Download Game! Currently 50 players and visitors. Last logged in:MoviaeTikkuMorkzarStylus


Wealthiest Moomins


  • 1
  • Baltzebub
  • 12M
  • 2
  • Backlash
  • 10M
  • 3
  • Sisar
  • 8M
  • 4
  • Lazarus
  • 1M
  • 5
  • Toudi
  • 1M
  • 6
  • Justin
  • 749k
  • 7
  • Omnos
  • 673k
  • 8
  • Marrow
  • 660k
  • 9
  • Sparhawk
  • 469k
  • 10
  • Dreamr
  • 358k


Did you know that...

  • Their raceguild is The Groke Defense.
  • They live rather long.
  • They regenerate damage very slowly.
  • They regenerate magic points fast.
  • They are superior beings and therefore need more experience points.
  • They are empathic.
  • They can see in the dark.
  • They have a faster than normal heart beat.
  • They can detect magic on things.
  • They have average vision.


  • Marrow leads the Moomin race
  • They represent 0.1% of all players
  • 1 Moomins online today
  • 5 Moomins online in last 30 days