Drow are denizens of the underworld. They were created long ago when a sect of elves left the safety of the light in a dispute with the elders to live underground. This long time of hiding has caused them to be quite sensative to the light of the outside world, but it has also brought them closer to the magical powers of the earth. They are often viewed as dark, evil creatures, tainted by their anger at the race who disowned them for their different viewpoints. Unlike most of other races, the Drow societies are Matriarchal, and the Drow Matriarch wields great power over her community.
Did you know that...
- Their raceguild is Denizens of the Underdark.
- They live rather long.
- They regenerate damage very slowly.
- They regenerate magic points fast.
- They are superior beings and therefore need more experience points.
- They can see in the dark.
- They have half dex, con and str if they become good.
- They can detect magic on things.
- They have reduced dex, con and str in lit outdoor locations.
- They have excellent vision.
- Ursa leads the Drow race
- They represent 5.7% of all players
- 6 Drows online today
- 13 Drows online in last 30 days
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