Download Game! Currently 54 players and visitors. Last logged in:KikisisuTikkuIberiamsspThraeq


Top explorers


  • 1
  • Malacoda
  • 77.4%
  • 2
  • Whogmag
  • 71.4%
  • 3
  • Kknd
  • 67.8%
  • 4
  • Warlock
  • 67.8%
  • 5
  • Lyrik
  • 61.9%
  • 6
  • Gorph
  • 61.2%
  • 7
  • Fiend
  • 56.8%
  • 8
  • Tedin
  • 31.2%
  • 9
  • Thraeq
  • 31%
  • 10
  • Littlewashoo
  • 18.6%


Leeches are two-three centimeter long worms that use their mental powers as their weapons. Their tendency is to leech experience points from nearby people when hungry. They are green.

Did you know that...

  • Their raceguild is Blood Brothers with Attitude.
  • Their lifespan is rather short.
  • They regenerate damage very slowly.
  • They regenerate magic points fast.
  • They are inferior beings and therefore need less experience points.
  • They are too small to use two handed weapons.
  • They are natural swimmers.
  • They can not eat normal food.
  • They have a faster than normal heart beat.
  • They can see in the dark.
  • They have poor vision.


  • Warlock leads the Leech race
  • They represent 0.7% of all players
  • 2 Leechs online today
  • 7 Leechs online in last 30 days