Magical background
Command: magical
Max Level: 10
The people coming from the magical background have parents who are usually
devoted to one or several aspects of magic. Devotion is required because magic
is regarded to be somewhat difficult to learn and even more difficult to
master. Magic is not a religion and prayers to gods are not required to use
it. The magic users are regarded to be very wise and civilized as the
knowledge they possess is earned by education. However, they do not
necessarily have eye for the cultural or economical aspects of the world.
The skills and spells that you learn are taught to you by your parents. They
are very much inclined to everything that there is to learn about the basic
elements of magic. Magical background doesn't offer basic survival skills
unless magic can be applied to such.
The most natural choices for magical background is to continue the studies of
magic. The Brotherhood of Sorcery concentrates on teaching about the primary
elements of magic and protective magic and is usually the most common choice
for the magical background. Other options include channellers whose magic is
more instinctive than learned. Those who want to be masters of the mind often
find themselves joining the psionicists.