Download Game! Currently 52 players and visitors. Last logged in:IberiamsspThraeqWarundRowen


Oldest Merfolks


  • 1
  • Gargoyle
  • 6Y 9M
  • 2
  • Shalkan
  • 6Y 5M
  • 3
  • Croesus
  • 4Y 1M
  • 4
  • Astrax
  • 2Y 2M
  • 5
  • Toth
  • 2Y 1M
  • 6
  • Juo
  • 1Y 8M
  • 7
  • Zartak
  • 1Y 6M
  • 8
  • Derfel
  • 1Y 6M
  • 9
  • Beleg
  • 11M 19d
  • 10
  • Zeteo
  • 5M 28d


Merfolk are the only race that can swim the rough seas of batmud. They are generally considered underwater creatures, but they can breathe on dry land too. Merfolk aren't too popular as adventurers. They are mainly used to entertain male humans.

Did you know that...

  • Their raceguild is The Seven Sea Chorus.
  • Their lifespan is rather short.
  • They regenerate damage very slowly.
  • They regenerate magic points fast.
  • They are superior beings and therefore need more experience points.
  • They can breathe under water.
  • They are natural swimmers.
  • They get a faster than normal heart beat if their skin is moist.
  • They heal faster when in water.
  • They have average vision.


  • Gargoyle leads the Merfolk race
  • They represent 1.1% of all players
  • 5 Merfolks online today
  • 8 Merfolks online in last 30 days