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Curate guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Monastic School of Draen-Dalar
Command: curate
Creators: Darol
Max Level: 10

Many members of the congregation are content with their status in the church and choose to remain as laymen. Most of them are believers but do not necessarily dedicate their life to Draen-Dalar or any of the other gods. Few members have the calling to study theology vigorously but those who have it often study in the Monastic School and learn about the important religious concepts in more profound way. Novices and novice masters who graduate from Monastic School often become assistant priests and help priests in their daily tasks. Some curates even continue to pursue priesthood themselves.

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Evil religious.
Must be at max level in the Triad guild.
Must be of evil alignment.
Available: Receive the grace of Draen-Dalar.
May train Anointing to 75.
May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 10.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 65.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 10.
May train Cast transformation to 10.
May train Cardiac stimulation to 10.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 5.
May train Dark baptism to 5.
May train Dark meditation to 5.
May train Evil intent to 10.
May train Leadership to 17.
May train Location memory to 10.
May train Plant lore to 10.
May train Quick chant to 80.
May train Short blades to 40.
May train Tempt to 10.
May train Theology of darkness to 39.

May study Aura of hate to 85.
May study Banish to 10.
May study Cure serious wounds to 75.
May study Curse nature to 80.
May study Hemorrhage to 15.
May study Make scar to 75.
May study Mobile cannon to 15.
May study Paranoia to 75.
May study Preserve corpse to 20.
May study Raise dead to 30.
Level 2

Requirements: Has trained Anointing to 8.
Has trained Cardiac stimulation to 1.
Has trained Dark baptism to 1.
Has trained Dark meditation to 3.
Has trained Plant lore to 2.
Has trained Short blades to 6.
Has trained Tempt to 6.
Has studied Aura of hate to 25.
Has studied Curse nature to 12.
Has studied Hemorrhage to 6.
Has studied Raise dead to 4.
Available: May train Anointing to 80.
May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 13.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 68.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 20.
May train Cast transformation to 16.
May train Cardiac stimulation to 22.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 9.
May train Dark baptism to 10.
May train Dark meditation to 10.
May train Desecrate ground to 10.
May train Evil intent to 18.
May train Leadership to 18.
May train Location memory to 25.
May train Plant lore to 17.
May train Quick chant to 90.
May train Short blades to 42.
May train Tempt to 20.
May train Theology of darkness to 42.

May study Aura of hate to 92.
May study Banish to 20.
May study Cure serious wounds to 80.
May study Curse nature to 86.
May study Hemorrhage to 32.
May study Make scar to 83.
May study Mobile cannon to 29.
May study Paranoia to 83.
May study Preserve corpse to 36.
May study Raise dead to 40.
May study Water walking to 10.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 12 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 20.
Level 3

Requirements: Has trained Anointing to 8.
Has trained Cardiac stimulation to 3.
Has trained Dark baptism to 3.
Has trained Dark meditation to 6.
Has trained Desecrate ground to 6.
Has trained Plant lore to 3.
Has trained Short blades to 6.
Has trained Tempt to 12.
Has studied Aura of hate to 27.
Has studied Curse nature to 12.
Has studied Hemorrhage to 14.
Has studied Raise dead to 6.
Available: May train Anointing to 85.
May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 16.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 72.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 30.
May train Cast transformation to 23.
May train Cardiac stimulation to 35.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 13.
May train Dark baptism to 15.
May train Dark meditation to 15.
May train Desecrate ground to 20.
May train Evil intent to 27.
May train Leadership to 19.
May train Location memory to 40.
May train Plant lore to 25.
May train Quick chant to 100.
May train Short blades to 44.
May train Tempt to 30.
May train Theology of darkness to 45.

May study Aneurysm to 15.
May study Aura of hate to 100.
May study Banish to 30.
May study Curse nature to 93.
May study Hemorrhage to 49.
May study Make scar to 91.
May study Mobile cannon to 43.
May study Paranoia to 91.
May study Preserve corpse to 52.
May study Raise dead to 50.
May study Unholy matrimony to 10.
May study Water walking to 22.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 18 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 30.
Level 4

Requirements: Has trained Anointing to 9.
Has trained Cardiac stimulation to 5.
Has trained Dark baptism to 4.
Has trained Dark meditation to 9.
Has trained Desecrate ground to 12.
Has trained Plant lore to 5.
Has trained Short blades to 6.
Has trained Tempt to 18.
Has studied Aneurysm to 6.
Has studied Curse nature to 13.
Has studied Hemorrhage to 22.
Has studied Raise dead to 7.
Has studied Unholy matrimony to 2.
Available: May train Anointing to 90.
May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 19.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 76.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 40.
May train Cast transformation to 29.
May train Cardiac stimulation to 48.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 18.
May train Dark baptism to 20.
May train Dark meditation to 20.
May train Desecrate ground to 30.
May train Evil intent to 36.
May train Leadership to 21.
May train Location memory to 55.
May train Plant lore to 33.
May train Short blades to 46.
May train Tempt to 40.
May train Theology of darkness to 48.

May study Aneurysm to 22.
May study Banish to 40.
May study Banish angels to 5.
May study Curse nature to 100.
May study Hemorrhage to 66.
May study Make scar to 100.
May study Mobile cannon to 57.
May study Paranoia to 100.
May study Preserve corpse to 68.
May study Raise dead to 60.
May study Unholy matrimony to 22.
May study Water walking to 35.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 24 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 40.
Level 5

Requirements: Has trained Anointing to 9.
Has trained Cardiac stimulation to 7.
Has trained Dark baptism to 6.
Has trained Dark meditation to 12.
Has trained Desecrate ground to 18.
Has trained Plant lore to 6.
Has trained Short blades to 6.
Has trained Tempt to 24.
Has studied Aneurysm to 8.
Has studied Hemorrhage to 29.
Has studied Raise dead to 9.
Has studied Unholy matrimony to 4.
Available: May train Anointing to 95.
May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 23.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 80.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 50.
May train Cast transformation to 36.
May train Cardiac stimulation to 61.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 22.
May train Dark baptism to 25.
May train Dark meditation to 25.
May train Desecrate ground to 40.
May train Evil intent to 45.
May train Leadership to 22.
May train Location memory to 70.
May train Plant lore to 41.
May train Short blades to 48.
May train Tempt to 50.
May train Theology of darkness to 51.

May study Aneurysm to 29.
May study Banish to 50.
May study Banish angels to 12.
May study Bless ship to 5.
May study Curse ship to 25.
May study Hemorrhage to 83.
May study Mobile cannon to 71.
May study Preserve corpse to 84.
May study Raise dead to 70.
May study Unholy matrimony to 35.
May study Water walking to 48.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 30 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 50.
Level 6

Requirements: Has trained Anointing to 10.
Has trained Cardiac stimulation to 9.
Has trained Dark baptism to 7.
Has trained Dark meditation to 15.
Has trained Desecrate ground to 24.
Has trained Plant lore to 8.
Has trained Short blades to 7.
Has trained Tempt to 30.
Has studied Aneurysm to 11.
Has studied Banish angels to 1.
Has studied Hemorrhage to 37.
Has studied Raise dead to 10.
Has studied Unholy matrimony to 7.
Has completed the quest remembering the ancients.
Available: May train Anointing to 100.
May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 26.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 84.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 60.
May train Cast transformation to 43.
May train Cardiac stimulation to 74.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 27.
May train Dark baptism to 30.
May train Dark meditation to 30.
May train Desecrate ground to 50.
May train Evil intent to 54.
May train Leadership to 24.
May train Location memory to 85.
May train Plant lore to 48.
May train Short blades to 51.
May train Tempt to 60.
May train Theology of darkness to 54.

May study Aneurysm to 36.
May study Banish to 60.
May study Banish angels to 20.
May study Bastardly balm to 10.
May study Bless ship to 11.
May study Curse ship to 29.
May study Glorification of sin to 10.
May study Hemorrhage to 100.
May study Mobile cannon to 85.
May study Preserve corpse to 100.
May study Raise dead to 80.
May study Unholy matrimony to 48.
May study Water walking to 61.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 36 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 60.
Level 7

Requirements: Has trained Cardiac stimulation to 11.
Has trained Dark baptism to 9.
Has trained Dark meditation to 18.
Has trained Desecrate ground to 30.
Has trained Plant lore to 9.
Has trained Short blades to 7.
Has trained Tempt to 36.
Has studied Aneurysm to 14.
Has studied Banish angels to 2.
Has studied Bastardly balm to 2.
Has studied Glorification of sin to 2.
Has studied Raise dead to 12.
Has studied Unholy matrimony to 9.
Available: May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 29.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 88.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 70.
May train Cast transformation to 49.
May train Cardiac stimulation to 87.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 31.
May train Dark baptism to 35.
May train Dark meditation to 35.
May train Desecrate ground to 60.
May train Evil intent to 63.
May train Leadership to 25.
May train Location memory to 100.
May train Plant lore to 56.
May train Short blades to 53.
May train Tempt to 70.
May train Theology of darkness to 57.

May study Aneurysm to 43.
May study Banish to 70.
May study Banish angels to 27.
May study Bastardly balm to 20.
May study Bless ship to 17.
May study Curse ship to 33.
May study Glorification of sin to 15.
May study Go to 5.
May study Mobile cannon to 100.
May study Raise dead to 90.
May study Unholy matrimony to 61.
May study Water walking to 74.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 42 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 70.
Level 8

Requirements: Has trained Cardiac stimulation to 13.
Has trained Dark baptism to 10.
Has trained Dark meditation to 21.
Has trained Desecrate ground to 36.
Has trained Plant lore to 11.
Has trained Short blades to 7.
Has trained Tempt to 42.
Has studied Aneurysm to 17.
Has studied Banish angels to 3.
Has studied Bastardly balm to 5.
Has studied Glorification of sin to 3.
Has studied Raise dead to 13.
Has studied Unholy matrimony to 12.
Available: May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 33.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 92.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 80.
May train Cast transformation to 56.
May train Cardiac stimulation to 100.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 36.
May train Dark baptism to 40.
May train Dark meditation to 40.
May train Desecrate ground to 70.
May train Evil intent to 72.
May train Leadership to 27.
May train Plant lore to 64.
May train Short blades to 55.
May train Tempt to 80.
May train Theology of darkness to 60.

May study Aneurysm to 50.
May study Banish to 80.
May study Banish angels to 35.
May study Bastardly balm to 30.
May study Bless ship to 23.
May study Curse ship to 37.
May study Glorification of sin to 20.
May study Gluttony to 15.
May study Go to 11.
May study Raise dead to 100.
May study Unholy matrimony to 74.
May study Water walking to 87.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 48 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 80.
Level 9

Requirements: Has trained Dark baptism to 12.
Has trained Dark meditation to 24.
Has trained Desecrate ground to 42.
Has trained Plant lore to 12.
Has trained Short blades to 8.
Has trained Tempt to 48.
Has studied Aneurysm to 20.
Has studied Banish angels to 4.
Has studied Bastardly balm to 7.
Has studied Glorification of sin to 4.
Has studied Unholy matrimony to 14.
Available: May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 36.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 96.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 90.
May train Cast transformation to 63.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 40.
May train Dark baptism to 45.
May train Dark meditation to 45.
May train Desecrate ground to 80.
May train Evil intent to 81.
May train Leadership to 28.
May train Plant lore to 72.
May train Short blades to 57.
May train Tempt to 90.
May train Theology of darkness to 63.

May study Aneurysm to 57.
May study Banish to 90.
May study Banish angels to 42.
May study Bastardly balm to 40.
May study Bless ship to 29.
May study Curse ship to 41.
May study Glorification of sin to 25.
May study Gluttony to 20.
May study Go to 18.
May study Unholy matrimony to 87.
May study Water walking to 100.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 54 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 90.
Level 10

Requirements: Has trained Dark baptism to 13.
Has trained Dark meditation to 27.
Has trained Plant lore to 14.
Has trained Short blades to 8.
Has trained Tempt to 54.
Has studied Aneurysm to 22.
Has studied Banish angels to 5.
Has studied Bastardly balm to 10.
Has studied Glorification of sin to 5.
Has studied Unholy matrimony to 17.
Available: May train Cast harm to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Cast heal to 50.
May train Cast help to 40.
May train Cast information to 100.
May train Cast protection to 100.
May train Cast special to 100.
May train Cast teleportation to 100.
May train Cast transformation to 70.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 45.
May train Dark baptism to 50.
May train Dark meditation to 50.
May train Evil intent to 90.
May train Leadership to 30.
May train Plant lore to 80.
May train Short blades to 60.
May train Tempt to 100.
May train Theology of darkness to 67.

May study Aneurysm to 65.
May study Banish to 100.
May study Banish angels to 50.
May study Bastardly balm to 50.
May study Bless ship to 35.
May study Curse ship to 45.
May study Glorification of sin to 30.
May study Gluttony to 25.
May study Go to 25.
May study Unholy matrimony to 100.
Restricted: Have studied Darkness to 60 then:
    * May study Greater darkness to 100.