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Nun guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

Sisters of Las
Command: nun
Creators: Zin
Max Level: 35

After the attack of daemon hordes to the old convent of the Sisterhood Abbess Abigail, the sole survivor of the assault, founded the convent of White Rose to an abandoned monastery, high at the mountains near Shadowkeep where the re-established Sisterhood of Las resides. Their studies combine weak healing spells, strong offensive spells against evil and undead entities and strong protective auras. The Guild is led by Synod, a holy council consisting of four elected nuns and the Guildleader as the head of the Synod. The Synod has full authority in the guild. Everyone wishing to join the sisterhood must have the blessing of one of the Synod members. Life in the Sisterhood is not always easy but it is said to be most rewarding.

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Good religious.
Must be female.
Has trained Turn undead to 10.
Has trained Cast dispel to 10.
Has trained Cast generic to 5.
Has trained Cast heal to 2.
Has trained Discipline to 3.
Has trained Candlestick making to 2.
Has trained Sewing to 3.
Has studied Identify relic to 5.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 5.
Has studied Saintly touch to 5.
Must be of good alignment.
Available: Receive a gift from Las
May train Consider to 20.
May train Turn undead to 30.
May train Cast dispel to 15.
May train Cast generic to 14.
May train Attack to 10.
May train Bludgeons to 10.
May train Cast heal to 8.
May train Discipline to 6.
May train Sewing to 20.
May train Candlestick making to 4.

May study Cure light wounds to 20.
May study Identify relic to 30.
May study Saintly touch to 35.
May study Detect alignment to 10.
Level 2

Requirements: Has trained Turn undead to 15.
Has trained Cast generic to 10.
Has trained Discipline to 4.
Has trained Sewing to 10.
Has trained Candlestick making to 4.
Has trained Cast dispel to 12.
Has studied Saintly touch to 10.
Has studied Identify relic to 9.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 10.
Available: May train Consider to 30.
May train Cast dispel to 20.
May train Cast generic to 18.
May train Attack to 15.
May train Cast heal to 11.
May train Discipline to 9.
May train Bludgeons to 15.
May train Sewing to 30.
May train Candlestick making to 6.
May train Turn undead to 40.

May study Create food to 10.
May study Light to 20.
May study Identify relic to 40.
May study Detect alignment to 14.
May study Cure light wounds to 30.
May study Saintly touch to 40.
Level 3

Requirements: Has trained Turn undead to 17.
Has trained Sewing to 15.
Has trained Candlestick making to 6.
Has trained Cast dispel to 15.
Has studied Light to 10.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 15.
Available: May train Consider to 40.
May train Cast dispel to 25.
May train Attack to 20.
May train Cast heal to 14.
May train Bludgeons to 20.
May train Discipline to 12.
May train Sewing to 40.
May train Candlestick making to 8.
May train Cast generic to 22.
May train Turn undead to 50.
May train Bless to 15.

May study Create food to 18.
May study Light to 30.
May study Cure light wounds to 40.
May study Detect alignment to 18.
May study Identify relic to 50.
May study Saintly touch to 45.
Level 4

Requirements: Has trained Discipline to 9.
Has trained Bless to 12.
Has trained Sewing to 20.
Has trained Cast dispel to 23.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 19.
Available: May train Cast dispel to 30.
May train Consider to 50.
May train Attack to 25.
May train Cast heal to 17.
May train Discipline to 15.
May train Bless to 19.
May train Bludgeons to 25.
May train Candlestick making to 9.
May train Sewing to 50.
May train Cast generic to 26.
May train Turn undead to 60.

May study Create food to 22.
May study Detect alignment to 22.
May study Identify relic to 60.
May study Cure light wounds to 50.
May study Light to 40.
May study Saintly touch to 55.
Level 5

Available: May train Cast dispel to 35.
May train Consider to 60.
May train Plant lore to 10.
May train Cast generic to 30.
May train Attack to 30.
May train Discipline to 18.
May train Cast heal to 20.
May train Candlestick making to 11.
May train First aid to 20.
May train Bludgeons to 30.
May train Sewing to 60.
May train Bless to 29.
May train Turn undead to 100.
May train Leadership to 10.

May study Create food to 28.
May study Cure light wounds to 60.
May study Identify relic to 70.
May study Light to 50.
May study Detect alignment to 26.
May study Saintly touch to 60.
Level 6

Available: May train Ceremony to 10.
May train Cast dispel to 40.
May train Consider to 100.
May train Cast heal to 23.
May train Discipline to 21.
May train Bless to 39.
May train Candlestick making to 14.
May train Burial ceremony to 20.
May train First aid to 28.
May train Cast generic to 34.
May train Leadership to 11.

May study Create food to 38.
May study Light to 60.
May study Identify relic to 80.
May study Cure light wounds to 70.
May study Saintly touch to 65.
Level 7

Requirements: Has trained Cast dispel to 28.
Has trained Ceremony to 5.
Has trained Bless to 17.
Has trained Candlestick making to 12.
Has trained Sewing to 22.
Has trained Cast generic to 25.
Available: May train Cast dispel to 45.
May train Plant lore to 20.
May train Ceremony to 20.
May train Cast generic to 38.
May train Discipline to 24.
May train Sewing to 70.
May train Candlestick making to 18.
May train Cast heal to 26.
May train First aid to 36.
May train Burial ceremony to 27.
May train Bless to 59.
May train Cast protection to 10.
May train Leadership to 13.

May study Protection from evil to 20.
May study Create food to 45.
May study Cure light wounds to 80.
May study Detect alignment to 30.
May study Light to 70.
May study Identify relic to 90.
May study Saintly touch to 75.
Level 8

Requirements: Has studied Protection from evil to 5.
Has studied Identify relic to 10.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 22.
Has studied Saintly touch to 30.
Has trained Cast protection to 10.
Has trained Sewing to 26.
Available: May train Cast dispel to 50.
May train Plant lore to 30.
May train Cast protection to 16.
May train Cast generic to 42.
May train Discipline to 27.
May train Cast holy to 10.
May train Ceremony to 30.
May train Bless to 69.
May train Candlestick making to 19.
May train Sewing to 80.
May train Cast heal to 29.
May train Burial ceremony to 34.
May train First aid to 44.
May train Leadership to 14.

May study Protection from evil to 25.
May study Create food to 59.
May study Cure light wounds to 90.
May study Detect alignment to 34.
May study Light to 80.
May study Identify relic to 100.
May study Saintly touch to 85.
May study Holy hand to 10.
Level 9

Requirements: Has studied Protection from evil to 7.
Has studied Holy hand to 5.
Has trained Cast protection to 15.
Has trained Cast heal to 11.
Has trained Ceremony to 17.
Has trained Bless to 25.
Has trained Sewing to 29.
Has trained Cast holy to 9.
Available: May train Cast protection to 22.
May train Cast dispel to 55.
May train Candlestick making to 21.
May train Cast holy to 17.
May train Cast heal to 31.
May train Discipline to 30.
May train Cast generic to 46.
May train Ceremony to 40.
May train Burial ceremony to 41.
May train Bless to 79.
May train First aid to 52.
May train Leadership to 16.

May study Protection from evil to 30.
May study Create food to 69.
May study Light to 90.
May study Cure light wounds to 95.
May study Detect alignment to 38.
May study Saintly touch to 95.
May study Holy hand to 20.
May study Soul shield to 10.
Level 10

Requirements: Has trained Cast protection to 21.
Has trained Cast dispel to 37.
Has trained Cast generic to 29.
Has trained Sewing to 31.
Has trained Candlestick making to 18.
Has studied Soul shield to 5.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 25.
Has studied Holy hand to 15.
Available: May train Cast heal to 34.
May train Cast dispel to 60.
May train Discipline to 33.
May train Candlestick making to 23.
May train Cast holy to 24.
May train First aid to 60.
May train Burial ceremony to 48.
May train Cast generic to 50.
May train Cast protection to 28.
May train Ceremony to 50.
May train Bless to 89.
May train Leadership to 17.

May study Dispel evil to 10.
May study Protection from evil to 35.
May study Create food to 76.
May study Detect alignment to 44.
May study Saintly touch to 100.
May study Cure player to 10.
May study Holy hand to 30.
May study Soul shield to 15.
Level 11

Requirements: Has studied Dispel evil to 5.
Has studied Protection from evil to 11.
Has trained Cast holy to 14.
Has trained Discipline to 15.
Has trained Sewing to 34.
Has trained Ceremony to 25.
Has trained Cast protection to 25.
Available: May train Discipline to 36.
May train Cast dispel to 65.
May train Cast holy to 31.
May train Cast heal to 37.
May train Candlestick making to 25.
May train Cast generic to 54.
May train Burial ceremony to 55.
May train Cast protection to 34.
May train Ceremony to 60.
May train First aid to 68.
May train Leadership to 19.

May study Dispel evil to 20.
May study Protection from evil to 40.
May study Create food to 83.
May study Detect alignment to 49.
May study Mana shield to 20.
May study Cure player to 15.
May study Holy hand to 40.
May study Soul shield to 20.
Level 12

Requirements: Has studied Protection from evil to 15.
Has studied Light to 20.
Has studied Holy hand to 20.
Has trained Cast dispel to 41.
Has trained Sewing to 38.
Has trained Burial ceremony to 5.
Available: May train Discipline to 39.
May train Cast dispel to 70.
May train Cast holy to 38.
May train Candlestick making to 27.
May train Cast generic to 58.
May train Cast information to 20.
May train Cast heal to 40.
May train Burial ceremony to 62.
May train Ceremony to 70.
May train Bless to 99.
May train First aid to 76.
May train Cast protection to 40.
May train Vial throwing to 18.
May train Leadership to 21.

May study Dispel evil to 30.
May study Protection from evil to 45.
May study Bless vial to 20.
May study Detect vial to 20.
May study Mana shield to 25.
May study Cure player to 20.
May study Detect alignment to 53.
May study Holy hand to 50.
May study Soul shield to 25.
Level 13

Requirements: Has studied Dispel evil to 17.
Has studied Protection from evil to 20.
Has studied Bless vial to 4.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 29.
Has studied Saintly touch to 35.
Has trained Cast holy to 19.
Has trained First aid to 20.
Has trained Sewing to 40.
Has trained Cast generic to 39.
Available: May train Cast holy to 45.
May train Candlestick making to 29.
May train Discipline to 42.
May train Cast heal to 43.
May train Burial ceremony to 69.
May train Cast information to 30.
May train Cast generic to 62.
May train First aid to 84.
May train Ceremony to 80.
May train Cast dispel to 75.
May train Vial throwing to 23.
May train Cast protection to 46.
May train Leadership to 22.

May study Dispel evil to 40.
May study Protection from evil to 50.
May study Mana shield to 30.
May study Bless vial to 25.
May study Cure player to 26.
May study Detect alignment to 57.
May study Water walking to 20.
May study Holy hand to 50.
May study Soul shield to 30.
Level 14

Requirements: Has studied Dispel evil to 29.
Has studied Protection from evil to 30.
Has studied Bless vial to 8.
Has studied Holy hand to 25.
Has trained Vial throwing to 10.
Has trained Sewing to 41.
Has trained Burial ceremony to 10.
Available: May train Cast dispel to 80.
May train Discipline to 45.
May train Ceremony to 90.
May train Cast heal to 46.
May train Candlestick making to 31.
May train Vial throwing to 28.
May train First aid to 95.
May train Cast information to 40.
May train Cast holy to 52.
May train Burial ceremony to 76.
May train Cast generic to 66.
May train Cast protection to 52.
May train Leadership to 24.

May study Dispel evil to 50.
May study Protection from evil to 55.
May study Bless vial to 30.
May study Mana shield to 35.
May study Cure player to 37.
May study Detect alignment to 61.
May study Create food to 100.
May study Water walking to 30.
May study Satiate person to 20.
May study Holy hand to 70.
May study Soul shield to 35.
Level 15

Available: May train Cast heal to 49.
May train Vial throwing to 33.
May train Candlestick making to 34.
May train Cast information to 40.
May train Quick chant to 5.
May train Cast holy to 59.
May train Discipline to 48.
May train Cast generic to 70.
May train Cast dispel to 85.
May train Ceremony to 100.
May train Burial ceremony to 83.
May train Cast protection to 58.
May train Leadership to 25.

May study Dispel evil to 100.
May study Protection from evil to 58.
May study Mana shield to 40.
May study Bless vial to 35.
May study Cure player to 44.
May study Detect alignment to 65.
May study Satiate person to 25.
May study Holy hand to 80.
May study Remove scar to 20.
May study Soul shield to 40.
Level 16

Requirements: Has studied Dispel evil to 40.
Has studied Bless vial to 11.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 38.
Has trained Cast dispel to 50.
Has trained Cast holy to 39.
Has trained Cast heal to 22.
Has trained Sewing to 44.
Has trained First aid to 30.
Has trained Cast generic to 50.
Has trained Cast protection to 27.
Available: May train Plant lore to 40.
May train Candlestick making to 39.
May train Vial throwing to 39.
May train Cast heal to 52.
May train Cast information to 50.
May train Quick chant to 10.
May train Cast generic to 74.
May train Burial ceremony to 90.
May train Discipline to 51.
May train Cast dispel to 90.
May train Cast holy to 66.
May train Exorcize to 10.
May train Leadership to 27.

May study Protection from evil to 100.
May study Bless vial to 40.
May study Remove poison to 20.
May study Detect alignment to 69.
May study Cure player to 56.
May study Water walking to 40.
May study Remove scar to 29.
May study Satiate person to 30.
May study Mana shield to 45.
May study Holy hand to 85.
May study Aura detection to 15.
May study Soul shield to 45.
Level 17

Requirements: Has studied Protection from evil to 50.
Has studied Bless vial to 12.
Has studied Soul shield to 10.
Has studied Holy hand to 30.
Has trained Ceremony to 30.
Has trained Sewing to 46.
Has trained Turn undead to 30.
Available: May train Cast heal to 55.
May train Cast protection to 100.
May train Discipline to 54.
May train Cast dispel to 95.
May train Candlestick making to 45.
May train Quick chant to 15.
May train Cast holy to 83.
May train Burial ceremony to 96.
May train Cast information to 60.
May train Cast generic to 78.
May train Vial throwing to 44.
May train Mana control to 10.
May train Exorcize to 19.
May train Essence eye to 10.
May train Leadership to 29.

May study Bless vial to 45.
May study Remove poison to 25.
May study Satiate person to 34.
May study Detect alignment to 74.
May study Cure player to 62.
May study Aura detection to 26.
May study Remove scar to 38.
May study Mana shield to 50.
May study Holy hand to 90.
May study Guardian angel to 20.
May study Soul shield to 50.
May study Fire of the saints to 8.
Level 18

Requirements: Has studied Bless vial to 15.
Has studied Holy hand to 35.
Has trained Mana control to 5.
Has trained Exorcize to 15.
Has trained Candlestick making to 30.
Has trained Sewing to 48.
Available: May train Baptize to 5.
May train Cast holy to 90.
May train Cast heal to 58.
May train Cast generic to 82.
May train Candlestick making to 48.
May train Quick chant to 20.
May train Burial ceremony to 100.
May train Cast information to 70.
May train Vial throwing to 49.
May train Essence eye to 21.
May train Discipline to 57.
May train Mana control to 20.
May train Exorcize to 26.
May train Leadership to 30.

May study Dispel undead to 10.
May study Bless vial to 50.
May study Detect vial to 40.
May study Guardian angel to 30.
May study Mana shield to 55.
May study Remove scar to 47.
May study Detect alignment to 79.
May study Aura detection to 36.
May study Cure player to 77.
May study Remove poison to 30.
May study Water walking to 50.
May study Satiate person to 39.
May study Holy hand to 95.
May study Soul shield to 55.
May study Resist temptation to 20.
May study Fire of the saints to 15.
Level 19

Requirements: Has studied Bless vial to 20.
Has studied Remove poison to 5.
Has studied Saintly touch to 40.
Has studied Holy hand to 37.
Has trained Mana control to 11.
Has trained Exorcize to 21.
Has trained Sewing to 50.
Has trained Discipline to 20.
Has trained Burial ceremony to 20.
Available: May train Baptize to 13.
May train Candlestick making to 50.
May train Cast heal to 61.
May train Cast generic to 86.
May train Quick chant to 25.
May train Cast holy to 97.
May train Essence eye to 32.
May train Cast dispel to 100.
May train Vial throwing to 53.
May train Discipline to 60.
May train Mana control to 32.
May train Exorcize to 38.
May train Leadership to 32.

May study Dispel undead to 20.
May study Bless vial to 54.
May study Mana shield to 60.
May study Cure serious wounds to 10.
May study Remove scar to 56.
May study Guardian angel to 40.
May study Cure player to 85.
May study Detect alignment to 82.
May study Aura detection to 47.
May study Word of recall to 5.
May study Remove poison to 35.
May study Water walking to 60.
May study Satiate person to 44.
May study Holy hand to 100.
May study Soul shield to 60.
May study Fire of the saints to 22.
Level 20

Requirements: Has studied Dispel undead to 5.
Has studied Protection from evil to 60.
Has studied Bless vial to 27.
Has studied Cure serious wounds to 8.
Has studied Mana shield to 2.
Has studied Identify relic to 30.
Has studied Saintly touch to 50.
Has studied Holy hand to 42.
Has trained Burial ceremony to 30.
Has trained Cast protection to 30.
Has trained First aid to 50.
Has trained Sewing to 52.
Has trained Mana control to 13.
Has trained Exorcize to 26.
Available: May train Baptize to 21.
May train Quick chant to 30.
May train Vial throwing to 57.
May train Cast heal to 64.
May train Cast generic to 90.
May train Candlestick making to 52.
May train Cast information to 75.
May train Essence eye to 43.
May train Discipline to 63.
May train Mana control to 39.
May train Exorcize to 46.
May train Leadership to 33.

May study Blessing of kofgaad to 10.
May study Holy lance to 20.
May study Dispel undead to 30.
May study Bless vial to 59.
May study Cure serious wounds to 20.
May study Aura detection to 57.
May study Detect alignment to 85.
May study Guardian angel to 50.
May study Remove scar to 65.
May study Word of recall to 20.
May study Cure player to 93.
May study Mana shield to 65.
May study Remove poison to 40.
May study Satiate person to 48.
May study Soul shield to 65.
May study Fire of the saints to 30.
Level 21

Requirements: Has studied Dispel undead to 10.
Has studied Bless vial to 30.
Has studied Cure serious wounds to 15.
Has trained Cast heal to 30.
Has trained Sewing to 54.
Has trained Candlestick making to 43.
Available: May train Baptize to 29.
May train Cast holy to 100.
May train Cast generic to 94.
May train Vial throwing to 66.
May train Cast heal to 67.
May train Candlestick making to 56.
May train Quick chant to 35.
May train Discipline to 68.
May train Mana control to 47.
May train Essence eye to 54.
May train Exorcize to 53.
May train Leadership to 35.

May study Blessing of kofgaad to 20.
May study Holy lance to 30.
May study Dispel undead to 40.
May study Detect vial to 70.
May study Cure serious wounds to 30.
May study Guardian angel to 60.
May study Mana shield to 70.
May study Detect alignment to 89.
May study Remove scar to 74.
May study Word of recall to 35.
May study Remove poison to 45.
May study Water walking to 100.
May study Satiate person to 57.
May study Cure player to 100.
May study Aura detection to 66.
May study Soul shield to 70.
May study Remove curse to 10.
May study Resist temptation to 40.
May study Fire of the saints to 37.
Level 22

Requirements: Has studied Dispel undead to 15.
Has studied Bless vial to 35.
Has studied Cure serious wounds to 22.
Has studied Mana shield to 5.
Has studied Identify relic to 40.
Has studied Soul shield to 20.
Has studied Remove poison to 10.
Has trained Vial throwing to 14.
Has trained Sewing to 56.
Available: May train Baptize to 37.
May train Cast heal to 70.
May train Cast generic to 98.
May train Candlestick making to 58.
May train Vial throwing to 71.
May train Quick chant to 40.
May train Essence eye to 65.
May train Cast teleportation to 10.
May train Discipline to 71.
May train Mana control to 55.
May train Exorcize to 59.
May train Leadership to 37.

May study Holy lance to 40.
May study Blessing of kofgaad to 30.
May study Dispel undead to 50.
May study Bless vial to 100.
May study Mana shield to 75.
May study Cure serious wounds to 40.
May study Guardian angel to 70.
May study Remove scar to 83.
May study Detect alignment to 97.
May study Word of recall to 50.
May study Remove poison to 50.
May study Aura detection to 77.
May study Remove curse to 20.
May study Soul shield to 75.
May study Fire of the saints to 45.
Level 23

Requirements: Has studied Dispel undead to 21.
Has studied Cure light wounds to 40.
Has studied Cure serious wounds to 28.
Has studied Saintly touch to 60.
Has trained Vial throwing to 19.
Has trained Turn undead to 40.
Has trained Sewing to 58.
Has trained Candlestick making to 52.
Has trained Discipline to 39.
Available: May train Baptize to 44.
May train Candlestick making to 61.
May train Cast heal to 72.
May train Quick chant to 45.
May train Vial throwing to 78.
May train Essence eye to 76.
May train Cast generic to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 20.
May train Discipline to 72.
May train Cast special to 20.
May train Mana control to 59.
May train Leadership to 38.

May study Blessing of kofgaad to 40.
May study Flames of righteousness to 20.
May study Dispel undead to 60.
May study Detect vial to 100.
May study Mana shield to 80.
May study Cure serious wounds to 50.
May study Guardian angel to 80.
May study Cleanse heathen to 20.
May study Satiate person to 100.
May study Remove scar to 92.
May study Detect alignment to 100.
May study Aura detection to 88.
May study Word of recall to 65.
May study Remove curse to 30.
May study Soul shield to 80.
May study Fire of the saints to 52.
Level 24

Requirements: Has studied Dispel undead to 30.
Has studied Cure serious wounds to 30.
Has studied Mana shield to 10.
Has studied Identify relic to 50.
Has studied Detect alignment to 30.
Has studied Holy hand to 48.
Has trained Bless to 39.
Has trained Cast holy to 45.
Has trained Vial throwing to 24.
Has trained Cast dispel to 60.
Has trained Cast special to 4.
Has trained Mana control to 15.
Available: May train Cast heal to 75.
May train Candlestick making to 69.
May train Vial throwing to 81.
May train Quick chant to 50.
May train Essence eye to 87.
May train Discipline to 78.
May train Cast teleportation to 30.
May train Cast special to 30.
May train Power of faith to 20.
May train Exorcize to 100.
May train Leadership to 40.

May study Holy lance to 50.
May study Blessing of kofgaad to 50.
May study Banish demons to 20.
May study Flames of righteousness to 35.
May study Cleanse heathen to 30.
May study Guardian angel to 90.
May study Mana shield to 85.
May study Cure serious wounds to 60.
May study Remove poison to 55.
May study Remove scar to 100.
May study Aura detection to 99.
May study Word of recall to 70.
May study Remove curse to 40.
May study Soul shield to 85.
May study Fire of the saints to 60.
Level 25

Requirements: Has studied Banish demons to 5.
Has studied Flames of righteousness to 1.
Has studied Dispel undead to 35.
Has studied Mana shield to 15.
Has studied Bless vial to 38.
Has studied Cure serious wounds to 35.
Has studied Soul shield to 30.
Has trained Cast holy to 55.
Has trained Vial throwing to 28.
Has trained Discipline to 55.
Has trained Cast protection to 50.
Has trained Cast dispel to 75.
Has trained Ceremony to 53.
Has trained Mana control to 18.
Available: May train Cast heal to 80.
May train Candlestick making to 72.
May train Discipline to 83.
May train Vial throwing to 86.
May train Essence eye to 98.
May train Quick chant to 55.
May train Cast teleportation to 40.
May train Cast special to 40.
May train Mana control to 100.
May train Knowledge of dispelling to 20.
May train Power of faith to 25.
May train Location memory to 15.
May train Leadership to 41.

May study Holy lance to 60.
May study Banish demons to 35.
May study Flames of righteousness to 40.
May study Dispel undead to 100.
May study Mana shield to 90.
May study Cleanse heathen to 40.
May study Word of recall to 85.
May study Guardian angel to 100.
May study Heavy weight to 20.
May study Cure critical wounds to 10.
May study Remove poison to 60.
May study Aura detection to 100.
May study Restore to 40.
May study Remove curse to 50.
May study Soul shield to 90.
May study Fire of the saints to 67.
May study Go to 40.
Level 26

Requirements: Has studied Banish demons to 17.
Has studied Flames of righteousness to 3.
Has studied Dispel undead to 40.
Has studied Cure serious wounds to 40.
Has studied Mana shield to 20.
Has studied Holy hand to 55.
Has trained Vial throwing to 35.
Has trained Exorcize to 30.
Has trained Cast generic to 60.
Has trained Turn undead to 50.
Available: May train Candlestick making to 80.
May train Plant lore to 50.
May train Vial throwing to 92.
May train Essence eye to 100.
May train Quick chant to 60.
May train Cast teleportation to 50.
May train Knowledge of dispelling to 35.
May train Cast special to 50.
May train Discipline to 86.
May train Power of faith to 35.
May train Leadership to 43.

May study Holy lance to 70.
May study Banish demons to 50.
May study Flames of righteousness to 55.
May study Cure serious wounds to 100.
May study Mana shield to 95.
May study Remove poison to 100.
May study Cleanse heathen to 50.
May study Cure critical wounds to 15.
May study Restore to 55.
May study Heavy weight to 30.
May study Remove curse to 60.
May study Soul shield to 95.
May study Fire of the saints to 75.
Level 27

Requirements: Has studied Banish demons to 22.
Has studied Bless vial to 40.
Has studied Cure serious wounds to 40.
Has studied Remove poison to 20.
Has studied Soul shield to 40.
Has trained Vial throwing to 38.
Has trained Cast holy to 65.
Has trained Cast heal to 40.
Has trained Cast protection to 60.
Available: May train Candlestick making to 85.
May train Baptize to 100.
May train Vial throwing to 97.
May train Knowledge of dispelling to 50.
May train Quick chant to 65.
May train Discipline to 90.
May train Cast teleportation to 60.
May train Cast special to 60.
May train Leadership to 45.

May study Holy lance to 80.
May study Banish demons to 65.
May study Flames of righteousness to 60.
May study Celestial haven to 10.
May study Cleanse heathen to 60.
May study Mana shield to 100.
May study Summon to 20.
May study Heavy weight to 40.
May study Restore to 60.
May study Cure critical wounds to 25.
May study Word of recall to 93.
May study Remove curse to 70.
May study Soul shield to 100.
May study Fire of the saints to 82.
Level 28

Requirements: Has studied Banish demons to 26.
Has studied Flames of righteousness to 5.
Has studied Bless vial to 50.
Has trained Vial throwing to 41.
Has trained Cast generic to 70.
Has trained Cast protection to 75.
Available: May train Candlestick making to 91.
May train Cast special to 65.
May train Quick chant to 70.
May train Knowledge of dispelling to 65.
May train Power of faith to 40.
May train Mastery of shielding to 10.
May train Leadership to 46.

May study Blessing of kofgaad to 60.
May study Holy lance to 90.
May study Holy wind to 33.
May study Heavenly protection to 20.
May study Celestial haven to 25.
May study Cleanse heathen to 70.
May study Cure critical wounds to 30.
May study Heavy weight to 51.
May study Restore to 75.
May study Remove curse to 80.
May study Resist temptation to 70.
May study Fire of the saints to 90.
Level 29

Requirements: Has studied Flames of righteousness to 7.
Has trained Cast special to 7.
Has trained Vial throwing to 47.
Has trained Turn undead to 60.
Available: May train Vial throwing to 100.
May train Plant lore to 62.
May train Quick chant to 75.
May train Mastery of holy vials to 20.
May train Knowledge of dispelling to 80.
May train Cast teleportation to 100.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Mastery of shielding to 25.
May train Power of faith to 45.
May train Leadership to 48.

May study Blessing of kofgaad to 70.
May study Flames of righteousness to 100.
May study Holy bolt to 40.
May study Holy wind to 41.
May study Heavenly protection to 45.
May study Cleanse heathen to 80.
May study Celestial haven to 45.
May study Summon to 45.
May study Restore to 90.
May study Heavy weight to 61.
May study Cure critical wounds to 35.
May study Remove curse to 90.
May study Fire of the saints to 97.
Level 30

Requirements: Has studied Flames of righteousness to 10.
Has studied Holy bolt to 3.
Has studied Holy wind to 1.
Has studied Heavenly protection to 2.
Has studied Soul shield to 50.
Has trained Cast holy to 75.
Has trained Exorcize to 40.
Has trained Ceremony to 55.
Has trained Discipline to 60.
Has trained Cast generic to 80.
Has trained Vial throwing to 50.
Available: May train Quick chant to 80.
May train Mastery of holy vials to 36.
May train Mastery of shielding to 40.
May train Sewing to 90.
May train Candlestick making to 100.
May train Knowledge of dispelling to 95.
May train Might of the saints to 20.
May train Power of faith to 50.
May train Leadership to 50.

May study Blessing of kofgaad to 80.
May study Holy lance to 100.
May study Banish demons to 100.
May study Holy bolt to 55.
May study Holy wind to 52.
May study Celestial haven to 53.
May study Restore to 99.
May study Heavy weight to 71.
May study Cure critical wounds to 40.
May study Remove curse to 100.
May study Fire of the saints to 100.
Level 31

Requirements: Has studied Banish demons to 30.
Has studied Holy bolt to 6.
Has studied Holy wind to 3.
Has studied Heavenly protection to 6.
Has trained Mana control to 20.
Available: May train Relic handling to 20.
May train Quick chant to 85.
May train Sewing to 100.
May train Plant lore to 69.
May train Knowledge of dispelling to 100.
May train Mastery of holy vials to 52.
May train Might of the saints to 40.
May train Mastery of shielding to 55.
May train Power of faith to 55.

May study Holy bolt to 60.
May study Holy wind to 59.
May study Heavenly protection to 59.
May study Celestial haven to 59.
May study Cleanse heathen to 90.
May study Summon to 59.
May study Heavy weight to 81.
Level 32

Requirements: Has studied Holy bolt to 10.
Has studied Holy wind to 5.
Has studied Heavenly protection to 11.
Has studied Holy hand to 60.
Available: May train Relic handling to 40.
May train Might of the saints to 60.
May train Quick chant to 90.
May train Power of faith to 59.

May study Blessing of kofgaad to 85.
May study Holy bolt to 68.
May study Holy wind to 62.
May study Cleanse heathen to 100.
May study Cure critical wounds to 50.
May study Summon to 100.
May study Heavy weight to 91.
Level 33

Requirements: Has studied Holy bolt to 15.
Has studied Holy wind to 8.
Has studied Heavenly protection to 15.
Has trained Might of the saints to 10.
Has trained Turn undead to 70.
Available: May train Relic handling to 60.
May train Power of faith to 100.
May train Might of the saints to 80.
May train Quick chant to 95.
May train Plant lore to 75.
May train Mastery of shielding to 60.

May study Holy wind to 100.
May study Heavenly protection to 100.
May study Celestial haven to 100.
May study Cure critical wounds to 60.
Level 34

Requirements: Has studied Holy bolt to 20.
Has trained Cast special to 10.
Has trained Might of the saints to 20.
Has trained Turn undead to 72.
Available: May train Relic handling to 80.
May train Mastery of holy vials to 100.
May train Quick chant to 100.
May train Might of the saints to 90.
May train Mastery of shielding to 100.

May study Holy bolt to 100.
May study Cure critical wounds to 70.
Level 35

Requirements: Has studied Holy bolt to 30.
Has studied Holy wind to 10.
Has studied Heavenly protection to 20.
Has studied Cleanse heathen to 10.
Has trained Mastery of holy vials to 5.
Has trained Candlestick making to 60.
Has trained Turn undead to 75.
Has trained Sewing to 60.
Has trained Quick chant to 10.
Has trained Might of the saints to 30.
Has trained Knowledge of dispelling to 40.
Has trained Power of faith to 10.
Available: May train Relic handling to 100.
May train Might of the saints to 100.

May study Blessing of kofgaad to 100.
May study Wrath of las to 100.
May study Guardian to 100.
May study Resist temptation to 100.
May study Cure critical wounds to 90.