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…is different from most games. There are currently five types; Level Quests(lq), Area Quests(aq), Guild Quests(gq), Player Quests(pq) and Awards(aw). Each of the five types give different rewards, for example Level Quests give a reduction in the exp cost of the level in question. There are only a few rare times where one will need to accept a quest in order to do it.

For more info see the 'quests' and 'how quests work' helpfiles.

Quest: Beaumont Hamel

Difficulty:Very HardCreator:Moss
Location:Beaumont Hamel, northwest from Shadowkeep, southeast from Beastmaster guild

Lord Faroon is being persecuted in his own manor grounds! He is being made to work the vegetable patch behind his own manor house by the evil Princess Zashi. Find Lord Faroon and help him take back his property.

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