Hobbit is a race of small humanoid creatures, quite similar to the human child in appearance. They are quite resistant to poisons, very agile and quite fast. Their nimbleness has given their race a reputation of being a race of thieves. This view is quite widespread despite the fact that most hobbits are honorable peasants and labourers. Hobbits love simple joys and generally shun adventuring and the troubles it causes. Every now and then one or two of them step down on the road of adventure and prove again their race's natural adeptness in the hard life.
Only hobbits have access to the skill 'burrowing'.
Did you know that...
- Their raceguild is Shirrifs of Shire.
- Their lifespan is rather short.
- They regenerate damage slowly.
- They regenerate magic points slowly.
- They are inferior beings and therefore need less experience points.
- They can see in the dark.
- They have average vision.
- Heretic leads the Hobbit race
- They represent 1.7% of all players
- 4 Hobbits online today
- 13 Hobbits online in last 30 days
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