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Wealthiest Draconians


  • 1
  • Amd
  • 2M
  • 2
  • Anammox
  • 1M
  • 3
  • Fonkensemble
  • 1M
  • 4
  • Val
  • 1M
  • 5
  • Tenu
  • 1M
  • 6
  • Yehat
  • 1M
  • 7
  • Dl
  • 1M
  • 8
  • Septium
  • 852k
  • 9
  • Ergor
  • 848k
  • 10
  • Kalahar
  • 751k


Once in the Realms there was a race of draconians that were a said to be the cross breed of salamanders and humans. That race no longer exist. A new race of draconians emerged and SQUASHED their weaker cousins. The draconians of today do not resemble salamanders at all. They resemble dragons. They are definitely to be feared, but they are not evil by default; there are neutral and even good ones. Different alignment holds different magical abilities. All of them are at their their strongest as warriors, though. They are bigger than full-grown horses and have the thick scales of the dragon-kin.

Did you know that...

  • Their raceguild is The Dark Alliance.
  • They live rather long.
  • They have good natural armour.
  • They regenerate damage slowly.
  • They regenerate magic points slowly.
  • They are superior beings and therefore need more experience points.
  • They can turn to dragon at will at higher levels.
  • They can eat corpses.
  • They can see in the dark.
  • They have poor vision.
  • They must be reborn at least twice.


  • Nepnep leads the Draconian race
  • They represent 0.2% of all players
  • 13 Draconians online today
  • 20 Draconians online in last 30 days