Download Game! Currently 54 players and visitors. Last logged in:ThraeqWarundRowenMahjong


Top explorers


  • 1
  • Gotrek
  • 98.4%
  • 2
  • Fosforos
  • 93.2%
  • 3
  • Zinko
  • 87.1%
  • 4
  • Kaamos
  • 86.1%
  • 5
  • Caveron
  • 85.3%
  • 6
  • Kapu
  • 84.4%
  • 7
  • Susette
  • 84%
  • 8
  • Heretic
  • 83.8%
  • 9
  • Gileon
  • 82.9%
  • 10
  • Thunk
  • 76.6%


The vampires are the lords of the dark. They are known for their strange eating habits and highly magical nature. The vampires are pale in skin color and one is seldomly seen in the light. Even with the severe limitations they are still considered a powerful race. Most adventuring parties accept vampires because of their excellent abilities in both arcane and normal skills.

Did you know that...

  • Their raceguild is The Princes of Darkness.
  • They live rather long.
  • They regenerate damage very slowly.
  • They regenerate magic points very fast.
  • They are superior beings and therefore need more experience points.
  • They can sometimes escape death.
  • They can not eat normal food.
  • They are allergic to water.
  • They have a faster than normal heart beat.
  • They are sensitive to their surroundings.
  • They can detect magic on things.
  • They can see in the dark.
  • They can see invisible things.
  • They can breathe under water.
  • They do not regenerate in lit places.
  • They have excellent vision.
  • They must be reborn at least twice.


  • Gotrek leads the Vampire race
  • They represent 0.1% of all players
  • 4 Vampires online today
  • 9 Vampires online in last 30 days