The penguins are an ancient race of polar birds. Their bulky build and weird appendages (also called flippers) make them a very clumsy but durable race. Unappreciated by the masses, these cute little birds have unrivaled charisma and are wiser than generally thought. Even though penguins can't use weapons their peck is know for its sharp and swift sting. The Grandmaster Penguin Alvin is only allowed to invite to this race.
Did you know that...
- Their raceguild is The Arctic Law, The Polar Police.
- They regenerate damage very slowly.
- They regenerate magic points fast.
- They are superior beings and therefore need more experience points.
- They are empathic.
- They are natural swimmers.
- They heal faster when in water.
- They have a faster than normal heart beat.
- They have good vision.
- Kerad leads the Penguin race
- They represent 0% of all players
- 1 Penguins online today
- 3 Penguins online in last 30 days
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