan tuolla toisella
kotimaisella eli englannilla. Koko aamupäivän on ollut telnetti poikki täältä
töistä joten en ole aiemmin päässyt raportoimaan jännittävää untani jossa oli
mukana myös (ällöttävää) seksiä.

Uneni: Olin jossakin hevonperseen mökillä, siellä oli ollut jotku mudiconit
tms. koska porukkaa oli aikalailla ja siistittiin jo paikkoja, oli siis
tarkoitus poistua seuraavana päivänä. Menimme nukkumaan, sellaiseen isoon
hirsitaloon ja sen huoneeseen jossa oli sitten kerrossänkyjä. Siellä oli joku
kammottavasti 80 lukulaisen näköinen rillipäinen opettajatar (opettajan
näköinen) jota panetti aikalailla. Olin säätämässä jotain helevetin
injektioneuloja (semmonen turboruutta härveli) jonkun kaverin kans ja se ope
sit kysyi siltä kaverilta et lähtiskö se näyttään sille injektointikykyä tonne
vessaan ja ne sit meniki. No se kaveri tuli sieltä äkkii sit pois ku se ope
oli yrittäny vissii saada sitä panemaan oikein kunnolla. No ei se suostunut.
Sit ruettiin nukkumaan mut se ope ei saanu kyllikseen ja pakotti sen kaverin
(ne nukku lattialla ja me muut yläsängyissä... weird shit) rämppäämään sen
pimpettiä siinä kaikkien keskellä. Tosin kaikki muut nukku paitsi minä, ope ja
sit se kaveri siel lattialla joka joutu rämpyttään sen hyperkarvasta toosaa.
Ihan järkkykamaa, neliskulmaset rillit ja ruutukuvioitu hame, villakangas
takki ja semmonen "oolrait-bois" tyyppinen 80-luvun kampaus. Sukkahousut sillä
oli ja kauheet mummokalsarit ku salaa tiirailin niiden touhuja. Perverssiä
mutta tämä kaikki sai minut niin kiihkoihin että heräsin 0600 tänä aamuna.
Saatana sentään, jos ei unet parane ni hankin lobotomian.

Nyt syömäään okun kans
Posted: 20 Aug 2003 10:52 [ permalink ]
Dangers of hydrogenated fats: - "Hydrogenation was originally
developed to produce low-cost soap. It's the process of modifying fat
artificially converting liquid fats into solids as in margarine, lard,
non-dairy cream, bakery products, and nut butters." Tells about the dangers of
hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats. Hydrogenation can produce
unwanted compounds from the fats as the hydorogenation process is not entirely
controlled: Hydrogenation ruins the nutritional value of vegetable oils! Why
would anyone want to ruin the nutrition value of vegetable oils? The purpose
of hydrogenation is to solidify an oil so that it can be made to resemble real
foods such as butter. The hydrogenation process imparts desirable features
such as spreadability, texture, "mouth feel," and increased shelf life to
naturally liquid vegetable oils. In the hydrogenation process, vegetable oil
is reacted under pressure with hydrogen gas at 250 - 400oF for several hours
in the presence of a catalyst such as nickel or platinum. However, this
industrial process cannot control where the hydrogen atoms are added to the
"unsaturated" double bonds. Randomly adding hydrogen atoms to polyunsaturated
fats converts natural food components into many compounds, some of which have
never seen before by man until partially hydrogenated fats were manufactured. - The international Network of Cholesterol
Sceptics. Link collection to writings. 

Overview: The sites above claim that trans-hydrogenated and hydrogenated fasts
are NOT good for you. Although general scientific public nowadays considers
animals fats more dangerous to the health than vegetable fats. Is this still
true for TH/H fats? I don't know. Find out.
Posted: 20 Aug 2003 07:15 [ permalink ]
Well well! Last night, in my dream: I parked a caravan that I had in back of
my car to the snowwall, went into somekind of bar, paid 4.50eur for entrance
(non-alcoholic beer included) and had to wear ridiculous hat that said
something about "Casino-arpa" (lottery ticket) and was horribly colorful. I
was there with my mom, dad and of course marsu. Mom and dad were lost the
instant they went in so actually there I sat, drinking old non-alc beer (best
before 06/2003) with ridiculous hat. GReat. I am back on the psychosis track!
Posted: 19 Aug 2003 16:15 [ permalink ]
Goddamn tired!
I got no stamina. Well gotta go for karate lesson. Hopefully it will kick the
shit out of me.
Posted: 19 Aug 2003 07:32 [ permalink ]
Good morning diary,
Saw few nice dreams and my hand is still not functioning correctly. Shoulder
hurts for it being in wrong position while I sleep. I need to take some
countermeasures soon. The dreams:

Dream #1: Driving on a bus where one had to stand from Kuopio to Toivala
(place where I was living my childhood). There was a change in the middle and
it was somekind of platform, similar to the ones common in trainstations. One
dude jumped from the backdoor in the full speed, driver helped him to jump. On
the change/stop I crossed the street and almost got run by a van. Ran after
few people for no obvious reasons. This dream was mostly about running,
standing, being in lonely roads or bridges. The motorway to Toivala is running
across the lakes so it is practically just bridge. Very normal dream. Nothing

Dream #dos: Had to be somekind of practice / splatgun war without the
splatguns. There were tons of all kinds of fortifications in woods, trenches,
hut and what not. I remember running from someone with someone other and that
someone was almost catching us. We split up and I kept on running like a deer.

Very normal dreams. I need more psychotic dreams! How in the hell is one
supposed to invent new mortal torturing devices with cuddly and nice dreams
like that?

Otherwise life is normal. I started to ignore Thematrix because he didn't
believe I ment it when I say "no belling". Bit sad that femko didn't do my
levelquest, but it would have been impossible for him to do with that much exp
on and not dying.  Now I am getting ready to give a ride to Oku for him to get
his car repaired and then to work. I hope that I will get more done than
yesterday (which is not much, as I didn't do anything there yesterday).
Posted: 18 Aug 2003 14:51 [ permalink ]
If this goddamn stress syndrome doesn't go away I will stop using drugs and
Posted: 18 Aug 2003 12:07 [ permalink ]
For historical reasons, I will include here the first two blog entries of
 Wed Aug 06 17:32:22 2003 [#1]                                    
   o   boiaoisdjoadijfadsoijfdsoij                                
 Wed Aug 06 17:32:18 2003 [#0]                                    
   o   fiadsoijaofdsijfadsoijadfsoij                              
Posted: 18 Aug 2003 11:54 [ permalink ]
The thousandth blog is coming! This should be entry number 999.
Posted: 18 Aug 2003 11:03 [ permalink ]
Aspartame could kill? - Lists symptoms caused by common
'light' sugar aspartame. Among others, these include seizures and tumors in
lab animals. Methanol is gradually released in the small intestine when the
methyl group of aspartame encounter the enzyme chymotrypsin.  That means that
aspartame degrades partially into methanol (wood alcohol) inside the body. 

Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the body.
Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. An EPA assessment of methanol states that
methanol "is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion
once it is absorbed.
Posted: 18 Aug 2003 08:48 [ permalink ]
Good morning diary. 
I woke up this morning 7am puncto! Well it is working week again and gotta
recover from the weekend. Still feeling a bit irritated for no apparent
reason. I recalled few nice dreams this morning but now they are only a vague
memory. We haven't yet passed the magic limit of 1000th blog but today it will
come. I hope it is me!
Posted: 17 Aug 2003 19:27 [ permalink ]
Goddamn advertisers!
Everyone knows what "Werther's originals" candies are, they are promoting them
in TV and everything. And in case someone doesn't I'll tell: They are hard
(swiss?) candies that taste like toffee. Quite good indeed. Now they are
advertising a NEW werther's original which is soft toffee. Now, my question
Posted: 17 Aug 2003 13:24 [ permalink ]
Dear diary,
I had to start ignoring mr matrix today because he violated the 'No belling'
rule. Each whine I get from him will add a day for my ignore so it is allready
going to be a loooong ignore. 
Well enough of that shit, Marsu is still in her friends wedding in Kesälahti
(~300 km from Kuopio to southwest) and she called me about 1pm and told that
she is still feeling so much drunk that she won't be able to drive yet. Well
it sounds like a succesful wedding to me! :P
We watched a load of movies yesterday: Jackass the movie, Monty Python and the
holy grail, Kummeli kultakuume and Dr Strangelove. In addition to that we also
watched to episodes of Band of brothers and some other shit from tv. Quite a
night. Oku, Rutaliator, Asolo and Miika (Stmichael) were here, I had plans to
make food (tuna-bluecheese-pasta, lasagne or pizza) but we failed. Ruta spend
the nite on my couch and we made a delicious dinner (mexican stew with minced
meat (dried, premade)) and it was goody goody.  Now my tummy hurts.
Posted: 17 Aug 2003 09:20 [ permalink ]
Good morning diary!
It is most weirdest to notice again that tobacco withdrawal for me causes
sharpened sense of smell. And I don't mean after smoking  that has lasted
long, like years or anything, but just one night worth of smoking. Few
cigarrettes -> stop and the next morning you smell all kind of tiny, almost
unnoticeable weird smells. Like I today smelled the scent of my old incence
cones on the shelf.
Posted: 16 Aug 2003 07:03 [ permalink ]
Good morning batmud! I just woke up and I do remember something about the
weird world of mr Dino's dreams!

First one: For some reason I had to change an eq (in the mud) from ring into
an apron, this had something to do with the hamburger prices in the hesburger
restaurants. Veeery weird but it was all logical. Chicken burger had risen
form flat 3E to 3.90 and didn't include dressings. "It is corporate policy"

Dream 2: I was in a house. It was a big wooden house and there was someone
with me. He was desperate because he couldn't find "a data disk" (like in
quake 2) so we could continue. I found it immedetially from a drawer next to
the door and told him "that he really didn't seem so experienced in
'exploring'". Then later I explored the house by making sure that I stepped in
each corner and each square meter of each rooms. The house was big and
presumed empty. Even as we thought it was empty, there were people lying under
the blankets on the beds. very weird.

Dream 3: For some reason it turned out that ceewu lived in a flat alone. I
went there and (it was a big flat) he wasnt' supposed to be home. It turned
out that he was home afterall, but in surprising place! There were somekind of
robots that were trying to get me and I had to get pass them almost like in
somekind of videogame. When I reached the balcony, i noticed ceewu was
sleeping in the balcony. The balcony was changed to be a huge catlitter box,
except it was for dogs. He was sleeping under the kittysand and piles of shit
and lumps of dried out piss. I could see his leg and head above the sand but
he kind of used it as a blanket. I then ran into what was his workroom to use
telnet to come to mud and tell everyone how ceewu had passed out in a
puppylitterbox but after I succesfully logged in (first I only managed to
login with ceewu's account), I woke up and decided to remember that dream.
These dreams are not in order and I believe this #3 was actually the first I
remember.  (I mean first of the dreams last night).

Again had my Uncle and Sari on my dreams.

Well that is all from dino's wonderland today, more to come. Marsu (my
girlfriend) is going to her friends wedding today, so I have whole day for
myself and movies. Ruta and Oku will hopefully pay a visit.
Posted: 15 Aug 2003 15:07 [ permalink ]
Nice nap, took the afternoon off to have a bit of sleep and it was totally
worth it! Workmate called and told that our faith is now on the hands of the
meeting of the 10th of Septempber, not the meeting that was today. The boss is
going to suggest that our positions will be made permanent instead of trying
to get new open positions that we would need to apply. If we get it, it will
defi-fucking-nitely be worth an evening off from work with our friend beer! 

Had a dream which was nice but now I only remember that it had my uncle Jukka
and again my ex-brother-in-law's ex-girlfriend Sari in it. Hope I will
remember it.
Posted: 15 Aug 2003 11:17 [ permalink ]
Ohyeah, it is weekend now. I'll leave work NOW!
Posted: 15 Aug 2003 08:39 [ permalink ]
Still don't recall any dream... weird. Well added some new functionality to
blog command but it needs copying first. 
Posted: 14 Aug 2003 13:15 [ permalink ]
This was so nice (see Calmis's blog): Thu Aug 14 00:56:14 2003  
calmis@city/shop/lottery:  Mitenhän jos joku vois nininku it mitä  ottaa
sitten siitä ettäk tolle sanoo että lä eälä älä huuda niin sitten se  vaan
huutaa että huudanko mä  niinku ann a nyt mulle joku peitto vittu että
huvittava kysymys.  vitun vaikea nukkua ilman peittoa. jeesus mikä sdfm  **Ss

Posted: 14 Aug 2003 10:56 [ permalink ]
Looking for games / info / software for your nokia phone?
Posted: 14 Aug 2003 10:19 [ permalink ]
I researched some stuff for fun: Snuff and cancer risk - The dry snuff has higher risk of cancer than the
other SLT (smokeless tobacco products).   - EU changes the labels on the snuff boxes from
Causes cancer to Can damage your health. Well, they proposed, not changed. - Interesting study about the swedish snuff and
cancer. Ongoing. - "Taken together, there is thus little evidence for
an increased risk of cancer. On the other hand, it is not possible to conclude
that snuff use does not increase the risk of cancer." "The health hazards of
snuff are in all likelihood smaller than those associated with smoking. " - About the oral cancer and its risks. - Interesting articles about smoking and tobacco harm
reduction. - Summary of SLT product data vs. cancers. " There is
sufficient evidence that oral use of snuffs of the types commonly used in
North America and western Europe is carcinogenic to humans." - Quotes another report: "According to a 2001 report
from the National Academy of Sciences, the use of Swedish snuff (snus), which
contains lower levels of carcinogens than other varieties, "has generally not
been associated with oral cavity cancer." Bates et al. estimate that
"Scandinavian and American smokeless tobaccos are at least 90 percent less
hazardous than cigarette smoking." - Smokeless tobacco and cancer: Q&A - Same kind of Q/A as
previous. Very negative about the benefits of SLT over cigarettes.  - Cancer risk factors - Tobacco fact sheet (PDF) - Interesting
summary/research. Interesting parts at "Snuff and noncardiovascular diseases"
speaks about cancer risks and mentions that recent studies have NOT firmly
proven that snuff sold in western countries causes cancer. 
"Is swedish snuff different" on the same article mentions that the swedish
snus is prepared quite differently from the other products (notably american
version which is fermented whereas swedish is heated and procuces much less of
some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). A chapter "A complicated message"
mentions in the beginning: "It is evident that the use of snuff involves much
lower risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer than cigarette smoking does."

Overall it seems that tobacco harmreduction via smokeless tobacco (snuff (==
snus == swedish moist snuff) ) is very controversal. Well I believe all the
harm reduction programs face the same problems. 
Posted: 14 Aug 2003 08:19 [ permalink ]
Well, quite ok morning. Got three last items for the demon ready and decided
to change the concept where the demon is hiding. Left the details and
finetuning to the planning meeting with Ceewu (and Orgoh perhaps). I think the
new plan for the Valley of the kings beats the old 'quite strange' plan 10 to
1. Well it is life, plans change :) . Still quite disappointed that I can only
remember parts of the dreams. I should concentrate more on remembering them
just after they are showing. Well here are the bits I do remember:

First I was in Kiikkutie (Street where my friends Tero and Timo lived when I
was 10 or something like that) and it was somehow somekind of office on my
work place (strange, it is street and then it is office too) at the Geological
Survey of Finland. A woman was there taking some stuff from school children
and then suddenly started to give something to them. The things were books or
something and then she asks if I belong to the group (they were suddenly
obviously getting summerjobs or something as she was handing them somekind of
tutorials how to get started working on GSF) or if I work there. <CLICK,
change of view> I wnet to another office talking to a workmate (which I had
neverever seen before, and still don't know who he was) and then headed back
to my own workroom. My workroom was all yellow. It had 'sunyellow' curtains
and tapestry. Brownyellow horrible chair and sun was shining behind the
curtains, making the whole fucking room disgustingly 70's.  

On the another dream I remember talking to my ex-brother in law's
ex-girlfriend Sari. She is quite beautiful, or atleast very pretty and nice.
And iirc in the dream had even bigger boobies than in reality (I find that she
has quite astonishing body irl, atleast used to have (I hope she won't ever
see this) ). She has/had a nice smile too. Though, her movements were
annoying. I can't explain but it just made me want to kick someone.
Posted: 13 Aug 2003 22:18 [ permalink ]
I still can't understand why people like Human traffic -movie so much. It
still seems shit, and don't get me wrong, i am not offended about the drug
shit and stuff in it (quite the opposite), but it just seems ... so -ing fake
artistic. Kids and bully are both better than this shit.

And so is 'Go'.

Oh yeah, gave 6 / 10 to human traffic. It is not entirely evil and shit, but
it ain't great either.
Posted: 13 Aug 2003 19:04 [ permalink ]
I wish that someday some arch gave me a mission: to go undercover among the
mortals. I would then of course report all the cheating and expholes and they
would get fixed. But it would not happen. Still fucken depressed, tv is full
of shit and I still got two days to go. 
Posted: 13 Aug 2003 16:26 [ permalink ]
I have weird angry stressed feeling. Feeling depressed and stressed without no
real reason is a bit weird. Well, should see if it eases tomorrow. Perhaps
tthis is just the aftermath of the "can/should/will I cancel the wizcon".
Decided to go there anyway and now am suffering from moral hangover. Did I
allready mention that I haven't drank a drop of alcohol since the end of may,
planning to continue till december but will take some on the con.   Well
forgot to put '?' in the end, so : Did I mention or not?
Posted: 13 Aug 2003 11:08 [ permalink ]
Puuh, finally got the ship 1 - subarea ready for the valley. Now some real
work for a while, then food.
Posted: 13 Aug 2003 08:48 [ permalink ]
I am feeling a bit upset because I haven't bveen able to remember my dreams
any better in the last few days. Legs and wrists are still a bit sore from the
last night. Autumn is coming, I can definitely feel the darkness in the air!
It is the best time of the year in my not so humble opinion. 
Posted: 12 Aug 2003 19:09 [ permalink ]
Mmmm... Great karate lesson! Was the nerve-points part 2 - Nervepoints and
joint locks. My internal organs hurt and my legs are numb and hurtful at the
same time. Wrists feel a bit like porridge. Not very hard physically though,
just painful. Over and out. Now TV (Prisma about dreams), drinking water and
after that to sauna.  
Posted: 12 Aug 2003 11:29 [ permalink ]
Insomnia rules.

And because of the restless night, it seems that I can't even fucken remember
my dreams. I am upset, tired and depressed. 

Oh now I remember my dream. I was in somekind of weird small swimming pool
(outdoors) early on some morning and was sitting there alone, watching tv
(there was a bigscreen tv by the pool). Suddenly a bunch of troublemakers came
and I left the place and noticed that my phone had been stepped on and it was
buried in sand. Later i noticed that it wasn't my phone at all but a totally
weird model (not existent mixture of nokia phones) too and I spend rest of the
dream finding out who it belonged to. Not so weird this time but, hey! You
can't succeed everyday! 

Some of the dream was inspired obviously (the big flat tv screen) by the "One
hour photo" movie I saw yesterday. It wasn't that bad I thought but only gave
it an 8 / 10 in imdb. Not BAD movie anyway. Though really weird to see Robin
Williams in a movie like that.

Yumyum! Chinese food inside and again saw nice chick. A nice big-tit girl from
socialpsychology class was eating on the next table. This day is starting to
lookg better and better.
Posted: 11 Aug 2003 12:36 [ permalink ]
Oh dear. I saw a girl that I was supposed to get married to when I was the
first grade of the comprehensive school. Piia. I might have seen her before of
course, perhaps even regularly but never remembered. The time-line is now
paying off! Also made me wonder how the hell it is going with Maisa.
Unfortunately that is the only thing I remember of her from the summer in the
Isle of wight. Too bad, would be nice to see her :( Stomach is anyway now full
of tasty soya-noodle -thing and my head full of the girls of my youth.
Posted: 11 Aug 2003 07:32 [ permalink ]
This time I will try to write one entry in english. Again weird dreams that I
will log.

In the first dream, I was with my friend Pode who decided that everyone of us
(we were a bunch of friends) should do some tasks. I don't anymore remember
what was the first one, but the second was to jump through a burning hay pile
with motorcycle. The cycle was horrible piece of junk. It was just like
pappatunturi, except it didn't run well and it had more power. Well of course
it turned out that I was the first. I did one test run towards the jump point
and all went well (There was HUGE sand ramp and the run started from somekind
of attic or something with thin slide down).  Then the fucker didn't run
anymore and Pode tried to heat it up with gas heater. I almost burned my toes.
Generally it was reaaaally hard to stay on the trial-motorcycle because the
foot holders were under pappatunska pedals. Well, the jump didn't happen.

On the another dream however, I don't remember anyone else except Asolo. There
were loads of people but only one I recall is asolo as he did such a heroic
deed: I splashed water on some peer and a HUGE pike fled and started to go
around the surface (upper half abobe the surface). Everyone mocked me that I
had spoiled everything now. Asolo threw a spear (no idea where he suddenly
found one) and hit the pike in the head, catching only his head (actually
skull iirc). The rest of it was easy and we got a HUGE fish to eat. We were
waiting for somekind of waterbus on that peer to be taken back to our hotel or
something. By the way, now I recall some parts from the beginning of the

This happened before the pike incident. We were skiing in alps or something
and I couldn't help notice that they had invented new kinds of snowboard
bindings. They worked exactly like the binds on army 'spoon and fork'
combotool. VEry handy and quick to release. There were some famous people
skiing and they had things like this and white [leather] jackets with neon
yellow shoulder pads. Really disgusting, almost like 1980's. We went hiking
towards our hotel or some place we really needed to get. It was supposed to be
8km walk but luckily we ran into the pike after perhaps 200m and found out
there is a waterbus coming (Later to find out it was normal bus instead).

Posted: 10 Aug 2003 19:04 [ permalink ]
Noni, kokeillas ny uudella timestampilla!
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 11:44 [ permalink ]
Aah, nam. Käytiin marsun kans mustikassa tuolla Rytkyllä (siel missä on se
leirikeskus) ja saatiin monta mustikkaa. Minä sain lisäksi myös polvitaipeet

Testaan täs miten tää toimii. Tuleeko alkuuun edelleen jotain moskoo

Kokeillaan lisää, eli tuleeko tohon alkuun yksi space liikaa vai ei. näyttää
omituiselta tuossa viewatessa nääs. Ei taida tulla.
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 08:51 [ permalink ]
Taas tuli nähtyä aiak kummallisia unia joten kirjoitellaampa ne heti ylös
ennenkuin unohtuu. 

Osa unesta numero 1: Oltiin lähdössä lentämään venäläisen lentoyhtiön
lentokoneella ja se oli ihan VIIIITUN iso. Se lentäjä oli eka kertaa semmosel
koneella ja se ei oikein tuntenut sitä. Se joutu kääntyessä vetään yhden
kerran liinat kii ku siipi oli osua metsän puihin. No päästiin ilmaan ja
huomasin et siel oli kahvi automaatti josta sai suklaa kahvia ja sit siihen
päälle kermavaahtoa. (Siinä automaatissa oli kolme nappia: Kahvi, Suklaa
mousse ja kermavaahto ja sit yhdistelmä nappi eri rivissä). Se automaatti oli
eri osastossa sil me oltiin saatu jostain syystä bisnesluokan liput. No täs ei
viel mitään mut paras osa oli siinä se et me ruettiin nukkumaan ja ku me
herättii ni koneessa ei ollu enää ketän. Ne ei ollu raskinu herättää meitä ku
me nukuttiin ja kone oli laskeutunu. Menin hakeen aamupala kahvia ni siivooja
sano et kaikki on jo menny. SE oli se siivooja imuroimassa siel
kahviautomaatin luona kokolattiamatto imurilla. Mystistä.  Eikä kukaan muuten
muistanu sitä lentoyhtiön nimeä, ei edes myöhemmin kun kysyin ihmiseltä joka
on ollu yli 30 vuotta lentöyhtiöllä töissä. No, se on se. se se venäläinen...
mockba?  :P

Loppu unesta numero2: Olin/olimme (en tiedä kuka muu siihen liittyi muta en
minä ehkä yksinkään ollut) taas kerran ylä-asteella/kunttarilla (Vuorelan
kuntoutumiskeskus, molemmat on rakennuksellisesti samanalaisia ISOJA
sokkeloita) ja minä olin osan luokan kanssa ollut jossain 'retkelä' tms ja
etsin niitä. Oli ilmiesesti ollut kesä enkä vielä tiennyt mitä kursseja oli
tai en ollut aloittanut niitä. Löysin osan luokasta sitten lukemasta jotain
kirjoja sen jälkeen kun olin törmännyt sikamaisen kauniiseen ja tyylikkääsen
ylä-asteen luokanvalvojaaani jollain sisäkäytävän palo-ovella. Se nainen ei
oikeasti kyllä ollut mikään tyylikäs, vaan enemmänkin semmoinen casual ja
maatilan emäntä (Jospa tämä oli joku alitajuinen himotus yläasteen opettajaa
kohtaan?). No, osa luokkaa siis olikin siellä ihme rojujen ja baaritiskien
ääressä lukemassa jotain kirjoja koska se oli niiden tunnin aiheena. Sitten
läksin käveleen jonkun teini-ikäisen kaunottaren kanssa jotain käytävää ja se
kertoi siitä opettajasta kuinka se oli muuttunut erilaiseksi viimeaikoina.
Sitten alkoi kusettaa rl ja heräsin.

Uni 3: Tämä sijoittuu luultavasti ajallisesti jo ennen unta numero 1 mutta se
muistui vasta nyt mieleen. Joku hullu ajoi minua takaa, en tiedä miksi mutta
pakenin jotakuta. Ostin / sain jostain vanhan kaupan joka oli aika hiton
huonokuntoinen, siellä ei kunnolla uskaltanut kävellä mutta kellari oli
hyvässä kunnossa. Semmoisessa pienessä 60m^2 kaupassa oli ainakin 150m^2
pakaste/kylmäsäilytystilat jotka oli ihan priimakunnossa. Ei siellä mitään
ollut kyllä mutta hienot tilat. Ihmettelin hieman näiden kokoa mutta 
muistelen jättäneeni asian sikseen kun joku epeli hyökkäsi kimppuuni.
Posted: 09 Aug 2003 10:35 [ permalink ]
Voi veljet sentään että ihminen voikin nähdä kummallisia unia. Viime yönä olin
'espanjassa' (maasto näytti kyllä syksyiseltä suomelta, ellen väärin muista
niin jopa meidän pihan roskalaatikon ympäristöltä) sotimassa. Oli muka jotkut
sotaharjoitukset johon mäki osallistuin. Pääosa oli ollu jo aiemmin ja meidät
oli 'kotiutettu'. Kamat oli kuitenki kotona mukaana ja sit tuli joku kutsu
käymään vielä lisää sotailemassa ja eiku matkaan. Mä otin pikkukengät ja
maastopuvun ku ne sit päätti ilmottaa et sotimaan joudutaan. Alkoi sataa vettä
ja mulla ei tietysti ollut sadetakkia. No onneks orgohi suostu lainaamana
läpinäkyvän takkinsa joka muistutti roskapussia. Se sillä oli näppärästi oman
maastopuvun alla. Maastopuvun päällä sillä oli taikaviitta. Nyt tuokaan uni ei
vaikuta enää niin sekolta kuin eilen. Muistan vain että häslinki oli
kammottava koska sinne sotakokoontumispaikalle piti mennä linja-autolla ja se
matka oli PIIITKÄ. 

Uni numero kaksi oliki sit ehkä vähä oudompi. Siinä olin vienyt pyörän
keväthuoltoon ja saisin sen takaisin viikon päästä. Mennessäni hakemaan
pyörääni, huomasin et se pyöräpete oli tehny siitä pyörästä mopon
(pappatunska) ja yritti laskuttaa multa sitä muutosta. Haistatin korjaajalle
vitut ja loppu unen päristelin sillä mopedilla pitkin katuja. Vuorelassa
liikuttiin joten aika kaukaa menneisyydestä tuli maastot mukaan uniin.
Turkoosinvihreää mopedia minulla ei koskaan ole ollut. Ei muuten minkään
muunlaistakaan mopoa.
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
Ihme kuljailua! Luin juuri jotain moskaa siitä miten joku on blogissaan
kertonut olevansa rehellinen. Mä päätin just tässä että aion olla
epärehellinen tätä paskaa kirjoittaessani. En näe mitään syytä olla
rehellinen. Miksi ihmeessä, ei tätä kuitenkaan kukaan lue joten voin
ohjelmoida itseni uskomaan että olen ainutkertainen, ihana, komea,
vastustamaton ja mukava. Ja saisin aikaan IHAN MITÄ VAAN jos vaan viitsisin.
Mutta empä viitsi.
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
Naminami. Nyt on masu täynnä ravitsevaa kiinanruokaa. 4 (vai viis?)
kevätkäärylettä ja hitosti muita eväitä joista en niin välitä. Jaahas, mtv3:n
bonapetit sivujen mukaan kevätkääryleet valmistetaan jostain riisilevyistä
friteeraamalla. Mitähän lie moinen riisilevy? Noh, ehkä sen joskus saan vielä
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
Kokeillaas viel nopiaan et toimiiko noi kappaleiden vaihdot kun piti taas vähä
fiksailla. Huomasin muuten ikäväkseni että table mahdollisesti tulostaakin
datan writellä, eikä palauta returnilla niinkuin suotavaa olisi! Noni,
katotaas miten tänne keskelle oikein voi lisäillä. Ilmeisesti aivan fantsusti
ja tolleen.

Pitääpä heti ensitöikseen lukea vähän koodia siitä tablesta.

No näinhän siinä tietysti kävi että eihän se toiminut niinkuin halusin eli
returnilla. Mutta! Catch_write auttaa ja pelastaa joissain tapauksissa!
Kokeilempas kirjottaa tähä viel vähä. Meneeköhä pilalle?

Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
 Mahtava tunne taas heti aamusta pukkaa päälle. Tuli koodattua bloggeriin
kappaleen vaihto tuki. Kas näin:  Noin, ja uusi kappale kehissä. Todella
kammottavaa kludge koodia mutta eipä se mitään, siihen on tässä mudissa
totuttu jo monellakin saralla. Eilen ropsahti viis leveliä Taigan
areaquestista. Mieletöntä.  Sitä sitä vaan ihmettelee tämmönen ihminen joka ei
koskaan oo kirjotellu täööäisiä, että mitä perkelettä näihin pitäs kirjottaa?
Jos ei oo juttua ni pitääkö niihi vaan pohtia tälleen et vittuku ei oo juttua?
Kysyin jo apujaki mut ainoo apu oli se, et "kirjota et miten vitun tyhmää ja
vaikeeta tänne on kirjottaa". No jospa kirjottelis sit vaikka jotain päivän
polttavia aiheita, ja pohdintoja ja tietysti faktoja niistä. Ei oo mitään
faktoja, eikä polttavia aiheita. Paitsi tietysti Tony halme mutta siitä tais
tulla vihannes joten sekin on unohdettava. Kyllä se on viina terveellistä ja
hyvää. Nam nam.
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
 Ah mums mums! Wizuconi lähestyy ja yksityiskohtainen ohjelma näyttää niin
herkulliselta että toivottavasti niitä aletaan järjestämään joka vuosi,
mieluummin joka päivä! Tälläisenä hetkenä ne tuhannet koetut whinet ja marinat
ja ilkeilyt morttien puolelta tuntuvat paskakärpäsen surinalta! Päivä meni
taas niinkuin ne aina menee. Tietokanta edistyy, mudikoodi sujuu ja trancesoi.
Viileää oli ensimmäisen kerran aikoihin, aamulla oli vain 15 astetta lämmintä
-> Goretex asustetta kehiin. Nyyssien lukemisesta saa angstin pintaan. Miten
vitussa tässä maailmassa on noin ankeita ihmisiä? Samanlaiset mahtavat
fiilikset irtosi myös irc-gallerian katselemisesta. Miten se voikaan olla niin
perkeleen IRC? Grr. Saatana! Lähden tästä pyöräilemään kotiin tätä
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
 Uudet mahtavat wizukotskasivut on valmiit!
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
 PAskat, en osaa. Tää pilkkoo nää miten sattuu joten antaa olla. Se on
time_line.html nimellä joka tapauksessa. Vittu näiden tekniikan vehkeiden kans
taas. Kohta työnnän koko härvelin helvettiin.
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
 Osaisinkohan nyt laittaa linkin oikein: <a href="
_ line.html">se on tässä</a>.
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
 Aloitin kirjoittamaan mahtavaa timelineäni. <a href="
n e.html">se on tässä</a>.
Posted: 10 Aug 2003 18:35 [ permalink ]
 Nyt tämä alkaa olemaan niinku viimesen päälle kunnossa. Toimii edit, delete,
add, view ja export. Joutu vähän kikkaileen et saa ton stylesheetin joka on
muuten edelleen ihan vitun style vaikka sen ite sanonkin. Nyt voiski alkaa
kirjotteleen sitä timelinee

Kokeillaan tänne loppuun tämmöstä toisen paragraafin vaihtoa

Noin. Tuliko?