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Kalahar's Blog >> 55892

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Posted: 22 Dec 2011 04:05 [ permalink ]
+--------------------------------=( Rendoye )=---------------------------------

| Owner:         Kalahar                                                      

| Description:   a platinum no-dachi 'Rendoye' with a nullium hilt            

| Weapon type:   no-dachi                                                     

| Evolution:     no evolutionary traits                                       

+-------------------------------=( Materials )=--------------------------------

| Platinum                       75%                                          

| Nullium                        25%                                          

+--------------------------=( Manuscript Details )=----------------------------

| Evolutionary traits           : 20%                                         

| Strike lethality              : 20%                                         

| Weapon quality improvement    : 20%                                         

| Weapon damage improvement     : 20%                                         

| Strike accuracy               : 20%                                         

+-----------------------------=( Current Power )=------------------------------

| Sword quality:       pathetic                                               

| Sword sharpness:     pathetic                                               

| Accuracy factor:     pathetic                                               

| Lethality factor:    pathetic                                               

+----------------------------=( True Potential )=------------------------------

| Sword quality:       impressive                                             

| Sword sharpness:     impressive                                             

| Accuracy factor:     divine                                                 

| Lethality factor:    divine                                                 
