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Psionicist guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Psionicists
Command: psionicist
Creators: Grimsh, Blitzer, Drakken
Max Level: 35

Psionicists are the masters of the mind. They also master certain common magics, but should not be associated with real magic-users; mages think of them as revolting abusers of the weave of magic (the psionicists are commonly feared for their unknown combinations of magic and powers of the mind).

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Magical.
Available: Receive the tattoo of the blue star
May train Cast generic to 20.
May train Cast psionic to 20.
May train Cast control to 20.
May train Mana control to 20.
May train Attack to 20.
May train Consider to 20.
May train Short blades to 20.

May study Mind blast to 20.
May study Mirror image to 20.
May study Darkness to 20.
May study Light to 20.
Level 2

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 15.
Has trained Cast psionic to 15.
Has trained Mana control to 15.
Has studied Mind blast to 15.
Has studied Darkness to 10.
Has studied Light to 10.
Available: May train Cast generic to 28.
May train Cast psionic to 28.
May train Cast control to 28.
May train Mana control to 40.
May train Attack to 23.
May train Consider to 40.
May train Short blades to 23.

May study Mind blast to 40.
May study Mirror image to 40.
May study Darkness to 40.
May study Light to 40.
Level 3

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 21.
Has trained Cast psionic to 21.
Has trained Mana control to 30.
Has studied Mind blast to 30.
Has studied Darkness to 20.
Has studied Light to 20.
Available: May train Cast generic to 37.
May train Cast psionic to 37.
May train Cast control to 37.
May train Mana control to 60.
May train Attack to 27.
May train Consider to 60.
May train Short blades to 27.

May study Mind blast to 60.
May study Mirror image to 60.
May study Darkness to 60.
May study Light to 60.
Level 4

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 27.
Has trained Cast psionic to 27.
Has trained Mana control to 45.
Has studied Mind blast to 45.
Has studied Darkness to 30.
Has studied Light to 30.
Available: May train Cast generic to 46.
May train Cast psionic to 46.
May train Cast control to 46.
May train Mana control to 80.
May train Attack to 31.
May train Consider to 80.
May train Short blades to 30.
May train Meditation to 20.

May study Mind blast to 80.
May study Mirror image to 80.
May study Darkness to 80.
May study Light to 80.
May study Mental glance to 20.
May study Force shield to 20.
Level 5

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 34.
Has trained Cast psionic to 34.
Has trained Mana control to 60.
Has trained Meditation to 15.
Has studied Mind blast to 60.
Has studied Darkness to 40.
Has studied Light to 40.
Has studied Mental glance to 12.
Has studied Force shield to 15.
Available: May train Cast generic to 55.
May train Cast psionic to 55.
May train Cast control to 55.
May train Mana control to 100.
May train Attack to 35.
May train Consider to 100.
May train Short blades to 34.
May train Meditation to 36.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 5.
May train Leadership to 10.

May study Mind blast to 100.
May study Mirror image to 100.
May study Darkness to 100.
May study Light to 100.
May study Mental glance to 36.
May study Force shield to 36.
May study Levitation to 10.
Level 6

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 41.
Has trained Cast psionic to 41.
Has trained Meditation to 27.
Has studied Mental glance to 21.
Has studied Force shield to 27.
Has studied Levitation to 7.
Available: May train Cast generic to 64.
May train Cast psionic to 64.
May train Cast control to 64.
May train Attack to 39.
May train Short blades to 37.
May train Meditation to 52.
May train Cast help to 10.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 8.
May train Leadership to 11.

May study Mental glance to 52.
May study Force shield to 52.
May study Levitation to 19.
May study Mind development to 20.
May study Floating letters to 20.
Level 7

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 48.
Has trained Cast psionic to 48.
Has trained Meditation to 39.
Has studied Mental glance to 31.
Has studied Force shield to 39.
Has studied Levitation to 14.
Has studied Mind development to 12.
Available: May train Cast generic to 73.
May train Cast psionic to 73.
May train Cast control to 73.
May train Attack to 43.
May train Short blades to 41.
May train Meditation to 68.
May train Cast help to 18.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 11.
May train Leadership to 12.

May study Mental glance to 68.
May study Force shield to 68.
May study Levitation to 28.
May study Mind development to 36.
May study Floating letters to 36.
Level 8

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 54.
Has trained Cast psionic to 54.
Has trained Meditation to 51.
Has studied Mental glance to 40.
Has studied Force shield to 51.
Has studied Levitation to 21.
Has studied Mind development to 21.
Available: May train Cast generic to 82.
May train Cast psionic to 82.
May train Cast control to 82.
May train Attack to 47.
May train Short blades to 44.
May train Meditation to 84.
May train Cast help to 26.
May train Cast protection to 20.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 14.
May train Leadership to 13.

May study Mental glance to 84.
May study Force shield to 84.
May study Levitation to 37.
May study Mind development to 52.
May study Floating letters to 52.
May study Psibolt to 20.
May study Psionic shield to 20.
May study Mindseize to 20.
Level 9

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 61.
Has trained Cast psionic to 61.
Has trained Meditation to 63.
Has trained Cast protection to 15.
Has studied Mental glance to 50.
Has studied Force shield to 63.
Has studied Levitation to 27.
Has studied Mind development to 31.
Has studied Psibolt to 15.
Has studied Psionic shield to 15.
Has studied Mindseize to 15.
Available: May train Cast generic to 91.
May train Cast psionic to 91.
May train Cast control to 91.
May train Attack to 51.
May train Short blades to 48.
May train Meditation to 100.
May train Cast help to 34.
May train Cast protection to 36.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 17.
May train Leadership to 15.

May study Mental glance to 100.
May study Force shield to 100.
May study Levitation to 46.
May study Mind development to 68.
May study Floating letters to 68.
May study Psibolt to 36.
May study Psionic shield to 36.
May study Mindseize to 30.
Level 10

Requirements: Has trained Cast generic to 68.
Has trained Cast psionic to 68.
Has trained Cast protection to 27.
Has studied Levitation to 34.
Has studied Mind development to 40.
Has studied Psibolt to 27.
Has studied Psionic shield to 27.
Has studied Mindseize to 22.
Available: May train Cast generic to 100.
May train Cast psionic to 100.
May train Cast control to 100.
May train Attack to 55.
May train Short blades to 52.
May train Cast help to 42.
May train Cast protection to 52.
May train Cast heal to 20.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 20.
May train Leadership to 16.

May study Levitation to 55.
May study Mind development to 84.
May study Floating letters to 84.
May study Psibolt to 52.
May study Psionic shield to 52.
May study Heal self to 20.
May study Mindseize to 40.
Level 11

Requirements: Has studied Levitation to 41.
Has studied Mind development to 50.
Has studied Psibolt to 39.
Has studied Psionic shield to 39.
Has studied Mindseize to 30.
Has trained Cast protection to 39.
Available: May train Attack to 59.
May train Short blades to 55.
May train Cast help to 50.
May train Cast protection to 68.
May train Cast heal to 28.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 23.
May train Leadership to 17.

May study Levitation to 64.
May study Mind development to 100.
May study Floating letters to 100.
May study Psibolt to 68.
May study Psionic shield to 68.
May study Heal self to 36.
May study Mindseize to 50.
Level 12

Requirements: Has studied Levitation to 48.
Has studied Psibolt to 51.
Has studied Psionic shield to 51.
Has studied Mindseize to 37.
Has trained Cast protection to 51.
Available: May train Attack to 63.
May train Short blades to 59.
May train Cast protection to 84.
May train Cast heal to 36.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 27.
May train Leadership to 19.

May study Levitation to 73.
May study Psibolt to 84.
May study Psionic shield to 84.
May study Heal self to 52.
May study Feather weight to 20.
May study Transmute self to 20.
May study Mindseize to 60.
Level 13

Requirements: Has studied Levitation to 54.
Has studied Psibolt to 63.
Has studied Psionic shield to 63.
Has studied Transmute self to 12.
Has studied Mindseize to 45.
Has trained Cast protection to 63.
Available: May train Attack to 67.
May train Short blades to 62.
May train Cast protection to 100.
May train Cast heal to 44.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 30.
May train Leadership to 20.

May study Levitation to 82.
May study Psibolt to 100.
May study Psionic shield to 100.
May study Heal self to 68.
May study Feather weight to 36.
May study Transmute self to 36.
May study Invisibility to 20.
May study Mindseize to 70.
Level 14

Requirements: Has studied Levitation to 61.
Has studied Transmute self to 21.
Has studied Invisibility to 15.
Has studied Mindseize to 52.
Available: May train Attack to 71.
May train Short blades to 66.
May train Cast heal to 52.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 33.
May train Leadership to 21.

May study Levitation to 91.
May study Heal self to 84.
May study Feather weight to 52.
May study Transmute self to 52.
May study Invisibility to 31.
May study Mindseize to 80.
Level 15

Requirements: Has studied Levitation to 68.
Has studied Transmute self to 31.
Has studied Invisibility to 23.
Has studied Mindseize to 60.
Available: May train Attack to 75.
May train Short blades to 70.
May train Cast heal to 60.
May train Quick chant to 20.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 36.
May train Leadership to 23.

May study Levitation to 100.
May study Heal self to 100.
May study Feather weight to 68.
May study Transmute self to 68.
May study Invisibility to 42.
May study Floating disc to 20.
May study Psi blast to 20.
May study Terror to 20.
May study Unstable mutation to 20.
May study Mindseize to 90.
Level 16

Requirements: Has studied Transmute self to 40.
Has studied Invisibility to 31.
Has studied Psi blast to 15.
Has studied Terror to 15.
Has studied Mindseize to 67.
Available: May train Quick chant to 26.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 39.
May train Leadership to 24.

May study Feather weight to 84.
May study Transmute self to 84.
May study Invisibility to 54.
May study Floating disc to 25.
May study Psi blast to 36.
May study Terror to 36.
May study Unstable mutation to 36.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 20.
May study Mindseize to 100.
Level 17

Requirements: Has studied Transmute self to 50.
Has studied Invisibility to 40.
Has studied Psi blast to 27.
Has studied Terror to 27.
Available: May train Quick chant to 32.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 42.
May train Leadership to 25.

May study Feather weight to 100.
May study Transmute self to 100.
May study Invisibility to 65.
May study Floating disc to 30.
May study Psi blast to 52.
May study Terror to 52.
May study Unstable mutation to 52.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 24.
May study Phaze shift to 20.
May study Mind store to 20.
May study There not there to 20.
Level 18

Requirements: Has studied Invisibility to 48.
Has studied Psi blast to 39.
Has studied Terror to 39.
Has studied Phaze shift to 12.
Has studied Mind store to 12.
Has studied There not there to 12.
Available: May train Quick chant to 38.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 46.
May train Leadership to 27.

May study Invisibility to 77.
May study Floating disc to 35.
May study Psi blast to 68.
May study Terror to 68.
May study Unstable mutation to 68.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 28.
May study Phaze shift to 36.
May study Mind store to 36.
May study There not there to 36.
Level 19

Requirements: Has studied Invisibility to 57.
Has studied Psi blast to 51.
Has studied Terror to 51.
Has studied Phaze shift to 21.
Has studied Mind store to 21.
Has studied There not there to 21.
Available: May train Quick chant to 44.
May train Essence eye to 20.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 49.
May train Leadership to 28.

May study Invisibility to 88.
May study Floating disc to 41.
May study Psi blast to 84.
May study Terror to 84.
May study Unstable mutation to 84.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 32.
May study Phaze shift to 52.
May study Mind store to 52.
May study There not there to 52.
May study Forget to 20.
May study Force dome to 20.
Level 20

Requirements: Has studied Invisibility to 66.
Has studied Psi blast to 63.
Has studied Terror to 63.
Has studied Phaze shift to 31.
Has studied Mind store to 31.
Has studied There not there to 31.
Has studied Forget to 15.
Has studied Force dome to 12.
Available: May train Quick chant to 50.
May train Essence eye to 36.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 52.
May train Leadership to 29.

May study Invisibility to 100.
May study Floating disc to 46.
May study Psi blast to 100.
May study Terror to 100.
May study Unstable mutation to 100.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 36.
May study Phaze shift to 68.
May study Mind store to 68.
May study There not there to 68.
May study Forget to 36.
May study Force dome to 36.
Level 21

Requirements: Has studied Phaze shift to 40.
Has studied Mind store to 40.
Has studied There not there to 40.
Has studied Forget to 27.
Has studied Force dome to 21.
Available: May train Essence eye to 52.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 55.
May train Leadership to 31.

May study Floating disc to 51.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 41.
May study Phaze shift to 84.
May study Mind store to 84.
May study There not there to 84.
May study Forget to 52.
May study Force dome to 52.
Level 22

Requirements: Has studied Phaze shift to 50.
Has studied Mind store to 50.
Has studied There not there to 50.
Has studied Forget to 39.
Has studied Force dome to 31.
Available: May train Essence eye to 68.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 58.
May train Leadership to 32.

May study Floating disc to 57.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 45.
May study Phaze shift to 100.
May study Mind store to 100.
May study There not there to 100.
May study Forget to 68.
May study Force dome to 68.
May study Mind disruption to 20.
May study Psychic shout to 20.
May study Psychic purge to 20.
Level 23

Requirements: Has studied Forget to 51.
Has studied Force dome to 40.
Has studied Mind disruption to 15.
Has studied Psychic shout to 15.
Has studied Psychic purge to 15.
Available: May train Essence eye to 84.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 61.
May train Leadership to 33.

May study Floating disc to 62.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 49.
May study Forget to 84.
May study Force dome to 84.
May study Mind disruption to 36.
May study Psychic shout to 36.
May study Psychic purge to 26.
Level 24

Requirements: Has studied Forget to 63.
Has studied Force dome to 50.
Has studied Mind disruption to 27.
Has studied Psychic shout to 27.
Has studied Psychic purge to 19.
Available: May train Essence eye to 100.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 65.
May train Leadership to 35.

May study Floating disc to 67.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 53.
May study Forget to 100.
May study Force dome to 100.
May study Mind disruption to 52.
May study Psychic shout to 52.
May study Psychic purge to 32.
Level 25

Requirements: Has studied Mind disruption to 39.
Has studied Psychic shout to 39.
Has studied Psychic purge to 24.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 20.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 68.
May train Leadership to 36.

May study Floating disc to 73.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 57.
May study Mind disruption to 68.
May study Psychic shout to 68.
May study Psychic purge to 38.
May study Paralyze to 20.
May study Psychic sanctuary to 20.
Level 26

Requirements: Has studied Mind disruption to 51.
Has studied Psychic shout to 51.
Has studied Psychic purge to 28.
Has studied Paralyze to 15.
Has studied Psychic sanctuary to 15.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 36.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 71.
May train Leadership to 37.

May study Floating disc to 78.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 62.
May study Mind disruption to 84.
May study Psychic shout to 84.
May study Psychic purge to 44.
May study Paralyze to 36.
May study Psychic sanctuary to 40.
Level 27

Requirements: Has studied Mind disruption to 63.
Has studied Psychic shout to 63.
Has studied Psychic purge to 33.
Has studied Paralyze to 27.
Has studied Psychic sanctuary to 30.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 52.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 74.
May train Leadership to 39.

May study Floating disc to 83.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 66.
May study Mind disruption to 100.
May study Psychic shout to 100.
May study Psychic purge to 50.
May study Paralyze to 52.
May study Psychic sanctuary to 60.
May study Mental watch to 20.
May study Field of fear to 20.
Level 28

Requirements: Has studied Psychic purge to 37.
Has studied Paralyze to 39.
Has studied Psychic sanctuary to 45.
Has studied Mental watch to 12.
Has studied Field of fear to 15.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 68.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 77.
May train Leadership to 40.

May study Floating disc to 89.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 70.
May study Psychic purge to 56.
May study Paralyze to 68.
May study Psychic sanctuary to 80.
May study Mental watch to 36.
May study Field of fear to 36.
Level 29

Requirements: Has studied Psychic purge to 42.
Has studied Paralyze to 51.
Has studied Psychic sanctuary to 60.
Has studied Mental watch to 21.
Has studied Field of fear to 27.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 84.
May train Cast information to 20.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 80.
May train Leadership to 41.

May study Floating disc to 94.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 74.
May study Psychic purge to 63.
May study Paralyze to 84.
May study Psychic sanctuary to 100.
May study Mental watch to 52.
May study Field of fear to 52.
May study Iron will to 20.
May study Spellteaching to 20.
May study Aura detection to 20.
Level 30

Requirements: Has studied Psychic purge to 47.
Has studied Paralyze to 63.
Has studied Mental watch to 31.
Has studied Field of fear to 39.
Has studied Iron will to 15.
Has studied Spellteaching to 15.
Has studied Aura detection to 12.
Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 100.
May train Cast information to 36.
May train Theory of mental power to 20.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 84.
May train Leadership to 43.

May study Floating disc to 100.
May study Mesmeric threshold to 78.
May study Psychic purge to 69.
May study Paralyze to 100.
May study Mental watch to 68.
May study Field of fear to 68.
May study Iron will to 33.
May study Spellteaching to 36.
May study Aura detection to 36.
May study Telekinetic whirlwind to 20.
May study Psionic phalanx to 20.
May study Psychic crush to 20.
May study Psychic storm to 20.
May study Spell empathy to 20.
May study Enhanced awareness to 20.
May study Kinematic projection to 20.
Level 31

Requirements: Has studied Psychic purge to 51.
Has studied Mental watch to 40.
Has studied Field of fear to 51.
Has studied Iron will to 24.
Has studied Spellteaching to 27.
Has studied Aura detection to 21.
Has studied Psionic phalanx to 12.
Has studied Psychic crush to 15.
Has studied Psychic storm to 15.
Has trained Theory of mental power to 15.
Available: May train Cast information to 52.
May train Theory of mental power to 36.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 87.
May train Leadership to 44.

May study Mesmeric threshold to 83.
May study Psychic purge to 75.
May study Mental watch to 84.
May study Field of fear to 84.
May study Iron will to 46.
May study Spellteaching to 52.
May study Aura detection to 52.
May study Telekinetic whirlwind to 36.
May study Psionic phalanx to 36.
May study Psychic crush to 36.
May study Psychic storm to 36.
May study Spell empathy to 36.
May study Enhanced awareness to 36.
May study Psychic shackles to 20.
May study Beacon of enlightenment to 20.
May study Kinematic projection to 36.
Level 32

Requirements: Has studied Psychic purge to 56.
Has studied Mental watch to 50.
Has studied Field of fear to 63.
Has studied Iron will to 34.
Has studied Spellteaching to 39.
Has studied Aura detection to 31.
Has studied Psionic phalanx to 21.
Has studied Psychic crush to 27.
Has studied Psychic storm to 27.
Has trained Theory of mental power to 27.
Available: May train Cast information to 68.
May train Theory of mental power to 52.
May train Quick chant to 60.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 90.
May train Leadership to 45.

May study Mesmeric threshold to 87.
May study Psychic purge to 81.
May study Mental watch to 100.
May study Field of fear to 100.
May study Iron will to 59.
May study Spellteaching to 68.
May study Aura detection to 68.
May study Telekinetic whirlwind to 52.
May study Psionic phalanx to 52.
May study Psychic crush to 52.
May study Psychic storm to 52.
May study Spell empathy to 52.
May study Enhanced awareness to 52.
May study Psychic shackles to 40.
May study Beacon of enlightenment to 40.
May study Kinematic projection to 52.
Level 33

Requirements: Has studied Psychic purge to 60.
Has studied Iron will to 44.
Has studied Spellteaching to 51.
Has studied Aura detection to 40.
Has studied Psionic phalanx to 31.
Has studied Psychic crush to 39.
Has studied Psychic storm to 39.
Has trained Theory of mental power to 39.
Available: May train Cast information to 84.
May train Theory of mental power to 68.
May train Quick chant to 73.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 93.
May train Leadership to 47.

May study Mesmeric threshold to 91.
May study Psychic purge to 87.
May study Iron will to 73.
May study Spellteaching to 84.
May study Aura detection to 84.
May study Telekinetic whirlwind to 68.
May study Psionic phalanx to 68.
May study Psychic crush to 68.
May study Psychic storm to 68.
May study Spell empathy to 68.
May study Enhanced awareness to 68.
May study Psychic shackles to 60.
May study Beacon of enlightenment to 60.
May study Kinematic projection to 68.
Level 34

Requirements: Has studied Psychic purge to 65.
Has studied Iron will to 54.
Has studied Spellteaching to 63.
Has studied Aura detection to 50.
Has studied Psionic phalanx to 40.
Has studied Psychic crush to 51.
Has studied Psychic storm to 51.
Has trained Theory of mental power to 51.
Available: May train Cast information to 100.
May train Theory of mental power to 84.
May train Quick chant to 86.
May train Damage criticality to 20.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 96.
May train Leadership to 48.

May study Mesmeric threshold to 95.
May study Psychic purge to 93.
May study Iron will to 86.
May study Spellteaching to 100.
May study Aura detection to 100.
May study Telekinetic whirlwind to 84.
May study Psionic phalanx to 84.
May study Psychic crush to 84.
May study Psychic storm to 84.
May study Spell empathy to 84.
May study Enhanced awareness to 84.
May study Psychic shackles to 80.
May study Beacon of enlightenment to 80.
May study Kinematic projection to 84.
Level 35

Requirements: Has studied Psychic purge to 69.
Has studied Iron will to 64.
Has studied Psionic phalanx to 50.
Has studied Psychic crush to 63.
Has studied Psychic storm to 63.
Has trained Theory of mental power to 63.
Available: May train Theory of mental power to 100.
May train Quick chant to 100.
May train Damage criticality to 100.
May train Knowledge of mental defence to 100.
May train Leadership to 50.

May study Mesmeric threshold to 100.
May study Psychic purge to 100.
May study Iron will to 100.
May study Telekinetic whirlwind to 100.
May study Psionic phalanx to 100.
May study Psychic crush to 100.
May study Psychic storm to 100.
May study Spell empathy to 100.
May study Enhanced awareness to 100.
May study Psychic shackles to 100.
May study Beacon of enlightenment to 100.
May study Kinematic projection to 100.