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Wealthiest Sprites


  • 1
  • Falling
  • 11M
  • 2
  • Narril
  • 2M
  • 3
  • Dowaito
  • 1M
  • 4
  • Mulligan
  • 1M
  • 5
  • Zarquan
  • 1M
  • 6
  • Meno
  • 1M
  • 7
  • Bambi
  • 1M
  • 8
  • Drusilla
  • 1M
  • 9
  • Cephei
  • 870k
  • 10
  • Moor
  • 805k


Sprites are small creatures from the fairy world who have moved to the World of Batmud. There they make their living as scouts, messengers and even spies. Their small size and weak physical appearance hides great talent in magic and ever astonishing dextrous abilities. The flying ability of sprites has been only rumored of and so far the sightings of a flying sprite have been ended with a dispel magic spell. This suggests that the wings of the sprites aren't meant for flying.

While the physical power of a sprite is laughable, their tiny fists and wings can be quite a nuisance to their opponents, especially to those vulnerable to magic.

Sprites possess a magical gift of reviving the unconscious. This gift drains them of their magic, and can not be used continuously.

Did you know that...

  • Their raceguild is The Wisps of the Forest.
  • Their lifespan is rather short.
  • They regenerate damage very slowly.
  • They regenerate magic points fast.
  • They are superior beings and therefore need more experience points.
  • They are too small to use two handed weapons.
  • They can fly above the ground.
  • They can see invisible things.
  • They have a faster than normal heart beat.
  • They can walk above water.
  • They glow in the dark.
  • They can see in the dark.
  • They can detect magic on things.
  • They have good vision.


  • Gargoyle leads the Sprite race
  • They represent 2.2% of all players
  • 11 Sprites online today
  • 31 Sprites online in last 30 days