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Kalahar's Blog >> 62851

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Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:54 [ permalink ]
Massive elephant is near death (5%).
You are casting 'word of blasting'.
You are done with the chant.
You speak the ancient Word of Blasting 'hraugh'
A glowing yellow mystical symbol appears in the air before Massive elephant.
You watch with self-pride as your word of blasting hits Massive elephant.
You have a new solo kill option for top10!
You score a KILLING BLOW on Massive elephant!
You feel you have released vast amounts of destructive energy.
Massive elephant suddenly stops breathing and jerks a couple of times
violently, then falls to the ground, lifeless.
Massive elephant is DEAD, R.I.P.
hp:814(1103)[] sp:115(1178)[-84] ep:416(416)[] cash:5498[] exp:378679[+145930]
You start concentrating on the skill.
You are prepared to do the skill.
You look for a suitable souvenir and after a while, you've think you've found
just the thing you want. After some time and some tedious work, you are now
proud new owner of tusk of the elephant.